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So the lid and seat can be up together, the lid and seat can be down together. Final, crucial, question can the seat be down while the lid is up? :)
If the answer to that is yes then this truly is the pinnacle of DAZ toilet manufacture and should win some sort of prize.
Hmm what about these? Looking promising...
I have that set, and while it's a great set with a lot of hard to find items, the toilets are only average. The lid does raise and lower but there's no seat and it also has a button flush on top of the tank. Beyond that, for those who want to know, the toilet paper dispenser is a single fused part of the stall wall, and while the stall door does open and close, the door lock is a fixed item so neither is really usuable for animation. Given that a lot of vendors whouldn't have even bothered to include a bathroom interior, though, I can't complain about the overall package.
Tks good to know;)
Since you have that set...another question: I need to convert it to 3DL/aweSurface, what kind of maps (metallicity, bump, displacement, roughness, normal?) are included? There's no mentioning on the product page. Tks!
Apparently basecolor, metallic, normal and roughness.
The lid and seat move independently. On top of that the flush handle and the stop valve turn. The toilet paper roll has two morphs and on top of that is set up for dForce.
This set is perfect for those of you that want to simulate/animate a visit to the inner sanctum with every detail...
Thank you!
...with dForce on the bogroll sounds like you could even have a cat as the "visitor".
well I rest my case as to why I put my roll on the way everyone says is wrong
just curious, do you all wipe with the same hand that pulls off the paper or something that it matters?
( I keep in my case my right hand clean to flush and turn on tap as well as pull off paper)
Wow. With that attention to detail, I will have to force that item on my whishlist, and put the PA on my watchlist
You can't do this the other way.
Well now we'll have to upt the ante and look for toilets that have animations for flushing too lol ...
I had that in 2010 during a vacation in Tunesia. A stay in the Djerba Radisson Spa. Extended because of some Islandic vulcano. Well, you COULD get stuck in worse places
Thank you, this has just moved it from my Wishlist to my basket :)
..och, beat me to it.
And the Aussies will complain that the water is going the wrong way around.
Weird fact - Women are much more likely to favor placing the the roll with the loose part on the inside, against the wall, while men tend to do the opposite.
There is, actually, a proper way that dates all the way back to the original patents for rolled toilet paper filed by Seth Wheeler back in 1871. That's with the loose flap out, specifically because it minimizes the amount of accidental contact that peoples' hands can have with the wall.... hence the reason it's always done that way in hotels.
Female here, and always have the loose end out. Down the wall is an abomination.
Then you've got us neutral types who don't put the roll on the holder at all, but instead set it on the counter or tank lid. Can't touch the wall if it's not near the wall!
If you're gonna stick it on the thingie, though, anything other than flap out is heresy. My father puts it in the holder but literally does not pay attention to what direction it's oriented.
If you go someone else's house and they have it the 'wrong' way what is the etiquette for turning it round?
That kind of depends on whether you were invited as a guest or are breaking in.
yeah it's odd, many feel very strongly about the flap over choice as seen here, but as the image shows cats can unravel it that way easily, I have also had it spontaneously unravel that way set in perpetual motion.
I actually have two holders one each way
one on each side
I'm just satisfied with the toilet roll being on the ring in some fashion.
Cats can unravel it the other way just as easily. It's not as if the TP is actually flush against the wall, so there's always going to be something dangling.
mmm therein lies the problem, mine is, it dangles off a hinged wire, you do have to actually touch the wall to pull it off if over, the other holder is self enclosed with a hinged flap that sits on it
Free standing solves all sorts of problems.
Any Mechanical Engineer understands there is a reason for not having the loose part against the wall... When you pull the paper, the roll moves away from the wall and creates no friction to stop spinning, resulting in what the kitty is trying to do.
I used to think the "soft" ones were cute - flexible plastic or vinyl surface, with foam cushioning?
#2 choice is the ones made out of poured resin, that had embedded stuff like seashells "floating" inside.