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This is one of the wonders of the OpenVDB tools:
There is an update for macOS users only.
It fixes a problem that prevented to load the engine:
I'm not so sure I'm alone or not. I can't install Fluidos II for mac (can do on Windows). Can anyone suggest what I should do?
Hello. In this version with viscosity enabled, do drops get stuck in the air?
If not, I would buy it, but not for $ 120 of course.
How about a new year's discount?
What the DIM log file says (Configuration settigs - Show Log)?
Try to delete the downloaded files (by using Delete package from right click menu in DIM), download again and try to install.
No, it doesn't happens in Fluidos II.
Well, I don't have control on the discounts (it's a DAZ Marketing thing). And, as long as the state of the product is "New", they won't put a discount on it.
thanks for the question. The below is what I've got.
I'm not so sure whether it helps. I also attach the whole log file for you.
Installing product : FLUIDOS II for DAZ Studio (Mac 64-bit)
Product installation failed : FLUIDOS II for DAZ Studio (Mac 64-bit)
Install Queue finished in 0 min 5.7 sec.
Saving Account Settings: Account
WARNING: QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QAbstractSocket::SocketState'
(Make sure 'QAbstractSocket::SocketState' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
Installing product : FLUIDOS II for DAZ Studio (Mac 64-bit)
Product installation failed : FLUIDOS II for DAZ Studio (Mac 64-bit)
Install Queue finished in 0 min 4.7 sec.
WARNING: Could not set permissions on file: D:/DAZ/Installation/InstallManagerFileRegister.json
Oh!, It happens to be on sale! (60%, using the current Flash sale code).
Not valid anymore!
I just picked it up with the flash sale as suggested. I am running sims just fine, except, its not using either of my GPU's. Off the top of your head, any common reasons for that? Thanks much!
It only uses one GPU at a time. And it doesn't uses it intensively. It uses more the CPU threads.
Ok! That probably explains it! Thanks :D
Damn, I just saw it now, so I'll be waiting for the next sale(((
I couldn't reproduce the problem, and the log, in fact, says nothing.
Did you try to delete the downloaded files (by using Delete package from right click menu in DIM)?
If you wish, you could install manually the plugin:
Next, just activate the plugin with the serial number.
I can't find those folders (daz studio public build). I've tried to installed manually but the result is the same. Please the attachment.
The input folders should be inside the file downloaded by DIM. The ouput folders should be in your Applications folder where the Daz Studio was installed.
Could you show me the contents of your Applications/Daz Studio 4 64-bit folder?, and the content of the extracted file, please?
Thank you! Feel so good that you're always here for every single customer. Here are what you request. I'm not so sure it's all you want to see. Please request specifically and I will show you everything.
You're welcome. I'm glad to help!
From your first screenshot, these are the folders (libs and plugins) where you should paste the files and folder from DIM downloads
If you don't know where is the plugin package downloaded by the DIM, open the Daz Installer Manager, and click Settings:
You'll see the proper folder here:
Go to the proper folder and look for the "" file
Extract the file. You'll see the following:
Inside the first folder ("DAZ Studio_4.5;4.x Public Build;4.x Private Build") there is a "plugins" subfolder. It contains the "ABFluidos" subfolder. Copy "ABFluidos" and its contents to your Applications "Daz3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/plugins" folder (see the first image in this post)
Next, inside the second folder ("DAZ Studio_4.5;4.x Public Build;4.x Private Build_(64-Bit)") there is a "libs" subfolder. It contains the "FluidosII" subfolder. Copy "FluidosII" and its contents to your Applications "Daz3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs" folder (see the first image in this post)
Inside the same second folder ("DAZ Studio_4.5;4.x Public Build;4.x Private Build_(64-Bit)") you can see another "plugins" subfolder. It contains the "libabFluidosII.dylib" file. Copy "libabFluidosII.dylib" to your Applications "Daz3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/plugins" folder (see first image in this post)
If you already have the "FluidosII" folder inside your Applications "Daz3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs" (see the first image of this post), you can safely replace it with the extracted one. Likewise, if you already have the "ABFluidos" folder or the "libabFluidosII.dylib" file inside your Applications "Daz3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/plugins" folder, you can replace them.
Then only remains to activate the plugin with the serial number, as usual with plugins.
I just bought Fluidos II. I also own the first version. When I registered it in Daz Studio, the first version's serial number was unregistered. If I register the first version, the second gets unregistered.
Does this mean that they can't co-exist on the same system? If so, will Fluidos II be able to use content created in the first version?
Yes, as I recall you can have only one version installed at a time.
Yes, it will use all the previous setups, FluidosII has both engines. Just set the right one in the parameter and it will works exactly like the "old" plugin.
Ok. Thank you everyone for the information. :-)
Hi. I was still able to take fluidos 2 at a discount.
Please tell me. How do I create such threads? A thin thread and a drop at the bottom. What settings can I do this with?
You could do this: Use a small size Source and activate the Viscosity in the Domain. Use a low viscosity value.
Haha. If it were so easy I wouldn't write here. I know that i can work for a couple of hours with Fluidos Force and achieve the desired result, but I don't want to spend so much time, it's stupid.
Maybe I'm missing something? I need to make a thin thread and a large drop at the end, the maximum I could achieve from Fluidos 2 is this:
Since you know best how settings work, could you show me how to create what I want, if possible.
Well, I'm stupid enough to know how to do it.
I guess you want a tear,that's pretty small, so you need a small setup.
Cell size:0.25
Filter: Laplacian
Smoothing Iteration: 8 (add more for a rougher but slimmer stream)
CFL Condition number: 2.00
Viscosity: 0.15 (unlock limits)
PIC/FLIP: 0.80
Preferred device: CPU (use GPU for a sligthly different result)
Source: Cubic 0.40 in each XYZ value. Make it smaller or bigger to have less/more fluid.
Add a small closed object (like a sphere) in the point where you want the bigger drop with a Point Force of about 2-5 (make some change until you obtain your desire result).
These setttings should do the trick! Keep the domain as small as possible, these settings are pretty heavy.
Let us know if they worked.
I suggest these settings:
You should get something like this:
The .duf file of scene is attached.
However, I strongly recommend to try Fluidos Forces. They're worth the effort and time. This is a very powerful feature as forces can give the user a tremendous artistic control on the simulation.
Thank you for sharing this, Imago!
Okay. Thank you all for the answers)
Let us know how they work.
Always glad to be helpful!
The v2.1 update of Fluidos II is coming soon (it's a free update).
New features:
1. Stacked filters
2. Union of .vdb files
Here are two independent simulations
Here are the overlapped meshers. They were resized and translated from their original position.
Here, only one mesher, after the union of .vdb files from the above simulations:
The final resolution of the union is taken from the simulation of higher resolution.