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Turbo Content does not replace the old content libraries: both Smart Content and the Content Library continue to work. Turbo Content simply adds a new way of finding things. But if you don't like it, you can uninstall it, and then the new way will disappear.
The 50K limit is still there, but to avoid misunderstandings, it does not mean that Turbo Content does not work if your library has more than 50K files. The limit is only applied when retrieving individual search results to avoid inserting 50K icons into the user interface, which would bring Daz Studio to its knees.
Custom locations should not be a problem. I have about 10 custom libraries myself. If you can see your content in Smart Content, it should show up in Turbo Content.
The Daz Connect problem affects only files that are available in Daz Connect but not currently installed. Those (and only those) are marked as broken in Turbo Content, which is annoying. I have started working on the fix, which should be out soon.
Thanks. I now have it installed and look forward to playing with it. One thing that confused me for a little while is that it didn't appear in the "Window > Panes(tabs) " list. But then I found it as "Content" on the upper bar just after "Help".
There should be a PDF with plenty of information in your Daz Studio installation directory (not your content library), under "C:\Program Files\Daz3D\DAZStudio4\docs\Plugins\TurboContent" or similar.
Thank you for your purchase :-)
Hi, Man Friday! I just bought the product, but all the icons, with a very few exceptions, show as orphan. But my Smart Content works. I can't find the PDF either. What's the name of the file so I can do a sear for it?
Turbo Content Manual.pdf
Thanks, Doc.
does the 50K limit filter still trigger a "too many items" warning?
very sad that it not work with Custom content... I mainly use only custom content, because the smart content is not good... because I can kinda use every clothes on my G8 and not only G8 Clothes, like G3 Clothes are very good fitting to G8. So I have to disable Smart connect filter anyway...
I did now checked all 4 pages and you said in August 2019 you work on a support for the custom content, how far are you with it and... if you bring it out will it be a part of the software or do we need tu purchase an addon for it ? :/
my G8F Clothes... (which also works on G8M... some, skirts get sucked with anatomical parts, not that I really wanna use a skirt on them^^) and... I can still scroll down a lot...
and if I rightclick and edit metadata... well... no way xD I dont know how ... or what I should select and I don't wanna do that really for every little subfolder...
I am currently busy working on Mesh Grabber updates so I don't have a lot of brain cycles to spare on Turbo Content at the moment. I have a bunch of fixes lined up here though, including the fixes for Daz Connect, and will get back to working on Turbo Content.
I don't understand what you mean by "custom content". What is it you want Turbo Content to do?
with custom content I just mean, the conten library, for all the stuff, you manual install. you talked about making a script which will make it possible to use that library in turbo content.
For all the renderosity items and all other manual installed. I do not use the smart content.
Ah OK, I know what you mean then. You want to make your own metadata. I have spent quite a lot of time on a Turbo Content add-on for that, and it's still in the works, but it's not yet as easy to use as I would like. Need to tweak it a bit more. Stay tuned, it will come out soon. :-)
good, because creating a char takes always a lot time because finding underpants, or jeans etc. is always very slow... checking all the folders and subfolders^^....
If Turbocontent can then show me easy just jeans/pants that would help a lot!
have you a ca. time when it could be done?
No, I'm sorry.
okay :< just update here, when you get any news, I think in november/december did you say you work on a script, thats why I assumed you are maybe done with it :D
The latest DAZ update seems to have broken Turbo Content entirely. It no longer loads when you click the button.
Also, is there an alternative for those of us who don't use Genesis? When it worked, I couldn't find any of the non-DAZ files I had installed, or the stuff for V4 and M4.
I too purchased, but Turbo cannot be found like a lot of your plug-ins.
I am a big fan of your stuff, but its hard to find them and use them. Daz seems to keep breaking my installs for some odd reason.
Could you tell me which version of Daz Studio exactly that is? And which button do you mean?
Turbo Content relies on Smart Content metadata, and the old V4 and M4 doesn't have any, unless you create it manually. I'm still working on a metadata tool but it isn't quite ready yet.
Uhh.... so we Custom Content users can get maybe "soon" a script that convert our lib into Smart Content? :)
WOuld love to have all underpants in 1 Underpant folder and all dresses in a dresses folder, that would help a lot...
Hi ManFriday.
I love this plugin.
I have a request.
I would like to see more items in the drop down menu.
I have one more request.
I would like a checkbox to hide the details.
"Show details" or "Hide details"
I have one more request.
I would like a checkbox to minimize.
You write in your images "I hope" but I thin k it should be "I show" :D
Hope is something very different ;)
I hope "show details check box"
Is it correct to write this?
Yeah or better "showing", the ing means "I do it" :)
My response has been eaten somewhere... the version that TurboContent stopped working is
These are all great ideas. I have noted them down for a future update!
I'm looking forward to the update!
Hm. Lately, I'm frequently getting this error. Anyone else?