Lots of drama and pretty scary - there's a great movie poster there UB!!! Impressed there is no post work.
Thanks. For sure, it currently lacks a degree of cleverness, among other things. Assuming I add more elements down the road, it will likely become an SC Warrior cover.
The main plan was to start from scratch and try to duplicate - or improve - on work I previously did in DS. In my experience, this is not easy. 3Delight has a unique look that is difficult to replicate. Sometimes I like it better than the Carrara native renderer, and sometimes not. It would be fun to run this in Octane, but I don't own it yet.
Lots of drama and pretty scary - there's a great movie poster there UB!!! Impressed there is no post work.
Thanks. For sure, it currently lacks a degree of cleverness, among other things. Assuming I add more elements down the road, it will likely become an SC Warrior cover.
The main plan was to start from scratch and try to duplicate - or improve - on work I previously did in DS. In my experience, this is not easy. 3Delight has a unique look that is difficult to replicate. Sometimes I like it better than the Carrara native renderer, and sometimes not. It would be fun to run this in Octane, but I don't own it yet.
cover is a good concept - adds another layer of meaning i think - slightly ot, using Affinity Pro's tone mapper has really spuced up my recent renders
Lots of drama and pretty scary - there's a great movie poster there UB!!! Impressed there is no post work.
Thanks. For sure, it currently lacks a degree of cleverness, among other things. Assuming I add more elements down the road, it will likely become an SC Warrior cover.
The main plan was to start from scratch and try to duplicate - or improve - on work I previously did in DS. In my experience, this is not easy. 3Delight has a unique look that is difficult to replicate. Sometimes I like it better than the Carrara native renderer, and sometimes not. It would be fun to run this in Octane, but I don't own it yet.
cover is a good concept - adds another layer of meaning i think - slightly ot, using Affinity Pro's tone mapper has really spuced up my recent renders
Thanks, decided to add the aura's in after looking at the aura effects on Monkey God, really adds to the scene !!!
Doubt I'll finish in time, but very educational challenge-- not just about Carrara, but about science too.
Interesting links, PDF file, and I even ordered a sci-fi book!
Short Nat Geo Article about man, the environment, and extinction of saber-toothed cat.
your rendition is looking better than the Nat Geo article one already :)
Heh. Kind of you to say, but I think it might be a while yet. :)
Version 2: Some guys are out hunting. They notice something else also has its attention focused on same prey. Maybe one guy pauses to admire the cat’s technique. The other one is already headed home. “The sun also rises. I want to be around to see it.”
Peaceful coexistence sort of thing.
BTW: are we supposed to put Car screenshots in with these? Not sure how that applies to ‘discussion’ part or whatever.
Edit: March 13
attaching screenshot of setup. PS was used to change color or cat's eyes and add a touch of color to nose.
great narrative!!! those humans add a good stopping point for the eye as well
A car screenshot? , yes and no. We try to keep things uncomplicated - but car files are very welcome mind you ! Best to know what program people are using ... ha ha !
Dudu and Bunyip - great updates, they get better every time.
UB - Can she say No-Va, Nova? (might be obscure reference. Nova was name of Charleton Heston's mate in the original). Simple but powerful.
Bruce - excellent sabre tooth. Sometimes there is a rule to include the Carrara setup. I don't think there has ever been a rule against including the scene setup. So I generally include a screenshot of my car file.
Here is my attempt at de-extinction. Modern humans and mega fauna lived together for tens of thousands of years. How would human shamans have reacted during the mesolithic as the woolly mamaths disappeared? Here is Vicky (6) in a temple (shaman's cave) with a sword (spear) trying to raise a mammath from the dead. Fur and rocks are too similar in color. Tried a very strong rim light. Tried correcting using a GMIC filter. Tried correecting using filter forge.
Only 303 pages, but I like Museum of Second Chances already. This is straying off topic a little, but as a grammar prig, I can’t resist.
in the states, people, tend to, put commas, most anywhere, they, want two. Social. Media.....Tends to just. Make up punctuation.... ......and of course plenty of exclaymation thingies !!!!!
Hopefully the lightning and other work you did will put it over the top for you. Gives plausable way to light eagle’s front when the sun is behind him (imo..)
Ha! Wonderful tribute to those old “Planet of the Apes” movies. Before decapitation, any particular reason why Gorilla General would have queen remove her boots & greaves?
No, but in Hollywood, a nice leggy shot beats a boring 'plate armor' shot every time. Perfect!
Aura might give it a little added kick. Has me thinking high voltage or something. Robot has non-conductive treads? Someone else blunders in there and touches the HV rings. Bzzzt!
