are yoo a thread killer?
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Using those conventions, then the only place where I may have misinterpreted the grouping would be the fourth given equation. Making it y+xz = 11+9*3 = 38 instead of (y+x)z = 60.
But of course when dealing with conventions, they only work if both author and reader adhere to the same convention. Math books I trust, all others, meh, not so much.
Parentheses, are your friends.
with brackets I really need a friend
to hold up one end of the long shelf when I am screwing in the other
living alone the struggle is real
Implying that even AI is capable of synethesia.
Why did I think 40 was old when I was a kid but now I think it is a fine age to be? try that in Base 8.
@ Taoz: Did you ever get the safe open?
Sorry, been busy, and thanks for the replies.
Well I eventually contacted the company (local state-owned casino) and notified them about the issue, and they confirmed that there was a problem with the riddle, though they didn't say what it was. So I'd presume that it is 55 instead of 54. It also made most sense according to the order of operations as I understand them, plus it's the simplest solution (with millions of customers you have to make such things simple otherwise you'll end up with a lot of frustrated customers and overload your own support team).
Haha, looks like the monsters can't make sense of it either...
Taoz needed a safe opened?... I missed that one... Depending on the model it's generally not that hard if it's a commercially available safe (like you can buy in a regular store).
Installed safes are a little harder to open if the owner doesn't so much care about keeping it intact... you be surprised how many small businesses lock a safe before they move and the property owner wants that sucker opened... The best I've ever found inside was a rat trap, a bunch of money and coin wrappers, a screwdriver and assorted invoices... It's amusing to see a person's reaction to dust and paper clips... because you know they are always expecting gold bars and precious gems (yeah, of course that's what you'll find in a former shoe repair shop)... but it turned into the mystery of Al Capon's vault hosted Geraldo Rivera every time.
I look at that show as one of those "The Day The Universe Changed"* media epiphanies where "news" diverted from "news" to speculation and nonsense... it had such a large number of viewers, that it convinced networks they didn't need actual news, just the promise of something fantastical to suck people in... as long as you built it up and hyped the possibilities, the eyeballs would come.
* An early 80s BBC(1) documentary hosted by historian James Burke about how various chance events, encounters or epiphanies changed the universe as we on earth knew it... (well, in western society knew it)
Internet Archive Link for episode TDTUC 1:
Internet Archive Link for Connections episode 1:
They may be dated and old, somewhat campy and not entirely the most accurate, but do make some good points and illustrate certain paths... I've always believed that knowing nexus points in history is important for avoiding future problems, when you understand how you got somewhere, bad or good it's important to know the path... and also very important information for avoiding messing up timelines by accident should you touch the wrong button on a broken Time Machine.
OK, back to the safe and the algebra problem. What was the full statement of the problem that went with the image of the original picture of the equations and the safe?
What was the real goal of the original problem regardless of whether the 54 should have been a 55 or whatever, or some other mistake? I'm confused. If they made a mistake (which they seemed to have admitted to), then is there any possibility of a real answer? I hate to think that I dredged up all that algebra for nothing useful.
I remember those first time round, and have the books.
Well it was just a quick conversation on their chat so I don't have a copy of what was said, but they said they were aware that there was a problem with the riddle, and said that those that had tried to solve it without success (I imagine that would mean everyone except (ironically) those who were either bad at math or just tried guessing) would get the price anyway.
That which made me believe there was something wrong was that in the third calculation, if 11 * (x+x) = 54, x will be (54/11)/2 = 2,4545454545454545454545454545455... which doesn't make any sense in this context. Even the Windows calculator in scientific mode can't handle the number of decimals (it may even be infinite). So when I discovered that everything seemed to fall nicely into place just by changing 54 to 55, I used Occam's Razor and concluded that must be the answer.
However, if it is 55 instead of 54, it also looks like both the casino and I made a mistake with the order of operations in the final calculation which I've overlooked until now. Correcting that, the final calculation would be:
11 + (9 * 2.5) = 33.5
instead of
(11 + 9) * 2.5 = 50
It also looks like you made that operator precedence mistake at first, but then corrected it later.
