Llola Lane’s RENDER A MONTH Challenge 2019 CLOSED



  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    xmasrose, I really like how Breaking Up turned out. Is that post work? The gritty feel of the image reflects, (imo,) the mixed emotions she must be feeling. Sadness, anger, a touch of relief… Well done.

  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478

    Thank you L'Adair, I wanted it to look chilling and dark but was worried I got it a bit to dark.

  • xmasrosexmasrose Posts: 1,406

    deeleelaw57 What a great idea and well executed. Dark image are great but tough to make! Thank you for your comment.

    Ivy Thank you. Rain gives a feeling of sadness making it seem worst when something goes wrong.

    L'Adair  Some of it is postwork. The rainy mood is made this way : Iray rain (for puddles and background rain) and Ron's rain for the foreground. Then I ran it through Nik's Analog filter to give more atmosphere. I am glad you like it.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    On a Foggy Eve

    Even the dense, damp, bone chiling fog will not hold back the things that go bump in the October night

    Oooo thts creepy . nice work Deelee

  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478

    Thank you Ivy

  • nattaruknattaruk Posts: 538

    Brrrrrrrrr L'Adair's astounding image has frozen us in the snow. I hope there's a nice warm nook inside the mill.

    xmasrose (aka tulipe)'s sad image has drenched us with rain. Reminds me of the Whitesnake song Crying In The Rain: 

    No one understands the heartache
    No one feels the pain
    No one ever sees the tears
    When you're crying in the rain

    deeleelaw57's image is really, really spooky, as the frightening rider emerges slowly from the bone chilling fog.

    Snow, rain, fog, how about some wind?

    Sailing into the Sunset (strong easterly)

    (3Delight & Gimp)



  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    nattaruk said:

    Brrrrrrrrr L'Adair's astounding image has frozen us in the snow. I hope there's a nice warm nook inside the mill.

    xmasrose (aka tulipe)'s sad image has drenched us with rain. Reminds me of the Whitesnake song Crying In The Rain: 

    No one understands the heartache
    No one feels the pain
    No one ever sees the tears
    When you're crying in the rain

    deeleelaw57's image is really, really spooky, as the frightening rider emerges slowly from the bone chilling fog.

    Snow, rain, fog, how about some wind?

    Sailing into the Sunset (strong easterly)

    (3Delight & Gimp)



    @nattaruk  Thats a awesome 3dl image nice work smiley

  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478

    Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in morning, sailor's warning” , vert well done nattaruk. I'm an old salt but that next wave would have me a huggin the rails.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    @nattaruk, Thank you. (blush)

    I'm very impressed with your image, too. That you created it in 3Delight impresses me even more.

    (Motion sickness is an old nemesis of mine, and looking at your image makes my stomach a bit queasy.)

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449

    Here is my take, influenced by the RL weather! Hope you like it.

    Breaking up



    Oh I love your rain XmasRose... I'm jealous.  My rain didn't turn out anyway as nice :(..... Thanks oodles for the artwork... Great mood you got there too. 

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449

    On a Foggy Eve

    Even the dense, damp, bone chiling fog will not hold back the things that go bump in the October night


    oh Dee.. Your art fits in for Halloween too.... Wonderful!  Thanks for sharing.   Best seen at full size.  ;)

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    nattaruk said:

    Brrrrrrrrr L'Adair's astounding image has frozen us in the snow. I hope there's a nice warm nook inside the mill.

    xmasrose (aka tulipe)'s sad image has drenched us with rain. Reminds me of the Whitesnake song Crying In The Rain: 

    No one understands the heartache
    No one feels the pain
    No one ever sees the tears
    When you're crying in the rain

    deeleelaw57's image is really, really spooky, as the frightening rider emerges slowly from the bone chilling fog.

    Snow, rain, fog, how about some wind?

    Sailing into the Sunset (strong easterly)

    (3Delight & Gimp)

    ughhhh nattaruk  .. I'm getting seasick just looking at it... lol  sooo glad you added your artwork to this challenge... very well done.. Thanks for sharing!

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    edited October 2019

    This month's challenged proved to be quite a challenge indeed... at least for me.  Finally worked out something I am pleased with... Sorry to say Winter is on the way here in Ohio... It will be here all too soon for me.  ENJOY...



