Getting New Machine. Yay! Installation Frustration to Follow



  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235
    Vyusur said:

    with 3d file swapping and such having it on your SSD will lessen the life of it ... best having all software and that on a secondary HDD yes

    After this post I reinstalled my soft and content from SSD on my drive D (HD).


    don't forget to adjust settings in DiM and DS to point to the new locations wink

    I began from that.wink And my Render Library has also been on my D drive for ages.


  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977
    Vyusur said:

    with 3d file swapping and such having it on your SSD will lessen the life of it ... best having all software and that on a secondary HDD yes

    After this post I reinstalled my soft and content from SSD on my drive D (HD).


    don't forget to adjust settings in DiM and DS to point to the new locations wink

    Just double-checking... your D: drive is an INTERNAL  HDD:   I have not ordered one of those.  I have this setup coming.  Should I get one installed?  All my car file projects are going to go onto my external Freecom where many of them are now.  

    Boot Drive C: 1TB M.2 NVME SSD Loaded with windows 10   (And will have a Win 7 clone on C as well)
    Data Drive E: 2TB SSD 

    surprise  Silene

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Vyusur said:

    Congrats on the new machine!!! Wow, 32 threads! That thing is a Beast!!! 

    Thank you!


    32 buckets?!!  holey moleyyy

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Vyusur said:

    Carrara benchmark champagne sceneh on my new machine
    The render took 33 seconds.
    System info:
    AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor
    RAM 64
    GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 11GB

    33 seconds?!!   Ti 11gb?!!

    it's the Xerr of computers

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235
    edited January 2020

    This one?

    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    Post edited by Vyusur on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,623

    we need a Xerr render thread enlightened

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    we need a Xerr render thread enlightened

    Yes indeedenlightened


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Xerr Love heart

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,623
    edited January 2020

    I am rendering a Xerr video now

    1920 x 1080 - 945K
    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252
    SileneUK said:
    Vyusur said:

    with 3d file swapping and such having it on your SSD will lessen the life of it ... best having all software and that on a secondary HDD yes

    After this post I reinstalled my soft and content from SSD on my drive D (HD).


    don't forget to adjust settings in DiM and DS to point to the new locations wink

    Just double-checking... your D: drive is an INTERNAL  HDD:   I have not ordered one of those.  I have this setup coming.  Should I get one installed?  All my car file projects are going to go onto my external Freecom where many of them are now.  

    Boot Drive C: 1TB M.2 NVME SSD Loaded with windows 10   (And will have a Win 7 clone on C as well)
    Data Drive E: 2TB SSD 

    surprise  Silene


    all internal drives wink

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited January 2020
    Vyusur said:

    we need a Xerr render thread enlightened

    Yes indeedenlightened



    Yay!  Give us more Xerr!!!!!!

    Right here.  -

    Notice that I said the double dog dare thread was a Xerr thread even before Wendy's post in this thread.  laugh



    side renders banner.jpg
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    side render xerr thread.jpg
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    Post edited by Diomede on
  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    I am rendering a Xerr video now



  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977
    SileneUK said:
    Vyusur said:





    all internal drives wink

    Cheers, have emailed them, hope they can add it quickly as I need it back!  yes Silene

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    before computers we used paper pencils and brushes

    and etch a sketch

  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977
    Mystarra said:

    before computers we used paper pencils and brushes

    and etch a sketch

    And 10 key adding machines, 12 column accounting paper and typewriters! (And a few calculators but no tape or memory)  I thought I had it made when I went to university late on a part time basis and had a Selectric typewriter my boss let me take home at weekends. Woo hoo... white out was my only correction tool. 

    (Yes, saw your Etch on the other thread... I never could make it produce lines that clear!)

    laugh Silene

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    tee hee  typewriters

    when i first came to my current day job in 2003  saw the receptioned on a typewriter and laughed my ass off

    almost laughed myself out of a job.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    mann octacore so last year.  now it 12 core or bust

  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977
    edited February 2020
    SileneUK said:
    Vyusur said:

    with 3d file swapping and such having it on your SSD will lessen the life of it ... best having all software and that on a secondary HDD yes

    After this post I reinstalled my soft and content from SSD on my drive D (HD).


    don't forget to adjust settings in DiM and DS to point to the new locations wink

    Just double-checking... your D: drive is an INTERNAL  HDD:   I have not ordered one of those.  I have this setup coming.  Should I get one installed?  All my car file projects are going to go onto my external Freecom where many of them are now.  

    Boot Drive C: 1TB M.2 NVME SSD Loaded with windows 10   (And will have a Win 7 clone on C as well)
    Data Drive E: 2TB SSD 

    surprise  Silene


    all internal drives wink


    Hiya... me again.  Here is my setup now.  I have an external HD where I have lots of stuff backed up.  But can you tell me which drive here I should put the programmes on... DS with Carrara.  And which drive to put the DAZ Library on?   I don't want to get them backwards.   The shop managed to save my Carrara programme and files that were in my browser!  DS too, but the bad news is that the Textures file in Runtime did not copy. The drive that originally had disk error must have finally failed by the time it got to Runtime. Sadly I had created some custom textures for DS content in their home files, eg made Normals to use vs Bumps. 

