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Hi, remember me...
I never do any post work on my images, but I'm going to make an exception and post the pre and post for your critique..
Head rendered in Carrara - see here and post flourishes added using FlamePainter 4 by Escape Motions a beautiful compliment to DAZ 3D in my humble oppinion!
like the pre and post
Hi Selinita... Those are very unusual Triptyches ... Glad to see the challenge inspired ya... ;) Thanks for sharing.
Very well done on both Selinita. Glad to see you are back from the waving star.
Llola Lane Adorable kitties! What a wonderful idea for the monthly theme.
Selinita Glad to have you back and see some Carrara art!
Thank you kindly Xmasrose... I love it when an idea just pops into my head and works itself out. lol.
Both of them are very nice indeed
Not sure if I did this render right but here it is anyway!!!
It looks absolutely fine to me Saphirewild
same here
Nice works so far, peeps :)
Still trying to come up with something decent. Good thing there's half a month left :D
Not sure either... but... what the heck... we ARE easy here with the rules... lol. If it inspired ya... then it works in my book ;) Thanks for sharing Saph.
Wow you all have come up with so creative solutions, very nice! After I missed out on the wood challenge I'm happy I managed this one between RL and vacation ;)
I went for the rather tradidional sort of triptych. And it was rather a challenge to get this done right without my computer cringing
I would suggest to go for the full viewthought the image link, as it is viewd best in full size
WOW Linwelly.. I'm impressed... a full triptych... even on vacation!!! Well done... although.. I don't see a linky to click on... so small page it is. Still quite impressive. Thanks for sharing :)
edit.. Found it... teeny tiny line under the artwork... took me to your gallery (thumbzzzzzzzzzz up!)
Time to catch up on the entries. I have been remiss…
@bigh, I think it's unusual to use a pattern of shapes to tie in the images of a triptych, but it makes for a very interesting set. Very intriguing.
@deeleelaw57, These would definitey look stunning on a wall. The images are good of themselves, but that red background really takes things up a couple of notches. Love it. (And it did make me smile.)
@Ivy, Somewhere in the attic, I have a set of pictures that are objects in relief glued to the backing I bought at a speciality store owned and operated by a really nice Asian lady, Your dragon reminded me of those pictures. Very, very nice.
Llola Lane, I'm not surprised to see kittens in your render. (I'd have been surprised if you didn't!) A really nice tribute to cat ladies everywhere.

@Selinita, A very interesting study on the face of an old man. Is he your creation? Regardless, a stunning image, with and without the post work.
@Saphirewild, You go, girl! I see the three as the rug with it's squares, the floor with it's chevrons, and the wall with all those abstract curves. What an inventive way to do a triptych. Can go so far as to say, "Trippy"?

@Linwelly, That's an impressive space scene. It looks like you rendered the whole image at one time, but I'm guessing you just did a great job of setting up three scenes and matching them in post. Either way, it's eyechatching.
@Llola the trick is to click ON the artwork
and thank you so much, I really wanted to do this as I love space sceneriey but one rarely has the space for it (me so punny)
@L'Adair thank you so much, you guessed right, it was three renders, the trick was to make a copy of the original camera twist it a tad by the y axis and build up the next scenery there. I could remove most of the stuff from the before frame but to have some things overlap helps the impression. Though I cheated with one of the tiny flyers and pasted that back into the first frame inpost to make the connection stronger
Cool! Those distant ships make my eyes go fuzzy. They look almost like they're supposed to be viewed with 3D glasses, the red/blue type.
I just clicked on the image.
WOW, Linwelly this is great, I like everything about this work. I said it before and I will say it again WOW. Seriously I did say it before, at least four times before I made this post.
Thank you L'Adair for the comment. I had a bit of over kill going on with morphing flames also in the background. I decided I also liked the red background and the flames had to go. when I was done I wished I had added just a tiny bit more light as I do tend to make my renders a little on the dark side. But, I like the slighty dark side and figured what he heck, if I hung it on the wall I would light from above with gallery lights.
The site software is inconsistent. (It drives me batty!) If I share an image in my Gallery, the image is a link to the gallery page, (new window/tab.) Sometimes clicking on the image will take you to the gallery page, and sometimes it just opens the image. When it just opens the image, the link to gallery has been displayed in the post under the image with the text to click for a larger image. I guess it's just a sign that the forums are popular…
It's why I generally include the title of the image, with the title also a link to the gallery page.
@bigh, I think it's unusual to use a pattern of shapes to tie in the images of a triptych, but it makes for a very interesting set. Very intriguing.
thanks - yours is different too
Well isn't this month a conversation starter??? :) and we are only half finished.... or... half started? Depending on how you look at it. Still time to get those Diptyches and Triptyches rendered folks.. Also... remember... If you want to create another one you are welcome to post it at the PFDLives forum Llola's challenge page.
The Gallery Wall
Well done L'Adair the eyes tell the story. I had to smile when my first thought was " are you looking at me ". This would make a good work for the den wall ( note to self next move get a den). I could not have this in on the bedroom wall. I would be afraid I would wake up and the eyes would be glowing.
WAY to get the brownie points L'Adair... lol. You KNOW I love catzzzzzzzz.... purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... I agree with Dee... would make a great den wall hanging... no den for me.. but I do have a family room :) Thanks for sharing... It's a purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect piece of artwork!
love the eyes