!! Side Renders - More Xerr! - Double More Xerr!! - Other Creatures Also !!
So Much Great Stuff - So Render Some of IT!!!!!
Dogs? Cats? Mice? Birds? Fish? Dinos? Custom critters? I know you have them in your content libraries, or can make some in Carrara. Lets see them!
Many of our four legged (or 6 or 8 or 2 or ? legged) friends pose significant weightmapping problems, especially if the shoulder rises deep in the torso. Although your task is merely to render a critter of your choice in any style you want, would be happy if folks discussed challenges and solutions to issues related to the joints of posed figures. Hiding in clothes? Hiding by angle? Creating joint morph? (Really?) Adjusting weightmaps? (Really?) Hiding with motion blur? Not hiding? Everything is welcome.
** Anticipating questions - anything and everything counts as a creature if you want it to.
$10 gift card
Deadline - Valentines Day (February 14th)
EDIT: Postwork allowed, but please attach both the straight Carrara render and the final postwork result.
I double dog dare you.
some pinterest creature feature results, but don't feel so constrained
and some animals and critters in the web, but don't feel so constrained
Fun Subject! Kudos, Diomede!!! :)
Just as I made that last post my animation finished rendering (looks cool, BTW!!!) so I thought I'd do something to get this party started. I love the subject, love the rules!!!
So this is just a straight render from Carrara. I used DOF on the camera with 70% blur and used Caustics hoping to accentuate the drool a bit, which is a few vertex models with a slimy transparent shader applied.
I plane to work with this a bit in Howler, so this is a WIP. BTW, is there a separate Entry thread later?
sounds time for a new howler render
Alright then ;)
I may revisit this, but for now I'll consider this done so I can get back to work (after some sleep, then employed work, then...)
dental floss
tee hee
MMMM, Devil dogs! I was a Tastycake fan, myself, but Drakes was good too.
Way to start us off, Dart. Think the fella may have spent too much time in the fast lane.
Here is Dragon 3 in some Dart-inspired woodlands
thinkin ise rendered thephoenix several times, there other mythical birds in the set
Thanks, Dart.
Here is an example of the kind of shoulder issue I mentioned in the first post. This is an old Daz Original polar bear (don't think it is the same as the one by AM). See how the shoulder deforms badly when bent?
Polar Bear product page - https://www.daz3d.com/polar-bear
I will try to fix this up in later posts, just an illustration of the issue.
Same bear in this one I used Carrara's hair to cover up
Using hair is a great solution, Dave. Excellent.
Somewhere, somehow, I picked up this impractical armor for G2F. So, here is Victoria 6 raging against a beastie. I should probably swap out the background for a temple.
Product is Skull Queen for G2F. https://www.daz3d.com/skull-queen-for-genesis-2-female-s
I changed all the shaders.
Oh, it's practical alright! It throws the attention of the enemy!
Get him, Vicky!!!
A Double Dog Dare needs a dog render or two. First one !
Raw Render
Yay - dog dare! Thank you, Bunyip, for getting in the spirit.
Thanks, Dart. There is more where that Vicky came from (or less
Going through runtimes and content folders looking for more stuff to render. Have discovered that for some reason sets by Jack Tomlin are giving me all sorts of missing dsf file errors. They were installed by DIM. Other sets installed in the same way by other PAs don't seem to have the problem thus far. Any similar issue for anyone else?
For example, the JT product Hallowed Eve has a building, land surface, and plants. https://www.daz3d.com/hallowed-eve
I get errors trying to load the building, whether I try Iray or 3D Delight. However, the ivy plant prop loads OK.
or paw render
Hmmm... I don't have Hallowed Eve, I don't think. My JT usually loads really well - how are you installing it?
I'm not sure if I'll continue on this way, but for things that come with a Poser version as well as a DS version, I select all of the (DS) versions and hide them in DIM, and install the PS versions to a Poser Runtime directory. Works like a charm for me. Then I'm usually loading in either a CR2 or PP2, depending. But no duf/dsf
The DUF-only stuff that I own almost always loads fine. I think that I might have had an issue with my recently purchased The Outlook, by Predatron. Can't remember what was up with that, but I loaded it in DS and exported it as a Poser file to a Poser runtime. I still had some issues so I put that particular set on hold. I'll have to check it out again and see (again) what's up.
Hello Diomede, I have the Hallowed Eve, and as far as I can tell it's just the basic building with no plants or land surface. Also when I load the cr2 I get correct texturing, if I load the duf I get issues with the textures. I assume that the Ivy is one of the add-ons for the product.
Dog gone Howler
Raw render
Post-worked Version 2 - hair added
Two Dogs!
That's a different kind of Werewolf, must have cross-bred with a Labrador !!! Nice render !
Critters includes Dragons !
Raw render
Toony Elephant
Raw render
Post-worked with Shadow-catcher added
Dino Saurolophus
Raw render
Raw render
Post-worked with Shadow-catcher added
Dino Cryolophosaurus
Raw render