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Nope, I've tried his skin on a few of my shapes and his eyes look ok to me. As for his face, it's the one thing I'll be changing - the nose in particular.
Its under the eyes. And it seems rather noticible to me the skin is very pale there, and looks... Odd. Glad you don't notice it. I Do agree about changing the head though. Can't wait to see what you do with him.
Darn, I'll have to see if Hawaii has primitive camp sites I can afford.
I know the look you're talking about as far as it goes on real people because I've seen it but I'm curious as to what's happening with Owen. Maybe the UVs for the eyes somehow are not the correct ones selected and making an eyeliner effect?
I agree about the nose but I didn't want to say anything for upsetting the artist, the nose is wrong though I'm afraid. Dialing in one of Darwin's Mishap's style noses would probably work well. Not to be too discouraging as I have trouble even dialing a believable nose in with a morph pack.
Here you go - no postwork and a little heavy with the bump. I swapped out the head for one of my own rarely used ones. I'm very happy with the overall bodyshape and the PA certainly knows how to create proper nipples, too.
Wow. He looks awesome. Nice work. He's so handsome.
Great suggestion.
I checked.I still see the ring of lighter skin tone around the under eye. The lacrimal area? It gives the effect that the character is wearing makeup. The uv's are Adrianos. There is an easy fix. I just darkened the mats. Maybe it is just shinier or something
I see what you mean but it doesn't look like makeup to me. The eye of the eyelids looks dry and reflective but in real life there would be tears laying on the edge of those lower eyelids and those tears would be clinging to both the eyelids and eyeballs because of the unique cohesive bonding of water causing the area to be more refractive than reflective.
By the way, that skin looks great on Owen & Butch's character.
For me, the area should not be so light.. Otherwise it looks like stage makeup has been applied there. Given the darkness of the eye mat, the bright pink undereye is even more noticible.
I have very fair skin, and under my eye I have thicker lashes, and sort of darker skin. It isn't brighter there than the rest of my face.
My face skin is similar to that skin sometimes, well sans the freckles being so dark because as kids become adults and they need less Vitamin D to grow bones so their freckles aren't nearly so active as adults (I can't speak for everyone though, surely there is varience). My lower eye lids will bruise with lack of enough sleep or allergies from time to time and look purplish dark, not suntanned dark, often, but not always. Also from sun poisoning. Also, some have 'smiling eyes', that is large pads of fat in the lower eyelids so they'll look whiter and less pink.
Still the only thing odd to me is the absolutely dry eyes look but that's a problem in every DAZ render. The eyes should have a teary solution with sort of an almost clear opacity mucus-like substance in solution protecting the eyes that isn't visible at all.
I don't like the look of his eyelashes. He's missing a LOT on his bottom, toward his inner eye. Looks creepy to me, he also has a chunk missing on the lower section on the eye in shade. The sun doesn't appear to be washing it out, that chunk is half in, half out of the shade. It's not thin or thinning eyelashes, there's sections missing. Unless it's the lighting?
I will have to go look now.
Adriano's eyelashes are red and take a separate preset to apply. Adriano does not have fibermesh brows. Up close the eyelashes look like this on the actual character.
The figure previously was just Owen with Adriano's skin applied. I agree the lashes did not look great. I have to see if I Can find some better looking ones.
Thorn has very nice thick full eyelashes.
those look awesome. I'll have to check those out.
Just something for comparison's sake (click for larger):
On the left, rock standard default Adriano -- he comes with a no-brows version, but no fibermesh brows, so this is his textured-brows version. In the middle, Adriano with some tweaks to his face shape and Supernatural Brows -- for that one, I made his cheeks a bit narrower to see if that would get rid of the weird mask-like aspect (he has no cheekbones in his default, really). On the right, Adriano with a LOT of tweaks to his face shape (to make him fit in with a specific family group thing that I've been working on), Supernatural Brows, Lashes Utilities, and an edit to his eye area. Something I mentioned to Serene earlier was that I thought that to some extent, the reason his eyes looked odd was because his texture doesn't have any division between the upper and lower eyelid. I discovered a while back, accidentally, that when you get rid of that line, it makes the eyes look really strange. For this, I edited in another redhead's eyelid area, which along with Lashes Utilities, I think helps a lot. I also added some weight back into his face, because it worked better with his body, which I didn't change.
Number 3 is my favorite. He looks really good. Of course that is the one you tweaked the most! But it shows a lot of attention to detail, which I like.
DXO has updated Nik Collection to version 3. This version has some new filters, I Actually like. There is a free 30 day trial, so you can test out, so you may want to. It is an improvement over version 3. But worth 59 dollars? I'm not sure. I need to see some of these tools in action.
Still, nothing beats TopazStudio (The free original version).
Owen and Boyd get ready for the days adventures. I enjoyed using Z Beauty Routine props and poses here, while the poses are mostly for the ladies there are a few poses to use the props for the guys. A nice set, with some good attention to detail.
Wow, hair blowing, water out of the faucet, toothpaste foam, mirror reflection, this is great!
Ron's rain made the faucet water, ron's suds, made the toothpaste foam, and Ron's war elements made the wind from the dryer.
I had trouble with the enviroment... It was a new set from rendo, but it had so many emissives, it was taking hours to render with them all so I Took it all out and sliced the top off with an iray section plane. It made lighting it more easy.
The postwork was really very well done!
Just wondering, what set was the bathroom from?
The environment is Colony SNT Block for Poser and DS by coflek-gnorg on rendo. It is very nice. I thought I'd found my first great sci-fi bathroom set.... But it renders really slowly on my machine. I think its because there are a fair amount of emissive lights and reflecting... And Studio balked. I added blue to the whole set, since it is overwhelmingly white and Owen was blending into it too much.
Ah, I think I have that on my wishlist.
From the looks of the files in the readme, I suspec that enclosure is as much an issue as the emissives. It seems like it doesn't have rigged walls?
The exterior is one piece. I got a faster render by removing the emissive and slicing the roof and sides away to let the light of a light probe in. Even then it took too long so used texture optimizer.
I am a bit baffled why it renders so slowly. The other content by this pa renders pretty quickly and there is really nothing to it. Perhaps the mirrors?
the exterior is one piece and kind of necessary for the scene. I think you can zero opacity out certain parts. The other pieces load individually.
anyway I do like it. Just my computer struggled with it.
It's basically all of the above. Iray has issues with reflection and refraction nearly as bad as 3Delight's. And Iray HAAAAAATES complete enclosure. That's one of the reasons why vignette-style sets have made a comeback. Iray desperately needs ways for light not only to bounce around a set to form a complete picture, but then to bounce it's way out of the set so that it can stop calculating the bounces on individual light rays. Without an exit, the calculations just keep going.
Iray has been impossible for the last year or more. I used to be able to render so much more a lot faster than now. It is very frustrating.
It's date night, and Owen and Boyd hit up a high end coffee bar, formerly a cocktail lounge for some caffeine and treats. Boyd is wearing that ratty old jersey of Landon's so we can assume something happened to his nicer things or I couldn't find anything that bent well enough to work on a stool and got tired of looking, whichever works best for you.
this little vignette cocktail lounge comes with the cocktail bundle I just purchased. I wanted the cocktails for another scene, so I just changed drinks, and converted it to a coffee bar. The poses are all for G8F, but they work okay on G8M with adjustments.
I switched the poster which had a martin on it.
super render