CARRARA CHALLENGE 46: Get your Retro on - Voting Thread

Reminder - YOU Can do up to 3 carrara renders or in an external renderer for which there is a carrara plug-in (eg LuxRender, Octane) with your interpretation of the theme. Animation is welcome.
There Must be at least One use of Shader manipulation in the scene setup. This can be as simple as swapping a texture file or as complicated as you want to make it.
A WIP (work in progress) image showing your shader manipulation (Shader Room) must be posted to the WIP thread. Emphasis is on showing how the shaders can be manipulated, work flows are welcome and encouraged.
WIP thread:-
DATES to Remember-
Entry Thread Opens: Saturday, 27 APRIL 2019
Entry Thread Closes/Voting Begins: Saturday, 11 MAY 2019 23:59:59 CST (GMT-6), Monday, 13 MAY 2019 23:59:59 CST (GMT-6)
Voting Ends: Saturday, 18 MAY 2019 23:59:59 CST (GMT-6), Monday, 20 MAY 2019 23:59:59 CST (GMT-6)
Well done to all those who have participated !!!
For your entries, please use the following format:-
Entry #:
Links to WIP thread:
It's time to vote:-
Pick 5 of your favourites. For your votes, please use the following format:-
Entry #:
Entry #1
Title: Future Girl
Artist: Namtar
Links to WIP thread:
Credits:Aery Soul iVe Outfit V4 (NLA), RetroDevil Alita V4, Daz3d Carrara.
Entry #: 2
Title: Twilight Zone
Artist: Bunyip02
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Genesis
Effortless Cool for Genesis Male -
Duarte Hair -
f_glasses - Zippo - (link does not work)
After the War -
City Ruins Building 02 -
City Ruins : Vehicles -
Ruined City - Sparkyworld
Enhance C -
Text Font - Becker Black NF -
Entry #: 3
Title: Baa Baa Blacksheep
Artist: Bunyip02
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Michael 4 -
WW2 USAAF pilot pack by adh3d - Renderosity
XD4 - CrossDresser 4.0 Utility Suite - EvilInnocence
F4U Corsair by Bazze -
Willys MB Jeep Updated -
USTentM1942 - WWII Tent City -
Lisa Botanticals Palm Trees
Lisa Botanticals PalmBush
Terrain from Bryce
[5K-JPG] Ground #05 -
Tim Payne Lightdomes - (no longer available)
Tim Payne Skies - (no longer available)
Discussion: Post work on trouser leg of pilot to fix a ripped mesh look
Entry #: 4
Title: What do you get if you cross Maximilian from The Black Hole with a Terminator skeleton ?
Artist: Bunyip02
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: BEO Ripper -
Planet Edesa -
Skies of Reality Volume Two -
Atmospheric Clouds HDRI Pack One -
Velouete 2 - Inagoni - no longer available
entry #5
artist: shlomi laszlo
title: toon fantasy wood
Entry #6
Title: Marine Boy
Artist: Stezza
Links to WIP thread:
used Lo-Renzo for Marine Boy and modeled the extras ( ear covers, watch and Boomerang holder ) adjusted the shaders on Marine Boy and the dolphin also modeled the wacky robot and also the Marine sub.
Discussion: It's Marine Boy, Brave and Free! Fighting evil 'neath the sea. He is a boy, a very special boy Powered by propeller shoes, flying Sub ahoy! Whooshing through the water on a friendly dolphin's back racing to the rescue of victims of attack. In a flash, he'll foil the foe, With a quick boomerang throw! Loyal friend of the sea to the end Is our Marine Boy.
Entry #7
Title: Jackie Paper
Artist: Stezza
Links to WIP thread:
I modelled the beanie, seagull and the GymBoots for Leon by Vyusur. Also used End of Tracks by Tango Alpha , 3DU's dragon, Sardines by Ken at HW3D.
Discussion: Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honali, Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff
and brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff.