    So first I will only be re-downloading DAZ content files that are connected to my browser saved Carrara files.  I also have Carrara files saved on my external hard drive, so I will chase down those I am using still and get the relevant DAZ content files loaded. The really old content I have not used I likely will not bother with. It's the 'other' products bought here and there that are going to be a pain, but first things first.   The shop had already installed that SSD E: drive, then I had them add the H: Seagate.  (I had them skip letters F & G as those were my previous paths for the external drive).

    Any ideas?  Sorry to ask again, but it has been so long since the machine went to the shop, and I am also learning my way around W10. Vision is still not settled and I have to work with the nightlight on the screen 24/7. I also had to sort out husband's laptop where my Photoshop and other Adobe stuff is, get that offline as it's W7, and got him up and running on my Chromebook. So there's a lot of back and forth with the laptop with a USB stick right now just organising my academic stuff.  My old brain hurts already and I have not even gotten started.

    indecision Silene


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  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i put my programs on a logical E drive.

    it solves those pesky win10 messages asking if i'm sure 

    you can reize a partition in win10 with disk manager.  shrink c partition,  thean assign the left over to s drive letter.

    afteri used the ds installer, i had to uninstall the cms.  then used the cms standalone installer to pick a non default path.  POST OGRES

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    I have three internal drives

    C:/ is the OS Windows10

    D:/ is my software drive where I install 90% of my software and all of my 3D software including Carrara/DS/DiM/Hexagon ect... all my Daz stuff is in one folder

    E:/ is my 3d content drive

    see the screen shots for a better idea.


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  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    yours is neater than mine  smiley 

    i lose track of what i already converted.  need a new system of tracking.

    i really should stop adding to the problem til i done em all.

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    e drv.JPG
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  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    after seeing a boys bedroom compared to a girls bedroom I'm not surprised lol 

    devil  laugh


  • dbdigital2dbdigital2 Posts: 270
    edited February 2020

    I too am moving things around and moved to another machine not too long ago.  Now I am moving all the content to an external.  When I moved to another machine it was this:

    -Copy files from old drive to new one (including content paths)

    -Reinstall Daz Studio

    -Reinstall DIM

    -In Daz Studio change the paths (while they were almost the same a few were slightly different)

    -Clear the content library database

    -Reimport metadata (including the user data which I had exported before).

    -Shut down Daz Studio and Start DIM, in DIM changed the paths which were a little different as well.

    -Shut down DIM and edited the manifest files in the manifest folder.  The only thing you need to edit is the path, the old to the new.  I used Notepad++ which did them ALL in about a minute or less.  A heck of a lot easier than redownloading everything.

    -Reinstalled Carrara and copied the files from the old drive over to it.  Then fired up Carrara and set up the content browser.  SInce I used the smart content/content library as the main list I didn't have to do much other than add it and a few Carrara items for easy grabbing when I need.


    This worked well last time.  However, this time when I am moving the content path to an external, DIM now lists everything to be installed.  Yet also lists the items I have installed.  I am guessing DIM has changed?  Someone mentioned in another thread the manifest folders should be in the download folder as well.  For me, they were only kept in download if you kept the package files.  If you deleted them via the option in the install tab or the "delete after install" checkbox it didn't keep the manifest files in downloads.  Now I guess it does?  Not sure what I am going to do about it at the moment as I am not going to install everything again just for that lol.  At least Carrra and Daz Studio are all set.  Content libraries on those are fine, now if I can just get my DIM problem fixed. :)

    Post edited by dbdigital2 on
  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977

    Cheers to Misty, Stezz and dbdigital2 I think you three are doing much of what I am going to do. But I am going to hand draw out a diagram first based on all of your structures. Easy to get confused!

    dbdigital2... I wondered about DIM and putting their content on an external. It was safety I was after for obvious reasons  As long as you an access it as a Runtime in Carrara (and DS if you use it), is it a big deall for you to have the DIM list showing content as uninstalled?  In the past I only put projects on the external and just openend them from there, EG go to Stone Age People folder and choose a decked out character I have made and clicked on it and it opens in Carrara.  I was talso hinking of creating a tab in the Carrara browser that points to the external drive content.  So far I had only been able to take my external drive character and once opened in Carrara, drag to the browser in a custom file I created inside the Carrara file protocol. I have never had trouble with that, and the textures, etc were all over in the Carrara project file on the external drive. Most textures for DS content were tweaked or customised so I kept them with their unique character, and every time I made a new similar character, I copied the texture files into the new character folder.  I did have some general texture files for these characters on the external drive, eg for eyes and such.  Also, any OBJ or FBX stuff I buy or are freebies goes on the external and I have masses of that from places like CGT. 

