Novica, Serene Night, & Invited Guest Contributors Tips & Product Reviews Pt 3
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BTW, the only thing that has kicked that sick-booty is Z pack and prednisone. Everyone around here took two or three rounds of antibiotics to kick it- both ranch owners got it, I had it, everyone at ranch owner's work had it and it took a month or more to kick it. The five day Z pack worked great for me on the second round (and no pred on the second round.) Hope you feel better soon.
EDIT: Clarifying- both rounds were Z pack, five day. First round with pred, second round no pred.
I was thinking the doc would prescribe it since it has been 3 weeks but he gave me an asthma inhaler to use for two weeks, as he is not sure I have the infection. He says if I'm not better in two weeks to go in for a chest xray. My symptoms are mostly respiratory and a lingering cough.
Unfortunately, sickness is exacerbated by the place where I work doing indoor painting which is really hard to smell while you are recovering from a cold.
I checked the video. Looks like an interesting product. I guess right now, my customization needs regarding teeth are limited to shade, and a few minor flaws. I don't really need anything too dramatic, so I'm holding off for now.
I haven't been purchasing too much lately, trying to test what I already have, and playing with lights and camera angles. The new GenX is supposed to be out very soon according to the GenX thread, so waiting for that and march Madness. Did get the new Jessica bundle, but am concerned if the new character coming is Steph 6, there has been little to no support for Steph 5, mostly poses and only a handful of characters. Unless they remake the old characters what other options do they have really tho?
I am trying to avoid buying new arrivals as they seem to go on a much better sale price quicker than they used to. I hope to see a lot of them during MM, which I am hoping isn't a repeat of the last buy this get that tomorrow type sales, just a straight forward, no guessing type sale would be nice.
I agree. it can be rather disappointing when new figures are introduced, and then no further textures or sets are introduced to go with them. David 5 was like that, and while Stephanie 5 had more stuff, it wasn't long before she too didn't really get a lot of new release content.
And I'm confused. If you have David 5 (D5) characters, if you load them onto an M5 base character, do the morphs change or does the D5 override everything? Or do parts of the M5 morphs influence it and change the D5 a bit?
If you apply d5 to M5, it will become d5. At least that's how it looks to me.
I've always wondered if there is a difference though when applying a morph to base male vs. m5. I think it depends on whether the vendor has m5 dialed into the character shape.
I don't know when AntFarm's sale is going off, but it was worth my time to go look at thumbnails for some of the products. It's another case of not showing some good tidbits because the vendor can only have one main product promo. I got several robots and the Shanty Town Prop set- didn't realize I didn't have that and I have the Shanty Town. I think Scuttle Bot will be useful, love that name. Frisky!
Invited Guest Contributor
I used for this one :
- Gen 3 Iconic Shapes for Genesis
- Liquid Halo On Sky 16 for Genesis
- Toon-Bot Chomper
- SkyBike2
- The Arc Sci-Fi Corridor
I love that color scheme Sasje! I have Toon Bot Chomper but haven't used it- those eyes are just precious. I'm not familiar with Gen 3 but assume that is Aiko 3- did Aiko 4 differ greatly from the 3?
Sasje, looks like an animation still. =-) I'm always up for looking at sci-fi images. This looks like it has a story behind it.
I've been enjoying playing around with Antfarm's K64 Cargohold. It is a nice backdrop for your SCI-FI character to strut there stuff.
Last night, I was playing around with creature creator for genesis 2 female textures on g2 male. The textures and such apply just fine to g2 Male as well as g2 male. There is a nice texture to give the shape of hair on the skin for your alien figures.
Here is:
K64 Cargohold (Antfarm)
Rogue Sci-fi Outfit (Streetwear)
OOT Styles for Rogue Sci-Fi Outfit (Outoftouch)
Creature Creator (Daz3d)
Feather Male hair (Daz3d, Goldtassel)
Cyberpunk for M4 (ElorOnceDark)
Nice lighting- just dim enough to set the mood and shows details well. I also like all the asymmetrical lines in the background, particularly the cog-like wheel or whatever that is.
Hello Stephanie 6!
Getting an extra 10% off March Madness is quite an incentive- I'm sure that extra 10% will translate into some nice savings. It also helps that I haven't seen products in the past week or two that I really had to have, so been saving up. Going to go look at the bundles.
Don't forget your $6 off a $25 purchase either. Don't know if it's a one timer or not. The only restriction is gift cards according to the email.
EDIT: It worked on the Pro Bundle, so it does apply to new releases (assumed it would as it wasn't stated that they were exempt.)
Okay, really impressed with the way the Isolabella Dress performs- you know how you have poses, and when applied, THEN you tweak the clothes again to fit? Well, the vendor has the dress AND FIGURE posed. You load the dress, and then there are poses, and WITH THE DRESS SELECTED, you click on the clothed/posed thumbnail, and the dress and figure pose! NEATO!
