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If I remember correctly there was no animated rotation, only in frame 0... I already solved that scene by doing the simulation without rotation so I can't send it to you... but I guess it would be easy to test that.
Well, it turns out that I didn't understand why I had those problems when precisely that was one of the things you said you had solved in the new version, so I decided to download the honey freebie, and what was my surprise when the simulation wasn't like the one in your images (I didn't have the problem of the droplets suspended in the air because the speed was very low and the viscosity high, but the result was very different from what I expected), so I completely uninstalled any trace of Fluidos II and reinstalled it again; I opened the same scene where the suspended droplets appeared, did the simulation again and oh, surprise, this time it worked well! LOL... but wait, I thought I had that problem solved since I simulated that scene correctly, but when I created another one the problem came back (nooooo!), so I think that what solved the problem at that moment had more to do with closing and reopening the scene (it could be that after many changes in the parameters and several simulations the program doesn't react correctly? Sometimes when I have problems I completely delete the backed folder but that doesn't help).
Oh, and the problem I told you about with the viscosity, I think there's something else... today I had that problem with a scene, when doing the simulation, when it reaches 2% and takes more than 1 minute I know I'm going to have that problem and it's going to be very slow (I'm talking about reaching, for example, 12% after more than 2 hours). I disabled the viscosity, but the simulation kept going slowly, and checking the log I think it has to do with the speed of the Source (Advect Velocity Field), also in the log the frames are repeated, as if I recalculated them several times.
I still have that scene and the log, so I'll try to send it to you tomorrow in case you want to check it :-D
Interesting, I'll try it, thank you very much!
Although in previous occasions when I have tried to use a 2 value in Gaussian it reduces the radius of the jet too much and then it almost doesn't show (or it gets cut).
Ok, thanks!
Hi. CapitanHarlock,
Maybe you loaded the Fluidos I scene, instead the Fluidos II one (the images are from the latter one).
It's normal, sometimes the time step is subdivided in smaller substeps. You can increase the CFL condition number to avoid this (or set to 0 to force only one step per frame), but it could be less accurate.
When you can, please.
Hi Alberto,
Sorry, I didn't have time to send you that scene that was giving me trouble, I'll send it to you as soon as I can.
What I did manage to test by creating another scene is the problem in the Domain's rotation.
Trying to take advantage of a configuration that I had used in a scene, I loaded the domain, sources, etc.. but to adapt it to the new scene I had to rotate it 90º; the simulation executes correctly since the liquid flows, the problem is that it doesn't follow the direction assigned to the source; that is to say, in the source you see the blue line that indicates the direction, but having rotated the Domain, the jet doesn't follow that direction, so that it's influenced by the rotation... at the end I have left the Domain without rotating and I have modified the rest of components and it has worked well... maybe it would be good in a next update to take this into account and to be able to rotate the Domain without problems, it's good to be able to reuse configurations of other scenes without having to make too many changes.
Thank you for the report. I'll take into account for the nex update.
Thank you, i now got a nice solid jet stream. my next question is: how can i make the jet really thin? I set the cell size to 0.5, subd to 3 and the source to cuboid with 0.5 - 0.1 but the yet that is coming out of it is way too thick.
It's not necessary a subdivision 3 level, don't help in this case. Those settings (Cell size 0.5 and cuboid source 0.5 to 0.1) give very thin jets, but if this isn't enough for you, try these:
1. Reduce the scale of mesher in scene (you have to translate it to a suitable position) .
2. Reduce Marker Particle Scale to 1.0
3. Apply the filter Erode after the gaussian one. Use as many iterations as you want (it's very fast).
Acabo de escribirte por privado, por favor lee el mensaje lo antes posible.
Sorry for the multipost, but I just sent you another message privately.
Makes me feel so much better with 10 physical Cores and 20 Logical cores for my CPU alone, the 2080ti gives me enough GPU Vram to render anything in most cases. These stats prove to me that it was worth investing in the better X core Cpu with more processing power to make the job quicker, still takes 3 hours to render some pictures in iray with the default studio settings.
Now the reason i came here was i can't get this Fluidos to show up, i load a test example nothing shows up, i've checked the parameters, everything is set to on, i bought both the lite and the upgrade and none of the scenes work, nothing appears when loaded into the scene, i'm lucky to get a black square or marker show up with no graphic or animation, I mean really, just have the product work easy, if i wanted to muck about animating the whole thing i would just key it in via the mesh grabber or other tool. If your going to make a resource and sell it then have a bunch of scenes to load in as preset props then make sure they all work because i just spent 70 or so dollars buying this and i'll be refunding if this thing doesn't work.
