Daz Studio Pro BETA - version …
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An educated guess: instances. That set uses instances quite extensively.
That is what I thought too.
Well, you didn't say anything about selecting a few polygons originally, it sounded as if you were selecting everything via te Surface group list in Tool Settings. I saw the same runaway process using your steps, though I force-quit DS when it hit 20GB of memory. The same seems to happen without going to the Details tab, though I didn't let it sit as long. Please mae a bug rport, making sure it is clear that you are selecting only some polygons (I think you don't mean to talk about surfaces as such at all).
I have a question about this statement in the change log for
I see only two settings available, On and Auto. If I leave it on Auto, will that automatically switch it to behave like On, if I am low on GPU memory for my scene? If that is not what Auto means, what does the Auto setting do? (I have a GTX 980Ti)
Just updated to the lastest beta. It's certainly not as efficient, vram-wise (long gone are the days of rendering 4 characters and a simple environment on 4gb). Occasionally, the program will just silently close a few seconds after clicking render. The log shows about 1600 instances of the following, generated in a little under 5 seconds:
Seems a bit excessive and I wonder if this contributes to the silent crash. This is with Instancing Optimization and Ray Tracing Low Memory both on. With only Instancing Optimization on, the render falls back to CPU as expected. WIth just Ray Tracing Low Memory on it silently crashes.
On a seperate note, normally exiting, Studio does not shut down successfully. I'm aware that in the past it would take minutes to properly quit but now the program remains in the task manager with zero CPU activity and static ram usage - this is waiting for a good 10 minutes.
I have never had this issue per se, however, deleting polygons with the Geometry Editor Tool is the one thing I've seen crash Daz Studio again and again. I've gotten into the habit of saving the scene prior to deleting polygons. Saving first, it feels like there are a lot fewer crashes. But it's not just deleting polygons that does it. Occasionally, creating a new surface with selected polygons will also crash DS.
I admit, however, I don't go around deleting polys or creating new surfaces with characters. I'll have to try it.
Major issue;
NO figures loads in gen X when using DS 12 beta, but it works fine for the general release!
...I hope it's a problem on my end, though I don't see why it doesn't function in the general release and not the beta!
Are the Gen-X files present in the beta folder? It seems like I remember that you have to copy some plugin files manually, because DIM wouldn't install it to the beta installation. I don't know if Daz ever fixed that problem.
They won't, not for the beta; though I hope they do for future general releases! BTW, I copied the scripts from the doc files and still no dice, as it actually crashes studio when I use the GenX/All buttons in the Morphs tab... the issue's no longer on my end as the plugin is non-functional in spite of it being manually installed and loaded!
Thanks anyways for your advice though!
Just to add my experience with this beta version.
I have two RTX 2080 Ti cards in a Windows 10 machine with 64 GB of RAM. I had just about given up on DS due to the problem (well documented in other pages of this forum) of renders continually falling back to the CPU. Additonally, whenever I rendered scenes that used over 8 GB of VRAM, one of my cards would load the scene but not actually process anything - the memory would show around 8 GB used but GPU usage would be zero. And then, of course, there was the warning message in the log after every render iteration that The 'iray_optix_prime' scene option is no longer supported.
I installed this beta hoping it would be an improvement, as was effectively unuseable on my platform. I can report that after two solid afternoons' use and about 8 hours of overnight renders, these problems have not occurred once. This doesn't mean the problems are fixed, but so far, so good. I'll post an update if the problem does reoccur.
what is edit geometry convert tubes or ribbons to lines?
A tool for converting tubes or ribbons of plygons into polylines, for example for hair created as curves in an application that won't export the curves but instead turns them into ribbons or tubes of polygons. It's mainly, I think, of use to PAs creating dForce hair and wanting to do the modelling in another application.
... or maybe UE4 Alembic Grooms?
and yeah accepted if I want to do dynamic hair not to bother with DAZ studio
yeah it converts my Zbrush hair to lines but no use to me
curves import like that anyway
Rob points out that Iray is adding native fibre support, https://blog.irayrender.com/post/190895183971/feature-time-part-ii-iray-2020-introduces-native , so DS doesn't have to tesselate the hair curvers (as it currently does for Iray) - however I think the function you are looking at is to get curves from (imported) tesselated mesh rather than for tesselating stuff for Iray
OK, I was missing the obvious - once converted to polylines they will then be able to take advantage of the new Iray features. The polylines could also be used with a DzPolylineModifier - see http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/geometry/generate_polyline_wireframe/start
It's about time LOL .. but I see the old transmapped hairs continue to plague the shop even for G8, c'mon PAs let's get up to date.
Will we see a similar uplift in performace in new Iray like with upgrade from 2018 to 2019?
it would be nice if that fiber support included LAMH curves too
I still think the presets for the animals using that look far lovelier than the Strand based hair
of course it will all be static prop fibers if not bought from DAZ PAs
I don't know if this has been reported but the behavior with zooming the camera into a selected node is hit or miss in this beta
otherwise the response from my 1660ti is vastly improved in preview.
Yeah it seems like that bug is persistent, I remember when it was first introduced with DS 4.10! They only fixed it with certain specific mouse manufacturers such as razor, I hope one day it will finally get squashed as it is pretty irritating, just like the iray blurry bug with the preview render if you don't have genesis selected...
In the current state of the beta, can I create the move-the-hip to-squat effect as in the old Poser program, with feet locks and legs bending as I lower the hip on the vertical axis? If so, how?
I mean this in one single frame, not in an animation. The reason I ask is because of what I've seen int he highlights about IK.
Actually ik works fine until you save the scene. Then if you reload it some ik goals don't work anymore. The issue has been reported to the daz support but I didn't receive any update yet. So I guess it's not fixed in the beta.
As for a tutorial see my signature.
Thanks a lot :) I'll look it up right away.
Any news regarding the release date of the public version?
You mean the post-Public Build version? In any event, no - the first news will probably be the thread saying there is a new version available.
In the Daz Studio change log for build I see:
Added a guard against use of the Iray Auto Exposure tool (NVIDIA Iray DrawStyle) resulting in an invalid (-inf) Exposure Value
I submitted a help request today about another condition that can cause -inf Exposure Value. If the Render Settings Tone Mapping control cm^2 Factor is set to 0 or a negative value, the Exposure Value is set to - inf. Perhaps that can also be corrected before the next release, or perhaps the fix mentioned in the change log will take care of that, too.
There's a bug/annoyance that catches me everytime, but always I forget to write it down.
These keyboard controls are bound to camera viewport movement:
But, when you use them while the camera is active, there is no undo saved, unlike the Orbit control, which does save a undo for the camera.
This has a nasty effect when I switch to the parameter tab and try to type in some text in the search box. If I happen to type any of those keys (Q,W,E,A,S,D), the camera jumps and I lose my last position.
This doesn't happen every time, only occasionally. But, it's become so annoying, I have to lock down the camera after I set it up, to stop it from happening.
shift K will turn the keybard view navigation off (though you may want to clear that shortcut and use Edit>View>Keyboard Navigation instead). I agree it's annoying that it isn't added to undo, but I suspect there may be an issue with the logic - what is added? With the modifier-drag operations each action is defined by mouse down then mouse up, but with keyboard it may be less clear and t would be very easy to end up with a large stack of undoable actions.
Thanks, I don't use them, but I'm glad I can finally turn them off.