ManFriday's Turbo Content [Commercial]

Today my third Daz Studio plugin was published. Turbo Content provides a new, much faster way of looking at your content library. You will get a new "Content" menu in your Daz Studio menu bar with items for figures (female and male), wardrobe (female and male), hair, materials and poses.
Each of the "Content" menu items opens a new dialog window. You can keep several of them open at the same time. Each dialog also remember its state when you close and re-open it. This significantly speeds up finding your items to build your scenes.
The plugin displays your content with bigger high-resolution icons and huge fly-over tooltips. In the icons, it displays compatibility information at a glance for figures, wardrobe and hair. No more looking at the small print to find compatible items!
Please see the product page at for more information.
Please note that at this time the product is Windows 64-bits only. Versions for 32-bit Windows and the Mac may be added at a later time.
Does it work on the Content Library, even if I've customised it? Or does it need Smart Content?
It relies on the Smart Content database. If you have moved things around and the references in Smart Content are broken, you can repair them with this plugin though. Then they'll work in Smart Content again too.
Does it work with content installed with Daz Connect?
Thanks for the answer - I'll have to think about whether that is an advantage over my current workflow.
And what about content not in the Smart Content database, e.g. items from other sources?
It will work with anything that has metadata in the database. EDITED problems have been reported regarding daz connect though, I‘m investigating.
For assets from 3rd parties, it will work if they come with metadata or if you create metadata for them with the standard Daz metadata tools ("Edit metadata" after right-clicking on a folder in the Content Library pane).
Since creating metadata manually can be somewhat laborious, I'm also working on a companion plugin that makes metata creation and editing a lot easier. That should come out soon.
Great to hear that
just bought your product. Downloading right now 
That will be even more interesting, then.
An easy way to add Metadata, and I fall at your feet.
I got the metadata creation all working but it's not easy to come up with a simple user interface that doesn't require people to read a 100 page PDF first. So that's the current challenge there. :-) But I'm working on it.
Can this load ALL of the poses in a given category? (For example: G2 -> by function -> standing)
Daz Studio can only load the first 1200 poses in each category, and getting to the rest is extremely painful (have to set up filters to create lists of max 1200 items within the category, ...)
So if I have 1500 or more poses in a category, can I scroll through them all?
Yes! They're all displayed in the same list view. I have set an arbitrary limit of 50K items but that's mostly because the user interface breaks down with more and you probably don't have that many poses. :-)
Got that error if i want to start with Figure... (DAZ 4.11, 64bit - and also DAZ 4.12 beta) same error with every Content
Awesome! Product is sitting in the cart already. :)
and after another try DAZ closes and that comes up
Ok, I'm sorry you ran into that. I've tested the plugin with dozens of users, but unfortunately there is great complexity in what the plugin can find in your database and how it reacts to it, so it'll be an iterative process to iron out all the eventualities with all the databases out there :-) If you have the patience, i'll send you a PM with a private build later today and we can try to sort this out. Would that be OK?
Great idea..
thank you for that...
I have the same error (different UUID of course).
I sent out test version to the two people with the errors. If I get positive feedback, hopefully the problem will be fixed soon. It's probably caused by obsolete old product data in the database that the plugin didn't expect to see. More info soon :-)
So I'm not clear: does it work on all the stuff I have from Rendo or not? I'm not clear what your caveat about metadata means. I don't need something that just sorts my Smart Content. I don't find I have a problem with what's in Smart Content with filtering turned off, but I'd want something like this to get more mileage out of my items in my Content Library since 3rd party vendors sometimes have a weird way of categorizing, oh, and spelling.
No, this will not work with your Rendo products out of the box, unless you manually create metadata for them.
Metadata is everything that's in Daz Studio's Content Database, which is used by Smart Content and also this plugin.
As I wrote earlier, one can create metadata for 3rd party assets that don't have it by right-clicking on a folder in Content Library and selecting "Edit metadata". So you could do that, and both Smart Content and this plugin will then see it. But that requires practice and takes quite a bit of time. As I said, I'm also working on a companion plugin that makes metata creation and editing a lot easier. That should come out soon.
Works now in 4.11 and also 4.12 beta. In other content then daz, mean Rendo etc. it’s as always just with completed metadata. then it works also there.
But in normal daz content it works like a Charme ;-)
thank you for that ManFriday
So it looks like the crash is fixed. To anyone else seeing that error, please send me a PM so I can send you a fix until I push an update to the store.
Good to know, that the crash could be fixed.
It scarried me a lot, knowing the troubles Lothar had.
Need to convince myself, that I really need this product, though.
The fact that it can display all of the poses was the main selling point for me. :) I've been struggling with that for a while.
Yeah... but the speed that ManFriday shows...
bought... error... solved... in a few hours... so. Perfect 
I'm loving it so far. You've created a product I've been dying for, for a long time. One of my biggest frustrations has been not always knowing which figures were G2, G3, or G8, so it's really helpful to be able to see that now. Great job!
Agree to all opinions, but I have purchased and like a lot MF Content Bookmarks, which was a game changer for me.
Now I use it all the time.
Ugh. I like the idea of this but not being able to see/organize non-DAZ content is a serious hit against it. I have over 5000 products from Rendo in my Runtime, plus several thousand more items from the original RuntimeDNA store, Poserworld, Content Paradise, etc., not to mention a lot of custom created content, thereby rendering Smart Content one of the most useless features of DS. If it's completely dependent upon SC, then I'm not sure how much benefit this will be if it only works on half my runtimes...
The one feature that has me leaning towards buying this anyway is a the "repair" feature, but the description on how it works in the promo is pretty brief. It would really help if the manual was available to read in advance via a link from the sale or readme pages.