Black Is Beautiful II



  • People of Earth: Faces of Africa for G3M/F hit today. It's an extreme rarity for me but that's a day one purchase. The actual product promos look good but the newsletter images had plasticy skin, which is a shame. Elsewhere, reciecup made a new release. Actually have the archive updated on time for a change.
  • anikadanikad Posts: 1,919

    Monique 7 dropped today: Thankful there is no sign of the voodoo witchcraft which characterised version 6. Rumour has it Darius is appearing towards the end of the month. I think she looks really good. Was inspired enough to buy and do a quick test render, will actually have to start rendering again.

    600 x 1200 - 180K
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    More stuff!


    1080 x 1080 - 1M
    Starman Haggling.png
    1748 x 1080 - 3M
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    Oh, nice approach to good renders with black people, with Iray and Photoshop:

    Use a canvas. It preserves dynamic range for you to work with.

    Convert to 16 bit, making sure none of the highlights are blown out.

    Use free Google NIK Filters (in Photoshop), 'Detail Extractor.' It preserves most of the color range, while boosting fine details that would normally just disappear in shadow.


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    Another with Starman!

    I made a really odd face for this guy, using stuff from Facegen + Darius + a bunch of other stuff, and it gives him a rather unique look. I was shooting for someone who looks a bit like an Australian aborigine... I didn't really hit the target, but hey.

    Also, after many many attempts, I'm forced to conclude that UHT just does NOT work well with Omri hair. Just... nope.



    Starman Relaxing.png
    667 x 1080 - 1M
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    And a closeup, because I just love his face.


    Starman Relaxing Closeup.png
    667 x 1080 - 1M
  • I'm not waiting on any characters for Monique, I like making my own by dialing Monique 7 into other characters and using different skins on them. Just a few renders with Monique combos.

    Esme Moni.png
    753 x 882 - 857K
    Serenity Moni.png
    753 x 882 - 927K
    Cat Moni Mpenzi.png
    753 x 882 - 503K
    709 x 882 - 366K
    Masala moni.jpg
    709 x 882 - 355K
    Monique 7 Kalesha.jpg
    709 x 882 - 339K
    Monique 7 Anna.jpg
    709 x 882 - 332K
    Kat moni.jpg
    709 x 882 - 415K
    Fukiko Moni Adele.png
    753 x 882 - 854K
    Riza monique.jpg
    709 x 882 - 290K
    Monique 7 random.jpg
    709 x 882 - 349K
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749


    Your characters are looking REALLY good! My favourites are Cat Moni Mpenzi, Essence Moni, Fukiko Moni Adele, Riza Monique, and Monique 7 random (poor girl really needs a name lol). Gorgeous characters!

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749

    I hope everyone is having a great week and has a wonderful Holiday! :)

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    Also, after many many attempts, I'm forced to conclude that UHT just does NOT work well with Omri hair. Just... nope.

    Well, that's not a huge surprise, unfortunately. UHT relies on texture replacement, and needs the textures to be straight. It would work on the scalp, maybe, but none of the rest of the textures are straight. Though, given that UHT2 is comparatively low specular, the no-textures version might do well, since it shouldn't make it too shiny. Have to try that sometime.

    Jepe mentioned, in a question I asked him, that he used OOT Iray Pair shader on the (very) old RDNA Alicia hair in an image; I hadn't thought that hair would work in Iray at all, but it looked surprisingly good. Maybe that shader would work on Omri, if you have it. (I do, but haven't tried it yet. I tend to do a default conversion and call it a day, because otherwise Omri gets weirdly shiny; specularity for straight hair shafts isn't quite the same for kinky hair shafts.)

    And a closeup, because I just love his face.

    A really striking looking guy! But why does his skin look cracked around the collarbone?


    Your characters are looking REALLY good! My favourites are Cat Moni Mpenzi, Essence Moni, Fukiko Moni Adele, Riza Monique, and Monique 7 random (poor girl really needs a name lol). Gorgeous characters!

    Thanks Diva, love your renders too.  Lol! Random girl had so many different morphs, couldn't think of a name for her. 

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172

    I'm not waiting on any characters for Monique, I like making my own by dialing Monique 7 into other characters and using different skins on them. Just a few renders with Monique combos.

    Wow, gorgeous :)


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    VWRangler: That's chest hair. ;)


  • SummerhorseSummerhorse Posts: 684
    edited December 2016

    @Allikatblue : Monique Anna is to die for!!

    @divamakeup: Love your holiday card!You have really captured Monique's beauty in your renders.

    Post edited by Summerhorse on
  • I'm not waiting on any characters for Monique, I like making my own by dialing Monique 7 into other characters and using different skins on them. Just a few renders with Monique combos.

