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Entry #7
Title: Jackie Paper
Artist: Stezza
Comment: Great setting and whimsy. In other words, typical Stezza.
Entry #9
Title: Caustic Groover
Artist: Headwax
Comment: I love the skin with the caustic reflection. But the render he didn't enter - The Killer Wore Lipstick - was my real favorite. :)
Entry #11
Title: Vyusur
Artist: Carnival
Comment: The tweaks gave this render a magical quality.
Entry #15
Title: Living in the Retro Living Room
Artist: DesertDude
Comment: Should win the award for "most retro." :)
Entry #18
Title: Rarra Retro 500
Artist: Diomede
Comment: I changed this vote at least 3 times. Diomede's last-minute render took it by a nose. A very creative and exciting animation for a first effort!
Alas, there were several other renders I liked, but I only voted for the ones that had clear retro elements.
Difficult choice. 19 really good entries.
Entry 3
Title: Baa Baa Blacksheep
Artist: Bunyip02
Entry 11
Title: Carnival
Artist: Vyusur:
Entry 6
Title: Marine boy
Artist: Stezza
Entry 7
Title: Jackie Paper
Artist: Stezza
Entry 12
Title: Do The Sand Dance
Artist: Unified Brain
All are amazing.
Ted... loved the video, too! I hadn't seen your Doggerland flooding before which came up on the next video... at least I don't recall. Good job on that!
Entry #5
Title: "Toon Fantasy Wood"
Artist: shlomi laszlo
Entry #11
Title: "Carnival"
Artist: Vyusur
Entry # 15
Title: "Living In The Retro Living Room"
Artist: DesertDude
Entry # 17
Title: "Rooting Dave"
Artist: Misty
Entry #18
Title: "Rarra Retro 500l"
Artist: Diomede
Entry #6 Title: Marine Boy
Artist: Stezza
- i used to watch marine boy cartoon, omg blast from my youngen days
entry #9 title: Caustic groover
Artist Headwax
Entry #: 16 Title: "The Retro Beat Goes On"
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
-cowboy's work is never done
Entry #11 Artist Vyusur
Title: Carnival
-luv swing ride
Entry #12 Title: Do The Sand Dance
Artist: UnifiedBrain
-walk like an egyptian now stuck in my head Lol and +2 for boobages
Great works, wonderful variety of effects. My choices:
Entry #6
Title: Marine Boy
Artist: Stezza
Entry #8
Title: She was a Wolf in Man's Clothing
Artist: Headwax
Entry #11
Artist Vyusur
Title: Carnival
Entry #12
Title: Do The Sand Dance
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry #: 15
Title: "Living In The Retro Living Room"
Artist: DesertDude
Entry #6
Title: Marine Boy
Artist: Stezza
Entry #8
Title: She was a Wolf in Man's Clothing
Artist: Headwax
Entry #11
Artist Vyusur
Title: Carnival
Entry #13
Title: All Hail The Beaver Queen!
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry #: 18
Title: Rarra Retro 500
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Great work all around. Why is voting the toughest part?
Entry #12
Title: Do The Sand Dance
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry #: 2
Title: Twilight Zone
Artist: Bunyip02
Entry #: 15
Title: "Living In The Retro Living Room"
Artist: DesertDude
Entry #: 18
Title: Rarra Retro 500
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
- real vertigo
Entry #1
Title: Future Girl
Artist: Namtar
Entry #6
Title: Marine Boy
Artist: Stezza
Entry #8
Title: She was a Wolf in Man's Clothing
Artist: Headwax
Entry #13
Title: All Hail The Beaver Queen!
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry #: 18
Title: Rarra Retro 500
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Entry #: 19
Title: Dystopian Dragon Destruction
Artist: Dartanbeck
Entry #: 3
Title: Baa Baa Blacksheep
Artist: Bunyip02
entry #5
artist: shlomi laszlo
title: toon fantasy wood
Entry #11
Artist Vyusur
Title: Carnival
Entry #12
Title: Do The Sand Dance
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry #: 19
Title: Dystopian Dragon Destruction
Artist: Dartanbeck
Voting is now closed.
Will publish the results after I have checked everything !
Results are:-
1st - Entry 11 - Vyusur - "Carnival"
2nd - Entry 15 - DesertDude - "Living In The Retro Living Room"
3rd - Entry 12 - UnifiedBrain - "Do The Sand Dance"
4th - Entry 18 - Diomede (Ted Murphy) - "Rarra Retro 500"
There was a tie twice, I used a tie breaker to seperate them. Tie breaker method was the Aussie Heads or Tails of the toss of the coin, 5 go's were done, whoever got 3 won.
Stonemason chose Entry 8 - Headwax - "She was a Wolf in Man's Clothing" for the PA Sponsor prize.
Congrats to the winners. Will PM winners for details required.
Extremely big well done to all participants, I found the level of work to be very high and enjoyed each of the entries very much !
Thanks to DAZ3D & Stonemason for being sponsors !!
Also big thanks to all the voters !
congratualtions to all, winners or not all your work is awesome
Congratulations to all winners! Bunyip, many thanks for your nice and skilled hosting!
well done everyone.. excellent entries as usual
thanks Daz & Stonemason
great job Bunyip
Vyusur, DesertDude, UnifiedBrain, Diomede, & Headwax - check your PMs !!
Thanks. Apologies for not being able to flip the coin in your direction !
Congratulations, all participants. Thank you, Bunyip. The shader tips you supplied are a wonderful resource. And thank you, coin.
Congratulations to everyone!! Great art all around. Anyone who uses Carrara is a winner in my opinion.
And thanks Bunyip02_Carrara for a great job hosting this challenege.
Congratulations to all! Sorry I was unable to get a vote in on time. I came in a few times to try and make a dicision, and kept having to leave before I could decide. Next thing I knew... somebody won! LOL
In other words... I like them all. Great renders All!
Argh what a great challenge! Thanks so much for all those tutorials Bunyip02. I realise now who scracthing the surface of Carrara I am still :)
And Vyusur, DesertDude, UnifiedBrain, Diomede, terrifically well desrved. It was a hard job judging once more. A good sign.
And thanks so much to Daz and STONEMASON - an honour to be picked to get the Stonemason prize - yippee :) !!!!!!!!!!!
Headwax, check your PM's again, I need one more thing.