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I agree with Illidanstorm, it's very difficult work with a single session.
The explanation is simple: Often, when I'm working on a project, I need an element from another scene. I simply open another session of DAZ Studio, extract that element, save it and close the second session without closing the first containing the scene I was working on.
If you force me to have only one session I have to: Save the first scene, load the second, wait for the second scene to complete loading, extract the desired element, save it, reopen the first scene, wait for it to fully load... It's simply a waste of time.
In some other cases, I simply work on two separate scenes in the same time.
You can't open multiple scenes anymore by clicking on them.
Each time you have to run this script, which is not user friendly at all and also takes time.
Latley daz stays in the taskmanager when closing it, preventing it from open another instance. So I have to go to the task manager and close it there first.
Which other program does this? This is literally the silliest thing I have seen in any software so far.
Just have an option you can check in the settings to allow multiple instances, just like @rbtwhiz promised to do.
Such a promise were never made. His post explained how to use the script, and you can even create a shortcut for the new instance:
Therefore one doesn't have to run the script each time.
I don't see what folks issues are; download the script, copy it to a suitable folder in studio's content library and use it.
It isn't quite as simple as previosly, but it is a long way from being complicated.
The image shows two studio instances (
Oh, it seems I totally forgot about that script.
Tried it, seems to work fine, I guess that's the right solution.
Thanks Doctor Jellybean!
I still think there should be a simple option in the preferences that automatically starts a new instance, if there's a instance still running.
I started a brand new scene. There were issues with Command+S from the keyboard, but from the dropdown menu and from the log file it appeared to save. The log file actually said saved and not saved. I was looking to save a final time when the beta crashed, and now there's no saved file at all, only a blank duf.png icon file.
I tried a new file. It saved it, however, I have to keep overwriting the original file and after a time, there's no recognition of there already being a file of that name.
I'm on a mac. Besides saved and not saved, there's nothing showing up in the log file to say what the error is.
Cards: 2x Titan-V (Volta/Tensor) 12GB each, 2x Titan-XP Collectors Editions (Pascall) 12GB each.
System memory: 64GB DDR4 Corsair Dominator Platinum (4x 16GB)
CPU: Core i9-7980-XE 18/36 core
PSU: 1600 Watts
Drives: SSD 960 PRO 2TB mSATA, SSD 850 EVO 4TB SATA
Daz version: (Also prior and the normal current version have these issues still/too.)
IRAY is still "dropping-out", from video-card rendering, when using IRAY for the preview and doing the following...
1: Selecting and using "Caustics", while there is something that caustics actually uses, like glass and mirrors.
2: Selecting "Caustics", then turning it off and on, as needed. So it isn't being used all the time.
3: Using the "Denoiser", with "Caustics" set to on. (As far as I know, that isn't even an IRAY possibility. You should be giving a warning to the user and disabling caustics, if denoiser is selected, or when selecting caustics, if denoiser is on.)
4: Clipping through objects, where there is no actual "back-face", but Daz is drawing one anyways, on the non-normal side. When the camera clips through the walls, several times, it sort-of re-initializes the scene and in that process, like the others above, it never returns back from IRAY land.
5: Adjusting the render-window, just before the first frame is drawn to the screen. It's a hit or miss, but normally it falls back to CPU rendering.
6: Just rendering stuff... Randomly, mid-way through the render, at random times, it just falls back to CPU rendering. Sometimes after only 500 iterations, sometimes half way through, sometimes just in that last 95%.
7: When selecting cards for use, it can break the connections to the cards, so NONE can be used, until you restart it.
8: When canceling the render by the render-window, instead of the running-details window, it often falls back to CPU rendering, when returning to the IRAY preview or runing your next render.
9: When changing lighting types for rendering, from one type to another... Scene only, Dome and scene, etc...
10: When turning the ground-shadow on and off
11: When loading some specific items, or many items fast.
12: When adjusting any material setting that causes a full-refresh of the drawn scene in IRAY preview mode.
13: When manipulating objects in the window, causing a full-refresh of the drawn scene in IRAY preview mode.
Other issues...
Setting a camera to a focal-distance of "0", will make all object selection markers not show. You can put "0.00000001", to get near zero, to get them to display again. (This is done to make a camera act like eyes, not like a reverse head, when you look up and down in the view. Stopping it from drifting sideways and rotating sideways when you only want ONE axis of motion.)
If you "Lock" a camera's rotation for any for ROLL and/or TILT (up/down), so it can only rotate right or left... When it rotates and reaches 90-deg in either direction, it bounces back about 10-30 degrees, and it is impossible to manually rotate the camera with the manipulator cube. It just won't spin around more than 90, and never actually reaches 90 itself.
Focal-distance is still "tied" to the camera scale, but the indicators for focal-point and bounding-boxes are not. Thus, if the camera is scaled, in a group, none of the display indicators on the screen are correct. EG, if you scale the camera 50%, the point you see as the focal point is half the true distance of the real rendered focal point. (The camera, like lights, should not actually "scale", at all. It is messing with everything from viewport values, focal distance, focal range and other odd things.) Only the XYZ translation should change, appropriately, if "scaled". If you are going to scale the other values, then you also need to scale the "display representation" of those values too. (The lines you draw on the screen to represent the various zones and targets of the above mentioned things.)
When selecting to "show item in smart content", from the content-library, list of search-results... It is complaining that there is some filter selected, stopping it from displaying in the smart-content window. Doing this when there are no filters set. (Honestly, it should be removing them, if there was any. Not warning someone about it, expecting them to do it.)
