MAY New Users Contest.........Continued

ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

Beginner's Contest: "May 2012"
Sponsored by DAZ

"Here and There"

(A study in Composition)

Are you new to the 3D World? Are you at the beginning stages of learning 3D rendering? Have you been around for a little bit and feel that your level of skills are still coming up short? Well then come and join the fun!

Again this year, because this contest is designed for the beginner to learn from, we will be randomly selecting posts offering helpful tips and/or critiques to receive a special voucher also


Please read there have been some changes

This month's deadline is May 29th 2012 at 11:59:59 PM EST
(Unless the Site changeover catches up with us, in which case it may be brought forward at short notice.)

You must:

Your image must be in JPG format and uploaded to this thread.
Please use the Upload image buttons and keep your images below 485kb

Include the following information in the text of your entry reply:
The title of your image.
Software used to create your image.

You may:

Submit up to 2 (two) images.
Make 2 (two) revisions per entry with the following guidelines....
They must be uploaded to the original entry post.
If you would like others to see the earlier version, please post a link to it.
When you update your image, please post a reply and let us know what changes you've made and be sure to link to the original post.

You may not

Feature Nudity, and please keep violence to a minimum, for the benefit of our more Junior New Users.


This contest is only open to members of the DAZ forums.
You may use any 3D program to create your image; postwork is allowed.
All entries must follow the DAZ Terms of Service. No nudity, violence or profanity will be allowed.
All entries must be new images--not previously available for public viewing--or will be disqualified. Public posting includes display on blogs, forum posts or any web page without restricted access. Entries may be posted publicly after the winner of that month's contest has been announced.

The contest is open to individuals only. Groups are not allowed. DAZ Published Artists and members of their immediate families are not eligible to enter. Void where prohibited.
If you are selected as a contest winner or honorable mention, you agree that the 2012 Beginner's Contest organizers may publicize your community name and your contest entry. Apart from the prizes associated with being selected as a winner, the 2012 Beginner's Contest organizers shall not be obligated to compensate you in any way for such publicity.

Each entrant shall indemnify, defend, and hold the 2012 Beginner's Contest organizers and DAZ harmless from any third party claims arising from or related to that entrant's participation in the contest. In no event shall the 2012 Beginner's Contest organizers or DAZ be liable to an entrant for acts or omissions arising out of or related to the contest or that entrant's participation in the contest.

Any artwork found to violate the rules of the contest will be immediately pulled from the contest whether before, during, or after the judging process.
Odds of winning depend on the number and quality of entries received. All taxes, including income taxes, are the sole responsibility of winners. No prize substitution is permitted. Winner(s) may be required to verify their entry.

Note: All images entered in the contest are copyrighted and owned by the artist. By submitting to a contest, the artist agrees to grant the 2012 Beginner's Contest organizers the right to print or otherwise re-publish the submitted images in various marketing or web materials so long as credit is given to the artist as the original creator of the image(s). No image(s) may be taken or used by any other third party without permission from the artist. You must be logged in to submit an entry.

Winners will be chosen by a poll of community volunteers; the image with the most votes will be awarded First Place; the image with the second most votes will be awarded Second Place; the image with the third most votes will be awarded Honorable Mention. Images are judged based on subject matter, image quality, lighting, design/composition, technique, and how appropriate the image is for the theme of the contest. All decisions by the judges are final and if a winner forfeits their prize then it will not be awarded to another entrant.


First Place (One Winner per Month)
- $ TBA DAZ voucher, useable for up to 50% of Published Item price and DAZ Originals

Second Place (One Winner per Month)
- $ TBA DAZ voucher, useable for up to 50% of Published Item price and DAZ Originals

Honorable Mention (One Winner per Month)
- $ TBA DAZ voucher, useable for up to 50% of Published Item price and DAZ Originals

The winning entries will be announced on the DAZ3D forums as soon as possible in the month following the contest after the closing date.(unless announced otherwise). Following the announcement, individual winners will be notified by forum PM. Winners have 14 days from the date that notification is sent to claim the prize. Prize may be claimed by return forum PM. Unclaimed prizes will not be awarded. 2012 Beginner's Contest organizers and DAZ will not be liable for non-received prize notifications. 2012 Beginner's Contest organizers

Post edited by Chohole on


  • ZelrothZelroth Posts: 910
    edited December 1969

    I'm glad to see this back already. Hey, it says I'm a new member - does that mean I am a beginner? :coolsmile: Just joking.

  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835
    edited May 2012

    This is my final entry.

