Carrara Challenge 45: Extinction and De-extinction! Less than two days to go!

Carrara Challenge 45: Extinction and De-extinction.
Entry thread open: March 7 2018.
Entry thread Closes: March 23rd 12.00 midnight Daz Utah Time.
Breaking News - Diomede will be your challenge host during the voting period - thank you for that Diomede!
Illustrate the concept of Extinction and/or De-extinction.
You can approach the subject with poignant gravity or light heartedness. How you approach it is your concern.
But keep in mind Extinction is a serious business.
Also keep in mind that your image might do something to raise people’s awareness of the causes of extinction.
These causes of extinction are obvious and not so obvious.
For example black rhinos remain critically endangered because of rising demand for rhino horn.
African elephants are listed as vulnerable, while the Asian elephant is classed as endangered. One of the biggest threats to elephant populations is the ivory trade, as the animals are poached for their ivory tusks.
Other threats to wild elephants include habitat destruction and conflicts with local people (from the wiki)
(above image of a dehorned Rhino from CNN)
Renders must be done in Carrara or her plugins (eg Luxrender)
Postwork allowed.
At least one WIP to be posted in this thread.
You can enter up to 4 images in this challenge.
a) Up to 2 illustrating the idea of Extinction.
b) Up to 2 illustrating the idea of De-extinction.
Entry thread open: March 7 2018.
Entry thread Closes: March 23rd 12.00 midnight Daz Utah Time.
$60 in Daz Original Items (Credit) – Best Overall Participation (most votes all images combined)
$50 (same) – Artist of Image in Category EXTICTION with most votes (not combined)
$50 (same) – Artist os Image in Category DE-EXTINCTION with most votes (not combined)
$30 (same) – Honorable Mention – (Artist with the most Hnourable Mention votes - could be a new user as ane example)
Can't win more than one:
Jurassic Park. The Neanderthals. The Tasmanian Aboriginals. Tetra, the Rhesus Monkey - cloned so we could do experiments on her.
Please note: I pinched much of the text for this post from various net pages.
In biology, extinction is the termination of an organism or of a group of organisms, usually a species.
The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of the species, although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point. (from the Wiki)
De-extinction: also resurrection biology/ species revivalism.
The process of creating an organism, which is either a member of, or resembles an extinct species, or breeding population of such organisms.
Cloning is the most widely proposed method, although selective breeding has also been proposed. (from the Wiki)
It’s a given that life on planet Earth is precious and precarious. Every day, species around the planet are going extinct.
Since the dawn of the planet life forms have continually come and gone. Some with a little help from other species – like Mankind
Here are a list of animals, mostly mammals, that have become extinct since man came on the scene::
Here is a list of 17 animals currently on the verge of extinction
Of course over the course of history there were the mass extinction events previous to Mankind coming. At least five mass extinction events have been identified
Along with the idea of extinction it doesn’t hurt to examine the concept of genocide. Here in Australia we live with the knowledge of our forebear’s genocide of the Tasmanian Aboriginals. The last known full blooded Tasmanian Aboriginal was Truganini. You can read about her here
Here is a list of other genocides:
Not to mention
With the advent of cloning we have another chance to play God. Think Jurassic Park. Think Molly the Sheep.
Here’s an article on bringing back the White Rhino
Another article:
Animals that have been cloned:
Above Image: Tetra the Rhesus Monkey, apparently cloned to be experimented on...
Great subject. I truly hope that you (we) can use the resulting entries to help raise awareness. My brother, father, and I contribute to help save the Black Rhino's and other animals. My sister does that for many animals including humpback whales, wolves, and others.
So sad, what humankind is capable of. :(
Happy to say that the Bald Eagle has made a remarkable recovery from near extinction, as has the sandhill crane. Our efforts of awareness truly can make a difference!
Thanks Dart - Man's inhumanity to man is up (down?) there as well...
great news!!!!
- here we poison our Rabbitts and indirectly poison our Eagles .. .
Everywhere :(
Glad I saved the buffalo scene from the last challenge. Looking forward to what folks come up with.
Had lunch with a Bureau of Land Management biologist just yesterday. He sent me a recent policy paper (note - just because I would read such things, not for any substantive contribution I might make - my own expertise is in a completely different topic). Thought this sentence is related.
