...End of line: Updated - Dead as a Doornail



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,253
    edited October 2018

    So normally I wouldn't even bother to reply.  Not taking backups will usually ultimately knock those people right out of the business or activity once they had a failure.  And that's that.  But I respect you, Kyoto Kid, so maybe I can help a little bit.

    As to your lost data.  Well, your DAZ library stuff is restorable. Restore it.  Now.  If you don't, you'll rue this decision for the remainder of your living days.  You know I'm right, yes?

    Your scenes, props, images, etcetera; those are gone, right?  So what.  Okay, that sounded flip.  But think for a moment:  How many of those props were really and truly REQUIRED for the story's accompanying artwork?  A hundred?  A couple dozen?  Fewer?  Figure it out, and rebuild only the truly needed props.   And while you're at it, don't waste any time rebuilding things that are not 100% critical to your story.  I've heard it said that the most important thing you write isn't what you put INTO the piece.  It's what you REMOVE from the piece. 

    Less is more, and I belive this is absolutely true for music and graphic art, too.  So why not review the whole story; you have that on other media, right?  Review it and remove the cruft.  H.G. Wells was a great storyteller, but in my opinion, he spent far too much time describing a room or a device.  There were times when it seemed that Jim Steinman (the writer for a lot of Meatloaf songs) might never be able to finish a song, because he got all complicated and long.  The same with the author Edith Wharton.  Want to know who does it right?  Patricia Cornwell.  And Robert B. Parker's novels mostly fit within 200 pages or so.

    And speaking of the story.  How good is it?  No, I mean it.  Really, how good is it?  I don't doubt you that it's good; not at all.  But what I'm getting at is this:

    • The Hobbit:  No artwork 
    • The Lord of the Rings books:  No artwork  (okay, some of the Tolkien books had a map of Middle Earth; but that's all)
    • The Chronicles of Narnia:  No artwork
    • War and Peace:  No artwork that I can find
    • The Holy Bible:  No artwork except in the childrens' version of the bible that my dentist had in his office, along with "Highlights for Children".
    • The Ten Commandments:  No artwork.  Must have been very difficult to carve images into stone tablets!
    • Every Robert B. Parker "Spenser", "Sunny", or "Jesse" novel.
    • Star Wars (the edition I had):  No artwork, not even photos!
    • Star Trek (the novelization of the 2009 movie):  No artwork, no photos.
    • For that matter, "Star Trek" (every novelization of the original TV series stories, and those I read of "The Next Generation"):  NO ARTWORK, and NEVER any photos.
    • Anne McCaffrey's Dragonrider and Harper Hall series:  NO ARTWORK, except for the world map of Pern on one of the inside front pages.

    Each of these has at its core, A GREAT STORY (some better than the acting in the movie versions!), and many many more, were made without artwork, except maybe for a cover painting or an inside cover pencil or watercolor image.  Some did not even have art there.

    So here's my point:  Why not consider restoring your DS library and just do a couple of illustrations and then GET THE STORY OUT?  If your story is begging to be told and you've already written it and spent 6 years on it, then why are you waiting?  I can assure you, I'm a smart guy with a vivid imagination.  So if they're really good stories, then I won't need artwork to enjoy them.  Publish!  Launch!  Sign autographed copies at your local Barnes & Noble, so that I can have a cup of coffee with you before they go out of business!  If the story is a success, then you can later issue a coffeetable version called "Artwork of the Dingo Dog:  A Trilogy of Drama, Danger, Exctasy, and Tragedy".  Or whatever you named your story, hehe... laugh

    This leads me to another point, and this is probably far more critical than your lost art.  Oohhh, did I really say that?  Yes!  Please read on...

    You said you have the story written on different media (paper and ink), right?  What happens if you have a fire at your apartment?  You need to figure out a way to back up this data too, or you could be singing "Part 2" of the "Dingo Dog Tale of Woe" just a few short months down the road, not having learned anything from the demoralizing experience you just now went through.


    This is how I see it:

    Restore, as best you can, your data.  If all you can get back is your DIM library, then so be it; grab it and pull it back down before DAZ drops support for DIM.  crying

    Implement a 321 backup strategy.  At a MINIMUM, you should have...

    • 3 backups...
    • on 2 different media types...
    • and 1 of them should be stored "offsite"
    • Then put this behind you and get back to work!

    You get to figure out the "offsite" part for yourself.  This may sound cruel, but "I can't afford it" is not an answer.  Find a way.  You're a smart guy and you've gotta at least have one friend who'll keep an encrypted backup drive in a drawer for you, right?  If you're worried, you can get a small Pelikan case to keep it locked.  Find a way.smiley

    Now, a few words abouts cloud backups in general, because nobody seems able to defend it here, and that's not great for so many technical wizards who can write entire dissertations on modelling, texturing, or lighting, just here in these forums.

