What is some of your favourite content for male characters?

HylasHylas Posts: 5,073

Inspired by this other thread about how there's not enough male content... be that as it may, let's look at the male content we do have and highlight some of our favourite products! What male content do you use all the time, what male content do you find to be particularly well made/creative/practical/essential?

I'll start:

SWOLE for G8: dial it all the way up for some 'roided-out freaks, or just dial in a little bit to give your man a slight beef-up. I like exagerated muscular builds, so this is great. As a bonus you get a skin with a normal and a shiny setting, a geoshell buzz cut, and a geoshell five o'clock shadow.

Jepe's Bodyhair Project 78: Looks better than any other body hair product I've seen and renders fast to boot. Easy to use and easy to further adapt in photoshop. Has armpit hair! Is compatible with a certain 3rd party add-on that rhymes with Ricktator.

Toon Hero for G8: Not only do we finally have a Toon Hunk for G8 (that doesn't require Dwayne), he's also more gorgous that all the previous Toon Hunks that I know of. Love him!

Touchdown Star: Love this set! Too bad it's a M4 product that doesn't convert to G8 quite as well as I'd like to - those shoulder pads! - but I still love it.

Some other sets I like (yes, I like them male cliches archetypes): Naval Uniform for G2M, Desperado for G3M, Construction Worker for G2M/G3M


Tell us all about your favourite male content!



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