Llola Lane’s RENDER A MONTH Challenge 2019 CLOSED



  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449

    Kitteh can't have birds because of you all wink so let's try some fish!  Link


    Good Kitteh... feeding the fish... or um... maybe trying to revive them from the can?  lol.  Either way... too cute xmasrose.  Thanks for sharing.

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    L'Adair said:

    I apologize for not having an animal image for November, or commenting on other people's images. I promise I'll catch up soon.

    Part of the reason I didn't have time is due to my annual Christmas card image. With encouragement from my WIPs thread, I decided to redo Heart of Winter to fit the card-size I use. I made more than a few changes, though. This is not an official "entry," but here's where I'm at today. (For the card, I'll be adding Happy Holidays along the top, where it's mostly sky and snow.)


    Looks great to me ....  And it count's.. I'm sure it was still November somewhere... LOL.  Thanks for sharing L'Adair

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449

    ok.. all done with my comments... hope I didn't miss anyone...

    Now... December is here... let's start posting those... DECEMBER = Pictures within pictures or frames within the frame

  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478
    L'Adair said:

    A beautiful card and close enough to be an animal render for November.

    Thank you, @deeleelaw57.

    But if feels like cheating, using a scene so close to the one I did for last month's challenge. It's bad enough I used the cat from this challenge image to create this one for the PFDLives Edition of the challenge!


    Ivy said:

    Lovely holiday render :)

    Thank you, @Ivy.

    You can only cheat if you don't create. Creating does not start with a blank canvas, it starts with the imagination. That includes reworking a previous work in a knew light, camera angle, atmosphere or a new character. The only cheating would be to cheat us from viewing of such wonderful art.

  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478

    D E C E M B E R ! ! ! Time to picture a picture, frame a frame, frame a neighbor, or hang a wall on a fram or ... Wait .... what where we doing. Never mind just remember the rules of smile.

    Happy Smile - light, bright and cheerful

    Sad Smile - once found memories no longer obtainable, like the song Taxi by Harry Chapman

    Wicked Smile - wicked fairy godmother also known as the Maleficent

    Sensual Smile - like ...UM ... well you can visualize that one

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    D E C E M B E R ! ! ! Time to picture a picture, frame a frame, frame a neighbor, or hang a wall on a fram or ... Wait .... what where we doing. Never mind just remember the rules of smile.

    Happy Smile - light, bright and cheerful

    Sad Smile - once found memories no longer obtainable, like the song Taxi by Harry Chapman

    Wicked Smile - wicked fairy godmother also known as the Maleficent

    Sensual Smile - like ...UM ... well you can visualize that one

    I do believe you forgot "Cute Smile"…

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    L'Adair said:

    A beautiful card and close enough to be an animal render for November.

    Thank you, @deeleelaw57.

    But if feels like cheating, using a scene so close to the one I did for last month's challenge. It's bad enough I used the cat from this challenge image to create this one for the PFDLives Edition of the challenge!


    Ivy said:

    Lovely holiday render :)

    Thank you, @Ivy.

    You can only cheat if you don't create. Creating does not start with a blank canvas, it starts with the imagination. That includes reworking a previous work in a knew light, camera angle, atmosphere or a new character. The only cheating would be to cheat us from viewing of such wonderful art.

    +1 :)

    Couldn't have said it better myself ;)


  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152

    I seem to have put a picture in my picture (and in a way, there's a frame within the frame):

    Calion's favourite Picture

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    mori_mann said:

    I seem to have put a picture in my picture (and in a way, there's a frame within the frame):

    Calion's favourite Picture

    That looks great, @mori_mann. I can also see a subtle frame around the entire image. Frame within a frame, within a frame. Cool.

  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478

    Very well done mori_mann. There is several framed image behind the main character and on the top shelf as well.

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    mori_mann said:

    I seem to have put a picture in my picture (and in a way, there's a frame within the frame):

    Calion's favourite Picture


    WONDERFUL Mori... and half way through the month and you are the first :)  I'm ashamed to say I've not started mine yet... but Thank you for sharing and giving me inspiration!  Merry Christmas!!!