    • Could cloud backups have prevented this?  Yes, absolutely.  They qualify for the 2nd and 3rd part of the 321 backup strategy that I wrote above, even if you only use them to back up your props and finished project images.  But there's a cost, so you may need to do local backups instead.  Or with. 
    • Are cloud backups "easily hacked?"  No!  For crying out loud, nearly every Fortune 500 company RIGHT NOW uses data replication and CLOUD STORAGE for backups.  I'll bet DAZ even employs a similar service to keep their store and customer databases recoverable.  There's just way too much data out there to do it any other way!  And the cloud companies have ways to protect that data.  So please stop saying it's "easily hacked".  Educate yourself before you say something that is patently false.  There are good and bad cloud backup services available, yes of course.  But then again, you're a smart guy; you could research this and maybe learn that it is secure.  And maybe affordable too.
    • A lot of people have convinced themselves to be fearful of Cloud solutions, whether for backups, databases, or "other".  Well, here comes me to tell you that it's here, and it's here to stay.  And it is secure, especially for the purpose for which YOU need it.  Hacking thieves are generally interested only in your personal and financial data.  You've said many times now that you have no money.  Well there you go; you're not a target for this kind of intrusion!  I'd find it hard to believe that they're even interested in you.  And certainly not interested in your story or your artwork.  Turning any of your existing assets into money would be WAY too much trouble for hacking criminals!  
    • Criminals will have even less reason to bother if you would take the next logical step and secure your windows drives (all of them, including Windows, your data, content, and yes, your backups too.  Windows has Bitlocker, and most backup programs (even Windows' built-in backup tool) all offer encryption.  It works.  I'll go one further and say that it even works better than great for somebody who really has nothing to steal anyway.  If you do these things and a criminal STILL breaks into your apartment and steals your workstation, he'll find that the system won't boot and the hard drives would be unusable in any other computer.  Your data?  Safe and readable only for YOU on 3 backups, one of which is not even in your apartment.  So a complete waste of time for him.  But completely safe and RECOVERABLE for you!  How is that not a win-win?

    I get your fear, Kyoto Kid; I really do.  But what just happened to you is absolutely, postively an order of magnitude more terrifying than using modern tools.  I respectfully suggest that it's long-past time that you put your fears aside and research better security and backup methodologies for yourself.

    And anybody else who's also reading this?  Yeah, I'm talking to you too!  surprise  Don't let this happen to you.

    ...at this point the discussion about backing up is "water over the dam".  I already have taken steps to prevent such a situation again.

    Regarding presentation, as I mentioned, first, my narrative gets too long winded. I find it simpler and more effective to describe a setting or situation with an illustration. Second, text only novels don't too all that well in digital format as it is too much strain compared to a "dead tree" book to read.  That in mind, the only way to publish a "dead tree" book is to get caught up in the racket of of mainstream publishing which means paying for an agent (which I cannot afford)  and most likely compromising your work because some editor with a fly up his butt always thinks his concept of your idea is better than yours because "it sells" (like skimpwear does here).  No, this is a story very dependent on illustration to tell as I am much better at that, and one I wish to maintain the integrity of.

    Yes, what I am doing is a bit unusual for this day, but it was very common many, many years ago. In a sense I view the entire project, both writing and illustration as an integral work of art.

    As to cloud services, nothing is "hackproof", we have seen so relating to business, various online services, engineering, as well as highly classified information.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Can we try to cnfine ourselves to the topic, not to comments on posters, please.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    edited October 2018

    The Holy Bible:  No artwork except in the childrens' version of the bible that my dentist had in his office, along with "Highlights for Children".

    Nitpicking here, but Rembrandt actually did 300 illustrations for The Bible (my aunt once gave me a copy that included them): https://www.artbible.info/art/rembrandt-biblical-work.html




    Post edited by Taoz on
  • I was reading this early today and have been thinking about it ever since, and even though I suppose the subject has wound down, I'd like to just mention something for kyoto kid:
    I'm so close to being in your situation that it hurts to even think of what you're going through. I'm retired at less than half the poverty level. The only motivation I've had to even try computer art is for my Mom, a great painter of Sumi-e and other styles... But she passed away last June.  
    Now it feels like a whole 'hard drive' full of plans for the future are gone. I'm too old to find a new partner/teacher, nor do I want to, because it just wouldn't be as fun. No one can replace her.
    All I can suggest is to look at your original goal and see if there's a way to condense the whole thing into a number of short, simple and fun projects. It's what I'm leaning towards. I don't need to study art theory and plan how to incorporate my Mom's techniques into mine, etc etc. I only want to throw together ideas & stories into images, animated gifs, whatever comes to mind, and enjoy doing it. I won't make a penny but I don't care anymore.
    I hope you can find pleasure in what you do now and in the future. The past is a resource full of experience and memories. The future depends on how you make use of them. There really hope, KK.

  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    Text-only digital novels can do extremely well, even in this day and age. Honestly, the single illustrated book I've done has sold much worse than everything else I've published. Most of my books do have print versions (NOT the illustrated one because the price would be beyond reasonable) but 99% of my sales are digital.

    That said, I found the process of producing an illustrated story very enjoyable, so I'm not going to knock doing it at all. 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,253

    ...I may be in the minority, but I find sitting at a desk reading a heavy amount of text on a computer screen to be more tiring than curling up in a chair or bed and reading an actual book. I'm. one of those voracious readers who much "devours" a book in a single setting (one of the good things about being retired) It takes me longer to read from a screen than a physical book I have in my hands. Some of it has to do with physical comfort (or discomfort of sitting upright at a desk) I guess, the other part, on a book the light is reflected off rather then being produced buy the page surface which I find a lot easier on the eyes.

    Again I've always been better telling stories in pictures than words.

