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So does ammonia when mixed with bleach or even vinegar... it actually makes a visible white smoke. The basic rule of thumb with any kind of liquid cleaner is NEVER mix them and always have the windows open to vent any noxious fumes.
I can't go through all the posts, but this one has a seat...
Think of all the hideous toilet seat "cozies" that could be accessorizing the lids, with Look at My Hair "chenille". Worst seatless toilet experience was on the "Bullet Train" from Tokyo to Kyoto. The unisex toilet was a large metal box that you had to get up on, plant feet securely and squat. I don't remember anything to hold onto, The train swayed back and forth. Very difficult for ladies wearing pants. So, note to self, at that time one could drink soup and beer on the train, but, you don't want to have to go. The local train station toilets were basically outhouses. Don't drop your wallet from your trousers in one of those! Next worse, in southern US, an outhouse set about 100 feet from the main house on a farm in the woods. If you had to go at night, you needed a bright lantern, the tp, and a large stick to poke for copperheads. It was too scary. If children had to go weewee at night, we used a big pot and took it out to the outhouse, with a big stick, in the morning. Basically, it's a bench in a shed with a hole that drops to a pit, with some lime (conveniently in a bag on the floor) tossed in by each user. So, I don't think a lidless "moderne" porcelain throne is so bad, except in Japan, the seats in our hillside pension were heated...
Years back had a co-worker from a country perhaps best left nameless. Another co-worker was going to visit said country and was quickly aside by the immigrant co-worker and warned to bring with them an umbrella. The umbrella was for use if you wanted privacy when using public facilities which were apparently VERY public. An area of ground marked off in squares, pick a square and go.
Okay, and so tesla's release latest introduces a new question - do Swedes not use toilet paper? That would seem to be the general gist of Or... is that white block next to the tilet NOT a flushing mechanism and instead a button to summon your bathroom butler/maid/attendent to bring you a fresh roll?
Gah! When I first read this I wasn't fully awake and thought you were suggesting using LAMH to actually grow hair on the toilet itself... which, now that I think about it, would make for a great base for the most disgusting bathroom ever.
..well, we do have strand hair built into the programme now and it will render in Iray.
Google "bidet".
google "only toilet-like fixture in what's supposed to be a self-contained apartment." I actually have two bidets in my house as the result of having a lot of Japanese co-workers and spending a lot of time in Japan where bidet seats are standard. To use a bidet without toilet paper it either needs to have an electric drying unit... which this one clearly lacks the controls for, let alone the wiring, or, at the very least, a towell that's within a hand's reach... but I just realilzed that a towel bar or rack seem to be one of the other items that's missing here. Given that the placement of that panel would makes it almost impossible tfor the user to access it during use given its position of directly behind the seat, the only thing I can think of that it's supposed to be is an electric eye for an auto-flush. Mayber you're supposed to step into the shower afterwards...?
Honestly, I find this irritating as I really like the set overall, but Tesla seems to have a running problem with his bathrooms (no pun intended but that one was hard to avoid).
And I just found this accidentally while looking up options on bidets...
Why are there no toilet seats in Italy?
We asked Italian friends about the frequent absence of toilet seats, and they helped to fill in the blanks. Apparently, the toilet seats are there originally but, then, they break. The seats break because people stand on them. People stand on them because they are not kept clean enough to sit on.Jul 16, 2015
Well, okay then...
Considering all the apartment and living room sets that don't have a TV (or even a place for a TV), a missing toilet seat doesn't seem that out of place
_and Stainless Steel_ which is cool - - if one sits on it _"giggle"
interesting that there are not any squat toilets considering many countries have them
well, are there the 3 sea shells?
Toilet seat cozy... that gives me a great idea for another dumb freebie connected to my "Chia Hair" gag...
On a different note... forget seatless toilets or outhouses... try "closing down" an outhouse... when I was a kid, the camp I went to had outhouses and one summer a group of us had to close down an outhouse that had reached the end of its usefulness... not to mention the absolute grossness of disassembling the thing, but properly filling the hole... not something you ever want to do. I can still hear/feel the flies... ugh.
Sounds like they weren't using quicklime. My family used to vacation at an old house in the mountains that had been upgraded for electricty but not running water. This was my parents' idea of "fun", not mine, by the way. In any case, there was a rather impressive three-seat outhouse structure out back with store-bought toilet seats and lids, as well as a big container with were instructions for the first person to use it each day to toss a cup of a lime-mixture down. No flies, minimal smell, but... and this is truly gross... if you made the mistake of looking down inside during daylight hours, you could clearly see three massive "stalagmites", each at least as big as a Volkswagon, that reperesented who knows how many years worth of use...
3 seats
next to each other?
so you can chat?
Yeah, we always wondered about that too. They might have hung curtains up at some point, but the best I could figure is that if something in the food turned out to be "off", that many units might have been necessary in an emergency.
...I love the way you think.
One of those days, some PA is going to make big money with a "Universal Toilet Seats and Lids" product, including fluffy fibermesh cover options and all!
Surely you mean, make a big pile?
Okay, everyone, no jokes about the captain's log...
Actually about half my clients (I'm a hairdresser) don't own a TV! Cable cutters. If they watch anything it's NetFlix or Amazon Prime on their laptops or even smart phones (which for my old eyes would be a horrible idea).
But a toilet without a proper seat or a cover/lid is just messed up! I saw this flaw and passed on considering this to purchase. Details details details are important!
...I don't even subscribe to "television" services on my computer as most programme offerings I see advertised just don't interest me. Usually another "formula plot" hospital/rescue show (which seem to be popular these days), a vapid sitcom, or "news" that is more opinion and infotainment than real "hard"news.
I removed YouTube from my smartphone for that same reason as you mention as well as the fact the sound is terrible and video drains my battery faster than a keg of beer at a fraternity rush party.
Or perhaps if the other two holes were still steaming, you could pick the least steamy hole to sit at... ?
The Romans used to have communal toilets... they would poop and gossip and wipe their bottoms with sponges on sticks...
I'm pretty sure you washed and reused your own sponge... or maybe servants did that. Sounds pretty green and environmentally friendly.
When I was a kid I visited some excavation of a bathhouse in Italy (it may have been Herculaneum) there were long stone "benches" with many pooping holes and apparently water would flow below though channels and carry off the waste... the were several rows of these, each row probably had twelve or more holes... from the distance apart, it looked like if perhaps it was crowded, you'd be shoulder to shoulder with your fellow poopers... so yeah... fun times on chile and beans night. I think the whole area was for common or "middle class" romans... maybe the special people pooped alone.
Likewise - and based on past experience, I assume that the fancy ceiling lights in the rest of the set are actually part of the ceiling texture.
..shh, don't let the airlines hear you
Getting rid of the loos on planes would allow them to cram more seats in.
No, not chat. Shat.
I joined the Army National Guard in 1969, and went to Ft Campbell, Kentucky for Basic Training. We lived in "temporary" barracks that were built for WWII (fire traps!). Our "bathroom" facilities were in a big barn-like building. We had no privacy. A bunch of toilets were lined along two sides of the "partition." It was quite an adjustment for me, sitting so close to my fellow soldiers when "doing business."
There was one huge, round urinal. Men stood around it, and "did their business." (Trying to keep the language clean.) It's quite humiliating when so many other men look at you and comment on your "equipment, and performance."
The shower portion of the "bathroom shed" had no privacy either.