Llola Lane’s RENDER A MONTH Challenge 2019 CLOSED



  • I believe you accomplished your objective with this wonderful piece of art L'Adair.

  • L'Adair said:

    How Does Your Garden Grow
    The backstory changes my perceptions of this lovely image. The sepia overtones are very nice. Would that be a visual clue to the fact the woman enjoying the sound of running water and the fragrance of the flowers did nothing to create this little corner of heaven?

    As the saying goes those what can do, those what cannot should leave it to the professionals.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265
    L'Adair said:

    @Ivy, That is so cool. You should get extra credit for creating two gardens… Just wonderful colors and lighting.

    @mori_mann, A very pleasant scene at first glance, the lovely woman planting her garden with what really does look like graph hyacinths. Pleasant, until one notices her glowing red eyes. Perhaps there is more to these plants then we realized! (Well done!)

    How Does Your Garden Grow
    The backstory changes my perceptions of this lovely image. The sepia overtones are very nice. Would that be a visual clue to the fact the woman enjoying the sound of running water and the fragrance of the flowers did nothing to create this little corner of heaven?

    Didn't notice the red eyes until you mentioned it!

    On the latter, that is exactly what I garnered from that little back story.  She's the rich lady who pays the gardener to come in and keep the garden beautiful.


  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    edited September 2019

    Hi Gang... been an emotional month for me so it's showing in my artwork.  This is in honor of our kitties that are playing with the angels.  Hugzzzzzz to my Coconut, Miney and Eenie... I miss my fuzziezzzzzzzzzzzzz... Hug your little ones for me please.  They are with us such a short time!

    Enjoy my 'Kitty Garden'


    CAT GARDEN 1024X1024 4.5minute render DONE SIGN glow.jpg
    1114 x 1144 - 511K
    Post edited by Llola Lane on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited September 2019

    @ mori_mann Thats a lovely scene , and i can relate to yuor character I will do the same thing when i see wild flowers i love

    @deeleelaw57 That garden looks like a place i would like to relax in as well nice work on this render

    @ L'Adair you really put the wow factor in this render, what a absolutely beautiful render.

    @Llola Lane that is such a loving render I can really feel your emotions that went it to it. my heart felt sympathy for your lost kitties

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    I have an idea ...!

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    SimonJM said:

    I have an idea ...!

    YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!  (lightbulb moment)

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    Ivy said:

    @Llola Lane that is such a loving render I can really feel your emotions that went it to it. my heart felt sympathy for your lost kitties

    Thank you Ivy...  Did you hug your furries for me?  :)

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    Linwelly said:

    I guess I'll have to skip this month, I'm struggeling to get the panels for my next comic page done and I'm plain out of ideas for the topic.

    The ones I've seen, I'm very impressed with and some had me gag LOL (esp Gordig's decayed cat and Luci's detal decay) so a job well done I guess blush

    It's ok Linwelly... The comic comes first... ;)  I am so enjoying it.  I would love to chat with you sometime about how you put it together so well.  Hugzzzzzz


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    SimonJM said:

    I have an idea ...!

    YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!  (lightbulb moment)

    Less lightbulb, more candle-stub ... cheeky

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    mori_mann said:

    Seems I managed to squeeze one in after all. Yay!

    Not very original, I suppose, but enough decay or decayed stuff to make it count :)


    Totally agree Mori.... and a thumbzzzzzzzzz up! Thanks for sharing.

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    nattaruk said:

    Challenging topic this month. There are very well made renders, albeit of some rather 'yucky' subjects.... I'm not quite sure what to say!?

    I hope this fits the topic; the deadly decay which kills without being seen...

    Title: The Very Long Shadow

    Somewhen in the future a teacher gives a vital lesson.


    (3Delight & Gimp)

    (There is a part of my brain which wants to make a flippant comment about Physics Based Rendering but I'm ignoring it.)


    Excellent take on the subject nattaruk   .. I like it... a .. LOT!  Hope the earth never gets that bad... Poor children of the future if it does.  Lesson well learned.  ;)  Thanks for sharing.

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    L'Adair said:

    By the very skin of my teeth, I managed to finish this one in time…

    In The Misty Moonlight


    Whew.. made it!  Sooo romantic... I think everyone should be in love L'Adair... Thanks for sharing!

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    Ivy said:

    Sorry I was a little lax this month gang... I finally MADE time to do some artwork today.  We have 4 new babies to take care of and they are driving me ragged... But they are worth it ;)  Can't wait to see who their FURever families will be. 

    Anyway... We've been watching those fix-er-upper shows where they refurbish old vehicles.. campers... etc... It's so nice to see them given a new life.  I figure this ole train should be next on the list.  Wouldn't it be a grand living space?  I saw a show once where a gentleman fixed up an old train car into a tiny home and he lives ON the railroad tracks.  Pays rent and everything.  Whenever he wants to move.. they just hook up an engine and he tags along.  He's seen quite a bit of the country.  How fun!!!

    Here's the BEFORE... Decay Train.


    Great minds think alike :) excellent rendr Ms Llola Lane :)

    We dooooooooooooooo Ivy ... lol ;)

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449

    So Sorry to hear about your loss Llola hun I know from experince that it is painful and leaves such a hole to fill!

    So true Saph... But I am thankful they entered my life... even for a short time I wouldn't have given up a second.  It's been a few days.. I feel a little better... Got Weeble to concentrate on... and maybe we will adopt the 2 surviving kittens... Uncle Weeble misses them :)  Hugzzzzzzzzzzz


    I am glad it is getting a bit better for you, they are truely a blessing to have! I do hope you do decide to adopt the 2 surviving kittens!!