    Also this is something I don't really intend to make a living at anyway.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    That's pretty much the impetus behind Kindles, electronic books that don't rely on emitted light and you can curl up with in a big chair.


  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    Oso3D said:

    That's pretty much the impetus behind Kindles, electronic books that don't rely on emitted light and you can curl up with in a big chair.


    ...as well as the ability to enlarge the font size  for us less  "opticaly endowed"  ,and read with one hand.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,253
    edited October 2018

    ...which means buying a new device on an already tight budget.  The one that looks and handles most like a book (with the largest screen and actual "page turning" controls) is the Oasis which retails for 250$ (sans accessories like an adapter for charging and case), though it's screen area is still smaller than that of a standard paperback book page.

    However we are drifting into other territory here.

    The idea of a classic illustrated storybook has been a project that intrigued me for a while, much more than a graphic or straight text novel. Even my old Sci Fi idea I had many years ago was intended to be presented in this format.  I feel it has become somewhat a lost art-form (save maybe for children's books) but still has a place.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    We’re talking the larger market. If you are seeking an audience, it’s worth considering what other people are doing.

  • hjakehjake Posts: 980
    edited October 2018

    Kyoto Kid, I agree with Griffin Avid. Don't work for perfection. Rebuild chapter one and put yourself on a personal mission/deadline to make chapter two. If you think your stuff is worth paying for then use something like Patreon to get started. You are retired so deadlines should not be an issue and are the only way to produce results.

    For backup use VeraCrypt software to make encrypted container files small enough to upload to your multiple gmail/gdrive accounts.

    If you lack the resources to make final renders of your artwork ask here for help. Make a non disclosure/competition agreement specific to your project and get in personal contact by LINE, Facebook Messenger, or Skype.

    Do not wait get publishing now!

    Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly: SS18E10 - Advertising Alumni: Famous People Who Started in Advertising





    Post edited by hjake on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    I like reading regular books too but avoid it because I won't stop until I read the whole book. I read The Hobbit & the Lord of the Rings Trilogy once while I was laid up for two weeks with badly sprained ankles and snowed in to boot and those books were so good. I did take out time to eat, sleep, and shower though. 

    I restrict myself now to cereal boxes and such.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,253
    edited October 2018

    ...interesting programme.

    Unfortunately, at this stage in my life, a little late.

    I washed out of customer support because first, I am absolutely terrible at marketing and sales, and second, I was required to upsell services to people who were struggling just to pay their monthly bills so their service wasn't turned off, something that ate at me more and more as I've been in similar positions.If you didn't upsell, you not only didn't get any bonuses or raises, but usually were out of a job in a few months because you're not bringing in more revenue.

    This is what advertising essentially is, selling goods or services, often which people really don't need.  It also can mean having to compromise your conscience by supporting something you disagree with or don't believe in for a paycheque as you have to take what is assigned to you to keep your job (which is why I never pursued it earlier in life).

    Again I feel this is straying.  I'll know if I was successful in backing up what was on that drive in a few days. I feel we've exhausted the topic of what I plan to do form that point forward.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,046
    edited October 2018
    kyoto kid said:

    So normally I wouldn't even bother to reply.  Not taking backups will usually ultimately knock those people right out of the business or activity once they had a failure.  And that's that.  But I respect you, Kyoto Kid, so maybe I can help a little bit.

    As to your lost data.  Well, your DAZ library stuff is restorable. Restore it.  Now.  If you don't, you'll rue this decision for the remainder of your living days.  You know I'm right, yes?

    Your scenes, props, images, etcetera; those are gone, right?  So what.  Okay, that sounded flip.  But think for a moment:  How many of those props were really and truly REQUIRED for the story's accompanying artwork?  A hundred?  A couple dozen?  Fewer?  Figure it out, and rebuild only the truly needed props.   And while you're at it, don't waste any time rebuilding things that are not 100% critical to your story.  I've heard it said that the most important thing you write isn't what you put INTO the piece.  It's what you REMOVE from the piece. 

    Less is more, and I belive this is absolutely true for music and graphic art, too.  So why not review the whole story; you have that on other media, right?  Review it and remove the cruft.  H.G. Wells was a great storyteller, but in my opinion, he spent far too much time describing a room or a device.  There were times when it seemed that Jim Steinman (the writer for a lot of Meatloaf songs) might never be able to finish a song, because he got all complicated and long.  The same with the author Edith Wharton.  Want to know who does it right?  Patricia Cornwell.  And Robert B. Parker's novels mostly fit within 200 pages or so.

    And speaking of the story.  How good is it?  No, I mean it.  Really, how good is it?  I don't doubt you that it's good; not at all.  But what I'm getting at is this:

    • The Hobbit:  No artwork 
    • The Lord of the Rings books:  No artwork  (okay, some of the Tolkien books had a map of Middle Earth; but that's all)
    • The Chronicles of Narnia:  No artwork
    • War and Peace:  No artwork that I can find
    • The Holy Bible:  No artwork except in the childrens' version of the bible that my dentist had in his office, along with "Highlights for Children".
    • The Ten Commandments:  No artwork.  Must have been very difficult to carve images into stone tablets!
    • Every Robert B. Parker "Spenser", "Sunny", or "Jesse" novel.
    • Star Wars (the edition I had):  No artwork, not even photos!
    • Star Trek (the novelization of the 2009 movie):  No artwork, no photos.
    • For that matter, "Star Trek" (every novelization of the original TV series stories, and those I read of "The Next Generation"):  NO ARTWORK, and NEVER any photos.
    • Anne McCaffrey's Dragonrider and Harper Hall series:  NO ARTWORK, except for the world map of Pern on one of the inside front pages.

