GPU to CPU, (it's not going away anytime soon)

Is anything being done to fix these growing problems?
A lot of things about Studio in these later versions are going down hill. like the tag line says.. Slow load times, crashing to cpu rendering, unable to render previously successful images. GPU memory bogging down,
I've gone so far as to tripple click 'clear scene' (CTRL+N) and yet strangely Studio will spend 2 to 4 minutes clearing an empty screen. (WHY?) the error log shows nothing...absolutely nothing for hints about what is going on.
A tripple click to clear the scene is recorded and then 2 to 4 minutes according to the time stamp that it's finally starting the first few instantces of loading a scene.
and yes I have the latest driver, I've even tried rolling back and forth, useing public and beta versions,
and Yes I have all the window updates. ie.I caught a hard drive crash before it happened. So everything is fresh and new.
Scene's I rendered without issue with Studio 4.9 are crashing to cpu rendering with version 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12.
Is DAZ doing anything to fix this? They've been pretty silent from what others are saying.
Is the Octane crowd having issues? LuxRender people? That would nail NVidia and their drivers to the cross if they were but if not, then we have as Studio/Nvidia issue.
Latest issue: Stonemason Contaiment Zone and 3 G8F figures in Xtart-3d bodysuits. Anything less than immidate rendering upon loading promises a failed render. GPU to CPU or not at all.
A button that says 'never flipping want CPU rendering' would be nice.
System: RTX 2070, GTX960 (2), 32GB Ram, Processor = 3.8Ghz I7
Patiently waiting.
I'm not seeing 2-4 minutes for clearing the screen but I'm definitely waiting around if I clear away a larger project than one that's less complex in comparison.
When I only had the option for CPU rendering in Iray I would run into issues where renders would show a progress bar but never draw in the preview window but I didn't see crashing on CPU when it worked.
Is it possible when the project is cleared that the undo/redo cache is being purged and it's just mad-slow?
Some are from drivers and/or iray itself so there's nothing daz can do. Specifically 4.12 requires more vram for rendering, so some scenes that was fitting 4.11 and before may not fit 4.12. Also it seems there are drivers issues with rtx cards yet, especially for animation, though it seems the latest studio drivers work better. Then mixed multi-gpu systems as yours may introduce further issues with drivers. I have a gtx card so I can't say for sure myself.
As for me in my desktop everything seems to work fine enough so far. Specs in the signature.
It's frustrating as heck to sit here, see all these comments of slow load times, epic number of renders dropping to CPU rendering and other continued issues that have been noticed since 4.10, especially when a lot of us have comptuers currently that can or should hold the load, I bought my RTX2070 in hopes of speeding things up, but lately feel like I've taken steps backward. Todays' example is PW Cave and three g3f figures and 25 itterations in it dropped to cpu rendering and I did not have denoise on or the two GTX 960 cards (turned off via windows device driver in hopes of a stable efficient system). I walked away in hopes 20 minutes later the render would be done, instead it was snail-crawling away to finish a 1500x1200 image. I could debate drivers, public over beta or any other configuration but right now, the stable system we once had with say 4.9 is no longer there.
Any word on the Octane or other groups?
Still patiently waiting.
It has been reported by @sylvie1998 that works fine with 431.86 and rtx cards. You may give it a try, perhaps disabling the 960s.
Even worse is that the PA's are making content for nVIDIA "only" these days, you can read things like "...extremely detailed render" and when you look closer most things are terrible low resolution and or billboards, especially anything circular, round windows, bent pipes and so on, they have silly jaggeded edges because just a few polygons are used so any kind of realism is lost, I guess that is for you IRAY folks ;) but it's a loss for the rest of us that can actually render something with a reasonable amount of polygons.
When it comes to delete a scene, some people have problems and some not so it looks like it is related to what content you have installed in one way or another.
SuB can be used to reduce angularity, and works well in 3Delight.
I took the suggestion and rolled back to 431.86. Going with the fresh install and I hate to say it.
5 or 6 test renders in the view port and my GPU monitoring program showed ram was slowly filling up, so when it came time to actually render. Instant CPU fall back. WHY? The textures were already loaded weren't they? That Data was already there.
What was I testing? Vanishingpoint Imperial walls, three G3F figures in trooper outfits and two droid. Previous to Studio 4.10 this was never an issue, this also being prior to my owning the RTX2070. Now with 4.12 and even physically restoring my system to the old layout without the 2070 in the sytem, the memeory is still bogging down and dropping to CPU. Restarting Studio is a process of long wait times and issues in itself. Why does Studio need to delete data from an empty scene and spend close to 4 minutes doing nothing before loading? The trouble log shows zip for anything happening. Task Manager for windows shows Studio is the memory hog during that time but zero drive activity so nothing is being loaded.