    SNOWSTORM 1024x1024 DONE SIGN.jpg
    1084 x 1084 - 314K
    Post edited by Llola Lane on
  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478

    Very well done Llola Lane. Winter is setting in here as well, barely broke 90 today, tomorrow may only reach 87.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    This month's challenged proved to be quite a challenge indeed... at least for me.  Finally worked out something I am pleased with... Sorry to say Winter is on the way here in Ohio... It will be here all too soon for me.  ENJOY...



    Well done @Llola Lane,I can feel the cold already BRRR  and I sure don' envy the man having to shovel all that snow ..really great work :)

  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152
    edited October 2019

    So many types of weather!! :) Snow, rain, fog even more snow ;)

    Wasn't sure I was going to make it, but here it is. A different kind of weather, because there's been a lot of rain IRL lately and well, not really looking forward to Winter either.

    Extreme draught and sandstorms can also interfere with one's plans..

    3DL render, with some filter in post :)

    Post edited by mori_mann on
  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449

    Very well done Llola Lane. Winter is setting in here as well, barely broke 90 today, tomorrow may only reach 87.

    <--rolls eyes.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... Bragging?  lol  I'll send you some snow when we get some :P


  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    Ivy said:

    This month's challenged proved to be quite a challenge indeed... at least for me.  Finally worked out something I am pleased with... Sorry to say Winter is on the way here in Ohio... It will be here all too soon for me.  ENJOY...




    Well done @Llola Lane,I can feel the cold already BRRR  and I sure don' envy the man having to shovel all that snow ..really great work :)

    WOW.. Thank you Ivy... yes... part of Ohio weather... the snow drifts... ughh.... One year hubby shoveled the drive and he made a 4 foot wall on either side!!!!   We get lots of snow.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Mori that is a great render.   dried out and dusty

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    mori_mann said:

    So many types of weather!! :) Snow, rain, fog even more snow ;)

    Wasn't sure I was going to make it, but here it is. A different kind of weather, because there's been a lot of rain IRL lately and well, not really looking forward to Winter either.

    Extreme draught and sandstorms can also interfere with one's plans..


    3DL render, with some filter in post :)

    Oh my yes... Looks like your friend never did make it to the party!  :(  Sooo glad you could join the challenge this month Mori... and 5 days early!  lol  Thanks for sharing. 

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    Ivy said:

    This month's challenged proved to be quite a challenge indeed... at least for me.  Finally worked out something I am pleased with... Sorry to say Winter is on the way here in Ohio... It will be here all too soon for me.  ENJOY...




    Well done @Llola Lane,I can feel the cold already BRRR  and I sure don' envy the man having to shovel all that snow ..really great work :)

    WOW.. Thank you Ivy... yes... part of Ohio weather... the snow drifts... ughh.... One year hubby shoveled the drive and he made a 4 foot wall on either side!!!!   We get lots of snow.

    we only get a few inches snow most years where we live now,. when i lived in central Maine it was awful every time it snowed it was like 3 feet a storm..lol one winter back in the late 80's we had 30 foot snow drifts from the roof the house to the driveway my husband dug a tunnel from the front porch to the garage.  I have a bunch of old pictures I need to scan of my time living up there its just amazing , We would get these storms called northeasters that would just bury us .   I like Tennessee weather better were we live now. we still get the 4 seasons of the year.  but winter is a lot more milder mostly rain. and living in the mountains the summers are not as hot so it was a happy medium.

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    Ivy said:
    Ivy said:

    This month's challenged proved to be quite a challenge indeed... at least for me.  Finally worked out something I am pleased with... Sorry to say Winter is on the way here in Ohio... It will be here all too soon for me.  ENJOY...




    Well done @Llola Lane,I can feel the cold already BRRR  and I sure don' envy the man having to shovel all that snow ..really great work :)

    WOW.. Thank you Ivy... yes... part of Ohio weather... the snow drifts... ughh.... One year hubby shoveled the drive and he made a 4 foot wall on either side!!!!   We get lots of snow.

    we only get a few inches snow most years where we live now,. when i lived in central Maine it was awful every time it snowed it was like 3 feet a storm..lol one winter back in the late 80's we had 30 foot snow drifts from the roof the house to the driveway my husband dug a tunnel from the front porch to the garage.  I have a bunch of old pictures I need to scan of my time living up there its just amazing , We would get these storms called northeasters that would just bury us .   I like Tennessee weather better were we live now. we still get the 4 seasons of the year.  but winter is a lot more milder mostly rain. and living in the mountains the summers are not as hot so it was a happy medium.

