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No. I'll go into D/S and get you some images as to what I'm talking about. We don't delete anything!
I morph using Hexagon, just select mesh and move it about. I used Genesis in this example as it's less complicated to play with.
The images are numbered in order, think I remembered all the main points. If not, ask.
Catherine3678ab Hexagon... who knew! I, too, with you could just detach and attached skeletons in Carrara.
Sadly there have not been enough days in the hours for me to master anything in Carrara. I would like to ... esp. the modeling and uvmapping part.
Catherine3678 and I seem to be model migrating in opposite directions. LOL. I'm practicing more with Hexagon. Had a little trouble in the beginning but getting better. Never seem to know when I'm supposed to validate.
Morphs for Daz figures can be made in Carrara for those more comfortable with Carrara's modeler. There is no bridge, but the obj export format from Carrara and import format for Daz Studio are labeled. You can see an example of a morph that required adjusting the rigging here (and following posts in that thread).
It would be super-terrific news if creating a morph and using the automatic adjust rigging to shape fixed the toe issue. Perhaps if it doesn't work in one go, the weightmapping of the toes can be adjusted with the morph? My fingers are crossed.
Always, anytime, esp. if getting a funny feeling that just maybe ... hehehe ... Validating is like putting up a complete stop sign to Hexie to stop doing whatever it 'thinks' it's doing and free it to do something else. For example, esp. when returning to Hexagon from having set anything over the Bridge to D/S. Hexagon is 'still there' ... so Validating it brings it back to itself so one can continue working in it.
Also, there is no such thing as having too many saved files. Save As, Save, Incre Save ... and for long complex project, NEST folders too. I say nest 'cause that's a fast way to make new folders and find one's work later. Hexie only did this "once" but still ... every now and then it cannot make a save, something has gone wrong and it will tell you so. Sometimes you can rescue the project by doing one more action [something VERY simple] and then a save as. Normally it alerts on the file ... but like I said, "once" it did not. It ruined not only the file I was working on, but EVERY file in the folder. Exporting out an .obj every now and then is also a good practice. It is a lot more satisfying feeling to delete a gig's worth of unneeded backup files that loosing a week's worth of work.
I tried this too a while back, some version of DAZ Studio Carrara stopped seeing or the sliders don't work for many of the morphs I make, it's the case for many PA products too, not solved it yet.
thank you very much for these.
luckily t day staycation coming up i'll have a whole week to try this on g8f.
i just don't understand why carrara won't touch those toenail bed pollies.
beyond the z/y swap tween carrara and ds, there no sane reason why it won't work!
it's the curse of the chew loo thew
You're most welcome :-)
- Maybe grab a copy of Hexagon while it's still free ;-)
In Hexagon one can make the faces "transparent" and then loop select through the entire mass. Very convenient at times.
need shader setting for a nice drow skin.
my setting turn it whitish. dohh
had a moment of weakness. sent in a support ticket on the general weight thing in carrara
said like, if we work together as a community, we can figure out how to flip that general switch in carrara, mebbe with a python script. we see the rigging working in the bone shadows. just need the switch that turns on the skin binding
now i'se feeling rebellious
want to make things that only work in carrara that look fabulous, stuff they can't do in DS\
A lot of Genesis 2 stuff cheap for them I see
but by the time I pay for a membership its just waaaay too much money especially with more of those collective 3D houses,
I would have bought every one of them
just keep telling myself how much I have saved
Finally got Fuse working through Adobe cloud too so can Mixamo rig them with morphs
don't work in Carrara as is but I can make them as they do work in iClone and I can export morph targets!
My savings are gone this month - more toys to play with though !
I will need to model my own houses by looks
yeah, non pc prices a rude awakening
on the bright side, when i sort store low to high, i see different sutff.
limited now to the stuff in fast grab.
Its stopping me buying stuff
with all those awesome things for 1.99 I would have spent hundreds of dollars by now
I haven't spent a dollar on any 3d or software....
but have on lunches and dinner dates this week with family & friends .... fixing computers for free still has it's perks
i been spending on hardwares.
boubh usb 3 hub but bought the wrong cables. accidentally got samsung charging cables. was trying to by usb3 for the new hub. dunno if there a difference in cables for usb2 vs 3.0 dohh
and blu rays of inspiring vids like river dancing and transformers. and deadpool want my dragons to do that leap in the air, shoot from a 3 and half tand 1 quarter twist, sommersault thing lol
Yukio and Negasonic so cute together, they were like "what have we done"
those 2 were savvy enough to fix a time trvel device!
Need to stop buying and make stuff like you do !!!
especially at the current $ rate!
$1AU = .68cUS
plus bank fees ... not economical at all.

But that Kitbash3D Apocalyptic mini kit looks rather tempting....
Been having a bit of a splurge on the $1.99 items, some good buys to be had. Still need to arc Silo, Hexagon, 3DCoat, & Carrara up and make some items - get side tracked too easy, should do a Stezza and alocate some time to it !!!
I am going through all my Rendo content af the moment looking at stuff I have never rendered
if there was nit enough DAZ stuff!
yeah the PC+ could have easily sent me broke if I joined see all the lovely stuff at their dear prices each day and what it says PC+ is
I need to curb my spending, I am getting no joy on the general forum lately, feel very unwanted and shunned
Carrara forum with everyones creations is like a breath of fresh air and I have been looking at those Lorettas and Lorenzos and realising how many morphs they have too, need to do about 4 or more mimic dmc files though as they all heve different phonemes
With my content I do renders choosing items at random so I get to use them, somtimes it's quick and simple other times I get involved with the scene and populate it a bit.
I had previously used the Lorez models as background fillers, joining in Stezza's challenge made it into using the full aspect of the models, lots more uses for them then one realises.
As regards Mimic hope you do well, not something I've greatly used but is on my to-do list.
Will need to do some serious saving once the PC+ sale is over - might be a good incentive to make models instead of buying them !
Ironically I have money coming but hope to put it towards electrical work and solar panels
I am getting refunded all my tax this year because I was well below the threshold
which while it sounds good actually means I have been surviving on an oily rag with little margin for extras
Hope you can have some fun even though the budgets low !!!
isthere a big cat uvs out there for big cat 2?
was thinking the big cat realfur might work on big cat 2 if it hax the uvs
mewwwr kitteh
mann is a lot easier to resist buying stuff w/o the pc discount. 46 bux for a base figure
No none of DAZ animal UV's match it needs that AND the same vertex count
many Hivewire ones do and can use same texture and fur too