Entry #8
Title: She was a Wolf in Man's Clothing
Artist: Headwax
Products: Moped side car from daz shop. Genesis: K4 layered shirt retextured. 50's jacket, cap from M3 crossdressed to kf4 then fitted to genesis. Scifi level 19. 50'sCM pants - all from daz's shop.
link to wip
Discussion: A Pulp Fiction Novel Cover. I used Anything goos to dirty up the seams (thanks eric!) and most postwork in Photodonut.
entry #9
title: Caustic groover
Artist Headwax
Products m4, tux shirt, M4 Business Jacket, M4PO_Pants and shoes - all from daz's store,
Ukulele.obj a freebie from tba
The hair is by Carrara
Discussion: I lit up caustic groover using the cuastic reflections from an invisable disco ball. Post work in Afiinity pro with tone mapping and photo dunnit. He is modelled after Tiny Tim - you know tip toe through the toolips
entry #10
artist headwax
title: Flesh Gordon
producs used: m4 , M4UrWShirt, slicer pants, ValiantBoots and a Lab room I found lurking in my poser runtime - which I tweaked shaders of to add reflection en masse
wip link :
discussion : I used an old Viking Tunic for m2, cross dressed it to M4 then retextured it (that's why the circley bits are so disorted!) and used a few transmaps to elminate all but the black thing around the coller and the belt
I also used the caustics trick for the lighting. This time I kept reflections on. I retextured the shirt for the groovy flash insignia. Added a glow to the laser gun thingy.
Just want to say I learnt lots in this one from the tutorials, Thanks Bunyip02, you rock.
Entry #11
Artist Vyusur
Title: Carnival
Native render, no postwork.
Entry #12
Title: Do The Sand Dance
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Links to WIP thread:,
Credits: The head is from the Bianca character, which I understand is a very popular morph for V4. Did not use the body. Instead used standard V4 Utopian body morph and some other tweaks. Skin was Lana.
LP Record and needle came from Retro HiFi. Various Egyptian outfits and props were from Pharaohs of the Sun for M3 and V4. The V4 top is from Brazen, and retextured using Yellow Anodized Aluminum.
All the background females are V1. No postwork.
Entry #13
Title: All Hail The Beaver Queen!
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: June is V1, the two men are Lorenzo space workers, and the robots are RobotWarrior HD.
June is wearing the Take Me Back dress for Genesis 2, and the hair is Xanadu.
The structure they are in is GIS Orion. The background is a modified Ron's Space scene.
Carrara processes include GMIC, Carrara text, Carrara native renderer, and some basic manipulation in the modeling room.
No postwork.
Entry #14
Title: Boots n All
Artist: Stezza
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Genesis, The pinball machine I modeled and then assigned shading domains for some of the areas. I then used PSE to create the textures for the shaders. Carrara hair.
Discussion: Ever since I was a young boy I've played the silver ball From Soho down to Brighton I must have played them all
But I ain't seen nothing like him In any amusement hall That deaf dumb and blind kid
Sure plays a mean pinball!
Entry #: 15
Title: "Living In The Retro Living Room"
Artist: DesertDude
Links to WIP thread:
Kit Kat Clock:
Shader Examples:
Discussion: I started by making the Kit Kat Clock not really know where I was going with it. Then the scene just evolved in my head. Everything was made natively in Carrara except for a few texture maps: for the Kit Kat Clock and the dial on the old radio (which you can't even see in the render, lol), those were painted in an external editor. I used a few native shaders from the browser - Brass, Chrome, and one of the plastic shaders which I altered for the radio knobs, just changed the color.
Carrara native render engine with no post work.
Entry #: 16
Title: "The Retro Beat Goes On"
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Links to WIP thread:
Discussion: Opening stage of the Sonny and Cher Show. Stage, spheres and microphones created in Carrara, and shaders for. Credits include G2F and G2M, the dress for G2F is by the 3DAge at that other site, adapted from V4 to G2F. G2F hair is Flirty hair for G2F. Sonny is wearing the G2M double breasted suit available here in the Daz store. Sonny's hair and mustache are Carrara dynamic hair. Final image composited with Filter Forge stylized filters instead of GMIC stylized filters.
Entry #: 17
Title: "Rooting Dave"
Artist: Misty
Links to WIP thread:
Entry #: 18
Title: Rarra Retro 500
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
WIP Links
Animation Link -
Discussion - Thanks to SparrowHawke for the plugin to follow a polyline. Terrain, racetrack, and race cars modeled, textured, and animated in Carrara. Sign at the end had cars from the native content object browser. Music is Keosz 6 Them from free music archive. Video composited and edited in HitFilm Express.