    STEZZA- MAIN QUESTION  If putting DIM and other runtime structured content on an external is not feasible... should I put the programmes on the E: drive which is a SSD and the content on the H:  which is a SATA?  

    heartyesheartyesheartyes    Silene

  • SileneUK Well yes and no.  It isn't a show stopper as I can get around it by checking what is installed and what isn't manually (by comparing to be downloaded and installed tabs), but a pain in the backside.  It used to show only what I had not installed which is a huge time saver if I am just looking for something I purchased, but have not installed.  I can still uninstall it with ease and that is more important I agree.  By the way, I wanted to mention if you get a external with eSATA support and your computer has a eSATA port (or you add one which is easy enough), the external is as fast as your internal drive.  Which is what I do.  Although USB 3.0 comes close, but I find eSATA better in my experience.  I also wanted to mention you don't usually want to put anything that writes/changes a lot to a SSD (it will wear them out faster).  You can put your path content on there if you want (as it doesn't change except for rare updates), but being they are usually a LOT smaller and more expensive than a normal hard drive, I wouldn't unless you have a really really big SSD.

    Yes Carrara has everything stored in its native save file as you have noticed, once you save to that, you can put the file anywhere.  It doesn't need a path like a DAZ scene save does as everything is stored in the file.  Although you can save it differently without everything stored in the file which makes the file smaller.  It gives the option when you save it how you want to save the file.  The default is usually "save everything in it".

    I didn't think of it last night but I did a test with DIM.  I downloaded a package, installed it and either had the "delete package after install" checked or deleted it via the installed tab and it deleted BOTH the package and manifest file in the download folder.  Therefore I was right and the manifest in the download folder is STILL only used to keep track/list the package in the downloads folder as before.  As soon as you remove the package, that manifest is removed as well.  So something else is going on with my problem.  I guess I will have to file a ticket.  I was asking around here first as I know many people have done this in the past (even me) but this time I have hit an annoying snag.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,623
    edited February 2020

    it must also have something it is referencing to know it is installed though

    but where that is I have no idea

    maybe a dsa file somehere possibly in application data

    I eventually am going to move my library when I buy another external so will need to solve this too but I do have all the zips and manifests on my other computer 

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977
    edited February 2020

    HI dbdigital2  

    Both my SSD and the HD are each 2TB    So I guess I shall put the programs on the HD and the content on the SSD.   I thought that the E: SSD was faster, but the read/write ops which Stezz brought up pages back stuck in my head.  The shop had already installed the SSD. I then had to ask them to put in the added H: SATA.  The C drive is 500GB NVME SSD.  So that's two SSDs and one HD.  

    So the programmes will go on the H: SATA and the content on the E: SSD

    Will start looking at the layout tomorrow and make some decisions.

    Wendy, if you come up with any alternatives, please share. But maybe that is how DIM controls the content to keep it on a machine with a programme and not out there in the wide world where it can be shared? DRM management?

    Cheers!  yes  Silene

    Post edited by SileneUK on
  • it must also have something it is referencing to know it is installed though

    but where that is I have no idea

    maybe a dsa file somehere possibly in application data

    I eventually am going to move my library when I buy another external so will need to solve this too but I do have all the zips and manifests on my other computer 

    In general DIM's files are in the users/public/public documents/daz 3d/install manager folder under that you will see downloads and manifest folders.  The downloads is where it stores both the downloaed files and the manifest files for it.  After you install something the manifest is copied to the manifest folder and added to (path and list of installed files).  If you check the "delete package after install" or delete the install via the > button next to each item in the installed tab it will remove the package file and the manifest from the Download folder.  That is it.  It has been talked about at length in other forums (for example here).

    I have moved the path before without issue, not sure what the problem is now.  I have filed a ticket and will see what Daz says.  Also after checking further it is not all products being labled "Ready To Download" as I thought.  I am not sure why some are and some are not.  I have mentioned this to Daz, it might be a bug in the latest version of DIM.  Either that or they changed the SKU and names for some products hence DIM doesn't think they are installed, which I very much doubt they did.  It would open one heck of a can of worms.

  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977

    I won't be doing anything till Tuesday. I have a busy day tomorrow and need to clear my head. However.... GOOD NEWS!!!

    I found the licence key for my legit copy of Photoshop CS6 Extended which I got in 2013. I could not imagine where it had gone, but it was in my Adobe online account all this time and it still works. It has not been given the shaft like CS3 has. So I am so very very happy that I now have PS CS6 on my shiny new machine.  I did have to put it on C:   It refused to install anywhere else.  That's OK, I am just so over the moon about this!!!  I also am finding lots of other things that I use, such as CrazyBump. I was afraid to email Ryan again as I did when I got the last machine stating I lost my licence.  That is a great programme, too, that I used all the time.

    So, I will get my layout for files and programmes going and will take my time doing a Stezza type allocation as I need to be able to find things quicker.  And again thanks for this thread... there is a lot of good info in it on the earlier pages I wish to revisit as well!

    laugh  SIlene

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252
    SileneUK said:

    STEZZA- MAIN QUESTION  If putting DIM and other runtime structured content on an external is not feasible... should I put the programmes on the E: drive which is a SSD and the content on the H:  which is a SATA?  

    heartyesheartyesheartyes    Silene

    your programs will load faster on the SSD

    I'd put the content on whichever is the largest drive as the content takes the most room with the bloated textures and meshes these days.

    have fun setting up devil  cool

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