Still working on getting the render together, and I am up this late (3:40am) because I am still painting the house (which is the priority) but I will get hair on the figure and start a render once I get it lit. Will be awhile.
Stephanie 6
Beau For Stephanie 6
Spring Hair
Isolabella Dress (and pose)
What A Cutie! Expressions For Stephanie 6
Old Beach Pavilion
If you don't have Old Beach Pavilion and are a member of Platinum Club, scoop it up. Comes with the preloaded set (with the benches) or you can just have the pavilion. Nice floor- nothing fancy, but doesn't distract the viewer either. A cute shot would be two people sitting on the benches, with the camera view outside and looking in. (The back of the bench would be toward the viewer.)
Stephanie lights well, I did a combination of yellows and blues, she seemed ruddy enough. The pose is from the Isolabella Dress- it's a good deal because as I said, the pose and the dress move together and you get several poses. The hair is shown out of the box, didn't poke through the dress (went a bit inside it, but that is what hair would do with a bodice like that.)
May want to adjust the tears in the eyes, seem a bit noticeable. I did not use any of the SSS skin options. This is the base materials.
Have a closeup rendering now, same outfit/scene/lighting- turned her and you can see the hair much better. Render will be about half an hour at the earilest, it's 1200 pixels.
Here's a different view. This is again out of the box, I think the eyes are too glassy/facial looks too fake, but would be easy to tweak. The hair has a nice shine.
Again, don't forget to use your $6 off code, I got the Pro Bundle for $55.23 (PC member) after the $6 off.
Early Spring Outfit For Genesis 2 Females
Estal Hair
The rest of the products remain the same, changed the hair and the clothing.
I upped the smoothing on the Estal Hair from 2 to 20- when it started coming in, the strand at the top was razor sharp and I hate those.
The outfit is really cute, nice textures. Boots fit well (not shown, but are on the figure.)
Those eyes are freaky!!
It's a large render, click to enlarge/click again.
Anyone else get Stephanie 6? If so, what have you rendered?
Yup. I'm not digging the pneumatic lips either.
As they say on Dragons Den "I'm out."
Agreed- but keep in mind this is Beau for Stephanie 6. Artemis plumped up the lips I think- I can't remember what she looked like before. I'll load the base figure with this same lightset and we'll compare.
I've got them side by side and the regular Stephanie's lips are quite different. Having to add a spotlight so she is lit properly and doing a small test render, then will do a larger render and post it. Will take awhile.
I like the fact that Stephanie has darker skin. I Decided to pass on the pro bundle though. I'm not a fan of the big-eyed, big-lipped figures- of indeterminate age. I like my gals to look older....
I'm afraid Beau is not really to my tastes, Novica. Those lips are unfortunate.
I think S6 looks good and the pro bundle is pretty nice, especially with the coupon. Your renders look good Novica, altho I too am not fond of beau's lips, maybe just need a different camera angle? Really like the hair Ginger is wearing in the promo but I see it's not in the bundle, anyone know what hair it is?
I did another Beau to see if it was perhaps the pose set that was distorting the lips, and the lips are pretty much the same. I've tried another pose for the mouth (same pose product) and we'll see what that does. I've got the regular Stephanie beside her. It's a 1000 x 1000 so it will take a bit.
I went with the pro bundle to get the extra discount in March, but also because I like the hair and the outfits in the bundle. Not digging Beau too much out of the box but I can fix the lips easily by scaling them down. I'm in the middle of painting baseboards and not spending any time fiddling around with morphs this morning (haven't gone to bed yet. It's going to be about 70 degrees here and I want to paint and have windows open to air out the slight smell. Love Behr paint!)
The render is at 12% at 4 minutes, so I'll post it when it's done. With two figures and fairly closeup, may take awhile.
I think it's that hair.
Beau's mouth looks better with this facial expression- and as you can see, Stephanie 6 does have a nice tan and totally different facial features than Beau. There is a slightly brighter spotlight on Beau, keep that in mind as S6 will be a bit lighter in the same light.
Hope this helps, I'm off to wash out my paint brushes and get some sleep.
While I'm cleaning out brushes, I loaded up Ginger and added her to the duo- rendering now. She is very ruddy and light compared to the other two figures. It will be about 20 minutes or more with the three figures and doing 1000 pixels.
Fancy Hair
And here's Ginger wearing Fancy Hair. No additional light was added, and I put her on the side with the least bright spotlight, so you can see, she is lighter than the other figures.
I didn't add any smoothing to the Fancy Hair, it is out of the box. The other two had smoothing 20 added (default was 2)
Thanks Novica, I sure wish they would post what items are used in the promos like they do at the other website store so I don't have to guess. I see lots of people asking about items used in promos so think it would be worthwhile and would generate more sales of said items.
My take on Stephanie, is that she strongly resembles GIA, at least her default look.
Here is default Gia, with default Stephanie. Both gals have the same hair, clothing, and pose, just mirrored. Yeah, Gia is more buff, and Stephanie is shorter, but their look is extremely close.