  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478
    edited December 2019

    Santa's Naughty Elf Box

    I was framed I tell ya! The head elf said Santa had a long naughty list and needed cheering up. He gave me the outfit and said I was the best singer and dancer here. He selected the song 'Santa Baby' and showed me the dance moves. I had no idea Mrs. Clause was not in on it or Santa had high blood pressure. I AM INNOCENT.

    Seat of Shame.jpg
    1536 x 1344 - 345K
    Post edited by deeleelaw57 on
  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449

    Santa's Naughty Elf Box

    I was framed I tell ya! The head elf said Santa had a long naughty list and needed cheering up. He gave me the outfit and said I was the best singer and dancer here. He selected the song 'Santa Baby' and showed me the dance moves. I had no idea Mrs. Clause was not in on it or Santa had high blood pressure. I AM INNOCENT.


    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... too fun Dee... sorry I've been away for the holidays... Leaving for Christmas with family soon... but I wanted to comment before I left... Well done!!!  Thank you for sharing.

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449

    P.S.... Not sure if anyone wants to do a challenge next year... Our numbers have been dwindling... Have a think on it and let me know... It's ok if we cancel the challenge.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    P.S.... Not sure if anyone wants to do a challenge next year... Our numbers have been dwindling... Have a think on it and let me know... It's ok if we cancel the challenge.

    These challenges are what keep me rendering, even when life is too full and too crazy. I'd really miss it sorely if you stopped them both. (This month has been more crazy than usual. We're trying to get a loan on the house. Know what a sump pump is? I found out last Thursday that we need one or the loan won't go through! Things going wrong as we prepared for the appraisal was like a Comedy of Errors… and the "laughs" just keep coming!)

  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478

    I agree with the always late and mostly last to render lady L'Adair who is competing for that honor with our kitty fostering host.

    Just Kidden, don't forget to smile.

    O'come all ye artist joyful and so playfull

    O'come ye O'come ye to the challange of the month

    Running out of remaining days, everyone has a lot to do, but let us try to end the year with a rush of renders. Sort of like last minute stocking stuffers.

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    L'Adair said:

    P.S.... Not sure if anyone wants to do a challenge next year... Our numbers have been dwindling... Have a think on it and let me know... It's ok if we cancel the challenge.

    These challenges are what keep me rendering, even when life is too full and too crazy. I'd really miss it sorely if you stopped them both. (This month has been more crazy than usual. We're trying to get a loan on the house. Know what a sump pump is? I found out last Thursday that we need one or the loan won't go through! Things going wrong as we prepared for the appraisal was like a Comedy of Errors… and the "laughs" just keep coming!)

    Oh Yes.. understandable L'Adair... Hope we don't have to sell ours for a looooooooooong time... and yes... We have a sump pump in our house.  Hubby fixes ours when it goes bad... I think all of Ohio has to have a sump pump in their house.  You can expect a lot of digging... ughhh... I will see what everyone else says about the challenge and post a decision after Christmas.  :)  Hope yours is a Merry one!!!


  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449

    I agree with the always late and mostly last to render lady L'Adair who is competing for that honor with our kitty fostering host.

    Just Kidden, don't forget to smile.

    O'come all ye artist joyful and so playfull

    O'come ye O'come ye to the challange of the month

    Running out of remaining days, everyone has a lot to do, but let us try to end the year with a rush of renders. Sort of like last minute stocking stuffers.

    Thanks Dee... +1

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    I'd vote to continue even if I don't manage to post both here as well as PFD, for much the same reason as @L'Adair; with a muse on long-term vacation it's a nice spur to get off my backside and do stuff!

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449
    SimonJM said:

    I'd vote to continue even if I don't manage to post both here as well as PFD, for much the same reason as @L'Adair; with a muse on long-term vacation it's a nice spur to get off my backside and do stuff!

    Thanks Simon... I've got a theme idea... but waiting for some others to weigh in.

    Anyone else have remarks about continuing my challenges?  

    FYI... I'll be afk for Christmas... I'll check this thread late on the 26th.  Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!!!!!  Giant... hugzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265
    L'Adair said:

    P.S.... Not sure if anyone wants to do a challenge next year... Our numbers have been dwindling... Have a think on it and let me know... It's ok if we cancel the challenge.

