Carrara Challenge 48 - transcendent or immanent WIP thread
Welcome to Carrara Challenge 48 - Transcendant or Immanent,
One meaning of transcendent is an adjective used to describe that which is above or beyond normal or merely physical human experience. It is sometimes contrasted with immanent, which is sometimes defined as being naturally part of something, existing within and throughout it. Your task is to use Carrara as part of a workflow to create an image inspired by the transcendent, or the immanent, or the simultaneously transcendent and immanent. No specific Carrara function is required, as long as you use Carrara in some way, and explain.
Interpret the theme as broadly or narrowly as you like. Feel free to use a thesaurus or internet searches to find alternative definitions or interpretations. Use Carrara in any way you wish, but you must post at least one WIP and share how you used Carrara. You can use Carrara as the final renderer, or you can use octane, luxus, or any other render plugin. You can use Daz content, content from any other source, or model scene elements yourself in any program you choose. Post work is welcome. Still images, animations, sequenced images, and everything are welcome. Comply with standard forum rules for nudity, etc
Lava lamps? Religious symbolism? Yoga? Felt posters of Elvis on a motorcycle lit by purple light? Science fiction simulators? Fantasy grotto? Purely poetic imagery? Scene from a movie (2001 Space Oddessey)? Guy on toilet reading newspaper? Other? All welcome.
Have fun, feel groovy, and post any questions, or send me a PM.
this WIP thread starts now
- entry thread opens Sun, Aug 25
- Entries close, voting begins, Sun, Sep 8th
- Voting ends, Sun sep 15th.
Note - at this point there is no Daz sponsorship of challenge 48
Additional potentially inspirational stuff may follow.
Sounds like a great theme Diomede. Thanks for hosting!!
♦ Metamorphosis from larva to flying adult
♦ Fed special food to become a flying ant, queen bee
♦ Sex-change fish to challenge current patriach or matriach
♦ Change in physical form from solid -> liquid -> gas -> plasma
♦ From seed to great tree, from a single woman to a wife and great mother ...
The possibilities are endless... Thanks for stepping up and hosting the next challenge Diomede_Carrara
Thanks Diomede - will be able to help out in future.
Hmmm, what to do ?!!!
2001 for inspiration !!!
Was after a glowing vortex type look. Used a Nebula texture for the face of the monolith, next up used three planes with a Firey Nebula texture rotating each one around the face of the plane, then 2 planes with a Ringed Nebula texture again rotated each one. All of the planes were seperated by a small distance to give the appearance of volume.
A cone was used for the spotlight to give a view of a beam coming out of the monolith
Basic shader setup, used the glow channel for the Nebula & Plasma textures.
Each of these is a fantastic idea. And we are not limited to still images. A metamorphoses that was always inherent is a great concept.
Wow, way to start us off! The glow channel effect really came through.
Thanks. I hope the theme is not too nebulous.
hmmm thinking cap on
Extinction vs De-Extinction
Structured vs Unstructured
Transcendent vs Immanent
Hmm. Abstract duality seems to be getting a big boost in the Challenge lately. And the topics keep expanding.
If this continues, my reach is eventually going to transcend my immanent grasp.
If I win, the next theme will be "One" and "Other."
Seriously, thank you Diomede for stepping in as host!
Wonderful theme thanks for taking the reigns Ted.
here's a slice of an old image that almost fits. Death Leading the Blind Men. Not an entry.
of course it's a metaphor - not mine but Brueghel and Holbein's.
Thanks !!
Transcendent Evolution - Gigantoraptor to Emu - What came first, the chicken or the egg ?
Love my Dinosaurs, so a render showing the Transcendent Evolution of the egg was on the cards !!!
Used FM Easy Environments Greenlands as my scene filler with the DAZ3D Gigantoraptor and Stezza's excellent Emu. Egg is the DAZ3D "The Egg"
"But with the blast shield down, how do you expect me to fight?"
Luke using the force to train with the lightsaber.
Used the glow channel and the effects tab aura for the lightsaber. The training droid sphere and its laser are just placeholders. I will insert this render in the backdrop and then model a better sphere for the training droid.
Used TangoAlpha's MVStella Engineering Deck scifi set, the LD Alfred outfit for G2M, and the Retro Future Helmet, all available from Daz.
and an assemble room WIP
Transcendent Evolution - Gigantoraptor to Emu - What came first, the chicken or the egg ?
Another fantastic render. But that Emu would suffer a lot to lay that egg!
awesome stuff...
as soon as I can think of something I'll post something... in the meantime I'll look and admire
Incredible work and perfect for the theme. Perhaps you could consider an update for an amazing entry!
didn't take long lol
I actually did this render a couple of weeks ago based on happenings downunder.... it may fit in here ... or may not.... dunno
Wonderful theme thanks for taking the reigns Ted.
here's a slice of an old image that almost fits. Death Leading the Blind Men. Not an entry.
of course it's a metaphor - not mine but Brueghel and Holbein's.
wow that's pretty super also what a great job of the DAZ3D Gigantoraptor - mine looked like a woolworth's toy when I used it :)
great composition and glow effect - I think the spehere looks pretty good actually - and thanks for commenting on the blind men - i was sitting in bad playing iwith ipad and thought id post it!
classic Stezza Et and Michaelenagelo in one ;) Plus God and Adam as well of course
here's two from me
I cut michael down the middle in the model room and applied a new shader to half of him
render angle is looking at the inside of his head through the transparent skin
had to hid his jaws and inner mouth
used shoestring shaders fresnel in the glow channel and made the new shader transparent with refraction - then rendered out with casutics and aura filter
the b and w one is the glow channel
screen grab shows assembly room before I hid jaws and inner mouth and toungue
im a man event
my favorite thing is to dress Mike in vicki skimp clothes
Wonderful job, Dave. Of course it fits the theme.
Thanks for the nice comment on Luke Skywalker, Andrew.
RE: Human head - very innovative technique. Did you hide the jaw/inner mouth by selecting polygons in the vertex room and hiding? Or did you use an alpha shader? Either way, very effective. Excellent
This is the kind of distilling of the words that I'd hoped for. Don't want people to intepret too narrowly. Celebrate your favorite thing. Just abide by the forum TOS.
Spherical Training droid.
I modeled a couple of low res greebles, and then applied the regular replicator, using the "ball" option. I then inserted and aligned a primitive sphere. Procedural shaders. Inserted the oiginal scene as the backdrop, tried to match the lighting and the sphere/lazer to locations. Here is the update. Hopefully, the spherical training droid and its lazer look better.
replicator settings
training droid with greebles test render

they wobble and they don't fall down.
I have no idea where this is going at all but here are some recycled buildings I made for the "Noir" challenge that I didn't use. I'm in a very "Fauvism" mood. All colored with colored lights, with some glow colors for the windows. Not sure where my cast shadows went...agh, there always has to be a problem with this 3D stuff, lol.
wip title prickly tribble
displacement painting brushes
my first go is a bit of a disaster.
i thought a borg cube would be easier than a death star.
opened page 244 of carrara help pdf
cuz i forgot how to do displacement brushes.
didnt make any borg cubes or death stars out of the adventure, is a trifle interesting for a disaster lol