    Each of these has at its core, A GREAT STORY (some better than the acting in the movie versions!), and many many more, were made without artwork, except maybe for a cover painting or an inside cover pencil or watercolor image.  Some did not even have art there.

    So here's my point:  Why not consider restoring your DS library and just do a couple of illustrations and then GET THE STORY OUT?  If your story is begging to be told and you've already written it and spent 6 years on it, then why are you waiting?  I can assure you, I'm a smart guy with a vivid imagination.  So if they're really good stories, then I won't need artwork to enjoy them.  Publish!  Launch!  Sign autographed copies at your local Barnes & Noble, so that I can have a cup of coffee with you before they go out of business!  If the story is a success, then you can later issue a coffeetable version called "Artwork of the Dingo Dog:  A Trilogy of Drama, Danger, Exctasy, and Tragedy".  Or whatever you named your story, hehe... laugh

    This leads me to another point, and this is probably far more critical than your lost art.  Oohhh, did I really say that?  Yes!  Please read on...

    You said you have the story written on different media (paper and ink), right?  What happens if you have a fire at your apartment?  You need to figure out a way to back up this data too, or you could be singing "Part 2" of the "Dingo Dog Tale of Woe" just a few short months down the road, not having learned anything from the demoralizing experience you just now went through.


    This is how I see it:

    Restore, as best you can, your data.  If all you can get back is your DIM library, then so be it; grab it and pull it back down before DAZ drops support for DIM.  crying

    Implement a 321 backup strategy.  At a MINIMUM, you should have...

    • 3 backups...
    • on 2 different media types...
    • and 1 of them should be stored "offsite"
    • Then put this behind you and get back to work!

    You get to figure out the "offsite" part for yourself.  This may sound cruel, but "I can't afford it" is not an answer.  Find a way.  You're a smart guy and you've gotta at least have one friend who'll keep an encrypted backup drive in a drawer for you, right?  If you're worried, you can get a small Pelikan case to keep it locked.  Find a way.smiley

    Now, a few words abouts cloud backups in general, because nobody seems able to defend it here, and that's not great for so many technical wizards who can write entire dissertations on modelling, texturing, or lighting, just here in these forums.

    • Could cloud backups have prevented this?  Yes, absolutely.  They qualify for the 2nd and 3rd part of the 321 backup strategy that I wrote above, even if you only use them to back up your props and finished project images.  But there's a cost, so you may need to do local backups instead.  Or with. 
    • Are cloud backups "easily hacked?"  No!  For crying out loud, nearly every Fortune 500 company RIGHT NOW uses data replication and CLOUD STORAGE for backups.  I'll bet DAZ even employs a similar service to keep their store and customer databases recoverable.  There's just way too much data out there to do it any other way!  And the cloud companies have ways to protect that data.  So please stop saying it's "easily hacked".  Educate yourself before you say something that is patently false.  There are good and bad cloud backup services available, yes of course.  But then again, you're a smart guy; you could research this and maybe learn that it is secure.  And maybe affordable too.
    • A lot of people have convinced themselves to be fearful of Cloud solutions, whether for backups, databases, or "other".  Well, here comes me to tell you that it's here, and it's here to stay.  And it is secure, especially for the purpose for which YOU need it.  Hacking thieves are generally interested only in your personal and financial data.  You've said many times now that you have no money.  Well there you go; you're not a target for this kind of intrusion!  I'd find it hard to believe that they're even interested in you.  And certainly not interested in your story or your artwork.  Turning any of your existing assets into money would be WAY too much trouble for hacking criminals!  
    • Criminals will have even less reason to bother if you would take the next logical step and secure your windows drives (all of them, including Windows, your data, content, and yes, your backups too.  Windows has Bitlocker, and most backup programs (even Windows' built-in backup tool) all offer encryption.  It works.  I'll go one further and say that it even works better than great for somebody who really has nothing to steal anyway.  If you do these things and a criminal STILL breaks into your apartment and steals your workstation, he'll find that the system won't boot and the hard drives would be unusable in any other computer.  Your data?  Safe and readable only for YOU on 3 backups, one of which is not even in your apartment.  So a complete waste of time for him.  But completely safe and RECOVERABLE for you!  How is that not a win-win?

    I get your fear, Kyoto Kid; I really do.  But what just happened to you is absolutely, postively an order of magnitude more terrifying than using modern tools.  I respectfully suggest that it's long-past time that you put your fears aside and research better security and backup methodologies for yourself.

    And anybody else who's also reading this?  Yeah, I'm talking to you too!  surprise  Don't let this happen to you.

    ...at this point the discussion about backing up is "water over the dam".  I already have taken steps to prevent such a situation again.