Thanks. Will add screenshot then. If wanted to have been funny, could’ve included a render where I tried to put hair on the cat. It looked like a saber-tooth porcupine. O_o
Hats off to putting fur on mastodon! Always interesting to see how people do their light setup too.
Didn’t pay enough attention to ‘dis-extinction’ and assumed it was prevention/conservation efforts, not cloning. Two projects might not be in spirit intended. No extinct birds or resurrecting them-- just habitat preservation. Same for dead frog & fish-- conservation & water pollution.
What category if any?
If not really in either category-- feel free to rule them out. No biggie-- I’ll be off the hook! Mainly entering them as ‘giving it the old college try’ as they say.
@ Everyone
Sorry if long post. Hopefully that has me caught up & didn’t leave anyone out.
Didn’t pay enough attention to ‘dis-extinction’ and assumed it was prevention/conservation efforts, not cloning. Two projects might not be in spirit intended. No extinct birds or resurrecting them-- just habitat preservation. Same for dead frog & fish-- conservation & water pollution.
What category if any? If not really in either category-- feel free to rule them out. No biggie-- I’ll be off the hook! Mainly entering them as ‘giving it the old college try’ as they say.
Hya, that would be de-extinction :)
These challenges are just jumping off points - they are to ... er basically give us a challnge and see how other people approach it. The aim is to learn - nothing is straightjacketed.
For example, I was tempted to do a mustang plane in a hanger with an old cloth on it ... assuming mustang planes ar extinct - so it's all lateral thinking.
Glad to have you onboard - intelligence and talent is good to see
Dudu and Bunyip - great updates, they get better every time.
UB - Can she say No-Va, Nova? (might be obscure reference. Nova was name of Charleton Heston's mate in the original). Simple but powerful.
Bruce - excellent sabre tooth. Sometimes there is a rule to include the Carrara setup. I don't think there has ever been a rule against including the scene setup. So I generally include a screenshot of my car file.
Here is my attempt at de-extinction. Modern humans and mega fauna lived together for tens of thousands of years. How would human shamans have reacted during the mesolithic as the woolly mamaths disappeared? Here is Vicky (6) in a temple (shaman's cave) with a sword (spear) trying to raise a mammath from the dead. Fur and rocks are too similar in color. Tried a very strong rim light. Tried correcting using a GMIC filter. Tried correecting using filter forge.
now that's one hairy beast :) I wouldnt be standing where the woman is.
maybe you could take the viepoint from below the waomn to show how big the beast is - just light it with a different coloured light to the cave - should stand out fine
These challenges are just jumping off points - they are to ... er basically give us a challnge and see how other people approach it. The aim is to learn - nothing is straightjacketed.
For example, I was tempted to do a mustang plane in a hanger with an old cloth on it ... assuming mustang planes ar extinct - so it's all lateral thinking.
Glad to have you onboard - intelligence and talent is good to see
Thanks. de-exinction it is then.
Speaking of learning, if you or anyone else notices anything in renders that could use improvement-- obviously that's how I learn. Maybe I'm my own worst critic though. Can pick apart a bunch of stuff in the three I've done this month.
I'll enter them as is, but any feedback appreciated. Two sets of eyes better than one type thing.
Ha! Wonderful tribute to those old “Planet of the Apes” movies. Before decapitation, any particular reason why Gorilla General would have queen remove her boots & greaves?
No, but in Hollywood, a nice leggy shot beats a boring 'plate armor' shot every time. Perfect!
Why would he put an iron collar on her if he wanted to decapitate?
As for the partial disrobing (within the boundaries of TOS), the goal was humiliation. I retitled it to make it more obvious, thanks. It would help to have other apes looking on, hooting and hollering, but I didn't have time (or enough RAM :).
Recent History of The Tasmanian Tiger Thylacinus cynocephalus — Thylacine - extinct on the mainland for 2000 years but survived in Tasmnain until recently, when it was hunted down.
These challenges are just jumping off points - they are to ... er basically give us a challnge and see how other people approach it. The aim is to learn - nothing is straightjacketed.
For example, I was tempted to do a mustang plane in a hanger with an old cloth on it ... assuming mustang planes ar extinct - so it's all lateral thinking.
Glad to have you onboard - intelligence and talent is good to see
Thanks. de-exinction it is then.
Speaking of learning, if you or anyone else notices anything in renders that could use improvement-- obviously that's how I learn. Maybe I'm my own worst critic though. Can pick apart a bunch of stuff in the three I've done this month.