    That all sounds lovely about Tennessee... We've been there in our travels.. wonderful country... Also been to Maine in the summer... Wouldn't want to spend a winter there though.. as you said... the Noreasters are horrendeous.  We live on the WEST side of Cleveland... those that live on the EAST side get waaaaaaaaaaay more snow then we do.  The winters seem to be getting calmer for us (watch.. now that I said that this year will be a record snow fall season. lol)  Think we'll stay here though.. we like snow for Christmas!

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265
    Ivy said:

    ... We would get these storms called northeasters that would just bury us .

    That would be nor'easter, spoken like a New Englander.  We get them here in Massachusetts, too.  Not just in the winter.  But the ones with snow are tough.  We just had a wet one last week.  Heavy rain and strong winds.  Split a tree in my neighbor's yard...right outside my fence.  That was a close one!


  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478

    Nicely done mori_mann. Summers in the desert can be very bad but in the winter, a strong wind pushed sand storm can strip the paint off the car. Don't get those often but had one in the Mojave a few years back.

    Believe it or not San Diego does have snow every year in December and sometimes in January.  The zoo, Sea World and several other sites truck in tons for their theme parks as well as having snow making equipment. It is fun to watch people in shorts and short sleeve shirts frollic in the stuff. Even though the temps are normally mid to high 70's. As far new fallen snow, that shows up in the mountains. Traffic up to it for just a few hours of fun can be worse than the freeway rush hour.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited October 2019

    The worst of all storms . The Tornado ,

     I created this with a old poser movie stand prop. & rendered it in 3DL  with UE lights

    1500 x 1500 - 163K
    Post edited by Ivy on
  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    Ivy said:

    The worst of all storms . The Tornado ,

     I created this with a old poser movie stand prop. & rendered it in 3DL  with UE lights


    ooo Ivy... being a storm chaser I love your artwork!  Duhhh... I should have thought of that one... grrrr.... lol.  Oh well ... you did us storm chasers proud.  ;)  Thanks for sharing!

  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478

    White hot bolt of lightning to burn away the sins and a strong wind to sweep the land free must have been a very evil house or a very unfortunate home owner Great work Ivy the sky, the lightning are perfect.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited October 2019

    @Llola Lane

     Storm chaser... yikes!  Are like those chasers that like get close as possiable or Do you chase them from a good safe distance. . I like to chase storms from my couch watching them on the weather channel or youtube  :)


    Tornados are often accompanied by heavy lighten, properly because most twisters are born from violent thunderstorms, I would have to agree with you if your a home owner caught in the path of one these storms you would be very unfortunate indeed.  The sky cam as part of the movie stand props & I added the clouds, i used stonemasons above the clouds props and darkened the cloud shaders a little . ue light spheres work great for these type 3dl renders. I added a fog pane to the ground and around the house with blowing rain and debris  but for some reason it didn't show up well maybe i had them to dark

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265

    Great work, Ivy!


  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    Ivy said:

    @Llola Lane

     Storm chaser... yikes!  Are like those chasers that like get close as possiable or Do you chase them from a good safe distance. . I like to chase storms from my couch watching them on the weather channel or youtube  :)


    Tornados are often accompanied by heavy lighten, properly because most twisters are born from violent thunderstorms, I would have to agree with you if your a home owner caught in the path of one these storms you would be very unfortunate indeed.  The sky cam as part of the movie stand props & I added the clouds, i used stonemasons above the clouds props and darkened the cloud shaders a little . ue light spheres work great for these type 3dl renders. I added a fog pane to the ground and around the house with blowing rain and debris  but for some reason it didn't show up well maybe i had them to dark

    Oh Yes Ivy.... I'm a safe storm chaser.. mostly lighting across Lake Erie... so in my car at the water's edge or some other building/shelter...

    Artworks is great.. I see the debris just fine :)

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