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I've been complaining about hip rotations in DAZ Studio since my first attempt at an animation. For me the problem was that the figure would suddenly decide to spin on its axis (not sure which x/y/z axis but the head-to-toe one). Turns out that I use commercial poses as "starters" to get a figure into position and then tweak the pose. But most commercial poses use hip rotations and I have to zero those and recreate the pose using the figure root rotation. I believe this problem remains after all these years.
in this case I used aniblocks and baked them to the timeline
it is the fact it animates differently between builds that irks me
the same animation saved as a duf works perfectly in Carrara too
the same as the original aniblocks but in the latest beta the hip seems almost frozen on the spot with everything pivoting on it but not quite, translates X and Z not so much Y
Yes, pivoting, exactly what I was trying to say. Not moving as in translations but pivoting. Something rings a bell about checking for high negative numbers on the hip rotation (over 100, I think).
Something rather odd happened earlier today. I have the latest beta installed.
I've been using the Nvidia Iray draw mode quite a lot on my current process of making a brand new looking basket look like it's been out in the weather for months, if not years, (Mesh Grabber rocks!) and while it was working just fine most of the morning, it began "restarting" itself with no changes, as if I'd moved something or rotated the scene, even though I had not.
I later closed DS and reopened it, (for an unrelated reason,) and the issue did not repeat.
It could be a one time anomaly, but I thought I'd mention it here in case anyone else sees the same behavior at some point.
ETA: It's still happening. I'll add a post with an exerpt from the log file, after I boot up the render machine. Looks like it's restarting the preview render after only a few iterations…
Poses with at least 2 non-zero X-Z rotation controls of the hip often have significant non-zero rotation on the actual local Y-axis (though not necessarily on the Y rotation control), which causes the figure to spin during the animation, because the initial position usually has zero rotation on the actual local Y-axis.
This is not a DAZ problem, it is a pose problem. There is a relatively straightforward way to get rid of the non-zero rotation on the actual local Y-axis, and that is to extract it, de-rotate the hip by this amount, and maybe rotate the skeleton around the Y axis by this amount to compensate.
I attached a sample script to do this. Select the figure, and simply drag the script file to the viewport. It uses the built-in DAZ quaternion library. Quaternions are wonderful, because quaternions are just numbers which you can do arithmetic on, The script extracts the Y rotation of the hip, undoes it, and then does it on the skeleton. To me, this shows the beautiful simplicity of quaternions.
Wow. Thank you. My mind and mathematics are from different worlds so I only undersood half of what you said but enough to see that your script does what I had been attempting to do with parameter sliders for years.
thanks f7eer, I will try it when I am on my computer later
I'm not sure if this is a solution to your problem, based on your description. I hope it is.
When marble started discussing your problem, I immediately recognized what he was talking about was a problem I started having 2 years ago when I started playing with dForce:
Are you using automatic texture refresh? I've run into this myself several times when I am working on textures and previewing them with each save in DS. The solution is to restart the software, but it's just a matter of time before it happens again.
I don't know? I haven't changed any settings for several versions, so maybe. Where would I find this parameter?
my render settings are not saving with my scenes in this beta
is all checked in preferences
Which render settings? Mine appears to do that.
my own with only 20 iterations denoise at 20, path length 48, my own choice of HDRI etc
they all reopen5000 iterations denoise at 8 etc
I wonder what is affecting mine then?
I can at least load a render preset I saved
@WendyLuvsCatz, I don't know if this is your issue, but I have loaded products that also change my render settings.
I created a default scene file with my preferred render settings and set it up in the options to load that file when I open DS or start a New scene. I also have those render settings in a preset and added that preset to my custom actions and put it in the toolbar across the top. Then if my settings get changed when loading a product, it's a one-click fix.
The only oddity I've seen is probably related to my default scene. I open DS and it opens the default. If I then load a scene I'm working on, all the settings work as saved with the scene, but more often than not, if I look at the Global Dimensions, it's listed as Custom and the dimensions shown are the Active Viewport, (which is what I have set up in the default scene,) even though the scene file was saved with one of the other presets. It will even render at the correct dimensions, but is reported as the size of the viewport.
But I've never seen my Progressive Rendering settings load default at the time of reloading the scene.
yeah it's keeping my frame aspect which is full HD 1920x1080
if I change it, it keeps the new one too but my render iterations etc all go to default
I do then click my animation preset but if I forget and it starts rendering it's a shocker!
often image series cannot be stoppedi
its Protozoon's Colosseum BTW the full prop not the scene, with sconces and torches hidden, I cannot delete stuff on that set either.
it actually fits in my 980ti too with 4 M2's and 3's dressed and instanced to about 30 and averaging 3 minutes a frame which is pretty slow for my needs but nonetheless faster than what a normal art quality image render would be
daz3d version Render witch iray don't work anymore after the update
Which OS?
You do have it set to save settings and respect them on load in Edit>Preferences>Scene?
At all, or on the GPU? If it works on CPU and not GPU it is most likely a driver issue, unless it's a very old GPU. The minimum version depends on the card - for Turing (20x0, 16x0) cards it's 442.19 while for older cards it's 441.22
yes said I have it ticked there and the one keeping mine loading a new scene but that get ignored with some scenes too, I need to fix it often after them or it keeps loading some background colour orin one case hid the grid, that's happened for years.
daz3d version Render (iray) doesn't work anymore after the update ... no preview, no final render ...
log file: WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(353): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend error: Cannot render: found no usable devices.
Hardware: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
Rendering with CPU only works.
Make sure your drivers are up to date. After that, try going to Render Settings > Advanced > Photoreal Mode > Devices > and uncheck your 1080Ti from the list. Then re-check it and try rendering again.
I'm confused...mine won't install. I have a new MacBook Pro, running Catalina. Am I reading correctly that the update isn't available currently yet?
There are no stand-alone installers but you should be able to install through DIM.
Has anyone else reported that renders in this version ...1.117 are much brighter? Same settings and character.
I haven't noticed that. What other DS version are you comparing against? There were some skin shader changes way back many versions ago. Is it just characters, or do props and primitives show the same difference for you?
Seems to be just characters.
I'll re-install the previous version and compare; was hoping to avoid that as I forgot to save the folder before upgrading.
I uninstalled .117 and re-installed:, which is rendering now; it looks the same as the previous version to that - although more grainy at the moment. :)
This doesn't answer your problem, but I noticed that Iray 2020 now renders more reflections like emissive mesh light reflection in "Frosted Glass" shader etc.