Many files that show without an image, even though there is an actual matching image for the "duf" file, will ALSO not open the file-location, when that option is selected. The file location seems to be "/" or "./" or "." or "". As opposed to the actual file location that is actually in the duf file, or the files actual location where it is reading the duf file that it isn't displaying in the smart content, or in the content-library. The PNG files are vlaid files, with names matching the duf file. I confirmed it, on every instance. (In all fairness, these are NOT daz-items. So, apparently there is some other issue where they are not setup correctly for smart-content. But, Daz is the one DISPLAYING them... or rather, NOT displaying them. Nothing in the "extra info" looks off. (The ability to select that text would be great too. Who makes a window with critical debugging info that you can't select to copy and paste somewhere?)
Oh, and general crashing and failure to release GPU memory still, as well as crashing before even getting near my 12GB GPU VRAM limits. It randomly crashes when it reaches about 8-10GB, on a peak, which tapers down to about 4-6GB after the actual rendering starts. Not sure it is possible, but you might want to see if you can "calculate and setup", PRIOR TO actually rendering. It is like it is trying to do both at the same time and flooding the GPU with things it can't use, filling it beyond what it has available, not even checking to see if it is actually available.
EG, Before it renders, it has to calculate all the surfaces, positions, layers, etc... The images are not needed in that time, but they all seem to be fed into there at the same time, before it has actually calculated the render-shapes. At which point, it dumps all that original bloated file-data and only works with the render-shapes and images, which is a LOT smaller file-size. But, currently, it is like it has BOTH at the same time. Thus, crashing the cards and dropping out to CPU rendering. Doing too much too fast?
Sometimes, it never goes to 100% convergence, even when it is set to 100%. Stopping at the default setting instead. (Not on fast renders. This is on nice long slow renders. 2000 to 8000+ iterations. I expect a fast render to hit 100%, but the screen not display it fast enough to see. This is happening on long renders where the last 5% takes about as long as the whole first 95%, normally.)
Please do report it, with detailed steps.
This new beta kills studio instantly when rendering a scene which rendered fine in the previous beta and in the present full program. When the new item under Optimization/Ray Tracing Low Memory is set to Auto it is killed instantly, when set to On it takes forever to start the render and then kills studio at the first draw. This is using the GPU and no fallback to CPU.
Out of curiosity, what does the logfile say about it? (am traveling internationally until mid next week, so can't do much tinkering around myself right now.)
New update does not unload from memory anymore has to be kille on my machine has octane plugin installed
The end of the log just goes blank with no warnings or anything else to say why. I would get it occasionally on both previous Betas and full programs before I upped the RAM and the Swap File sizes a long while ago but I knew that the low memory was causing it, this seems to be happening on this Beta when it drops from the GPU to CPU when the RAM on the graphics card can't take the scene.
Using the timestamps on the left, can you pinpoint exactly what's going on at the time of the delay with it set to "on"? (there should be a big time gap.) That could be very useful in determining what's going on.
I am advised to suggest you that Uncheck the Octane plugin in Help > About Installed Plugins... dialog, close the application, restart the application and try again. Does the problem persist? The Octane plugin has been discovered to not play well with others.
Reduce the scene down to the simplest form that produces this result and submit a proper bug report (with proper system specs, including driver version)
I don't keep the logs, sorry. I just tried the Beta again with that same scene, after making a new scene and adding things until it dropped to CPU without killing Studio then clearing it, and it rendered it fine using the GPU. I then stopped the render and tried the render again and it dropped to CPU without killing Studio. I don't know what the problem was before but I will try the Beta again at some point so I will see if it does, or doesn't, do it again
Is anybody else experiencing the weird movement/inut lag when using WASD keyboard movement? This wasn't an issue in the previous version, now when I try to move perspective or camera it starts with almost 1 second delay.
Same scene?
Doesn't matter if the scene is loaded or completely empty. When I press W or any other key the movement starts 1 sec after the button press and when I release the perspective jumps a little bit in that direction.
I agree with what is said above. I don't understand why remove multiple instances?? It seems Daz Studio is going backwards with a lot of things...
I open a second Daz Studio while rendering a scene currently. I like to work on another scene while one is getting baked. Tell me, exactly, how would I open up the script when it's currently used by a render?
Anyone else getting a spurious 'Unable to render, renderer is already in use' message when starting a render with command-R on a Mac? This happens every time, as if I had struck the key twice. It does not happen when clicking the 'render' icon.
Use the script to create one or more shortcuts for launching a fresh instance, so you are prepared.
How can I make shortcuts with the script?
The script has a Copy action, check that when creating an instance. The instance location will then be in clipboard, you can then create a new shortcut e.g. on the desktop and paste the clipboard contents into the shortcut properties.
Nice! Thank you guys for explaining. It works fine! I guess it's not that big of an issue if you can make shortcuts with it.
The bigger problem now is the GPU fallback to CPU which seems to be very bad in the build for me. was a stable build for me and it didn't have those GPU to CPU fallback issues. (But it did have problems with not able to render animations, which the latest build fixes lol)
I've tried a couple of renders - including whilst using instances of Studio, and not had any issues as yet.
Is it particular items causing it?
Do it before hand
Although, if you copy the script details, then you can run the script from the command line
Daz should split studio to 2 version
1 - with animation .
2 - without animation ( just still Image ).
maybe will help the developers to fix the studio quickly .
if they can't . they should jump to vesrion 5 ( new build ) .