    Title: Beware of the danger

    Daz 3D and a little bit Photoshop to fix the light a little bit

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Can you repost your image, using a smaller size. Maximum size at the moment is 800 pixels on the longest side.

    The Automtatic image resizing is not working at the moment. Sorry about that.:red:

  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835
    edited December 1969

    That’s ok
    I will do it tomorrow, it’s now a little bit late in my country

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, know that feeling, I am not far from you, really. In the UK.

  • mhomes_047ff78b8dmhomes_047ff78b8d Posts: 18
    edited May 2012

    This is my very first entry entitled, "Sunday Drive" created with Daz Studio 4 Pro. (This is actually my 3rd render with the program) *uploaded again with size adjustment as requested*

    Thank you,

    800 x 575 - 92K
    Post edited by mhomes_047ff78b8d on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    It is really very good, for a first render, well done.

    Only one little problem, can you please resize the image to be a maximum of 800 pixels wide. At the moment the automatic resizing is not working.


  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835
    edited May 2012

    This is my final entry.

    I hope the size is ok now, longest side 750 pixels if not I will resize it again .

    Title: Beware of the danger
    Daz 3D and a little bit Photoshop to fix the light a little bit

    800 x 600 - 225K
    Post edited by Sasje on
  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851
    edited December 1969

    Excellent image paying homage to the great raider of tombs! ;-)

  • WulfricWulfric Posts: 77
    edited December 1969

    It's great to be back!

    Since the theme is "Here and There", I was inspired to give a shot at a scene from "There and Back Again" (The Hobbit). Per the comments I received in the old forums, I added two low-intensity distant lights to increase the brightness. I added light flare on Sting using the supernova filter in GIMP

    Title: Bilbo Finds The Ring
    Software: Daz Studio 4.5 and GIMP

    800 x 449 - 216K
  • mhomes_047ff78b8dmhomes_047ff78b8d Posts: 18
    edited December 1969

    This is my second rendered image entitled, "Unexpected", created with Daz Studio 4 Pro.

    Thank you,

    773 x 591 - 100K
  • berriboyberriboy Posts: 172
    edited December 1969

    My first entry for the May challenge, I have no idea what to name it so it will be "Untitled"

    800 x 565 - 273K
  • BWSmanBWSman Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Layden said:
    This is my very first entry entitled, "Sunday Drive" created with Daz Studio 4 Pro. (This is actually my 3rd render with the program) *uploaded again with size adjustment as requested*

    Thank you,

    Very nice for your third render. The lighting could be a little stronger to match the background; but otherwise is perfect.
    The expressions on the faces tells it all

  • BWSmanBWSman Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Sasje said:
    This is my final entry.

    I hope the size is ok now, longest side 750 pixels if not I will resize it again .

    Title: Beware of the danger
    Daz 3D and a little bit Photoshop to fix the light a little bit

    WOW! This looks fantastic. The posing is very dynamic and the lighting is very nicely done.

    This looks like a still from a Movie. Very well done.

  • BWSmanBWSman Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    version3 said:
    My first entry for the May challenge, I have no idea what to name it so it will be "Untitled"

    This has a very European feel to it. Nicely done!
  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835
    edited December 1969

    Excellent image paying homage to the great raider of tombs! ;-)

    Thanks :)

  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835
    edited December 1969

    BWSman said:
    Sasje said:
    This is my final entry.

    I hope the size is ok now, longest side 750 pixels if not I will resize it again .

    Title: Beware of the danger
    Daz 3D and a little bit Photoshop to fix the light a little bit

    WOW! This looks fantastic. The posing is very dynamic and the lighting is very nicely done.

    This looks like a still from a Movie. Very well done.
    Thank you.

  • edited May 2012

    Here is my entry; figured I'd better toss it up since the deadline is today.

    [edited to put cropped image up as my second entry and to add a title]

    Title: Zues's Thunder

    379 x 474 - 103K
    480 x 644 - 165K
    Post edited by Monica_ann_smith_241e7f2768 on
  • edited December 1969

    Sasje said:
    This is my final entry.

    I hope the size is ok now, longest side 750 pixels if not I will resize it again .

    Title: Beware of the danger
    Daz 3D and a little bit Photoshop to fix the light a little bit

    This is a great image, Sasje! :D I love your lighting and the fall of the shadows.

  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835
    edited December 1969

    Sasje said:
    This is my final entry.

    I hope the size is ok now, longest side 750 pixels if not I will resize it again .

    Title: Beware of the danger
    Daz 3D and a little bit Photoshop to fix the light a little bit

    This is a great image, Sasje! :D I love your lighting and the fall of the shadows.
    Thank you :)

  • edited December 1969

    Title: A Bad Dream?

