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What is the difference between CPU Load Limit and CPU Thread Affinity? The CPU Load Limit shows what appears to be a number of cores. CPU Thread Affinity is just a check box. How do these two interact? What does each one do?
The hair integration has not been done at this time, we wanted to limit the changes when putting in the new Iray 2020 integration (all previous betas have been on various versions of Iray 2019). Additional work that has not yet been done is the work to get the extra canvas features integrated which would allow for the toon renderer as well.
For the 4.12.1 release (which this is a release candidate for), we wanted to limit the scope of changes from the previous beta to this one. Nvidia has done a good job responding to the bug requests we have forwarded and have fixed them up in this Iray 2020 release, so we want to get it out soon to all of our users. Additionally they have added the "low memory mode" to help bring the rendering memory requirements back down to the Iray release in the 4.11 version of Daz Studio.
In a future release we are aiming to get the hair integration which should both speed up rendering with strand based and dforce hair. Also we will get the toon rendering integrated that was also added in Iray 2020. No firm dates on that, but you'll be able to see them in a future beta first, so keep checking for updates.
daz studio will actually have a real time renderer in the future? I'm intrigued.
They can't ignore the duplicate ID problem as how would they know that you want the one they chose and not the one they ignored? It would be nice if they desired a GUI to go through and find all duplicate IDs and present them to be chosen to either be renamed or to delete sort of how the G3 to G8 Transfer GUI works.
Is the Strand Based Hair going to be based now on those hair primitives? Or will a new hair creation GUI be designed?
Well, I can tell that CPU Iray rendering work pretty well with this Daz beta on W7 with my Skylake X CPU, so Intel predicted that kind of use. Tested just now. Nvidia probably did something with Iray 2020... It crashes instantly. dForce works well, no such crashes.
Sadly, at this point, I can't afford myself to go into W10, not yet. Other software I use isn't a fan of W10.
The duplicate ID is not the same as the duplicate formula. Two entirely different problems; the duplicate ID problem is easy to fix with a script, the duplicate formula isn't. if Daz 3D implimented a feature to 'ignore' the duplicate formula, everything would load fast, regardless of whom was using it.
And yet, I have no problems with iray workings in 4.11, nor did anyone else to this extent with 4.11, 4.10, etc, etc. So what else did the developers change from 4.11 to 4.12? That's the question that needs to be asked. And instancing was only brought up because they started limiting beta users to singular instances- which got a TON of backlash. So for those who want it back, they roll back. that problem is easily solved. the CPU fallback isn't because it requires going BACK to 4.11, which Daz3D hasn't made available (and they should), otherwise third party solutions will be sought and exercised. Maybe forward that piece to the developers?
I said it before a ton of times and I'll say it again: making 4.11 available because of the flaming pile of garbage that 4.12.X is, is the only viable solution.
All the developers and moderators have to face it; 4.11 was the last solid release compared to 4.12.
The Duplicate Formula error is not new to DS 4.12.x.x, and is accurately reporting an issue (occasioanlly an error in a single product, more usually a conflict between two products). It can't resolve the error (edit: ot rather, it will just go with the first formual - which is, I think, pretty much what you asked for, but that still means that the cntent is not working as intended or that oen of two shapes will not apply correctly, so the report is needed - and the load-speed impact is, as far as I know, unavoidable) - that has to be done with the creator(s) of the product(s), fixing the issue if it's a single product or at least one of them renaming one or more of their properties to eliminate the clash.
Instancng is now fully supported, instead of exploiting a loophole in the code (and occasioanlly causing issues).
Daz cannot fix Iray issues, it has tried to fix an issue on the Daz Studio side and it sounds as if nVidia has made changes that may well help on their side.
3Delight already takes hair strands as (RiSpec) curves, I believe. Currently the curves have to be tesselated for Iray but with this new feature, as I understand it, DS will be able to pass the curve data as curve data. I don't think it will involve any changes in the way Strand Based hair or dForce Hair work within DS, from what I understood.
I can't open the new versions of DAZ 3D 4.12xx. First I downloaded and thought it was a problem with this version. Now I have and the same issue. The program is installed but when I try to open it, the program window doesn't open even though it is running in the task manager. Tried to reinstall and restart several times, no luck. General version 4.12 runs normally, but I experience problems with rendering in that one where the second frame is always being rendered by CPU instead of GPU. Any help is highly appreciated.