I want to finish some projects, there is nothing better than the thrill of working on something, seeing it come to life and for others to enjoy but recent issues leave a constant nagging feeling over my shoulder of DAZ Studio failing to CPU rendering and operating at a total snails pace. The only cure for the problem is to shut down Studio, open up task manager and kill off DAZ Studio since it will spend up to 3 to 4 minutes slowly purging the ram. (This is a newly rebuilt windows 10 system with nearly nothing loaded at the moment.)
The fun of seeing new clean renders is lost to the overshadow of issues.
There are tons of work arounds, test this driver, test that driver, use this version of Studio or that version of Studio but the bottom line is the programs and drivers are being put out and are failing. VRAM is bogging down and ruining a decent product.
There is no VRAM purge script, if there was, I'm sure others like me would wear that button out,
Nvidia says their latest Studio and Game driver fixes this issue plus it deals with multicard computers. Still failing.
The fun is lost.
Have you tried the new Public Build released yesterday -
I'll give it a shop after work. Here is to hoping. Before I forget, what driver is suggested is best or most stable with it? ie what driver was used in the making of this version to show that it was stable enough to release as a beta?
I've found it stable still using 430.86.
Thank you.
@silvie1998 I'm trying to keep an open mind, I'll give the new beta a shot. if it occurs, I'll jump into the frey of a trouble ticket explaining exactly how I did it.
I'd still like to know if the Octane folks are having this issue.
loaded up the new beta windows behind my back updated my drivers to 432.00. all three cards are online. RTX 2070, and 2 GTX 960's.
ran a complex render that lately would drop to CPU rendering ever time. It did not. it held to only the RTX card, the GTX cards with less ram dropped off line. It's expected.
dumped and loaded a new scene (have not shut down Studio, the VRAM which was at 75% is at 9%.
New scene loaded 34% Vram use. Click render. SURPRISED! the 960's came back online and helped the new render.
stopped it. VRAM sitting at 69% restarted the render...just cuz. ...960's dropped off line. THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE!
Cleared the scene. VRAM down to 5%. so ram is now clearing. That's good to see.
So I'm calling this a tentative fix.
I'd be interested to see if you can render an image series. I have just installed the new Beta and it has gone backwards to the stage where it was dropping to CPU on the second image of the series. First renders fine but the second sees a jump in VRAM to exceed the 8GB limit (GTX 1070). I am running NVidia driver version 441.12.
@marble, By image series are you refering to an animation sequence? I'm sorry to say it's one aspect of this hobby I never got into. I'm all about stills for graphic novels. I do use ManFriday's batch render'er but thats as far as sequential rendering I've ever been.
and your driver version may be part of the problem, I'm going to go out on a limb here but while I was trouble shooting this whole process, I was trying to find that golden combo of Studio to Driver.
What DAZ never came forward and said is what driver they built the version of software on. That would have helped from the get go. The only thing I'm ever seeing is Richard saying he's using this version or someone is using that version of driver, but for DAZ to come out and say something along the line of "90% of this version was built upon this Nvidia Driver version" would have helped emensely. Their silence isn't helping, and a single tag line like what I suggested would slow everyone from jumping to the most recent and potentially unstable Nvidia Driver.
I can only suggest maybe try rolling back to a fresh install of Nvidia 432.00 (which I found to be my golden combo for the current Studio Beta and Nvidia driver.) Others from what I'm seeing are also rolling back on the driver version and finding renewed stability.
Good luck and enjoy the Holidays.
I never render animations if that's what you mean, but I do attempt to render different poses in same scene. Usually by the third it has either crashed from simulation, or drops to cpu for render and I have to save close and reopen the scene, which of course takes a few minutes.
I am not sure it is fixed at all, I made the mistake of reinstalling everything and upgrading to 4.12 public beta from 4.10. When I render just a figure most the time it uses my GPU but if try to build a scene adding more then a figure then it renders only.
I opened GPUZ to see what was going on it said I was using only 3200+mb and GPU usage 2% but again when I render the scene it was using the only CPU. I have the boxes checked in render setting for my Nivda GTX 1050 TI. I also have the latest driver 441.41.
Unfortunately, It does not seem I can get 4.10 back or else I would in a heartbeat. I am still pretty new to Daz so if someone knows something that I am missing to problem solve please help.
I'm running two 2080tis with NVLink.