So, if 50 is the correct answer, it looks like the casino made two mistakes, actually.
The other two results 46 and 54 don't seem to make any sense either in any way, as far as I can see, my brain it just too tired after a whole day of mental work to test it right now.
Ah, OK. Good, I'm not completely senile yet. Yeah, the other numbers 46 & 54 came out of the blue. I'd just assumed that the game was to find the three numbers of the safe's combination, but I could only make sense of the implied equations and just ignored what the numbers next to the safe were saying. If my numbers help you to win a few milion dollars, I'd appreciate recognition.
Oh, wait a minute, I just realized that we were not given the red numbers originally. Duh! I knew that, because I ignored the "55".
Sigh, I thought the problem was too trivial. Do I want to go back into this problem knowing that there is an issue? No, I don't think so. Although with 4 equations and 3 unknowns it should be solvable, though perhaps not with whole numbers if they screwed that up. Well, maybe I'll think about it again. Duh. It's the RED numbers that are unknown.
Or maybe I've still got it wrong. Doesn't matter. The world will not stop spinning if I am wrong. Sigh...
Age doesn't change reality, it just ignores it.
Absolutely, you deserve some compensation. I didn't expect anyone to go to such lengths trying to solve it, so I felt a bit embarrassed seeing you spend so much time on it.
Yea, often that which looks obvious to you because you have created it yourself doesn't always make immediate sense to others. It's all about perspective, we tend to forget that sometimes.
Like a well known actor has said, don't let the old man in...
Can I put Bryce on one floppy disc?
You could put rice on one, so why not Brice?... I would have made a funny picture of a pile of rice on an old floppy disk I have laying around, but uploading images is nigh-on-impossible, so basically just close your eyes and picture a spoonful of rice with a red plastic letter "B" stuck in it, on top of an old crusty floppy disc.
Not exactly the same, but back in the golden days of radio shows, one's imagination was their only way of visualizing comedy or drama... and it's totally fitting that one should have to use their imagination on a website that deals in visual art... like totally.
Technically... do we even need to render content?... or even have content?
I feel like this problem with uploading images may be less of a problem and more of an epiphany... is creating visual imagery dulling our ability to imagine things in a broader sense?... is a render of a killer clown more scary than a terrifying description of one?... or is an actual invisible killer clown hiding under one's bed, far, far more terrifying?...
If you think about it, even a really good render of a killer clown is going to just to unnerve one for a moment or two while they look at it... but a really good description of an invisible killer clown hiding under the bed could really get into one's head... because the person would default to using the known image of the space under their bed... even if they have a ton of shoes and crusty old socks and underwear stuffed under there, what if the clown is hiding in the open gateway to the netherworld that lies just beyond the crap pile... a really good description of that killer clown just hiding there waiting for one to go to sleep could really mess with one... their imagination is far more powerful because they'll use what they know to construct the scene and that's way more powerful than a random render that may or may not match anything familiar.
I believe Pablo Picasso once said (he may have said it a couple of times... who knows for sure?)..."Everything you can imagine is real"... so if that's true, isn't reading about a killer clown hiding under the bed, thus invoking one's imagination to fill in the blanks, more terrifying than some scary render which automatically tells your mind that's not your bed he's under as opposed to the verbal description which put an actual stabby clown from hell under your bed?...
Thank you DAZ... because now not being able to upload a friggin' simple picture of a friggin' pile of rice, has caused me to mention killer clowns hiding under the beds of everyone who reads this and thanks to Pablo Picasso stating that everything imaginary is real, there are thousands if not dozens of killer clowns under people's beds just waiting to murder the hell out of them, thanks to image uploading not working.
Technically, I could have said "fluffy bunnies hiding under the bed probably not entirely waiting to murder the hell out of everyone", but that wouldn't have made a very terrifying point because bunnies are known to have a hard time wielding butcher knives and are easily distracted from, if not entirely dissuaded from mayhem by offerings of a simple plate of carrots and nobody would think twice about how dangerous and reckless it is to have faulty image uploading that would eventually induce some idiot to start describing things because they couldn't just upload a simple friggin' image...