You didn't by any chance install it while an instance of DAZ Studio was running?
Well, first yes. But then I uninstalled all version of DAZ and only installed the new one. Same issue..
Maybe VRAM usage will drop thanks to that?
And as usual, you miss the entire point of what I'm saying, even though I'm speaking in clear english. While the duplicate formula is not new to DS (in general), a toggle switch that allows the software to completely ignore it would decrease load times. Did you understand that? A switch to tell Daz Studio to IGNORE the error and continue. So no, I didn't ask for the software to go with another formula or ignore the second, i'm asking for a switch to ignore the ENTIRE error and move on, not writing it to log or whatever some such excuse you want to give.
As for as the iray issues; don't shift blame to Nvidia, this fallback thing is on Daz. 4.11 it worked and still works. 4.12 it doesn't, all while Nvidia is cranking out updates.
Instancing was always fully supported- the devs just decided to mess with something that was fine to begin with.
I now have something new to get hopeful about. I'd never heard of Google Filament before today but, having looked it up, it looks very encouraging.
I wonder whether that would require an updated version of OpenGL and a better viewport experience? I really hope we can look forward to this being implemented soon. Then, onwards to soft-body physics via a much improved and faster dForce, perhaps. One can but wish.
yeah I prefer LAMH and 3Delight for this reason, the only issue being it not syncing for animation unless I force keyframes using animate on every frame on the timeline on the hair and possibly because of this DAZ studio ramps up my RAM until it crashes, So while a reasonable render time I can usually only do up to 30 frames!
The LAMH looks much nicer probably because not tessellated.
This isn't a viable option from a software development standpoint because it would only work to make the origin of such errors impossible to identify - not correct them. And duplicate formular errors are not trivial since they result in the non-functionality of entire features/morphs. Perhaps a more robust duplicate formula error reporting/management mechanism is in order (eg. a popup/modal containing a cumulative list of all conflicting morphs encountered during the current application session along with the ability to selectively choose which ones DS should ignore) so that such errors can be more effectively identified and at least partially mitigated while a fix for the errant installation is incoming. But the solution lies in fixing the underlying errors - not making the software/user completely dumb to what's at fault.
You don't understand. CPU fallback regarding GPU based rendering isn't now - nor ever has been - a part of the Daz Studio featureset. It is entirely an internal mechanism to Nvidia Iray. Meaning that if behavior with it has changed between Daz Studio versions, the culprit/cause lies entirely within the domain of Iray's developers - not Daz's.
Multi-instancing with prior DS releases was purely fortuitious and resulted in unexpected behavior/crashes under specific use cases. 4.12.1.XXX's adoption of formal multi-instancing mechanisms - while potentially cumbersome to setup/adapt to - eliminate any such issues. Making their creation the correct thing to do from a long-term software development standpoint.
Thank (and those who replied to this earlier.) I was simply asking because it intrigued me.
Although see many past Google projects that have been dropped. It's pretty odd that they support all those graphics APIs. Not complaining if they do manage it though as it means ATI GPUs will be supported.
The new matte fog render settings look interesting.
Does anyone have any thoughts on the best way to use these.
Just found the new Scheduling settings. You guys rock!
Thank you :)
Now I can set load and thread affinity inside Studio and not have to fiddle with the Winows taskmanger or shell scripts to do so.
Here's the short version for the curious. Set the CPU load Limit down 1 click and check the box for "CPU Thread Affinity" and your computer will be much more usable while a render is running or the iray preview is running.
CPU Load limit is the number of cores your CPU has. Mine has 8 so I set it to 7 and my computer only lets DS use 7 of my 8 cores so I have 1 free core to surf the web and do other stuff with.
Sure my CPU only renders will run 1/8 slower, but I don't care.
On a Mac Catalina machine I've been trying to install the public build so that I can open all my .duf files but the install fails every time. I've contacted support days ago but no reply. I get a prompt to enter my admin password and then I get the install failed message.
Since it's asking for an admin password it might be a permissions problem. Is there a message in the log?
The auth dialog is because DIM is installing things into a protected folder ( /Applications): If it fails, you either is running DIM from an account that are not allowed to sudo (run authenticated tasks), or you are installing on 10.15.4 which seems to have added even more security and protecting to /Applications.
