And yet another toilet without a seat???
Again? Seriously? I've traveled all over the world and i've never seen a western style toilet that didn't have a lift-up seat... no lid often, but never no seat in any place that has indoor plumbing. And yet, over the last few years there have been literally dozens of bathroom sets sold at DAZ with toilets that lack that simple basic part. What in the heck? Is there some kind of weird censorship going on behind the scenes? Do these artists all live in areas where they only have the asian styled trench or squat toiltets and think that the western toilet is just some odd piece of impressionist art? And, most puzzling of all, why doesn't DAZ quaality control ever catch this?
Toilette with no seat, never seen one anywhere on east coast North America yet, been from Florida all the way up to New Brunswic Canada lol
and no drain for the bath.... (look underneath)
Good eye, I never would have noticed that. I doubt most people looking at art would notice the lack of that one pipe either, and can be hidden easily I suppose by angle of shot. No seat on toilette though, everyone would notice it. Almost everyone at one time or another made the mistake of sitting when the seat was not down and vivdly remember the experience :P
You people have no imagination... the tub drains through the legs and the "toilet seat" is an invisible force field... and one flushes by voice command... Bathroom visitor: "Toilet- Flush Poop" ... Toilet: "Calling The Pope".
maybe they do that in display homes to discourage usage
and those fancy toilets that pour water up.
Perhaps they live in the woods near the bears?
The thing is, it's not just that one artist, though they're probably the biggest single offender at DAZ But usually there's a lid so at least you can do a render without it being too obvious. What's really weird, though, is this is the third in a numberd product series, all obviously made within a short time of each other, and the first one had just a lid with no seat, the second one had both a lid AND a seat, and the third one has now this one has neither.
No, but I clearly remember when a friend covered the bowl with cellophane.
That's just wrong lol
HeeHee I remember when one of my staff did that to the Office managers private toilet.
often public ones such as schools had black bakelite seats and vegemite was smeared on some
Never discouraged me... in fact it seems a bit of a challenge.
Actually, it stopped me buying it. It's not even wishlisted.
I really liked it, yeh I have plenty of bathrooms, but they are strangely compelling.
It'd be easy enough to put a drainpipe on the tub, but the lack of a seat on the toilet seriously bothers me.
Looking through the store I also note a number of bathrooms with no toilet. I find myself wondering if it's just a cultural difference. I know homes are often laid out differently in other countries and perhaps the lack of the toilet seat has something to do with that?
I got like 12 bathrooms, and I have still yet never felt the urge to rendered a poop scene haha
ours tend to get their own little room
I can imagine getting up in the middle of the night, 3/4 asleep and...
falling in.
I always thought they were bidets!
Woe be to the person who messes with a toilet in my house or workplace, especially if it results in body waste (mine or somebody else's) coming into contact with me or a friend/loved one. I don't like practical jokes of this nature, so the best scenario they could hope for is losing my friendship and being arrested for battery.
As to the products in question, I do know that toilets in the US are different from the facilities available in other countries and cultures. Is it possible that these artists are not from the US?
Even if that were the case, dont you think it would make sense for someone to research a culture that isnt their own before trying to recreate something from that culture?
I really don't think toilet seats are culture/nation specific.
I have. At a caravan park in Adelaide South Australia. Stainless bowls with no seats. Not one, in a long row.
I live in Adelaide and I have seen those in some parks too
I remember a Snooker/Billiard hall here at home in Scotland and the toilet was a hole in the floor with two markers for where to put your feet, and there was no ladies toilet :) It was open plan and the urinal was sheets of stainless steel on one wall going down to a gutter/channel in the floor and down a drain. You had to flush it yourself, a chain hanging form the cistern, which going by the smell many didn't :) That was in the early '60's.
Imagine 100 years ago (or not quite so long ago in some areas of the US still) in the middle of a cold snowy winter's night and having to wander half-naked through the house, out the back door, perhaps having to shovel a 40 foot path of 2 foot deep snow to get to an unheated little, unlighted, drafty wooden building with a wooden bench sporting a hole opening to a foul smelling pile of a mixture of fresh and years old poop and piss deep in the ground, and then falling in.
Or the alternative of doing your business in the comfort of your own bedroom by using a Chamber Pot pulled from under the bed. But they were often made of porcelain, were heavy and accidents could happen with them too. All disgustingly messy.
And in the morning someone had to carry all the individual Chamber Pots down through the house, out the back door, perhaps having to shovel a 40 foot path of 2 foot deep snow to get to an unheated little, drafty wooden building with a wooden bench sporting a hole opening to a foul smelling pile of a mixture of fresh and years old poop and piss and empty the pot into the deep hole in the ground without spilling onto the seat (or at least not telling anybody you did).
I remember outhouses. And having to use them a few times. 'Though not fondly.
or toss it out the window on passers by
It is a PETA standard. Toilet seats make it more difficult for dogs to get a drink of water. PETA will lead a world wide boycott of DAZ if it promotes cruelty to animals.
Lol, I know. I haven't traveled the world, but I've been to S Korea and the Phillipines and every home and hotel room I visited had a western style toilet with a seat and cover. I think the squat type is only for public restrooms, and I didn't see any of those at all in the Phillipines, only western style.
I certainly can't speak for Daz, but looking at thier submission requirements, it mostly just talks about the technical aspects, no intersecting polygons, texture mapped properly, etc. It doesn't say anything about whether the content makes logical sense. I'm guessing that's really up to the buyer to decide.
For me, my pet peeve is unsupported ceilings and overhangs, but now that I've seen this toilet thing, I can't unsee it.
I expect the toilet to be in a seperate small room. I think that is normal in older British houses but it might be less common in newer ones to save space. I do expect a lift up seat on the toilet, although the lid is a bit of a modern invention.