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Lol Mystarra, I love my Carrara disasters...but I wouldn't call yours a disaster.
Reading the manual is not a disaster.
Can't wait to what more you come up with for this challenge.
Excellent toon buildings. Looks like a very pelasant little town - perhaps like the movie Pleasantville it harbors dark secrets that permeate it through and through? Great start. Especially like the strength of the colors.
Borg = hive mind
Death Star = "...insignificant compared to the power of the force."
Just kidding.
Looks like a very good start. I think I have a walk through for using the displacement brush in a thread somewhere. Will see if I can track it down.
learned today holding the shift key inverts the brush
kit bashed some of Mr Sparky's models for this one.. also used Dr Pitterbil and of course LoRenzo
God Particle Generator
- Misty - thanks for the tip to invert the brush. Will come in handy.
- Stezza - Fantastic render! Love to see your use of other figures. Great morph. I can usually spot Dr. Pitterbil, but this time I couldn't.
thanks.. err... ummm... Darth
a quickie today... Darth Godfrey
modeled the cape, Darth Mask, Light Saber and the Death Star with the use of a replicator for the greebles.
Darth Godfrey is stupendous!
Nature's beauty can be transcendant and immanent, if we just pause to appreciate it. Here is a render using Howie Farkes World Gardens Japan, Lee 6, and Mei Lin 6.
Darth Rrara - love the Luke lightsaber render, World Gardens scene is awesome
Stezza - you would make a great political cartoonist, Generator render is great as well, Darth Godfrey is my favourite of the three
Headwax - awesome Mike render
DesertDude - superb village, looking forward to the completed render
Misty - hope you can solve your problems, always enjoy your entries
UnifiedBrain - hope you find a theme or two that you can work on
The Daydream
Ever had a daydream where you have turned into some magical/mythical creature ?
Explored that idea as a form of transcendence. Dragon type critter is a smorgasboard of 20 odd morphs with a dragon type skin to go with it.
Thanks Darth Rrara and Bunyip. I think I'm going to do something else but those scene elements may survive.
had a weird dream about carrara last night
something about haze and sparkles.
you ever carraring in your dreams? LOL
Thanks for the comment on the garden, Bunyip.
Realy cool background and critter. I think I saw a lot of that sort of thing in my college daze.
I have an idea or two. I need to narrow them down. I have some photos I may want add 3d elements to.
I am adding a figure to this image. I am experimenting to see if I want to use gamma correction or not.

The first image uses a figure with gamma correction.
The second image does not use gamma correction. Personally, I am leaning towards that one.
Great fit of the figure in the background pic. To my eye when I use it, gamma correction tends to wash out a little, but that is probably because I am no good at it. I agree with you so far on gamma for your two posts, but look forward to your further experiments and adjustments.
Thanks Darth.

Here's the finished version. I will post a WIP post (or posts) later.
Looking great EP.
Was wondering if the Angel should be looking at the Troll ?
Thanks !!
Need Inspiration?
Lava Lamp - Part of Carrara Native Content
Trying to think of an idea? Perhaps you would be inspired by checking out the lava lamp included in Carrara's native content. Check the specialfx folder in the scene tab of the object browser. It uses a particle emitter but it could be groovy to experiment.
The Far Side
Original idea, but for sure an homage to Gary Larson. He certainly "went beyond the limits" (transcended) the standard cartoons of the day.
Plus, Judgment Day is a bit of a transcendental experience as well. :)
Animals in the render are mostly Daz. Deer is the freebie from Lyn's Creations. Bullwinkle is a kitbash from various Carrara native objects plus antlers done in the spline modeler, and was originally featured in the Tomato Challenge. The hunter head and hands are from Carrara native objects modified in the modeling room. Body, nose, sleeves and glasses are just primitives. The hat is the freebie pith helmet from GC WW1 headware pack2.
Processes include Carrara sun, Carrara text, Carrara landscape, GMIC, and Sparrowhawke Edge falloff shader.
No postwork.
Gary Larson is a favorite of mine. You really nailed the style.
Thanks Diomede!
Immanence in Pearls
"Beauty is not something imposed but something immanent." Anthony Burgess
Victoria 1 in Carrara, Fotosketcher, and PSE. The is a modification (mostly in the modeling room) of the V1 character from my Beaver Queen render.
Funny, this started out as a PR render, and ended up NPR. The Larson cartoon started NPR, but ended up PR.
I don't remember all the props, but there aren't many anyway. The flowers were Travelers Naturals Jungle pack 2 (I think). Other items are Crossover bikini and Xanadu hair.
Another beauty. I love NPR.
It's not coming across as well as I wanted, but I have her giving a somewhat angry sidelong look at the troll. I even added a nice glow effect to the irises. I will definitely be working on this some more.
Thanks Diomede. I love NPR too. :)
this my first time using the luminance set. makin me a lil loco cuz i cant get the prod frame in my view window. tried adding a camera. looked at the camera from the director's cam. not understanding. brain exhausted now. lol
entry image still rendering.
i have learned the toggle for production frame locking
CH48 wip title Vivre le Greebil
fun with modifiers on the text,
forgot to load the hdri from the luminance set doh
Luminance Lighting Pack For Carrara by DimensionTheory
greebs is the Future Cityscape Density Blocks by inception8
wip ch48
title: JaggarTaz
spent all day yesterday watching animals clips on youtube. inspired to load up am's jaguar.
the hair tool wasn't doing what i expected it to. dunno if it's an either or situation?
used the hair group on uv settings, in this case the body, thought i would be able to use the lasso tool to deselect the nose pollies.
is it not possible to deselect from a uv based hair group?
is there such a thing as using an alpha mask to create a surface for hair?
i thought there was ... unless that was just for surface replication?
made the hairs finer in the shader room.
hair count is up to 950,000
using Jaguars by Alessandro_AM
using 1 hdr, 1 bulb, and 1 light shape
indecisive on which one to make the entry?
There are hair density tools in the hair room to paint out areas you don't want. You could also make a black and white distribution map to exclude the nose and other areas. You would load it in the hair shader under the hair density channel.
With that many hairs, you should see more. Personally, I think you need to make the hairs medium or large. Also use the fur setting. You will also want to brush the hair guides so the hair looks more natural. If you need it to match the color of the skin, copy and past the image map from the model into the hair shader's root and tip color channel.