I think you could solve this by create the folder "DAZStudio4 64-bit Public Build" inside /Applications/DAZ 3D, at lest try it and run the installation again.
It is. an option toggle switch is viable - on and off. on keeps the errors logged, off doesn't.
I do understand it. GPU rendering worked fine in 4.9, 4.10 and 4.11, but fails in 4.12. What changed? I can safetly say it wasn't Nvidia (lots of driver changes), wasn't windows (updates) and hardware changes all the time. So for CPU fallback to be such a collosal issue- something else out of the changing variables had to of changed.
lol. instancing worked fine in 4.9, 4.10, and works well in 4.11- I've had ten open with no issue. I have three open right now. adding multiple steps for the sake of adding steps falls into the category of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."
The Highlights thread has an explanation now
The error would still exist, and woudl still have an impact on performance, and users would flood support with tickets saying "DS is slow to load" because they wouldn't get an explanation. To make sure you undrstand, Duplicate Formulas means two different properties have the same name and have a link to a second property with the same name.
For example, PA1 makes a cat figure and names the morph Kitty, they need to adjust the mouth closed morph so they have MCKittyMouthClosedFix with an ERC link between the two (and moouth closed). PA2 has a character named Kitty and names the morph Kitty, and due to her special pout Kitty needs a fix which PA2 calls MCKittyMouthClosedFix with an ERC link to Kitty and Muth Closed. Now if both are installed there will be duplicate formulas.
Iray is developed by nVidia - the version of iray included with DS has changed (and, especially for non-RTX cards, uses more memory) - hence this is an issue for nVidia (and indeed they have made changes to the version of Iray inclued with this version of DS). Drivers were not the issue being discussed.
Instancing worked for you. Daz has the support tickets to show that this was not a universal experience. They have now implemented a method of instancing which will still allow you to run ten instances of DS, but withut the potential issues (which you have been fortunate enough to avoid).
and so the whole dropping back to CPU hasn't been completely fixed.
Seriously in Studio 4.9, I can render up to 7 G3F fully dressed, clothed, using Swam and OOT hair and to top it off using a "Peanterra" forest set, again using Studio 4.9 and I can do multiple test renders with changing up textures all over the place and not drop to cpu. And by multiple tests I mean 20 to 30 tests.
Dump Studio for a fresh start....
I can do the same with this version of the Studio Beta using 12 V4's, fully dressed, differnet skins, differnet Iray set hair in the same forest set and do maybe 10 or 12 test renders before dropping to CPU.
Dump Studio again for a fresh start (becuase sea-lawyers will say that's the problem, not starting fresh.)
Still using the current in the most current release, but the second I use 3...yes thats THREE G3F in the same forest set and boom second test render and "GPU Temp" says all my cards are offline and I'm back to CPU renders. FYI don't assume, ever, let the facts speak for them selvles. GPU Temp says the GPU load prior to renders RAM is 10%, load all these scenes and it's 17%, click render and it explodes up to 86%
Currently I'm also seeing Studio falling back to using my two GTX960's and blowing off my RTX2070 that's an issue that can't be explained right now, and I'll figure out myself but what I'm seeing is Studio is loading up the video card ram with morph data, textures, and a host of other information the V4's do not carry as 'bloat'. This bloat is part of the problem and part of why I sustect Studio falls back to CPU so readily.
V4 (and those of the pre-Genesis era) all load faster, scenes ; exclusively v4 based load faster, scenes clear faster, render faster, pose faster. Studio responds faster even with 10 V4's in a scene vice 3 G3F's.
Now how can that be an Nvidia issue?
CPU 3.50 i7
32GB Ram
RTX 2070
GTX 960 (x2)
Driver version Game Developer : 445.87 Unable to use Studio version due to it does not support anything below GTX 1050
I do apploaud the current fixes, but it's still not enough. Octane from what I've seen never once drops to CPU, it in fact rolls over to use system ram to help carry the ram load. And with Disney now signing a contract with OTOY, I'd strongly suggest this might be the way to go to help carry this problem through.
Where could I tell the Iray devs about this Skylake-X-on-Windows-7 bug? I'm currently capped to CPU rendering and Octane 2020.1.x, which behaves a bit erratically on latest betas.