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Yeah, I did that. Stll had problems with the drape intersecting the figure. But not when I didn't use the Simulate Selected option. So I have now reverted to the old methods and am ignoring the Simulate Selected because, for me at least, it doesn't work.
Since I installed 4.12 version, I am facing problems with dForce. It always loops within "Stabilizing Simulation" process, independently what dForce clothing I choose. Any ideas would be appreciated. (I installed the latest graphic card driver). Thanks in advance.
I've just simulated this one multiple times in, no problems:
But I've had other problems like a lot of swapping (only 8 GB RAM) more or less locking up the machine, and I've just had a particular character and hair crash it repeatedly. Same character and hair renders fine in 4.11. Looks like uses a lot of memory which may be the cause, maybe a leak? GTX1070, driver 442.19 Studio.
Whenever I have the Iray preview renderer on, and switch to spectral rendering/and every other switch (as in the share glossy inputs/diffuse overlay squared, etc) in shaders/render settings it nullifies my renderer to the endless "preparing scene" loop, and disables the renderer... I end up having to restart DAZ, it's pretty infuriating to say the least!
My IRay Preview no longer works. Either crashes to bug report or just crashes.
Not to mention my just straight rendering crashes about 50-75% of the time for a stand alone render. When I use Renderque it crashes on the second or third render sometimes with a bug report sometimes not.
I have been lucky as to never have had an issue with a previous Daz version. This is my first time having issues like this. I really miss 4.10 and 4.11. I don't know what problem 4.12 was supposed to solve but whatever it was couldn't be worth all this can it?
No Iray Preview with just a single figure\prop?
Render Queue ... do you have it set to restart DAZ Studio between each render, and which option?
Even for just a single figure/prop?
Yep, I do have several things fitted to the character yet they're not visible in the render/viewport though...
For me both the new beta and public are soul crushing crash ladden hot messes. Win 10, Intel Core i7-6700K, 32 GB mem, GTX 980 ti, driver 450.12 ... opening projects take forever and a day despite main drive being a 970 PRO NVMe M.2 512GB all content and project files being on separate SSD's and rendering is more likely to produce tears than a usable image. All sorts of weirdness going on that I’ve never seen before. Straight up crashes while rendering, sometimes hitting "Cancel" will cause Daz to immediately, sometimes my monitors will go black, sometimes the monitors will turn off or at least the power button will turn red, sometimes they come back, sometimes they don’t, sometimes they come back all kinds of glitched, sometimes that glitch will go away and continue, sometimes it’ll stay that way indefinitely, sometimes my computer will hang forever and reboot. I’ve tried going CPU only, GPU only, ticking and unticking the new options under render settings in any number of combinations to no avail. As a bonus, often after crashing I lose various scripts and custom buttons or the button will still be there but no longer work. I’ve tested everything I can think of and tried on the hardware side and haven’t found anything faulty. Gone down more rabbit holes than I can count trying to Google my way back to a working Daz and my Daz dependent happiness. I have zero issues with any other software. I’ve hit a wall where I’m just in an endless loop of retrying solutions that I already know wont work and openly weeping. Dear Daz Gods, throw me a bone over here, my very sanity is hanging in the balance.
Sounds to me like your PSU might be faulty. Every problem you've described could be because of unstable power delivery on your power supply's 5v and/or 12v rails when your system's under full load. Given all the accessories you've described, it's possible that your Daz related software updates were enough to push your system's wattages (eg. as of DS 4.12 Iray now uses AVX instructions) into territory that your PSU can't handle.
That wasn't my first thought when I (sympathetically) read the original post, but it really *does* sound like that sort of problem, except that you don't seem to be seeing it with your other SW. Maybe DS is the only thing pushing it to the edge. My fans are all whirring when rendering, so it's certainly (ab)using whatever I have to offer.
The lost buttons and menu-items are probably related to DS trying desperately to save your settings as it closes (that's when it saves your environment), and corrupting things as it dies on the way out :). When I make a number of environment tweaks, I periodically make a quick environment save of my ...\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4_PublicBuild folder as a dated zipfile (e.g. in case I get into fights with DS and lose. Most of the files in there can be viewed and you can see what they do, and replacing the mucked up versions with the saved zipfile versions usually works pretty well for me. YMMV
That said, 4.12beta acts like a ... well, beta, in a lot of ways. I hope the rough edges continue to get cleaned up before they go full-release with this one. I've had those 'sould crushing' days too, and had to laugh when I read that descriptions... you nailed it. (but I've had good days too, so there's that...)
Good luck figuring this out (with some soul left to spare...)