    Regarding presentation, as I mentioned, first, my narrative gets too long winded. I find it simpler and more effective to describe a setting or situation with an illustration. Second, text only novels don't too all that well in digital format as it is too much strain compared to a "dead tree" book to read.  That in mind, the only way to publish a "dead tree" book is to get caught up in the racket of of mainstream publishing which means paying for an agent (which I cannot afford)  and most likely compromising your work because some editor with a fly up his butt always thinks his concept of your idea is better than yours because "it sells" (like skimpwear does here).  No, this is a story very dependent on illustration to tell as I am much better at that, and one I wish to maintain the integrity of.

    Yes, what I am doing is a bit unusual for this day, but it was very common many, many years ago. In a sense I view the entire project, both writing and illustration as an integral work of art.

    As to cloud services, nothing is "hackproof", we have seen so relating to business, various online services, engineering, as well as highly classified information.

    You don’t pay agents upfront, they take a percentage. Or you can self publish on Amazon through Createspace. You can format it for print and Kindle. 

    Also I use Dropbox, $9.99 a month for 1TB and it’s been great and I’m super paranoid about piracy and watermark all my posts like crazy, but I trust Dropbox and also use Apple’s iCloud. The chances of someone hacking an unknown artist for their art is pretty low, if not non-existant...

    Post edited by Wonderland on
  • grinch2901grinch2901 Posts: 1,246
    Kitsumo said:
    kyoto kid said:
    As I mentioned a while back on this thread, there are still items on my wishlist that I need for settings, scenes, & such which I cannot afford at the moment, some which are necessary for the early part of the story line so finances is one of the hangups.  Again years ago this was not an issue as I could simply draw and paint what I needed, I didn't have to scrape up funds to purchase an asset or digital resource to do it, or hope for something I needed to be released in the store or as a freebie (like an accurate 280cm grand piano as music is a major theme in the story line).

    I don't know if this is an appropriate comparison, but if Spielberg had waited until he got a fully functional shark, we never would have gotten Jaws. There were a lot of scenes from the screenplay that he didn't even shoot because they couldn't make the mechanical shark look convincing. Then he had Robert Shaw do 50 takes for a single scene just to keep everyone busy and distracted from the fact that the shark was broken that day. How you run your shop is up to you, but all I can say is you make the art you can with what you have.

    Arguably the fact that the shark was broken all the time made the picture a lot better. All those early shots where the people are reacting in terror to the invisible predator with the creepy music would have had a rubber shaark flopping around in them if Speilberg could have done it. Instead we are left to imagine the danger, and it's 100x more suspenseful because we don't know where it is, when it will strike but we know it's there..... somewhere.  So he worked with what he had and it made a routine monster movie into a cinema classic.

  • McGrandpaMcGrandpa Posts: 464

    So sorry to hear that Kyoto.   I know this place.  Lost my "Gargantuan Runtime", a 1 TB spinner that had only my external Runtime on it.  It had grown to almost 900 GIGS.  Then two years ago, the machine wouldn't boot.  Another bad drive, this one a WD Caviar Black Series. You might think 'bullet proof' huh?   I'm an electrician/mechanic, some 30+ years, and honestly I know better than to put faith into a mechanical thing. It has moving parts, it WILL fail. Two more drives, spinners, failed this past year.  OK yeah so they were all years old. I did lose a total of 4 of 5 running hard drives.   I am down to one spinner and three SSD's.  And a lot of BD data disks, 25 gigs each.   But our respective cows are out of the barn now.   Closing the door still helps, as we keep on doing what we enjoy doing.  I lost every Centaur I'd put together, every Figure I'd dressed up and made "Render Ready".   I didn't lose any of the content, actually.  I lost the work that went into putting all those characters and scenes together.  Just like you did. 
     There is a trade-off in there, somewhere.  I'd hoped it would be easier to re-create all that stuff, being as I'd already done it, once.  Time erodes our memory, not just HD platen data. 

    Am I sensing a bit of gloom?  You are sitting down, sad, tired, worn out, and then THIS.   It could actually be worse.  You have been a careful sort for a long time, so I am pretty sure you backed stuff up too. 

    But, it IS a darn chore having to get another device, then start in putting things together again.   Tedious, yeah.   I know.   After some 5 years I still haven't put all my Centaurs together again.   My little 3D Barnyard Dollhouse and Centaur dollies.   poof.   Kyoto, I can only commisserate with you.   Sigh.

  • hjakehjake Posts: 980
    edited October 2018
    kyoto kid said:

    ...interesting programme.

    Unfortunately, at this stage in my life, a little late.

    I washed out of customer support because first, I am absolutely terrible at marketing and sales, and second, I was required to upsell services to people who were struggling just to pay their monthly bills so their service wasn't turned off, something that ate at me more and more as I've been in similar positions.If you didn't upsell, you not only didn't get any bonuses or raises, but usually were out of a job in a few months because you're not bringing in more revenue.

    This is what advertising essentially is, selling goods or services, often which people really don't need.  It also can mean having to compromise your conscience by supporting something you disagree with or don't believe in for a paycheque as you have to take what is assigned to you to keep your job (which is why I never pursued it earlier in life).

    Again I feel this is straying.  I'll know if I was successful in backing up what was on that drive in a few days. I feel we've exhausted the topic of what I plan to do form that point forward.


