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Most of them are now pre pasted and you dont need to worry about it.
The paste gets activated with the heat of the CPU.
I went with liquid cool so I don't have problems letting it run 24/7 during the summer on a Batch of renders.
I have a question that I probably need to ask Daz about. But if anyone here knows the answer, I'm all ears.
Got the new system up and running. Wndows 10 is confusing, even with classic shell, but I'll get used to it.
Just installed Daz studio (had to overcome the missing Postgre issue first). I have a drive (D) from the old computer which has all of my Daz installed content. The idea was to just plug this drive into my new computer, link it with DIM, and have my content available already installed in a place that will make sense to my previously created render files.
However, the files on the drive to not show up in the DIM "installed" tab. Tried altering the DIM path, but nothing has worked so far. Am I going to have to reinstall all of my Daz content? Is that what you did, Diomede?
Haven't downloaded Carrara yet.
I seem to remembers something about moving manifest files or editing them and then DIM saw everything again but not sure.
Depending on how much content you have it could be a while. I have over 10000 items from DAZ now in the last 14 years so It would take me a few days to down load it all again.
Hello UB, if you still have your old drive, check it to see that it still has the content on it.
Also in your old My DAZ 3D Library there should be an InstallManagerFileRegister.json file that gets updated, if DIM can't find it then it will think nothing is installed.
I'm also getting that feedback from others in the Daz forums, thanks.
I just don't know what will happen if I download everything into the drive that alread has everything downloaded.
Are you talking about the manifest files content? The old C drive is currently in a box. I will have to install my old C drive somewhere, to access and pull off the files. It is doable, but a PITA.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm assuming that is on the old C drive as well?
Where I am at currently:
Content shows up in the DS content tab. A small mix of content (mostly genesis 3 and 8) shows up in the smart content tab - less that 5% of what I own.
Have not yet installed Carrara.
Have submitted a ticket to Daz.
Yup, right around 43 seconds here also (with the smallest tiles) using a 3900x.
I don't have smart content yet, but I couldn't resist installing Carrara and doing this test.
Twenty four buckets is an overwhelming experience after so many years with four cores and no threads.
Yay - you will be so happy with your new computer. Now you can have scenes with lots of watery reflections, replicated plants, and hairy heads.

RE: content - I did a fresh install of all of my Daz purchases that are compatible with Daz Studio. I did not do a fresh install for runtimes I had set up for my own custom stuff, and for stuff purchased at 3rd party stores. Just copied those. Well, I did upgrade to the most recent Poser so I do have a fresh install of the default content that comes with that.
Nothing bad. It'll just replace evrything with the same or updated files - kinda like it never happened. But then DIM and Postgre will work together again which, to me, is worth the extra time to run DIM for everything again.
I've just written about my experiences with all of this HERE
In regards to your earlier question, I believe that in order to 'fool' DIM into still knowing where everything is and just working without reinstalling everything, you'll instead need to hack every manifest file. To me that's a LOT more of a PITA than just reinstall using DIM.
I've done this stuff often enough now that this is one of my biggest concerns when A) replacing a drive B) building a new machine C) relocating content to a new runtime structure.
P3DO is desgned to correct path problems of Poser content, and allow us to reorganize things. I've never actually learned how to do that. I bought the Pro version (really inexpensive) just so that I could make the icons for my EnvironKits and that's as far as I got with that. I prefer to leave content structures alone and not hack them.
I moved my content to another drive on my other computer and it was just a matter of changing the path and linking the manifest files, the latter have to be on C but the content itself can be anywhere
Ooooh.... my C: drive still has the manifest files on it via DIM and everything will be transferred to the next C: for that drive as it did not fail..... I think that is how I overcame my last transfer problem. Will hopefully find out next week!
24 BUCKETS !!!??
did your cooling thingee come pre-pasted silicone?
ooo yeah Pre-applied thermal paste
What you do for PSU?
i want to render with 24 buckets
Thanks Dart. That gave me the courage to try it. I tested the water with installing a single product file in DIM. Then I opened Carrara. The file showed up in smart content!!!
Now I'm in the process of redownloading all of my previously installed files. DIM is currently up to the letter "C". :)
This next bit may or may not be of interest. I had only downloaded about half of my Daz files. What interested me was that all of those downloaded files now appeared in the "ready to install" tab in DIM. So, apparently DIM recognizes all the files that I have previously installed on the old machine, and has placed them in the "ready to install" tab, so I can reinstall them. It made it very easy to select them all and simply hit the install button.
Currently up to "G". :) Crossing fingers.