”The dawn of the anthropocene - an era characterized by human-induced global ecological change and uncertainty - presents a preview of a possible future quite different from the environment that fostered the emergence and prosperity of present day human societies.”
My favorite part so far has been learning the term “super-wicked” which is apparently a term of art in the science of sustainable ecological systems.
Thinking cap is on.
Great idea Headwax. I'm already writing out an idea.
a challenge for all my dinos figures.
Playing with the terrain editor as an animation. At the end of the last ice age, many species of megafauna became extinct. Sea levels rose.
I did this pretty much by sketching over some online maps, but I'm sure the actual topology and elevation data is available for the terrain modeler.
very cool/uncool topic if that makes sense..
been trying to think of a direction to go with it.. had a few ideas but one popped into my head after watching a video on another 3d forum which was apparently pulled from this forum..
can't wait to see everyone's interpretations ... expecting to see plenty of images of dinosaurs and drop bears
That's neat, Diomede!
I know exactly what you mean
Great news everyone, really pleased it is an interesting idea. Looking forward to seeing what comes out!
It's very open ended. The possibilities are endless which makes it harder!!
Sorry to be terse - at work lunch break!
Very interesting quote that Ted.
One to start off with: Mountain gorillas WIP - Their population is estimated to be around 880 individuals. Not as Black as they should be. WIP Artistic license.
Koala populations are under stress
Very poignant Bunyip02, the contrast between huge terrifying hard edged bull dozed and small organic Koala makes the scene.
I've titled this one
Extinction and De-extinction
took me ages to think of that.
I'd better post my workflow on that image..
Five seperate renders were used with different poses and camera angles for the aliens. The spacecraft is Petipets SCiFi Cabin and the aliens I used are P3D LoRenzo and Daz's dinosaurs. I modeled the aliens antennae and the test tube.
Then it was put together using Comic Life 3 and final touches and resizing in PSE2018.
"Say what" Love it !!!
(on hands and knees, praying)
Please don't go extict! Please!
What's the Carrara feature requirement, boss? lol
Floppy & Clippy
the future
This is what happens when you boolean a cube seven eight times then duplicate it!
I gave the cube another boolean operation bringing the total to nine booleans performed!
and then coloured them
Tassie Tiger -
A couple of alterations so the shotgun stands out a bit more
Alien cloning centre
Moved Mike forward
Amphibians on the decline in the states-- some think because of water pollution. That would count?
Great topic and maybe fun way to learn how to make grass, instance it, etc.
Chuckle. Software in a box, paperclips, floppies or even DVDs. Endangered.
Usermanuals printed on tree paper by software companies. Probably extinct. : 0 !
Dolly the Sheep -
After the Third World War decimated 95% of the human population, vital food production was forced into underground bunkers after a disastrous nuclear winter followed by a scorching plus 50 degree celcius warmed planet. Cloned sheep, pigs, and meal worms were fed a combination of genetically modified Algae, and plant succulents which have been dried and mixed into a grain to feed the animals.
Oh, I wish I had time to enter this one! I would be following a theme that a British author has taken in a first book in her series. If you are interested in post apocolyptic sagas where 'we' have 'kililed' the earth, it's an interesting concept that re-engineered humans, who are smarter and stronger, take over running the world and bring back extinct species and people. But they have their faults, too! On Amazon.
Interesting how people are doing different takes on theme. I'd have never come up with post apocolyptic but makes sense if we don't do anything about CO2...
Been looking for a good read and hate picking out a book only to find it's #3 in a series. Start at beginning on this one!
Anyway to topic:
Concept art for now. (Obviously needs *lots* work.)
Hill country in central Texas is only nesting habitat in the world for a handsome little fellow called the Golden Cheeked Warbler.
Conservation groups won a court victory just last week against State of Texas. Our esteemed attorney general wanted to open up its protected habitat for developers. (The state had argued the endangered species act was government overreach, species no longer endangered, etc.)
Don’t have bulldozer prop, so used “road roller.” For some reason, it reminded me of an old Joni Mitchell song.
“They paved paradise and put up a parking lot... ”
So I’m calling it “Big Yellow Taxi”
Joni released that 49 years ago and still holds true in my opinion.
Thankfully not for our fine feathered friends here in central Texas.