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My effort.
Title: Triptych -- Tea, Books, and Music.
(3Delight & Gimp)
ok Gang... you have the rest of today and all of tomorrow (in your part of the world) to get your Diptych or Triptych artwork posted. As you can see by the people that posted theirs the interpretation of the theme is vastly different. How ever you interprete it is fine.... Just give it a try! The theme is here to motivate you to make artwork.. ALL are welcome to join. Now ... that said... hurry hurry!!!
my pleasure XmasRose... It is interesting how modern man has interpreted old traditions. I myself love the old ways and like to modernize them in my own way. This month's theme shows how different we all are. I love it... and your artwork as well. Thanks for joining the challenge!
I count 12 posts for this theme.. woo hoot... Well done everyone...
btw.. If you'd like to post another diptych or triptych... please remember I have the same challenge over at the PFDLives forum... Here's the linky if you wanna try making another artwork before the end of the month. ALL are welcome.. but you must sign up for the forum to post images... :)
Oh nattaruk That is wonderful... and viewed best full size! I'm so glad you were able to join the challenge this month. Well done!!!
Very well done nattaruk. I like the lighting. To me it looks like morning, mid day, and early evenng.
good one xmasrose (aka tulipe) very cretive :)
wow that looks like something I seen at a craft sale last weekend great job mori_mann
really great details for dark render very nice nattaruk
I agree
nattaruk what a good idea! Excellent image! Great storytelling.
Thank you deeleelaw57, bigh, nattaruk, Llola Lane and Ivy
ok Gang... new month... Theme for August is DECAY.... Don't let this thread DECAY away.... Keep it going with artwork!
ALL are welcome.
You have 30 days more... Pleeeeeeeeenty of time!
August 1, and haven't commented on the last two images from July!
@nattaruk, I'm a big fan of dark images, so I knew to look at your triptych full-size. It's full of wonderful details just lruking in the shadows. I love that you use the light to highlight what the man is doing, rather than the man himself. A different approach, but it really works well, imo.
xmasrose, my first thought was, "I hope that's not her father," about the man looking at the exhibit. The concept is very clever, having the two pictures on adjoining walls, with someone viewing the exhibit. Well done.
I see Dee and me are on the same page! (Say that five times real fast!)

DECAY .. you sure that;s not DECAT ...?
I seriously wondered how much trouble it would be to make the newly furred Daz Cat look "decayed"…
From my experience with dForce hair, look at the parameters too hard and it all goes 'orribky wrong, so ...
I am still thinking about Decay and how to use it in my render for this month!
Proof positive the cat does not have his tongue. Well done Gordig
Old Aunt Pearl
Been a bit over a year since we paid a visit to Aunt Pearl. She had a cabin high up in the hills. No electricty, no plumbing, outhouse and a hand pump for drawing water from the well. She had a fire place to keep the winter chill at bay and windows with a cross breeze for the hot summer months. And her favorite rocking chair on the poarch. Dad always said " Pearl I believe we will come up some day and find you in that chair having had one last good rock". Aunt Pearl always replied " Better than finding me in the outhouse having had one last good ...
hay u stol emy idea
Ha Ha Ha .. that is funny story
Kind of creepy but defiantly fits de-catted - err decayed i mean..lo
Thank you Ivy and Gordig
Decaying Civilization.
Looks long past decaying! Looks like even the ghost of Elvis has left the building!
Good work.
A wonderful bit of art work Ivy.
Thank you Dee and DanaT
Dental Decay
Athenia Is Decayed