I'll enter them as is, but any feedback appreciated. Two sets of eyes better than one type thing.
sure thing but your work already looks terrific :)
what I look for is atmospheric depth , the idea that there is air there that scatters light, air full of particles and dust and the reduction of contrast plus other clues to monocular depth perception - it's quit often lacking in cg work I think
Digital work, 2019 - couldn't resist a purple shadow sitting against yellow pink ground... bit like the colours in a copy of an Albert Namatjira water colour my father did many years ago when he was learning to paint. It hung proudly above our fireplace till it was destroyed by water damage circa 1977
I didn't know the recent history of The Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus) till I started this image. The earliest fossils of Thylacinus are 30 million years old.
Though extinct on the mainland for 2000 years Thylacinus cynocephalus survived in Tasmania until recently - when it was made extinct by active human aggression. (Thylacinus cynocephalus should be in italics)
From Aust Govt site:
1830 - Van Diemens Land Company introduced a Thylacine bounty
1888 - Tasmanian Parliament placed a price of £1 on Thylacine's head
1909 - Government bounty scheme terminated: 2184 bounties paid
1910 - Thylacines rare - sought by zoos around the world
1926 - London Zoo bought its last Thylacine for £150
1933 - Last Thylacine captured, Florentine Valley, sold to Hobart Zoo
1936 - World's last captive Thylacine died in Hobart Zoo (7 September 1936)
1936 - Thylacine added to the list of protected wildlife
1986 - Thylacine declared extinct by international standards
Ooops. Better be careful what I say! Was poking fun at Hollywood. PG movies and they knew their teenage audience. Iron collar because it looks cool. Realistic? Bah! Nice leggy shot and of course her chest armor would have a plunging neckline. I have a very dry sense of humor. Much of the stuff at the store seems ludicrous, but who am I to judge? It’s fantasy after all!
A bit OT, but read that Night of the Lepus and Gargoyles are considered ‘old’ cult classics now. The 1970s is old? I don’t want to think what that would make me... I don't consider myself old!
I've been studying what makes a painting/illustration look different to a photo or cg render - and trying to bring out thiose differences
Carrara has a whole lot of render passes that help us isolate different elements of a scene so we can work on them individually -
eg if you look at those shadows in The Tasmanian Devil work they are purple - so I used the shadow pass to isoltae the shadows then coloured them - shadows arent black they are the same colour as the ambient light which comes from the sky (not the sun)
once you have mauvey shadows you you add yellow to the rest of the ground to make it shimmer as they are complementary colours
Gurney's books help explain stuff like shadow colour
then I used clues to monocular depth perception etc ;)
also colours should be modulated - which a large area of eg blue looks boring so you can select that with your object pass , copy it add noise then gausian blur it then reduce the opacity of the layer to suit
also textures - everything is very clean in 3d = we get textures that you would never draw by hand - boring - so we need to 'modularte ' those as well :) Topaz simplify is very good for that
I wanted to do a second render for de-extinction,b but school is dumping loads again. When do submissions start/end?
Hya plenty of time, great if you do another one, the first one is singing!
Entry thread open: March 7 2018.
Entry thread Closes: March 23rd 12.00 midnight Daz Utah Time.
ENTRY THREAD HERE https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/313556/carrara-challenge-45-extinction-and-de-extinction-entry-thread
Headwax - Monkey God is great, Mavis is also excellent
UB - nice Planet of the Apes theme
Update from me, added a few items as well as some Aura into the scene.
Hope you get some fun-hobby time into your day, but keep up the study as it's important for the future !!!
Looking great, Bunyip! Thanks for the comment.
Thanks. For sure, it currently lacks a degree of cleverness, among other things. Assuming I add more elements down the road, it will likely become an SC Warrior cover.
The main plan was to start from scratch and try to duplicate - or improve - on work I previously did in DS. In my experience, this is not easy. 3Delight has a unique look that is difficult to replicate. Sometimes I like it better than the Carrara native renderer, and sometimes not. It would be fun to run this in Octane, but I don't own it yet.
A last WIP
... and the entry here: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/4413421/#Comment_4413421
very good use of all things Carrara
the message is clear and sad...
great job @Dudu
Thank you Stezza (forgot your real name...)!
No time to do more this month.
"very good use of all things Carrara ": it's a Carrara challenge, right?
that aura makes a big difference as far as adding a bit of zing!!!
cover is a good concept - adds another layer of meaning i think - slightly ot, using Affinity Pro's tone mapper has really spuced up my recent renders
great suff Dudu, yes wonderful use of Carrara :) Stzza always on the mark he is!
