Trouble-shooting your PC membership
We've noticed recently an upsurge in the number of people posting, claiming they were dropped from the Platinum Club. This is to be expected since as of the 30th of August everyone receiving a free Platinum Club subscription who shouldn't have been was dropped from the Platinum Club. This is a small number of people, and if you are one of them you should have received an email weeks before this happened informing you to renew your PC membership or be dropped.
So now on to the trouble shooting part.
Were you dropped from the Platinum Club? No - then what are you doing here? This thread will be awfully boring for you. Yes - Read on.
Did you receive an email informing you that you would be dropped from the PC if you didn't renew? Yes - well you didn't renew and now you were dropped. You will need to resign up for the Platinum Club. No - Read on
Have you been regularly billed for your monthly Platinum Club membership? No - You were receiving a free PC membership, and were dropped. Check your spam folder for the email. You will need to resign up for the Platinum Club. Yes - Read On.
Is the credit card tied to your Platinum Club membership expired? Yes - You were dropped due to the system's inability to renew because your credit card is expired. You will need to resign up for the platinum club with a valid credit card. No - Read on
Did you recently receive store credit? Yes - Contact sales support through Zendesk and let them know you received a store credit recently. No - Contact sales support through the same link.
I resubscribed to my Platinum Club membership yesterday but PC items are still displayed at regular prices even the $1.99 items. Example: There is hair that I wish to purchase and as it is a PC item it should be $1.99 but it is $6.99
I submitted a ticket yesterday but have had no response.
Hope this makes sense and would be very grateful for some help to sort this problem out.
Thanks in anticipation.
fizzysparkle, I'm looking in to this right now. I'll PM you with the details.
*Edit* Ok, it should be working for you.
One I have been being billed monthly for my membership. It was not taken in august. Why I do not know. My card is good not expired. I have looked into my junk file there is no email. No I did not receive a refund. So to each question you ask my answer is no. There was no reason that my credit card was not billed in august. So I guess I still do not understand why 1 I was not billed. 2 why I was dropped.
Thank you
Thanks Jared and I'm grateful for your help - everything is OK now. :-)
The best thing to do would be to contact support through zendesk:
Despite paying monthly for my Platinum membership for the past year through PayPal and the last payment being made on the 27th August, I received an email on the 3rd September saying my Platinum membership had expired.
So I logged a helpdesk request (149532) on Wednesday, for which I am still waiting for a response. I guess your helpdesk is overloaded with calls.
On friday not having received a reply I phoned DAZ3D from the UK at international phone rates, this resulted in a further support call being logged, so no further forward.
Frustrated at not being able to purchase any Platinum items, today I paid $24 for 3 months membership direct by credit card, the account now shows me as a Platinum member.
However if I try and buy any discounted items, it charges me full price and tells me how much I would save if I took out a Platinum membership, even though I am Platinum member.
It would be nice to think that loyal long standing customers like myself could expect good service and not be left out in the cold as I feel right now, after all it's our money that is bringing in income for the DAZ3D company.
Sorry to hear you're having some problems.
Seems a few things have gone askew here.. but sadly only support can sort it out. Looking at your forum profile, you're not showing in the PC group - so even the new membership isn't associated with your account - which is why you're not seeing the PC prices (and I assume the Members Only forum)
All I can ask at this stage is your patience while support get around to your ticket. However I can assure you that once they do, they'll make sure it's all back to normal and you won't be out of pocket.
Thanks Jack for your speedy response and advice. Even if you cannot help me, I feel better already that someone is listening :-)
Support have in the past been very quick to reply and very helpful, so like you say once their on the case hopefully all will be sorted. Noting from this forum there was a requirement to re-subscribe to avoid expiry of the Platinum membership, I felt sure if I paid for a further 3 months today that would sort the problem, but was beginning to lose hope when I found it didn't help.
I did notice that my profile on this forum is very bare and wondered how I could edit it, adding a photo and other info to give an identity to my membership and postings, but cannot easily see a way of editing it.
Thanks Jack for your speedy response and advice. Even if you cannot help me, I feel better already that someone is listening :-)
Support have in the past been very quick to reply and very helpful, so like you say once their on the case hopefully all will be sorted. Noting from this forum there was a requirement to re-subscribe to avoid expiry of the Platinum membership, I felt sure if I paid for a further 3 months today that would sort the problem, but was beginning to lose hope when I found it didn't help.
I did notice that my profile on this forum is very bare and wondered how I could edit it, adding a photo and other info to give an identity to my membership and postings, but cannot easily see a way of editing it.
Click on your control panel top right of the forum panle, under th top bar you should see
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If you click on Your Control Panel you will see a menu on the right hand side, with lots of options. such as
Edit Profile
Edit Signature
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Edit Photo
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Edit Preferences
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Edit Avatar will give you the option to add you personalised avatar image, and edit signature will give you the chance to add a signature bar, with or without a signature image such as mine.
Localisation is where you can alter the time shown for you to your local time zone.
Thanks Chohole, that was so easy, I'm now totally embarassed I raised the question lol... but I am very grateful for your patient and helpful reply, sometimes I cannot see the wood for the trees.
Thanks Chohole, that was so easy, I'm now totally embarassed I raised the question lol... but I am very grateful for your patient and helpful reply, sometimes I cannot see the wood for the trees.
Also, what I meant was if you look at that page you'll see "Member Group: Members".. if you're membership was working, it would show "Member Group: Platinum Club Member"
That's usually a quick and easy way to see if you're membership has gone AWOL :)
I was charged aug and sept through PP still dropped a week ago submitted support tic nothing since, know you guys are busy with the Carrara thing just waiting
The best thing to do would be to contact support through zendesk:
I have and no one responded.