Thanks Diomede! It is still so strange to see the render screen swarming with buckets. I am going to have to experiemnt with bucket size for optimum speed.
Thanks Wendy. I don't understand exactly what your process is. However, if my current solution doesn't work, I may be PMing you. :)
Not sure what Diomede did, but I didn't use the wraith cooler that comes with the processor. For me it is just too loud. I went with this instead. I chose the D15S over the D15 (their flagship product), because the D15S is 5mm less tall. The D15 was too tall to fit my case.
My PSU is a 1000w Corsair. Probably overkill.
Looks like it worked! Smart content appears to be fully populated.
I will now try opening some old render scenes, and see if Carrara has difficulty finding any of the content. I'm becoming aware that I didn't plan this transition out very well.
I just used the power supply that came with.
That occurred because, when you installed them the first time, you didn't have "Delete Install files After Install" checked in DIM, so the actual download zips were still in your DIM's downloaded folder! Win!!!
I still have some in the numbers, alphabetically (before A), since I do mine by organizational order. This time I began by typing "V4" into the filter, looked to make sure it was all for V4 and checked all. Then typed in Victoria 4 and did the same, and then started the queue to install to my "V4" runtime folder. After that I repeated with "M4", then Genesis and kept trying to narrow things down like that. Now it'll be down to going through and putting Environment-type items in "Environs", Vehicles in "Vehicles", Animals in... well you get the idea! LOL
I still have a long way to go, but my content is here already, so at least I can still play! :)
When using a 'stock' air cooler, those heat sinks all come with the preinstalled paste.
Not avaiable anymore, I'm still using the PSU I bought for my previous build. I never want to under feed my computer, so I always go for something larger than I need, and this one had all of the hook ups I needed (still does). There are new ones available, but this is what I got.
Corsair 650W Enthusiast Series (not their top-of-the-line by any means). Smooth, reliable power. But I don't use liquid cooling. I do, however, render for full days and more and the stock (Wraith Spire) cooler on the Ryzen keeps the cpu at good temps. My previous cpu's stock cooler did too, which was my first experience with a stock cooler.
what I do when I reinstall is
before the reinstall I backup the manifest files folder which resides in "C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\ManifestFiles"
I also have a backup of my Carrara setup files so I don't have to add all the folders again.
my Dim downloads are saved to a seperate drive which is setup in the DiM D:/
all my content is on a seperate drive again E:/
then when the OS is reinstalled I install DiM and setup the parameters to match my system locations
I then Install DS V4.0 and rescan my content hard drive
I then copy my InstallManager backup files back to the same location.
I then setup DS settings with my location settings.
Restart DiM again and all installed files will show
I then do the Carrara installation the post database things are setup.. if done correctly this will take a few minutes as the database is converted over.
then I just hide the stuff in DiM I don't want and all is ready to go again. No reinstalling content is needed at all.
that's pretty much all I do..
well my new Windows 10 PC I did not redownload everything from DAZ I just reinstalled it from my Windows 7 external using the saved zips and manifest files in DiM, I copied all the manifest files over and changed the path and installed my content from the zips to my C drive
I have 11500 items in DIM
the external was F, left those untouched for my previous machine
afterwards I changed my settings to delete downloads on the new machine, the old one still archives them in the external I don't need two sets of zips
and no DAZ studio smart content is crapped, it did work but stops after a while
something in Windows 10 is messing with PostGre
why I was surprised Carrara worked
Everyone has interesting and different strategies for changing to a new machine. Great information, thanks for taking the time to post. And thanks to Diomede for starting this thread.
For me, the bottom line is that if I can do it, anyone can do it.
Not claiming to be out of the woods yet, though. But looking OK so far.
Construction - bought new parts at Amazon and Micro Center. Used old case, power supply, keyboard, mouse, and hard drive. Got GPU on Craigslist. Assembled by a local computer store for a flat fee of $96.
Parts: Ryzen 3900X CPU, Noctua NH-15S cooler, Asus Prime X570 Pro motherboard, Samsung EVO+ 500GB SSD (C drive), WD Black 2TB storage drive, G Skill 32 GB RAM, Nvidia 1070 GPU.
OK, I think I will re-install 4.8 then and pick up 4.11 as a side by side thingy to get my GoZ. so I can keep Smart Content. Possibly it's the version of DS and not Windows 10 maybe? I only use it for the alphbetical product list... not so much for the categories.
How long did it take you do do that copying over? I did it with a couple of thousand last time as you did it, but I do not want to have my off site runtime content in there, so have to startfrom scratch again. And I have about another thousand... not as many as!
I asked the buckets to pose before rerendering this scene. They graciously agreed, although #22 was a bit shy.