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Did you know there are people who hide our forum?
how so? is there an available button/setting i've never noticed?
yes, you can hide forums but not threads sadly
I learnt today a few hide the forums they are not interested in
I just tried and none get hid for me
It's be great if the mods would go into their accounts and hide the forums I post to so they wouldn't be so bothered by me. Less stress for everyone.
Prolly not gonna happen though.
for some damned reason Carrara has just stopped at frame 459 of my render, cannot do a thing now its gone completely white surrounded by my blue frame and icon and name.
Guess I will need to kill it in taskmanager,
was averaging 14secs a frame too
missed yous
have hemorage both eyes but they can fix it with more surgery.
imagining scenes to render when better
Oh Misty, praying for you over here. Take care!
Oh dear Misty, get well soon
Wishing you the very best care and recovery, Misty.

Oh my! I wish you all the best, Misty, get well soon!
I was just thinking of you this morning... had a bad attack of dry eye and was wondering as I'd not seen any posts. Take care!!!
Hoping the best for you, Misty. Get well soon.
Wendy is right about hiding forum categories (eg Carrara Discussion). If you go to the Forums page and roll over a category, a little gear icon appears in the upper right corner of the block. If you press that, you can press Mark Read or Hide for the whole category.
You can even hide a whole section (eg Software)
Me too!
Just say
to Hiding Carrara!!!
mebbe when i better can find a ny gallery to host a display of carrara art
if is edgy i think is the rage now. sexi might work too
mebbe i can find some cheap tablets to show animations and giffies
oh i has an idea. a virtual haute coutoure for fashion week in NY oh mann sO WXCITED NOW
My surgery scheduled for aug 11 but found no one to take me yet
cant just go myself, someone has to walke me in and walk me out. they said i cant be alone for 24 hours. how in heck am i supposed to find someone to hang with me for 24 hours. this is the covid era
might need to pay an escort
seriously hope you can find someone
Edgy is just Dark with attitude
Oh, Misty, I hope everything works out for you. I just had a similar experience taking my sister for her back surgery. Lucky for her, I am in town. If I were you, I'd save the escort pennies for some time when can be enjoyed more. Maybe there are off-duty nurses or older babysitters who would want to pick up a little extra money by being under the same roof while you sleep off the anesthesia?
Can we see FB links in here?
My singer bought these great big 4K TVs for our stage - might work great for your idea and can likely find a better deal on a large screen TV than a tablet? That's just a guess.
a 4K TV a bit hard to lug around to play Candy Crush and take selfies
True! But for displaying animations, Rock On!!!
Those 72" are nice for a big rock stage like that, but something much smaller, lighter and much less expensive would be great for an art gallery. I just mounter one to the wall for my Granddaughter that was 36 or 42", something like that - and I was amazed at how light and easy to carry it was.
someone did an UE4 version of what I wanted to do
Yeah... that's exactly it, eh? Keep going! It's cool enough to see more and more of it!!! :)
hrd to manage on the subway too would be awesome tho
tried to update my sigline with a forum link but impossible til they fix my eyes booboos
Hope you get those peepers fixed Misty !!!
thanks. i'll be wearing an eye patch a couple days. will have to talk like a pirate. they said healing is a slow process willbe blurrya few days. they do the eyess separate days. siri can talk like a pirate. she reading me the history of pepe le pew
su ks i ant play video games. surgery next tuesday, they said will be blurry could be a few days. theres a risk of retina detachment..mac n cheese for breakfast. waiting for my cousin to bring food. they purge my fridge to make sure i dont accidentally food poison myself with spoiled food. the strawberry ice pops will be safe.
one day will go for finger buns. want to go where the guiness takes 30 minutes to pour from bar pull. none of the pasturized tuff they make us drink here. american beer is substandard quality of life.
thanks. living without carrara-ing is so boring. nothing to do but sleep all day. images are littl swirls of color. y monitor is a painful strain on my eyes. is hard to tell if i really tired or is just hurty eyes. skooma and moon sugar is all there is