I'm delighted to find that as of tonight (18:00 UK time) the new 3 month Platinum membership that I purchased yesterday for $24, is now correctly discounting items, so for example $1.99 items appear correctly instead of at full price. :-)
Whilst it was disappointing to see my original Platinum membership end on the 3rd September, despite making payments every month for the past 15 months, I have only lost one month and my helpdesk call is left open in case that can be sorted in the future.
Thanks to all who assisted, will leave you all in peace.
If you respond to a ticket that is closed it will re-open. You can discuss the issue with sales support. They will be able to explain what is going on.
I did we will see what happens
Same here my issue was deemed resolved and yet I still do not have my PC account activated. They did not even bother to ask me for my info again, they just sent me the same email twice. Looks like Daz does not want me as a member. I am not going to pay the sign up fee a second time.
I agree with Johns comment support could at least be courteous enough to make sure the issue is absolved before closing the ticket . Obviously we are both longstanding customers indifference is the impression I am left with i will respond accordingly , I had a 4 day wait the least that would be expected is accurate information . Maybe customer service is overloaded it all reflects from the TOP DOWN right admin ???
This is exactly what happened to me.
I have done my best to not to complain knowing that changes are often needed. I have stayed positive during all of the changes, revamps etc. Most of all I defended DAZ knowing how much they are needed and how they must remain profitable. I am a positive person and I've encouraged others to remain positive.
But really. After being a steady member for 7 years...
For the first time...
I feel like DAZ doesn't give a damn about us.
I feel awful.
You won't have too - since the sign up fee has now been removed altogether.
I understand everyone's frustrations. I'm not involved with CS, so I don't know exactly what it is going on.. but from where I am sitting, we needed to get the subscription stuff sorted. It seems part of that disruption has come from the cull of memberships where payment information is somewhat askew.
All I can ask is that you bear with us. I'll email DAZ today and see what's going on, and why these tickets are being closed yet not seemingly resolved and see if there is any information to pass on.
I am currently working with CS to make sure that everyone receives a satisfactory answer.
It looks like someone turned on your subscription, most likely at the behest of CS. However, you haven't been billed for PC so the system automatically kicked you back out. The last time your account was successfully billed for PC was back in May of 2012. When the new system was brought online, there was no billing information associated to the subscription so the next billing attempt failed and you subsequently got removed from PC. Right now, since you haven't been billed for it for over a year, the only way to get it going again is to reactivate by going through the checkout process with the subscription. You can keep talking to support and they may not check all the right things (its a new system and they are still learning its ins and outs and all the various states and how it works) however, the system will just remove you from there again until there it can successfully bill you which can be setup by checking out with a subscription (there isn't a way to change an existing but expired subscriptions billing profile for customers as that would allow people to jump in for a month, then jump out, and we would see people only wanting to join for the annual sale and not the rest of the time).
Rob, it looks like your account wasn't able to be billed. Our processor returned an error when it tried to bill you for it and it doesn't look like a failed billing email went out when it attempted to bill you (we've added a general catch all to failed billing on the emails as it didn't fall in one of the error codes we were sending the email out on). That should be fixed and you're back in PC now and it should go along smoothly. We've double checked so that if there is any failed billing attempt, it will notify you. Sorry for the delay and the hiccup with it.
John, your credit card was expired that was associated to your account so that is why we couldn't bill you. We normally don't allow modifying payment information to subscriptions that are expired because it can be exploited with the monthly membership and lack of a sign up fee and hurt the Platinum Club by people picking and choosing which month they want to be a member. However, your case is different in that you didn't get the email notifying of a failure to bill and got turned off without a chance to avoid it. I can manually change your subscription in the database directly to point to a different billing profile and start you back up again, however, I see that when you updated your billing profiles, you removed the old ones and added two new ones and I don't know which card you want associated to your account. Let me know and we can get you set back up. (Note: this is something that CS can't really help with, so if that is satisfactory for you, you can go ahead and close your support ticket on this after you get reactivated. They can tell you why is expired and make small tweaks to your subscription, but the ability to modify billing information and force through billings is something they currently aren't able to do and requires someone on the web team to directly modify the database and run some custom scripts).
I have been told that daz could not bill me in august for my membership. But what seems really odd to me is that I made a order on 8/5/13 for 25 dollars that seemed to go through . Same card. and if i would reup. I would still be using the same card . I dont want a mixup and my card start getting charged for 2 accounts. so please fix this.
Thank you
So the profile that was associated to your account had an expired credit card (expired 07/2013) and your newer profile that was created wasn't associated to your subscription. I have gone ahead and associated it to your subscription and pushed through a billing cycle, so you should be good to go and on the monthly membership.
The card that was associated to your account was one that expired in 07/2013. You did add a new profile which had updated information, but that wasn't associated to your account. In the previous system, there was no way to update that information, and it was already expired when the new system went online, so you got stuck in a position basically where it was too late.
The profiles aren't updated, but can only be added and deleted. And, essentially, with the previous profile deleted, the subscription was pointing to nothing and it isn't something we trust to automate to say "this subscription can't be billed on X profile, so lets try it on Y profile in their account" as that could cause people to get billed on cards they weren't expecting it on and would cause for all sorts of security and compliance issues.
So the profile that was associated to your account had an expired credit card (expired 07/2013) and your newer profile that was created wasn't associated to your subscription. I have gone ahead and associated it to your subscription and pushed through a billing cycle, so you should be good to go and on the monthly membership.
Thank you I knew my card was good. And it has now been charged for september. I picked up my platimun freebies. So it looks like everything is cool. Thank you for listening and helping out.