Ever since the last two beta versions of Daz Studio, even the most simple of scenes (like one character with absolutely no textures) after a minute reverts to CPU rendering, and nothing I do such as switching renderers back to IRay, makes it stop.
This is an incredibly frustrating experience. All drivers up to date. Never had any issues at all with rendering up until these last couple Daz Studio updates. Really hope there's a fix soon.
It does that for me as well. sometimes it will start at CPU then switch to GPU then crash. Have you experienced that as well.? When I posted another thread about it the Daz moderator locked the post and gave me some ambiguous advice
As for rtx cards it has been reported that works fine with nvidia driver 431.86, while seems to have issues yet. As for gtx cards it seems there are no issues. Then multi cards systems, especially with nvlink, may have further drivers issues than single cards systems.
I'd add that since rtx cards are quite new, and 4.12 is the first version of daz studio trying to take advantage of rtx features, it's quite expected in my opinion to have issues at first, until this technology stabilizes especially with reliable drivers. I guess the point is that making drivers for games is much easier than making good drivers for rendering engines.
Apparently there is an issue with GTX Cards, I currently have a GTX 1050 TI and having issues with it rendering with CPU and GPU along with a few other issues which are unrelated to rendering. Again maybe I have not set something up properly to get it to render with my GPU instead of CPU.
I will note that most of the time if I just load a character apply textures and render with nothing else in scene GPU does render my image and does it quite quickly.
I was talking about drivers issues. Of course there are the usual daz studio and iray issues that are not drivers related.
Hmmm.. Well I understand the public beta is recent and yes there are issues and hopefully will be fixed. I do like the features of 4.12 that I have seen so hopefully it will be fixed to where I can actually use my GPU. Again Maybe I set something up wrong. So here are a few questions I guess I should ask to try to troubleshoot any errors on my part.
I have a GTX 1050 TI is this card good enough to run 4.12?
When I did the installation I set my content directory to a different drive, could this cause render issues? It has caused a few issues with it not being able to find a few dsf files so it says but it seems to load correctly anyways
Do I need to set something in my Nvidia Control panel? I did select the option for Daz to use my Nvidia to run is there something else i can set?
I did update my driver to 441.41 and looked into rolling back to 386 something but it appears when I go to my device manager and display adapter for my GPU it does not give me the option to roll back so I probably do not have that driver on my system to roll back to. If there is anything else I should be looking at please let me know or if I did anything wrong in my above questions let me know.
Is there a setting in Daz other than the checkboxes in render settings I am missing?
You can go to nvidia site and get other driver versions
Thanks for the link do i just go to my device manager and Nvida properties and click the uninstall button for my current driver then install the older version? Sorry for the noob question, I just don't like playing around in those types of areas afraid of messing something up
The installer should take care of uninstallation of the other one.
You only have 4gb of Vram you may find that anything more than a figure texture etc will overload the card hence why its dropping to CPU. Knowing how to optimise your scenes helps greatly. A lot of clothing and figure textures these days are really ram hoggers you need to reduce them down. GPU-Z will help tell you how much Vram you are using.
It always starts fine in GPU for me, and will stay that way for a short time. Then any random change, like moving an object, changing a value, etc, suddenly makes it revert to CPU with no fix until DS is closed and restarted. I've tried disabling NVLink, using just one GPU, all to no avail.
This system was rendering perfectly up until the last two betas of DS, so... it seems pretty clear there are issues with the software.
for those who are creator, Nvidia propose "studio" version drivers and "Game Ready" for games
in main drivers pages, always read info about changes and fixes
Changes and Fixed Issues in Studio Driver Version 441.28
[Avid Media Composer][OpenCL][OpenGL]: The OpenGL/OpenCL driver may hang when exiting the application. [2690096]
[V-Ray][OptiX]: Performance regression with V-Ray rendering.[2740159]
[IRay]: Some applications using IRay crash when used in a multi-GPU configuration. [2754968]
[OptiX]: OptiX unable to select GPUs for use when all GPUs in the system are in TCC mode [2722686]
[OptiX]: Applications built against OptiX SDK 7.0.0 throw error message when using OptixBuildInputTriangleArray::preTransform. [2742029]
[OptiX denoiser]: Errors occur when using the denoiser and specifying Color + Albedo + Normals.
[OptiX denoiser]: The Alpha-denoising path does not support blend mode. [2727732]
[OptiX denoiser]: OptiX errors occur when specifying Normals + Albedo for input. [2712572]
[OptiX]: noinline function calls do not use custom ABI. [2631716]
[OptiX]: denoiser device handling preempts user control. [2647842]
[OptiX denoiser]: Op
the "Game Ready" is Version 441.41