Entry #: 19
Title: Dystopian Dragon Destruction
Artist: Dartanbeck
Links to WIP thread: Comment_4577551
Rosie 4 - Victoria 4 with Morphs ++, Girl 4, Expressions for V4, Aery Soul's Ozone (shirt), Valana (sash), Angelina Hair (four instances progressively longer and fuller, with my own custom morphs made in Carrara), ArtemisX for Genesis (guns), Kazai (skirt, undies, and pouches/belt), Swashbuckler Boots
Dartanbeck 5 - Michael 5, Mon Chevalier Hair, Highlander (clothing and armor), 3-d-c's (Rendo) Combat (rifle)
Dragon - Daz Dragon 3, Custom Shaders using various Carrara shader controls with the original Dragon 3 maps
Scenery - EnvironKits - Badlands, Tower City, Dystopian Desert Destruction Kit
Rendered in Carrara 8.5 Pro - Postwork in Howler 11 (Color grading, signature, depth of field, Rosie's smoking barrel)
Discussion: Adding the dragon to the scene launched the idea of having the atmosphere really smoky. I started by using Carrara's Fog, which kinda got lost in the bright(ish) sky, so I made more fog that was quite dark - which is still fairly subtle, which I liked. But then it seemed to be begging for some fire so, again I went for Carrara's Fog and set the color to a very saturated yellow, then copied that to create one that's saturated orange. Made for a pretty nice looking fire, I thought.
TheAntFarm's Dystopian Desert Destruction Kit is a dream to work with. He really knows how to make efficient content, and this is truly one of them. Each storey is a separate prop, but we can load in presets to get closer to what we need fast. But being props, we can select any parts of the kit and duplicate it in Carrara, which I love. Much older is the Tower City, but that is still an awesome collection of nice, tall towers, construction, walls, etc., and is also all props and very efficient on the system.
Entry thread is now closed.
Voting thread now starts.
It's time to vote:-
Pick 5 of your favourites. For your votes, please use the following format:-
Entry #:
Why only 5 and not 19? 19 would have been easier. Good work all around.
Entry #: 11
Title: Carnival
Artist: Vyusur
Entry #: 6
Title: Marine Boy
Artist: Stezza
Entry #: 3
Title: Baa Baa Blacksheep
Artist: Bunyip02
Entry #: 9
Title: Caustic groover
Artist: Headwax
Entry #: 12
Title: Do The Sand Dance
Artist: UnifiedBrain
First - #11
Second - #6
Third - #9
Fourth - #14
Fifth - #2
entry #10
title: Flesh Gordon
artist headwax
Entry #11
Title: Carnival
Artist Vyusur
Entry #12
Title: Do The Sand Dance
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry #: 15
Title: "Living In The Retro Living Room"
Artist: DesertDude
Entry #: 18
Title: Rarra Retro 500
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Entry #: 2
Title: Twilight Zone
Artist: Bunyip02
Entry #7
Title: Jackie Paper
Artist: Stezza
Entry #8
Title: She was a Wolf in Man's Clothing
Artist: Headwax
Entry #12
Title: Do The Sand Dance
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry #: 16
Title: "The Retro Beat Goes On"
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Entry #11
Title: Carnival
Artist Vyusur
Entry #: 15
Title: "Living In The Retro Living Room"
Artist: DesertDude
Entry #13
Title: All Hail The Beaver Queen!
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry #12
Title: Do The Sand Dance
Artist: UnifiedBrain
entry #10
title: Flesh Gordon
artist headwax
Entry #: 15
Title: "Living In The Retro Living Room"
Artist: DesertDude
Entry #13
Title: All Hail The Beaver Queen!
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry #12
Title: Do The Sand Dance
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry #: 16
Title: "The Retro Beat Goes On"
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Entry #: 3
Title: Baa Baa Blacksheep
Artist: Bunyip02
love them all, some made me laugh, all of them made me envious of the talent that lies within this forum
thanks again for taking over the reigns/rains Bunyip02
edit I loved #13 so much I accidentally voted for it twice
special shout out to Veronika's carnival image and the Pin Ball Kid
my votes in no particular order other than numerical
Entry #: 2
Title: Twilight Zone
Artist: Bunyip02
Entry #13
Title: All Hail The Beaver Queen!
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry #: 15
Title: "Living In The Retro Living Room"
Artist: DesertDude
Entry #: 17
Title: "Rooting Dave"
Artist: Misty
Entry #: 18
Title: Rarra Retro 500
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Great stuff, one and all.
By entry order, my votes are
Entry #1
Title: Future Girl
Artist: Namtar
entry #5
artist: shlomi laszlo
title: toon fantasy wood
Entry #11
Artist Vyusur
Title: Carniva
Entry #14
Title: Boots n All
Artist: Stezza
Entry #: 15
Title: "Living In The Retro Living Room"
Artist: DesertDude
Flesh Gordon
Jackie Paper
Toon Fantasy Wood
Shlomi Laszlo
Twilight Zone
tough judging