    These challenges are what keep me rendering, even when life is too full and too crazy. I'd really miss it sorely if you stopped them both. (This month has been more crazy than usual. We're trying to get a loan on the house. Know what a sump pump is? I found out last Thursday that we need one or the loan won't go through! Things going wrong as we prepared for the appraisal was like a Comedy of Errors… and the "laughs" just keep coming!)

    After our basement being flooded twice, I had a sump pump installed, and I'm glad I did!  It's worth it!


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265

    Merry Christmas, Llola Lane!  And to everyone else!


  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited December 2019
    DanaTA said:
    L'Adair said:

    P.S.... Not sure if anyone wants to do a challenge next year... Our numbers have been dwindling... Have a think on it and let me know... It's ok if we cancel the challenge.

    These challenges are what keep me rendering, even when life is too full and too crazy. I'd really miss it sorely if you stopped them both. (This month has been more crazy than usual. We're trying to get a loan on the house. Know what a sump pump is? I found out last Thursday that we need one or the loan won't go through! Things going wrong as we prepared for the appraisal was like a Comedy of Errors… and the "laughs" just keep coming!)

    After our basement being flooded twice, I had a sump pump installed, and I'm glad I did!  It's worth it!


    It sound like a good investment, actually, I just didn't know I needed one. Now the loan is being held up until we get one installed and the appraiser can verify it's installed correctly. We're not doing the work ourselves because of the time-table. Otherwise, I'd wait until next summer when the crawl space is relatively dry. At the moment, there is over 7" of water at the access point, which is also the low point… Let it be said, though, this whole are is reclaimed wetlands.

    (In other words, it used to be a swamp!)

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265

    I don't understand, then.  You don't have a basement?  I wonder what good a sump pump will do, then?  Maybe all that water is a danger to the "foundation" of the house, and might cause it to be unstable?  the purpose of the sump pump, for us anyway, is to keep the water from getting high enough to seep into the basement.  Has the water ever gotten to the underside of the house?  Hmmm...


  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited December 2019
    DanaTA said:

    I don't understand, then.  You don't have a basement?  I wonder what good a sump pump will do, then?  Maybe all that water is a danger to the "foundation" of the house, and might cause it to be unstable?  the purpose of the sump pump, for us anyway, is to keep the water from getting high enough to seep into the basement.  Has the water ever gotten to the underside of the house?  Hmmm...


    It's never gotten into the house. As far as I know, the water has never crested the concrete footings. However, all that dampness isn't good for the wood of the foundation above the footings. It can cause mold that in turn can cause health issues. If the wood doesn't dry out sufficiently, it can cause dry rot. The dampness can cause the concrete to crack. Generally, over time, it can make the whole foundation unstable.

    I've had reason to look into the crawl space during the wet season, and this is the first time I've seen deep water under there. We recently had a storm that dropped a lot of rain. The rain hit the pavement so hard, it seemed to roll across the road in waves. While it only lasted for 10-15 minutes, it's the kind of rain that can cause flooding if it's continuous for an hour or more. I've only seen it rain like that here one other time, last March. And I've lived in this house for more than 30 years, in this area for most of my life. But being in the wetlands, it doesn't take much to saturate the soil and run off.

    I was told it was very common for homes to have sump pumps in this neighborhood. As far as I know, the ground is too wet for basements in this part of town.

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265

    Well, good luck with it.  A lot of good info there, good reasons to get the sump pump.  I hope you get everything sorted and meet the requirements!


  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    DanaTA said:

    Well, good luck with it.  A lot of good info there, good reasons to get the sump pump.  I hope you get everything sorted and meet the requirements!


    Thank you. I'll take all the luck I can get!

  • xmasrosexmasrose Posts: 1,406

    I would be sad to see the challenge end crying. Even if I don't always post an image, I love it.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265

    I, too, enjoy seeing the entries!


  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    I managed to put together an entry. It's a bit different for me, using 3Delight instead of Iray… Not sure if it really hits this month's criteria, but at this point, I'm just pleased I found the time to do it at all!

    Magick: The Family Legacy

    Magick: The Family Legacy

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