Don't hide stuff or do dumb settings so it won't show an i have to go google how to get the damn thing to show up, please just have it work when i merge it into a scene, thats what i pay for or i'd do the [...] thing myself.. Not happy mate!
Sersiously some [person] on Nexus would add this as a free mod you sell something that fails to work even in an editor, well done champ. After my purchase it's left a bad taste in my mouth so sorry for the cuss words, i'm not happy i now have to wait for sales to reply to get my money back, Scenes that don't work, awesome mate just AWESOME, don't bothing selling something in store if your examples don't [..] work!
Why sell something that doesn't show up when loaded into a scene, i shouldn't have to unhide anything it all should load in so i can adjust into any scene, if i need to parent the prop or just have it sit in position i should to jsut be able to manage it with the gizmo, it's surface should be selectable so i can re shade it or manipulate it with a tool like mesh grabber or fit control. if i need to hide anything i'll set that via the scene or change it in parameters, i shouldn't have to troll through the settings trying to find the right one just to flick a switch to get the damn thing to show up, you should make sure everything shows up default scene settings or don't bother selling stuff you claim does all this and i get a Black [...] square that shows up in every mode with no surface.
I'm sick of [people] not showing things like Hair in default settings, i've had to go into tessilation lines to fix the issue because you [people] play silly settings games to [mess] my day up.
Have it all show in Defaut settings i could give [a hoot] about your weak potato computer that burns when it sees it, i think i can render your hair or your moving liquid and flames!
Pass it on too the rest of your [...] artists, Publish complete work that works! or i refund quick as i purchased it and avoid any more of your [...] poor work!
I'm very sorry.
The problem is that the plugin need to be registered using the Serial Number in Daz Studio menu: Help- About Installed Plugins.
The Serial Number should be found in your account ( in Serial Numbers tab.
However, it seems that DAZ forgot to distribute the Serial Numbers to the buyers.
I already reported this problem to DAZ, but you also coudl ask a request here:
Quick question as I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or not.
I've found that is I want a small stream of fluid i.e. spitting, tap running etc. from a small source e.g. sphere with a radius of 0.5 then I have to decrease the cell size in order to see any actual result from the mesher.
The small cell sizes are giving me simulation times of about three hours, and this is for a scene which only contains the domain, source and mesher (highly recommended for testing different combinations of settings).
Is this right or am I making a mistake i.e. do I have to ensure that cell size is smaller than the size of the source?
Thank You
If the domain is much bigger than the cell size (e.g. 200 X 200 X 200 and cell size 1.0) the simulation could take a very long time. Try to reduce the size of the Domain to the regions where the fluid is expected to go.
When the geometry type of the source is Speherical, yes, the cell size must be smaller then the size of the source, but if the source is a Cuboid, you can use a larger cell size (e.g a cuboid 0.5X0.5X0.5 can work with cell size of 1.0 or more).
Thanks for getting in touch so promptly! I have another question I'm afraid.
I'm trying to get a splash when water hits a surface but only seem to get pooled blobs. Is there a specific setting I should be playing with to try and make my water more "Splashy"?
I was trying to increase the velocity but that seems to have little effect.
You're welcome, Mrc.
There are three possible solutions:
1. Increase the Vorticity confinement (maybe to 10 or more). It's in Main settings of the Domain.
2. Decrease the PIC/FLIP ratio to 0.0 (Advanced settings of the Domain).
3. Add a force field in the bottom of the domain (e.g. add a cube primitive and set this Object type to Force field), use a negative intensity, maybe -5.0.
You can use just one of them or more than one. Ah!, you can try, also, to apply only a Mean filter, two iterations, instead of the default Gaussian one (at Filters in the Domain), The smoothing tends to eliminate the smaller drops, and the Gaussian filter is about four times stronger than the Mean filter.
This product has little utility as a fluid simulator. It cannot simulate a fluid's surface tension or it's adhesion characteristics. So any potential buyers are forewarned.
A tutorial:
How to simulate adhesion and surface tension.:
Hola Alberto,
I'm having problems with Fluids II and the latest version of Daz (; have you checked if it's compatible?
Thank you!
Yes, it's compatible.
What problems are you having?
Sorry Alberto,
I think it was a problem of having a parameter too low, the simulation works well.