    Wonderfully done!  :)

  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,506
    edited December 2016

    An original character.

    Sasha Black

    Post edited by Greybro on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    VERY cool, grey

  • SummerhorseSummerhorse Posts: 684
    edited December 2016

    @Greybro: Outstanding!

    @Will : love that face too. And the guy with the alien is a beautiful render!

    Post edited by Summerhorse on
  • FauvistFauvist Posts: 2,152
    edited December 2016

    I was the one who started the first original BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL  thread a couple of years ago.  I'm really pleased that it's still going (in this second incarnation) and that there are here 858 comments and almost 79,000 views!  When I posted the first message it was because I was frustrated with the lack of African-American, or otherwise Black, characters and traditional hair.  Now the Black charactrers are some of the most beautiful characters on the market, with gorgeous skin, facial features, and hair styles.

    BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL was a cultural slogan I remember from my childhood in the 1960s and 70s.  That slogan made me aware of Black Americans and their culture (I'm white and Canadian), and made me appreciate the unique beauty of cultural icons like the extraodinary Diana Ross, Tamara Dobson, Pam Grier, the beautiful Ron O'Neal, Richard Roundtree, Pat Cleveland, Grace Jones, Beverly Johnson, Billy Dee Williams, Brenda Sykes, Jeannie Bell, the insanely handsome Fred Williamson, Diahann Carroll, Teresa Graves, and the bodybuilder Sergio Olivia - and so many more.

    Those words had a lot of power. 


    Post edited by Fauvist on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    Shaneka trying to keep a straight face while Mod Monique gets a little goofy.

    Shaneka and Mod Monique Exam.png
    1080 x 1080 - 2M
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited December 2016

    Boyd's favorite person on the planet is his older brother Tate. Tate works for the government in R&D.

    1400 x 1600 - 6M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749
    edited December 2016

    Working on a character with skin that is mix of Monique 7 mats, Victoria 7 mats, and the base G3F mats. 

    I think the shader might need some tweaking though. Any suggestions on decent Iray skin shaders for darker skin characters? 

    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • CRMillerCRMiller Posts: 3
    edited December 2016
    Also, after many many attempts, I'm forced to conclude that UHT just does NOT work well with Omri hair. Just... nope.



    This is my first post; I hope I get this right...

    What I do with the Omri Hair (and almost all AprilYSH hair models now) is apply a UHT shader then manually put the AprilYSH textures back into the appropriate surface channels. So anywhere you see a UHT texture, put the original texture back in.

    920 x 1080 - 1M
    Post edited by CRMiller on
  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416

    CRMiller - Try holding control/comand key when you apply the UHT shader and chose ignore maps.  Will probably get you a lot less you have to manually plug back in, especially if you apply one of april's Iray mats first so it doesn't get confused on cutout opacity.

  • CRMillerCRMiller Posts: 3
    edited December 2016
    Fisty said:

    CRMiller - Try holding control/comand key when you apply the UHT shader and chose ignore maps.  Will probably get you a lot less you have to manually plug back in, especially if you apply one of april's Iray mats first so it doesn't get confused on cutout opacity.

    That's what I was doing at first and got completely different results. I switched to the method I mentioned after a lot of frustration with the Omri Hair and Iray. I don't know why (because I blunder my way through a lot) but, to my surprise, it worked! Now I just do that whenever needed and save it as a preset for later.


    Edit: Thank you though! You helped me solve a problem I've had for weeks with Kalea 7's texture and a character of mine whose skin tones need to fall somewhere between Kalea and Monique. I applied Monique's shader to Kalea's skin, set the translucency to "high." So far it looks good.

    Post edited by CRMiller on
  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,989

    some beautiful black men,

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749
    Linwelly said:

    some beautiful black men,

    Girl - they look scary! lol Those eyes! They look cray-zee! lol

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    Linwelly said:

    some beautiful black men,

    Oh, I remember the picture you probably based that scene off of, Wodaabe men. Looks like the DAZ characters of the G2M 6 actually weren't daring enough in portraying some African religious and cultural practices of the past and preset.

    male african tribal makeup google image search (which shows quite a few women too)


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,989
    Linwelly said:

    some beautiful black men,

    Oh, I remember the picture you probably based that scene off of, Wodaabe men. Looks like the DAZ characters of the G2M 6 actually weren't daring enough in portraying some African religious and cultural practices of the past and preset.

    male african tribal makeup google image search (which shows quite a few women too)


    You win the price nonesuch00. Though its not just one picture I used as reference. These are Wodaabe men at the gerewol festival. And they try to show the white of teeth and eyes to impress the ladies. If you look for Wodaabe on the net you find a lot of pictures and info.

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