    Hi Kyoto Kid,


    I am sorry, I did a bad job of communicating to you. The point I wanted you to get from the radio episode was that what all these people learned from the ruthless world of advertising. Make it clear. Make it to the point. Be brief. Do it now. I had a friend who was an advertising executive in New York in the 1950s to 1970s and the he thing he kept trying to teach me is 90% of my ideas are worthless because I never acted on them. I am only a few years younger than you so I get that time is running out.

    If you spent 10 years on this story of yours then chapter 1 should easy to rebuild. You should already have the arc of the story start to end and some fleshed out details in the middle. Simplify, cut out the parts people won't read/care to view. Get the first part out get feedback on your story. Be more like James Patterson and less like Stephen King. Think of it this way, it is better to be a great talent of an unfinished work then person who always wished they publsihed a story but nobody ever saw it.

    It doesn't take courage to publish your work, it takes a kick in the pants.  Do like the guy in the radio episode who spent mornings writing his story and afternoons doing his job.

    Get up each morning and finish a step in your story and don't stop until lunch then push it all aside and go have a beer. Make everyday one step. It will give purpose hope and focus to your life. This is what I wnated you to get from that radio episode.  You should listen to the rest of the episodes. This guy's story telling is great.

    I wish you the best and I hope you will try to take that first step and keep your head down and keep taking steps after that.

    And remember Grandma Moses! Do you want to be beat out by a little old lady :-)



    Post edited by hjake on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,253
    Kitsumo said:
    kyoto kid said:
    As I mentioned a while back on this thread, there are still items on my wishlist that I need for settings, scenes, & such which I cannot afford at the moment, some which are necessary for the early part of the story line so finances is one of the hangups.  Again years ago this was not an issue as I could simply draw and paint what I needed, I didn't have to scrape up funds to purchase an asset or digital resource to do it, or hope for something I needed to be released in the store or as a freebie (like an accurate 280cm grand piano as music is a major theme in the story line).

    I don't know if this is an appropriate comparison, but if Spielberg had waited until he got a fully functional shark, we never would have gotten Jaws. There were a lot of scenes from the screenplay that he didn't even shoot because they couldn't make the mechanical shark look convincing. Then he had Robert Shaw do 50 takes for a single scene just to keep everyone busy and distracted from the fact that the shark was broken that day. How you run your shop is up to you, but all I can say is you make the art you can with what you have.

    Arguably the fact that the shark was broken all the time made the picture a lot better. All those early shots where the people are reacting in terror to the invisible predator with the creepy music would have had a rubber shaark flopping around in them if Speilberg could have done it. Instead we are left to imagine the danger, and it's 100x more suspenseful because we don't know where it is, when it will strike but we know it's there..... somewhere.  So he worked with what he had and it made a routine monster movie into a cinema classic.

    ..that's also what made the original Alien film so good.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,253
    McGrandpa said:

    So sorry to hear that Kyoto.   I know this place.  Lost my "Gargantuan Runtime", a 1 TB spinner that had only my external Runtime on it.  It had grown to almost 900 GIGS.  Then two years ago, the machine wouldn't boot.  Another bad drive, this one a WD Caviar Black Series. You might think 'bullet proof' huh?   I'm an electrician/mechanic, some 30+ years, and honestly I know better than to put faith into a mechanical thing. It has moving parts, it WILL fail. Two more drives, spinners, failed this past year.  OK yeah so they were all years old. I did lose a total of 4 of 5 running hard drives.   I am down to one spinner and three SSD's.  And a lot of BD data disks, 25 gigs each.   But our respective cows are out of the barn now.   Closing the door still helps, as we keep on doing what we enjoy doing.  I lost every Centaur I'd put together, every Figure I'd dressed up and made "Render Ready".   I didn't lose any of the content, actually.  I lost the work that went into putting all those characters and scenes together.  Just like you did. 
     There is a trade-off in there, somewhere.  I'd hoped it would be easier to re-create all that stuff, being as I'd already done it, once.  Time erodes our memory, not just HD platen data. 

    Am I sensing a bit of gloom?  You are sitting down, sad, tired, worn out, and then THIS.   It could actually be worse.  You have been a careful sort for a long time, so I am pretty sure you backed stuff up too. 

    But, it IS a darn chore having to get another device, then start in putting things together again.   Tedious, yeah.   I know.   After some 5 years I still haven't put all my Centaurs together again.   My little 3D Barnyard Dollhouse and Centaur dollies.   poof.   Kyoto, I can only commisserate with you.   Sigh.

    ..thank you. 

    The part of time eroding the memory is something I have been dealing with. As one gets older, setbacks like this tend to become more discouraging to deal with and starting from square one again more and more difficult.  I don't have many years left ahead of me and days seem to go by faster and faster each year. (wasn't it just summer and it was light until after 22:00?, crikey, the sun was down just a few minutes after 18:00 yesterday). 

    Hoping that hasty backup I created after the first warning of impending doom worked. Again I'll know when the new drive gets here (received notice this morning that it shipped so it should be here by Wednesday or Thursday at the latest as I'm just up the coast for Newegg [and it ships directly from them in California, not some third party vendor in Korea or China]).

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,253
    hjake said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...interesting programme.

    Unfortunately, at this stage in my life, a little late.

    I washed out of customer support because first, I am absolutely terrible at marketing and sales, and second, I was required to upsell services to people who were struggling just to pay their monthly bills so their service wasn't turned off, something that ate at me more and more as I've been in similar positions.If you didn't upsell, you not only didn't get any bonuses or raises, but usually were out of a job in a few months because you're not bringing in more revenue.