So yeah... if you wake up and there's a killer clown or even a stabby bunny with a butcher knife duct taped to its paws hovering over you... blame the crappy forum software for that fate.
I seem to be putting threads to sleep lately, someone asks something and when I finally give a reply also they simply abandon those threads and never return
I don't get it when someone asks a question and they never respond to acknowledge whether or not the problem was solved... it's really kinda rude, especially when it's one of "Hey I got problem, what's the solution?" kinda posts... no please or thanks...
I think some of those zero-posters just want a "press the green button" answer and if it's more than one or two steps they are like "the hell with that" and never return.
They're living in the moment. Given 'em time and they'll forget the question.
Laptop Saga: OK, I've cleaned the contacts of the battery. No cigar.
And I also discovered that the 100% battery full report, was bogus. The battery was out of the machine at the time.
Moral of story: Don't trust battery status reports.
I have managed to do a proper dskchk to assure that the filesystem links are all present and accounted for and lead the right places. AOK.
I've now been through a low level (BIOS) hardware check of the storage drive and the RAM. Both AOK.
I've opened the ports on the back (yes, it's an old-school laptop that lets you twiddle the innards through little ports) and checked connections, and the CMOS battery. I removed the CMOS battery and measured it at 3.02v. A little low, but seems adequate because the system has not lost time or other customized CMOS settings.
I have a PDF of how to disassemble it. But HP's website no longer provides that stuff for this ancient machine. Not even BIOS or Drivers (it was originally a Win7 machine). Over the years, a couple of times, I have reloaded it from the original Win7 CD and subsequently through Win8, Win8.1, and Win10, so the drivers had gotten carried along. I do think that I have some of the newer Win10 drivers downloaded & saved in my hoard but not sure I have them all. So, at the moment, I am loathe to just pop in a Win10 Installation USB and sweep the disk clean to start over. I may end up with a blind camera, touchless touchpad, deaf microphone, or silent WiFi.
But basically it turns on, boots up, logs in, runs for a while, then at some unexpected moment keels over. I might be able to live with that. I think for now, I'll just treat it with kid gloves, and use it only if absolutely necessary but not if mission critical. Remembering that death can come at any moment.
Maybe the fan stopped working and it runs until it overheats.
Have you run Core Temp? ( I had such an issue with one of my Win 7 desk tops after I replaced the battery, which is located underneath a video card. When I removed the card, changed the battery and reinstalled it, I obviously moved the heat think of the processor a bit and the CPU overheated within a minute or two. I just pushed the heat sink back onto the CPU and now the temperature is below 100°C. Core Temp was my friend because it showed the temperature rise.
Thank you for the replies to my Laptop problem.
Fans & temps OK. Also, I offer an apology for the complaining non-sequitur post about my laptop in this thread. It should have been in the "...Complaint Thread" where it was ongoing entertainment. It would have made more sense to those readers, but I suspect that many of those readers also pop their head into here too.
TLDR: Laptop problem managed. Not solved, just managed. The efforts to even determine the cause, much less fix it are beyond my desire to throw money at it. For now, the laptop works fine, in fact exactly as designed to work, as long as it is turned off.
And at least for a short while when turned on.
So, I have assigned it a long term duty of letting it continue to perform correctly, turned off, and simultaneously sitting in its case on my shelf, for the forseeable future.
is Malwarebytes quarantining an essential system file like I suspect was happening to my Win7?
If I ever have to do a public speech in front of a broad audience, no matter what the subject of the speech is, the first thing I'm going to say is "all antivirus software causes more problems than they solve".
Ooh bummer! I am unable to upload a selfie I just took.
Hmmm..., a world with less selfies. Hmmm... Not an untenable idea. Right up there with less food-fotos.
Until smell-o-vision is invented.
be very afraid
you know sharing farts will become a thing among some circles