But, taking advantage of the occasion I wanted to ask you... doing the simulation I see that the CUDA cores of the GPU aren't used, wouldn't the simulation be faster if they were used?
The plugin uses the GPU (via OpenCL) only in two steps of the simulation: It's not intensively used, by now. Probably in next updates this will be improved.
A tutorial:
The usage of the Union of .vdb files option (only Fluidos II complete edition).
Hello Alberto,
Your plugin is really awesome and powerful, maybe too much as I've spent entire days trying to make it work. DAMN... I've made a 5000 framed animated scene and I want a fluidos animation starting from frame 4950 to 5000. I successfully made it twice but I had to tweak it a little and then, the render won't show up anymore. I even deleted and recreated it from scratch (domain, source, mesher) : I strictly followed your tutorials (both videos and pdf - minor differences between them, though), put a key frame on 4950 with 0% completion in mesher properties and 100% in frame 5000, and when I launch the simulation. The timeline is automatically forced to frame 1 in viewport throughout the calculation, and eventually comes back to the original frame (4950). 0 stabilization steps. 50 frames. No preview of any kind, even if enabled. The enable button itself doesn't change anyhting. Reopening the scene, restarting DAZ... but nothing, never, ever, is rendered.
EDIT : I've made some progrees and it seems I have to add the mesher on frame 0 or it will mess everything up. I still can't modify a source or a mesher after the first render or it won't show up anymore, even after clicking again and again on "ENABLE" (mesher properties).
Hello, Linoge,
It could be better to do the animation in small, more manageable sections, render them, and then assembing the sections.
But if you prefer or have to do in one go, then you have to know that Fluidos always starts the simulation from the frame 0. The mesher, as you already noticed, needs to have a keyframe at frame 0. To get the fluid to show only at the 4950 to 5000 frames, you could do this:
The drawback is that you will get thousands of files in the baked files folder, although most of them are small ones.
Another approach is to run the simulation in a copy of your scene, but limited to the 0 to 50 frames. If the fluid interacts with animated objects of your intended scene, reproduce this animation in the frames 0-50. Then, in your 0-5000 frames scene,
If you have more doubts, please, let me know.
Happy new year!
Hi Alberto,
I've just purchased the Fluidos II for Daz Studio - LITE edition (the 49,95 one - I assume it's a standalone product that doesn't require Fluidos II for Daz Sudio?).
Specs: Daz 14.4 Pro, Intel I3 9100F, 32 GB RAM. GeForce 1660 (primary 16x slot) & GeForce 1050ti (4x slot)
I have loaded up all the demo scenes, ran simulation and for some reason the bake folders remain empty.
Here is what I also tried so far, and frustration is now setting in:
- created my own domain and mesher with bake folders on a different drive (both domain and mesher the same folder), run simulation, folder remains empty. (as per 54115_fluidos user manual)
- created my own again according to the examples (recipe pdf - with the fountain) step by step, same result.
- changed GPU to CPU, no luck.
- changed Enable OpenCL to off, nope.
- Ran current frame & timeline range.
Any other ideas why bake files won't write to HDD? Oh, and I get a message that I require a dForce item to run simulation, so I have a dForce wardrobe item hanging in a corner outside the domain (not sure if it's meant to work like that - seems a bit odd)
Hi, Gavin:
As you assumed, it doesn't require Fluidos II complete edition at all
No, it doesn't require any dForce item.
Please, post here screenshots of:
Loaded up Scene 2 (has 300 frames, so good for screen caps), using timeline - Simset
Get dForce error when hitting simulate - DforceError
Add a dForce Item, only then it runs - ItemAdd
Simulation running - SimRun
Folder remains empty after simulation - RemainsEmpty
Scene 1 has baked files in there already, but doesn't change (I think it was installed with the product) - Scene1
Scene 1 contains an old log with product install date and time, so i'm certain it's not mine - Scene1Log
I was thinking of perhaps installing another instance of DAZ with just Fluidos, then install items as needed, maybe something I have installed is messing with it.
It's Fluidos not DForce. You have to start the simulation with the "run fluidos simulation" option from the Edit Menu or press CTRL+SHIFT+F.
It's a total separated system from DForce.
Thank you Imago!
That was indeed the problem, when I read "run simulation" I automatically go for the simulation settings. (a force of habit, never even noticed the option in edit menu).
My fluidos II Scene keeps crashing when I simulate. Any ideas?
As soon as you start or after a while?
A cause could be the grid too small, try increasing a bit the size.