    This is what advertising essentially is, selling goods or services, often which people really don't need.  It also can mean having to compromise your conscience by supporting something you disagree with or don't believe in for a paycheque as you have to take what is assigned to you to keep your job (which is why I never pursued it earlier in life).

    Again I feel this is straying.  I'll know if I was successful in backing up what was on that drive in a few days. I feel we've exhausted the topic of what I plan to do form that point forward.


    Hi Kyoto Kid,


    I am sorry, I did a bad job of communicating to you. The point I wanted you to get from the radio episode was that what all these people learned from the ruthless world of advertising. Make it clear. Make it to the point. Be brief. Do it now. I had a friend who was an advertising executive in New York in the 1950s to 1970s and the he thing he kept trying to teach me is 90% of my ideas are worthless because I never acted on them. I am only a few years younger than you so I get that time is running out.

    If you spent 10 years on this story of yours then chapter 1 should easy to rebuild. You should already have the arc of the story start to end and some fleshed out details in the middle. Simplify, cut out the parts people won't read/care to view. Get the first part out get feedback on your story. Be more like James Patterson and less like Stephen King. Think of it this way, it is better to be a great talent of an unfinished work then person who always wished they publsihed a story but nobody ever saw it.

    It doesn't take courage to publish your work, it takes a kick in the pants.  Do like the guy in the radio episode who spent mornings writing his story and afternoons doing his job.

    Get up each morning and finish a step in your story and don't stop until lunch then push it all aside and go have a beer. Make everyday one step. It will give purpose hope and focus to your life. This is what I wnated you to get from that radio episode.  You should listen to the rest of the episodes. This guy's story telling is great.

    I wish you the best and I hope you will try to take that first step and keep your head down and keep taking steps after that.

    And remember Grandma Moses! Do you want to be beat out by a little old lady :-)



    ...the written parts are fine, those were not what was not lost. It was the characters and settings for the illustrations which I was developing that were on that drive, along with works for other smaller unrelated projects (including a few commission jobs), some that were experiments, and a few which were just for fun.

    So it is not a matter of "sitting down and writing" everyday, it is perfecting my technique with, and my understanding of this new visual media that I am still pretty new at when compared with the decades of experience I have in working with traditional tools. I would like the quality of my 3D work to be on par with what I used do do using pencils, paper, paints, and canvas.  It has a bit of a way to go yet. Part of this includes getting a handle on modelling as yes, there are items I need that probably will never be available commercially (boring everyday stuff usually doesn't sell as well) or at an affordable price and without severe licencing restrictions.

    The actual impetus to do this at a story kind of grew over the last several years. When I first got into this it was primarily to create illustrations of characters and locations for use with pen and paper RPGs with the idea of maybe landing an illustration commission with a game publisher (and boy, did game books need good artwork).   The idea for developing the storyline grew out of a character I had in one game after a couple people who read her background and the notes I had mentioned it had strong potential for being a novel.  Indeed it had a several good elements, tragedy, intrigue (both political and mystical), suspense, introspection, and overcoming adversity.  It is also is set in a very dark dystopic world as well where certain "ancient" aspects (the mystical element) have resurfaced.  In a sense, it is a very dark futuristic fairytale for us "older" children.  Several people I know who have very deep literary interests are fascinated by what thye have seen of this project. They are not "fanboys/girls" of a specific genre or world setting from a film serial or television series, these are very well read individuals with diverse tastes who are encouraging me to continue with what I am doing and how I intend to go about it. 

  • hjakehjake Posts: 980

    Kyoto Kid I wish you the best in your endeavours. Maybe consider being the story writer and the storyboard illustrator and find someone with 3D skills and equipment to partner with and get your story out there at the quality you seek.

  • KitsumoKitsumo Posts: 1,216

    Kyoto Kid, like I hinted at before, if you could find a way to list the relevant Genesis figures and morphs, etc that you own and provide a render or pic of your characters, I bet there are lots of people that would take a shot at recreating them and sending you the .duf file (assuming they have the same content). I'd do it. I'm not good at much else with DS. I don't really have the creativity or focus to do anything useful, but if I have a clear image of what I'm supposed to be working on, I do a pretty good job. Just an idea. Think about it.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,253
    hjake said:

    Kyoto Kid I wish you the best in your endeavours. Maybe consider being the story writer and the storyboard illustrator and find someone with 3D skills and equipment to partner with and get your story out there at the quality you seek.

    ...can't afford that as my only income is Social Security.  This is why I have been learning how to do this on my own.  

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,253
    Kitsumo said:

    Kyoto Kid, like I hinted at before, if you could find a way to list the relevant Genesis figures and morphs, etc that you own and provide a render or pic of your characters, I bet there are lots of people that would take a shot at recreating them and sending you the .duf file (assuming they have the same content). I'd do it. I'm not good at much else with DS. I don't really have the creativity or focus to do anything useful, but if I have a clear image of what I'm supposed to be working on, I do a pretty good job. Just an idea. Think about it.