    Software Used: Daz Studio 4

    Models: Aven, Demonecornuto

    Wardrobe: Genesis G-Suit

    Hair: Aldora Hair

    Effects: pwEffects

    Environment: Dream Home Guest Room

    Goal: To direct the viewer’s eyes to Aven’s face.

    600 x 600 - 361K
  • edited December 1969

    Title: The Eyes Have It

    Software Used: Daz Studio 4

    Models: Victoria 5, Michael 5

    Wardrobe: Magus, Evilson - Dragon Mage and Master

    Hair: Aldora, Wildmane

    Effects: Shadowcaster Spell Ribbons, Sci-Fi Effects

    Environment: Falkvanger’s Background

    Goal: To direct the viewer’s eyes to the mages face.

    600 x 600 - 137K
  • mhomes_047ff78b8dmhomes_047ff78b8d Posts: 18
    edited December 1969

    BWSman said:
    Layden said:
    This is my very first entry entitled, "Sunday Drive" created with Daz Studio 4 Pro. (This is actually my 3rd render with the program) *uploaded again with size adjustment as requested*

    Thank you,

    Very nice for your third render. The lighting could be a little stronger to match the background; but otherwise is perfect.
    The expressions on the faces tells it all

    Thanks for the input. :)
    I tried the render with stronger lighting, however it seemed to "wash" out the female character's face. Lets just say that the clouds are obstructing the sun at that particular place in the road. lol

    Seems logical to me. LOL


  • berriboyberriboy Posts: 172
    edited December 1969

    My second entry for the May challenge, thanks to everyone for their critique and suggestions in the WIP thread.

    Title: A Few Firecrackers Wont Stop Me

    780 x 633 - 382K
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited December 1969

    Very nice version3, I really like the spark effects that you used. It added that extra bump to it.

  • edited December 1969

    Version 3, I love what you did with the explosions! It really draws your eyes toward Mr Hyde's expression! I also love how the bike pops out at you without becoming the main focus of the image. the white explosion next to the bike really draws attention to the police vehicle, giving you the story while the richer colors of the explosions behind the bike draw you right into the action. Awesome job of creating suspense as your eyes move around the image. I feel like your composition has started me off with the story and revved me up to join this high speed chase. Nice work!

  • CyonixCyonix Posts: 212
    edited December 1969

    Title: Warriors Assemble!
    Programs Used: DAZ Studio 4 Pro, Postwork in Photoshop
    Items Used: Instead of one MASSIVE list, I'm gonna list them out by character...

    The Knight
    Michael 4, Michael 4 Skin Maps (Std Res), M4 Morphs++, M4 Elite Morphs, Gabriel Hair, Celestial Armor, Order of Steel, Fantasy Shields
    The Archer
    Victoria 4.2, V4 Morphs++, V4 Ranger (Clothing, Character Morph & MATs), Elleth Hair, V4 Archer (Bow & Arrow)
    The Mage
    Aiko 3 (Realistic Morph), Tales of Adventure - Fionnuala, A3 Ponytail, Wizardly Staves, pwGhost (used for the 'ball' of the fireball - fire added in postwork
    The Orc (a.k.a. The Big Green Dude)
    Genesis, G4 and F4 for Genesis (Freak 4 Body Morph), Genesis Creature Creator Heads, Creature Maps V4 (with diffuse color turned green), DMR Lynette for V4 (eye MATs only), Bone Smasher, Gore-Dom for DAZ Studio (blood effect on The Orc's axes)
    Other Items
    Castillo del Diablo, Lantios Daylight Pack
    800 x 600 - 409K
  • berriboyberriboy Posts: 172
    edited December 1969

    Frank0314 said:
    Very nice version3, I really like the spark effects that you used. It added that extra bump to it.

    Thanks Frank0314, I had a lot of fun doing this and learned quite a bit from the tips I was given in the WIP thread. :coolsmile:

  • berriboyberriboy Posts: 172
    edited December 1969

    Version 3, I love what you did with the explosions! It really draws your eyes toward Mr Hyde's expression! I also love how the bike pops out at you without becoming the main focus of the image. the white explosion next to the bike really draws attention to the police vehicle, giving you the story while the richer colors of the explosions behind the bike draw you right into the action. Awesome job of creating suspense as your eyes move around the image. I feel like your composition has started me off with the story and revved me up to join this high speed chase. Nice work!

    Thanks for the stunning review sweetluv40. :)

  • edited December 1969

    Title: Falling asleep
    Software: DS4 with postwork in Photoshop

    750 x 612 - 66K
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