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100 years?! Heck, As a Boy Scout in the late 80s-early 90s, we had to do our business in an unheated outhouse when we'd camp during New England winters!
We could raise the very same argument about whether or not characters should include anatomical elements or whether structures with doors/windows should open & close. The artists are going to do what they want to do and/or what they're capable of doing when it comes to making a product because its what they want to sell. No amount of kicking & screaming is going to change that. I completely agree with you that some things, such as the toilet seat/lid should be no-brainers, but if PAs want to make products like that & try to sell it, that's their decision. Obviously there's enough individuals buying stuff like this and/or its the way the PA prefers to make it regardless of how good it sells.
Okay, for a moment I was wondering what you were drinking. And THEN I got your humor and I realized you had just poned me. Either that or I poned myself. Either way, damn; nicely done!
Only if there's a bundle with revenge pranks + morphs. I'm thinking giant mallets, bear traps, huge pendulum blades, you know stuff like that!
Well, they've been making glass shower enclosures for decades, actually. Unless I'm not grokking your point.
This made me laugh. I can just imagine Barbie and all her friends (also named "Barbie", of course) whining in unison...

Okay, I never got a complaint from girlfriends or female family members about leaving the seat up. Of course, I am fairly good about putting it down when done, but not everybody is.
When visiting family, our rule when using a communal toilet has always been, "Check it yourself and clean it when you're done". No pee or poo should be visible to the next person. Not in the bowl, on the seat, the floor, the walls, or the ceiling, dammit!
Responding to both comments above...I've seen some primitive urinal and toilet facilities, but mostly those were in the 60s and 70s. Steel sheets and troughs have pretty much gone the way of the dodo.
And in this day, I don't think troughs are a thing anymore; not in great numbers anyway. But yeah, they used to have them at sports and concert facilities, probably up to about the mid-80s.
That doesn't just happen in DAZ scenes/products. I've seen actual bathrooms made that way in real houses!
If you're talking urine, which is what you'd mostly expect to encounter in bars, then it wouldn't appear as yellow. Beer pee is mostly clear. Okay, now I know what your next question is: How would I know that? I had roommates. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
...umm, I'm speechless.
Yeah, I've got nothing. You win!
That was also true for Boy Scouts throughout Michigan and Ohio in the 1970's.
If you sit a character on the toilet no one will ever know better. That's what I plan to do. Some read while going to the bathroom, my character will write a letter/note on toilet paper while s/he squats. ;)
Z on phone on loo poses
dforce ankle panty prop
cat sitting in ankle pants poses
I really did buy a car like that once - I though I was buying the whole thing, and then it was "Oh, the battery is an extra $100, and the radio is an extra 50." I told him to keep the radio. Two weeks later the guy wanted to buy it all back from me, so I let him.
As for models, I am so tired of artists who think "this is good enough" especially with technical stuff. Often car engines, steam engines etc. are so poorly done they are laughable. Seriously, do that bit of extra research. Put in that bit of extra effort.
I FOUND the toilet seat!!!! on. May need a thorough scrubbing though.
A picture says a thousand words
I am lost for words
And tubs without shower curtains...........
That's actually a good idea. Add a box of good trash bags and a bag of kitty litter and you're good for a while.
I had something like that in my truck for when I had to park away from facilities.
Sometimes truckstop food gives little warning.
A lot of times you purchase things not realizing what is missing. Sometimes the fact blinds open or close are not in the description, sometimes it is that it will open but an articst is not going to tell you if it won't. When you look for buying a bathroom you won't always notice if the toilet has a lid or not. - AND DAZ DOES NOT ALLOW US TO POST REVIEWS ON PRODUCTS LIKE AMAZON DOES - WHY NOT ?
I remember the castle in Europe wher the toilet was in a small room that hung over the moat.
Good thing there weren't cell phones back then, or the internet would be inundated with photos
of royal tushies in a frame.
Must have been fun in the winter. Talk about freezing your wits off.
Speaking of Europe, when I was in Germany....
I was showing a new young GI the sights, and we stopped to eat.
She left, and returned a moment later to ask me how to tell the restrooms apart.
"That's easy, 'Damen' means 'the men',and 'Herren' means 'Hers'"
Good thing she needed me for the ride back to base.
(Damen=Ladies, Herren=Gentlemen)
But they are.. that seat like toilet isn't used everywhere in the world. Like #Fishtales stated above, there's also the "hole in the ground with markers for the feet (and handles left and right on the wall if you're lucky)" variant, that can be seen in some (usually more rural) parts of the mediterranean countries and even Japan as far as I know...
I encountered one in the National Museum for History in Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia.
And the "metal sheet on the wall leading to a channel and gutter in the floor" variant was very common in public toilets and bars here in Germany right up to the 80's or so.. at least in the males' toilets ^^
And don't let me get started on vehicles that cannot turn because the front wheels will hit the frame - there are several wagons in he store like this.
Now I see it. the first tub can be excused for not being plumbed. I was obviosly just taken out of the box from lowes and hasn't been installed yet. In facxt, that may be the whole problem. someone call lowes and ask if they have the toilet seats.
...and it's in Fastgrab today as well.
...I believe enve Rendo lets people post reviews or at least comments.
...or the moats might be filled with smartphones when they fell out of the pockets.
How ironic is it that even THIS set has a toilet seat? <LOL>

And yet another toilet seat without a toilet. What are they thinking?
The whole world's gone into the crapper.
Dangit! Guess I'm gonna haffta go behind the bushes again.
I dunno, I think that toilet seat would sit nicely over that garbage can and make a fine Redneck Commode!
(Aw man, I may have just challenged myself to render a proof of concept. "Challenge Accepted!")
Or you could just use the tyre...
rofl lol
doh coffee on my keyboard