    Shhh.. it's a secret... but we ARE!  Uncle Weeble and the boys are getting along just fine.  They are not legally ours til they get fixed and then paperwork.. so a few more weeks til they are better .. then....  :)

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    mori_mann said:

    Amber has the habit of adopting plants, especially herbs, she finds in the wilds. 

    Welcome to my garden


    A quicky that happened during testing, but fits well enough, I think :)


    Awesome point of view Mori... well done indeed :)  Thanks for sharing.

  • Emotional art work giving sad feelings and warm loving thoughts, very well done Llola Lane.

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449

    How Does Your Garden Grow

    It is hard work maintaining a fresh and fragrant garden. The gardener has to come in at twice a week.


    Ahhhhh deeleelaw57... the flowers... the sun...  very relaxing artwork.  Thanks for sharing :)

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited September 2019

    A bit quick and nasty but I am not around too much in next few days, so hurried ...

    The Octiopus's Garden ...


    2000 x 1125 - 883K
    Post edited by SimonJM on
  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    L'Adair said:

    Busy, busy month for me, online and IRL. And the image I subitted in the PFDLives Edition of the challenge took for-ev-er! It did not want to cooperate. In the end, I wasn't all that happy with it, either. The image for the Daz Edition took less than a day and rendered overnight. I actually had two camera angles and used Render Queue to render both while I slept.

    Here is the version I created for this challenges;

    Red Roses


    When I was younger, and more mobile, I used to take photos like this with my SLR/dSLR cameras. I tried to make this scene really look like photography, not 3D art. Not sure I completely succeeded, though. The second image using a different camera angle and zoom of the highest rose can be seen here, if you want.

    Oh my L'Adair  ... I knew I liked you for some reason.. I can't tell you HOW many photographs I have in my file cabinet of Grandma's roses.  Your artwork could rival any of them in a minute.  Thanks for sharing!

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    SimonJM said:
    SimonJM said:

    I have an idea ...!

    YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!  (lightbulb moment)

    Less lightbulb, more candle-stub ... cheeky


  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449

    Emotional art work giving sad feelings and warm loving thoughts, very well done Llola Lane.

    Thank you Dee... I can feel it :)  Hugzzzzzzz

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    SimonJM said:

    A bit quick and nasty but I am not around too much in next few days, so hurried ...

    The Octiopus's Garden ...


    Ha.. you read my mind Simon.. I was going to do an underwater garden before all the bad stuff happened last week.  Glad to see someone else posted MY idea :P  lol.  Wonderful as always... but.. no kitteh?  They DO may scuba gear btw.  lol

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449

    ok.. I think I'm caught up with postings... Sorry if I missed anyone.  Hope you are all well... We still have a weekish... Post-em if ya got-em gardens!!!

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    SimonJM said:

    A bit quick and nasty but I am not around too much in next few days, so hurried ...

    The Octiopus's Garden ...


    Ha.. you read my mind Simon.. I was going to do an underwater garden before all the bad stuff happened last week.  Glad to see someone else posted MY idea :P  lol.  Wonderful as always... but.. no kitteh?  They DO may scuba gear btw.  lol

    Well, you did my idea for PFD over here, so fair's fair, eh? cheeky  And, I did think of having kitteh with a bowl over his head ... honest! surprise

  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152
    L'Adair said:

    @mori_mann, A very pleasant scene at first glance, the lovely woman planting her garden with what really does look like graph hyacinths. Pleasant, until one notices her glowing red eyes. Perhaps there is more to these plants then we realized! (Well done!)

    Hah! They do look a bit red here,don't they? The actuallre gold (or warm yellow, same thing) with no pupils as we know them. They do glow in the dark. All because she is not quite human.

    Thanks all for the nice comments.

    It's fun to walk through all these gardens, so to speak :)

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    SimonJM said:
    SimonJM said:

    A bit quick and nasty but I am not around too much in next few days, so hurried ...

    The Octiopus's Garden ...


    Ha.. you read my mind Simon.. I was going to do an underwater garden before all the bad stuff happened last week.  Glad to see someone else posted MY idea :P  lol.  Wonderful as always... but.. no kitteh?  They DO may scuba gear btw.  lol

    Well, you did my idea for PFD over here, so fair's fair, eh? cheeky  And, I did think of having kitteh with a bowl over his head ... honest! surprise

    I took your idea???? hummm... and.. I believe ya about the bowl ;)  lol

  • Very nice garden SimonJM, Where are the mermaids. I believe Mr Octo would like one on each arm.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    L'Adair said:

    How Does Your Garden Grow
    The backstory changes my perceptions of this lovely image. The sepia overtones are very nice. Would that be a visual clue to the fact the woman enjoying the sound of running water and the fragrance of the flowers did nothing to create this little corner of heaven?

    As the saying goes those what can do, those what cannot should leave it to the professionals.

    Or in my case, those what can do, those what cannot do without…! (In retirement, who can afford the professionals!)

    Thank you for nice comments on the roses, @deeleelaw57, @Ivy and @mori_mann.

    Thank you, too, Llola, for the nice comments on both my decayed dancing couple and the roses.

    Very nice "Kitty Garden,"  Llola. The low saturation of the colors adds a touch of somber to it. For those of us who know your loss, that effect really tells a lot about your pain. As promised elsewhere, here's another bushel of bear hugs.

    SimonJM said:

    A bit quick and nasty but I am not around too much in next few days, so hurried ...

    The Octiopus's Garden ...


    I think this is definitely a light-bulb worthy idea.

  • Yet Another Eeeek Look at the Date Production™

    Title: Reptilian Gardener

    (3Delight & Gimp)


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