Thanks, decided to add the aura's in after looking at the aura effects on Monkey God, really adds to the scene !!!
oh I painted those in :) dont tell anyone!! :) I think yours look more authentic!
Doubt I'll finish in time, but very educational challenge-- not just about Carrara, but about science too.
Interesting links, PDF file, and I even ordered a sci-fi book!
Short Nat Geo Article about man, the environment, and extinction of saber-toothed cat.
your rendition is looking better than the Nat Geo article one already :)
Heh. Kind of you to say, but I think it might be a while yet. :)
Version 2: Some guys are out hunting. They notice something else also has its attention focused on same prey. Maybe one guy pauses to admire the cat’s technique. The other one is already headed home. “The sun also rises. I want to be around to see it.”
Peaceful coexistence sort of thing.
BTW: are we supposed to put Car screenshots in with these? Not sure how that applies to ‘discussion’ part or whatever.
Edit: March 13
attaching screenshot of setup. PS was used to change color or cat's eyes and add a touch of color to nose.
great narrative!!! those humans add a good stopping point for the eye as well
A car screenshot? , yes and no. We try to keep things uncomplicated - but car files are very welcome mind you ! Best to know what program people are using ... ha ha !
Dudu and Bunyip - great updates, they get better every time.
UB - Can she say No-Va, Nova? (might be obscure reference. Nova was name of Charleton Heston's mate in the original). Simple but powerful.
Bruce - excellent sabre tooth. Sometimes there is a rule to include the Carrara setup. I don't think there has ever been a rule against including the scene setup. So I generally include a screenshot of my car file.
Here is my attempt at de-extinction. Modern humans and mega fauna lived together for tens of thousands of years. How would human shamans have reacted during the mesolithic as the woolly mamaths disappeared? Here is Vicky (6) in a temple (shaman's cave) with a sword (spear) trying to raise a mammath from the dead. Fur and rocks are too similar in color. Tried a very strong rim light. Tried correcting using a GMIC filter. Tried correecting using filter forge.
Carrara book club?
Only 303 pages, but I like Museum of Second Chances already. This is straying off topic a little, but as a grammar prig, I can’t resist.
in the states, people, tend to, put commas, most anywhere, they, want two. Social. Media.....Tends to just. Make up punctuation.... ......and of course plenty of exclaymation thingies !!!!!
Thanks for the tip. :)
Hopefully the lightning and other work you did will put it over the top for you. Gives plausable way to light eagle’s front when the sun is behind him (imo..)
Ha! Wonderful tribute to those old “Planet of the Apes” movies. Before decapitation, any particular reason why Gorilla General would have queen remove her boots & greaves?
No, but in Hollywood, a nice leggy shot beats a boring 'plate armor' shot every time. Perfect!
Aura might give it a little added kick. Has me thinking high voltage or something. Robot has non-conductive treads? Someone else blunders in there and touches the HV rings. Bzzzt!
Thanks. Will add screenshot then. If wanted to have been funny, could’ve included a render where I tried to put hair on the cat. It looked like a saber-tooth porcupine. O_o
Hats off to putting fur on mastodon! Always interesting to see how people do their light setup too.
Didn’t pay enough attention to ‘dis-extinction’ and assumed it was prevention/conservation efforts, not cloning. Two projects might not be in spirit intended. No extinct birds or resurrecting them-- just habitat preservation. Same for dead frog & fish-- conservation & water pollution.
What category if any?
If not really in either category-- feel free to rule them out. No biggie-- I’ll be off the hook! Mainly entering them as ‘giving it the old college try’ as they say.
@ Everyone
Sorry if long post. Hopefully that has me caught up & didn’t leave anyone out.
Greetings Tynkere :)
Hya, that would be de-extinction :)
These challenges are just jumping off points - they are to ... er basically give us a challnge and see how other people approach it. The aim is to learn - nothing is straightjacketed.
For example, I was tempted to do a mustang plane in a hanger with an old cloth on it ... assuming mustang planes ar extinct - so it's all lateral thinking.
Glad to have you onboard - intelligence and talent is good to see
now that's one hairy beast :) I wouldnt be standing where the woman is.
maybe you could take the viepoint from below the waomn to show how big the beast is - just light it with a different coloured light to the cave - should stand out fine
Thanks. de-exinction it is then.
Speaking of learning, if you or anyone else notices anything in renders that could use improvement-- obviously that's how I learn. Maybe I'm my own worst critic though. Can pick apart a bunch of stuff in the three I've done this month.