    ..again, let me see the results of the backup I ran.  If my characters "survived", I'm good.  The point with letting somoene else in is "interpretation". I don;t want Leela and her best friend Tacey to have 36" busts and wasp waists because that is looked on as being "sellable" (that is what dissuaded me from the graphic novel format as big boobs and hips are the norm, apologies, but Leela has the physique of a 12 year old, not a fashion model).

  • KitsumoKitsumo Posts: 1,216
    kyoto kid said:
    Kitsumo said:

    Kyoto Kid, like I hinted at before, if you could find a way to list the relevant Genesis figures and morphs, etc that you own and provide a render or pic of your characters, I bet there are lots of people that would take a shot at recreating them and sending you the .duf file (assuming they have the same content). I'd do it. I'm not good at much else with DS. I don't really have the creativity or focus to do anything useful, but if I have a clear image of what I'm supposed to be working on, I do a pretty good job. Just an idea. Think about it.

    ..again, let me see the results of the backup I ran.  If my characters "survived", I'm good.  The point with letting somoene else in is "interpretation". I don;t want Leela and her best friend Tacey to have 36" busts and wasp waists because that is looked on as being "sellable" (that is what dissuaded me from the graphic novel format as big boobs and hips are the norm, apologies, but Leela has the physique of a 12 year old, not a fashion model).

    Lol. I guess that is true. I was mostly thinking about face morphs. Anyway good luck with the recovery.

  • RSand55RSand55 Posts: 161

    I've been doing full HDD cloning via Seagate Discwizard about every month. Of course you need a spare drive of equal capacity but with the costs

    so low these days, it's good insurance. If a drive fails, all you have to do is connect the cloned drive and you're up and running again. Also, you should backup any

    completed renders and duf preset scenes (that have changed) on a daily basis. It doesn't take long and can save you a lot of potentially lost work. 

  • ServantServant Posts: 760

    Having experienced a very similar situation where I lost 4 years of work due to drive failure, and even the backup I had conked out soon after, I know the pain and the frustration of being in a situation where it could have been avoided, if only you had the resources to do so. That's time and effort you can't get back, double that when it's a labor of love because the only benefit you have from it is doing it and seeing the results.

    I won't pretend that's not disheartening, even depressing, but I do know you can get through it. So go ahead. It is fine to brood and cry out for the loss. Get it out of your system. But always, with the thought that you are stronger than the circumstance and you can get better and do better. Only you and enough time can answer when that will be.

  • PixelPiePixelPie Posts: 331
    edited October 2018

    Hi kyoto kid, I am so sorry to hear this. 

    I was able to recover stuff from a work hard drive several years ago when my hard drive crashed.  I used a program (maybe someone here has already mentioned it )  It is called "recuva" https://www.ccleaner.com/recuva. There is a free version of it and you may be able to recover some of the files from it- of course you would have to have enough space on another drive or thumb drive to back it up to. Once they gave me a new computer, I plugged the crashed hard drive into the motherboard/power on the working computer and installed/ran the program from the C drive.  It took around 4 hours to run, for me, but I was able to recover my email and most files.  Don't give up, you still may be able to recover some or all of your data.

    Post edited by PixelPie on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,253
    edited October 2018
    Kitsumo said:
    kyoto kid said:
    Kitsumo said:

    Kyoto Kid, like I hinted at before, if you could find a way to list the relevant Genesis figures and morphs, etc that you own and provide a render or pic of your characters, I bet there are lots of people that would take a shot at recreating them and sending you the .duf file (assuming they have the same content). I'd do it. I'm not good at much else with DS. I don't really have the creativity or focus to do anything useful, but if I have a clear image of what I'm supposed to be working on, I do a pretty good job. Just an idea. Think about it.

    ..again, let me see the results of the backup I ran.  If my characters "survived", I'm good.  The point with letting somoene else in is "interpretation". I don;t want Leela and her best friend Tacey to have 36" busts and wasp waists because that is looked on as being "sellable" (that is what dissuaded me from the graphic novel format as big boobs and hips are the norm, apologies, but Leela has the physique of a 12 year old, not a fashion model).

    Lol. I guess that is true. I was mostly thinking about face morphs. Anyway good luck with the recovery.

    ...yeah, just look at what are supposed to be young teen characters in comic books.  Kitty Pryde was supposed to be 13, Jubilee 12, yet they had physiques more like someone who was 18 - 20.

    When I was doing pre-production drawings for my old Sci Fi story decades ago (which I hoped then to produce as a graphic novel) I would constantly get critiques about the females of the primary race not having breasts as it would hurt potential "sales".  After that I shelved the project in spite of years of work as the only way to keep the vision I had was to self publish.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,253
    Rasberri said:

    Hi kyoto kid, I am so sorry to hear this. 

    I was able to recover stuff from a work hard drive several years ago when my hard drive crashed.  I used a program (maybe someone here has already mentioned it )  It is called "recuva" https://www.ccleaner.com/recuva. There is a free version of it and you may be able to recover some of the files from it- of course you would have to have enough space on another drive or thumb drive to back it up to. Once they gave me a new computer, I plugged the crashed hard drive into the motherboard/power on the working computer and installed/ran the program from the C drive.  It took around 4 hours to run, for me, but I was able to recover my email and most files.  Don't give up, you still may be able to recover some or all of your data.

    ...tried it and it didn't work as the system did not recognise the drive existed (even in the BIOS). 

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