Can anyone confirm that memory pooling now actually works with NVLink enabled RTX-class cards? I have RTX 2080Ti and was wondering if aquiring another one would help me with larger scenes. At the moment 11GB (which under Win10 gives about 8,5GB available VRAM) is barely enough even though I'm using Scene Optimizer. Titan RTX (24GB) price is ridiculous considering hobby usage and a second 2080Ti would be perfect if only memory pooling could work.
works for textures but not geometry at the moment
It looks like a lot of timeline issues were fixed in DS private beta .72 and .73. See following from change log:
Fixed #CS-320298: Offset key selection in the Timeline pane Dopesheet keys column when the Play Range Start is not at 0
Fixed an issue where double-clicking the Dopesheet keys column to snap the playhead to the closest frame (i.e., set the current scene time) would be offset when the Play Range Start is not at 0
Fixed an issue where clicking on a key in the Timeline pane Dopesheet keys column to select it while viewing a play range with many frames would sometimes cause the key to move to an adjacent frame even if the cursor position had not changed
Fixed an issue where dragging selected keys in the Timeline pane Dopesheet keys column that ultimately resulted in no change would unnecessarily cause an undo item to be created and added to the stack
DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to
Fixed an issue where dragging keys in the Timeline pane Dopesheet would not cancel an undo operation if those keys were dropped/released in the same position they started the drag from.
DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to
And for those with video card issues there is the following:
Update to NVIDIA Iray RTX 2019.1.6 (317500.11080)
Added a Render Settings (NVIDIA Iray) > Optimization > Ray Tracing Low Memory property; controls the memory used by ray tracing acceleration hierarchies; currently only reduces memory usage on pre-Turing generation GPUs (while potentially harming rendering performance) if set to “on”
DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to
So when is the next public beta goung to be released?
I think that portions of instancing & grouping are broken in DAZ Studio public beta and possibly prior versions. At least that's the way it seems after creating a scene using the old 3DL Log Cabin, iRay Tangy Apple Orchard, and the new iRay Coneflower WildFlowers PC+ freebie from this week. DAZ Studio crashes without even a popup stating it crashed. Poof, it's simpy gone. AMD Ryzen 7 2700 CPU render with 32GB RAM, optimize set to auto.
Ticket number is 321647.
I have an older Tangy Apple Orchard scene I have sucessfully rendered with a prior version of DAZ Studio from about 2 years ago. I will try and render that scene again.
+++++ OK, I found that scene from a couple years ago & even set optimize from auto to memory as I had to do two years ago & it still crashed DAZ Studio. It's a bug.
I am still getting frequent crashes on the beta instead of falling back to CPU. Am I the only one?
This looks helpful (I have a pre-Turing 1070) but I would like to know what potential harm means. I can't imagine it would harm the performance anywhere near as much as dropping to CPU only. It might offset the VRAM increased demand caused by forcing Optix Prime to be enabled.
Last version of MDL SDK have a feature that i wait since years(multiscattering) dont forget implement it.
What is the "Name:" used for when creating a new camera,spotlight etc.? I can only see the label's name in the scene tab.
I am advised to refer you to this post
Thank you!
Is anyone else having the issue of when in iray render preview the Post Denoiser stops working after changing some settings in the surfaces tab? It's turned on, but it doesn't seem to work at all.
Apparently it ends up using my CPU instead of my GPU? I don't understand. I've never had this problem with the public version 4.12.0
And if i disable "CPU fallback" in the Advanced options it will end up in an infinite loop of loading the render and never actually previewing anything. What is happening here?
In the "Devices" it says my GPU as "CUDA 0 - GeForce GTX 1080 Ti" does that have anything to do with this? I don't think it should say Cuda there. On the public version it just said the graphics card.
And if you restart the Iray Preview after changing some settings? Switch to another preview e.g. texture and back to Iray.
CUDA 0 is correct.
Nope. That helps only if the textures started showing some weird artifacts.
Timeline trouble in DS
I set up an animated simulation using the timeline. When I select the key in the last time position on the last object in the list, I cannot move that key or deselect it. Even clicking on another area of the timeline does not deselect that key. There is another key at time 15 on another object that I cannot select by clicking on it in the timeline. I can only select it by drawing a rectangle around it. When I saved the scene and reopened it, that key on time 15 had disappeared.
I submitted Request #322479 with the scene file and a video of the problem attached.
(Edit: In the scene file, I had not yet switched simulation to animated, because I was trying to get those incorrect keyframes fixed first. So, performing simulation still uses the default current frame and start from memorized pose. I had simulated several times, in case that has anything to do with the issue.)
My timeline problem seems to have something to do with the "O" key type. If I uncheck "O", I can move the previously unmovable key on Ultra Wide Angle Camera at time 60. If I check "O" again, that key won't move. Do I just not understand how this is supposed to work or is it broken? Here is a screenshot of my Timeline with the window expanded to show more of the controls shown.
Would you PLEASE bring back multiple instances in daz?
The instances fix that was presented is hardly an option. Just do it like the not beta version.
It happens to me too, I created a primitive sphere and some keyframes in the timeline. I can't move any of the keys even disabling/enabling those options. All I can do is the selection rectangle when tring to move the keys.
It is much safer doing it the new way.
Perhaps if you explain why you consider it not to be an acceptable option in a well-reasoned manner it may be possible, in ne way or another, to address your concerns.