I'll enter them as is, but any feedback appreciated. Two sets of eyes better than one type thing.
Thanks for the comments, Diomede and Tynkere.
Why would he put an iron collar on her if he wanted to decapitate?
As for the partial disrobing (within the boundaries of TOS), the goal was humiliation. I retitled it to make it more obvious, thanks. It would help to have other apes looking on, hooting and hollering, but I didn't have time (or enough RAM :).
I must watch POA again UB :)
'Family of Thylacines Sheltering under Boab Tree'
Recent History of The Tasmanian Tiger Thylacinus cynocephalus — Thylacine - extinct on the mainland for 2000 years but survived in Tasmnain until recently, when it was hunted down.
From Aust Govt site: http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/sprat/public/publicspecies.pl?taxon_id=342
still have some creases around the pups' necks to fix
edit forgot to sign it will come back in an hour !!
sure thing but your work already looks terrific :)
what I look for is atmospheric depth , the idea that there is air there that scatters light, air full of particles and dust and the reduction of contrast plus other clues to monocular depth perception - it's quit often lacking in cg work I think
plus ideas like reflected light
Gurney has a great book on faking stuff https://www.amazon.com/Color-Light-Realist-Painter-Gurney/dp/0740797719/ref=as_li_ss_tl?&linkCode=sl1&tag=paintable-20&linkId=0a677418647b31eb72f64b648bea68a0&language=en_US
it might say digital paintings but it helps us as three d artists to fake stuff as well
never be afraid of postwork :)
'Family of Thylacine Sheltering Under Boab Tree'
Digital work, 2019 - couldn't resist a purple shadow sitting against yellow pink ground... bit like the colours in a copy of an Albert Namatjira water colour my father did many years ago when he was learning to paint. It hung proudly above our fireplace till it was destroyed by water damage circa 1977
I didn't know the recent history of The Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus) till I started this image. The earliest fossils of Thylacinus are 30 million years old.
Though extinct on the mainland for 2000 years Thylacinus cynocephalus survived in Tasmania until recently - when it was made extinct by active human aggression. (Thylacinus cynocephalus should be in italics)
From Aust Govt site:
1830 - Van Diemens Land Company introduced a Thylacine bounty
1888 - Tasmanian Parliament placed a price of £1 on Thylacine's head
1909 - Government bounty scheme terminated: 2184 bounties paid
1910 - Thylacines rare - sought by zoos around the world
1926 - London Zoo bought its last Thylacine for £150
1933 - Last Thylacine captured, Florentine Valley, sold to Hobart Zoo
1936 - World's last captive Thylacine died in Hobart Zoo (7 September 1936)
1936 - Thylacine added to the list of protected wildlife
1986 - Thylacine declared extinct by international standards
Much appreciated! Looks like an awesome book.
The more you know, the more there is to know.
Ooops. Better be careful what I say! Was poking fun at Hollywood. PG movies and they knew their teenage audience. Iron collar because it looks cool. Realistic? Bah! Nice leggy shot and of course her chest armor would have a plunging neckline. I have a very dry sense of humor. Much of the stuff at the store seems ludicrous, but who am I to judge? It’s fantasy after all!
A bit OT, but read that Night of the Lepus and Gargoyles are considered ‘old’ cult classics now. The 1970s is old? I don’t want to think what that would make me... I don't consider myself old!
Thanks for tip. Learn Carrara and buy books too. ;)
Am tempted to chatter about details of your Tasmanian Tiger render and how the heck do you *do* that photoshop but won’t bore everyone.
Enjoy weekend!
pleasure and thanks UB et Tynkere - this book also good http://jamesgurney.com/site/241/241
I've been studying what makes a painting/illustration look different to a photo or cg render - and trying to bring out thiose differences
Carrara has a whole lot of render passes that help us isolate different elements of a scene so we can work on them individually -
eg if you look at those shadows in The Tasmanian Devil work they are purple - so I used the shadow pass to isoltae the shadows then coloured them - shadows arent black they are the same colour as the ambient light which comes from the sky (not the sun)
once you have mauvey shadows you you add yellow to the rest of the ground to make it shimmer as they are complementary colours
Gurney's books help explain stuff like shadow colour
then I used clues to monocular depth perception etc ;)
also colours should be modulated - which a large area of eg blue looks boring so you can select that with your object pass , copy it add noise then gausian blur it then reduce the opacity of the layer to suit
also textures - everything is very clean in 3d = we get textures that you would never draw by hand - boring - so we need to 'modularte ' those as well :) Topaz simplify is very good for that