Stezza - the fox is a trendsetter with the TPose. I agree we need some Sockratease to shake things up with a kalaidascope cow. Bunyip, I'm not telling any secrets around that bird. Is that a Daz product, or elsewhere. I got a bunch of birds elsewhere, I think it was contentparadise, but I don't think I have that one.
Here is the old Daz Xerr. I think they recently released a fancier Xerr. My older one is not happy.
Stezza - the fox is a trendsetter with the TPose. I agree we need some Sockratease to shake things up with a kalaidascope cow. Bunyip, I'm not telling any secrets around that bird. Is that a Daz product, or elsewhere. I got a bunch of birds elsewhere, I think it was contentparadise, but I don't think I have that one.
Here is the old Daz Xerr. I think they recently released a fancier Xerr. My older one is not happy.
wow, lots to see and dog ... er I mean do. thanks for theadsup on oz birds Stezza, Xerr The Unloved he should be called.
Bumyip Black Cockatoos round here are toe munchers
Heres Two Dogs
A long time ago I used poser to rebone the daz dog (just the head) and it saves the morphs - sadly they took the tut down and when I wrote to them told me it was old fashioned blah blah blah - but you can do the same thing in the carrara plug in daz studio
Means I can have a head that will morph into different breeeds - here it i stsuck on the pumpkin headed man
the dog on right is low res - hint when posing the dog tail uses the paremeters - and don't forget to hit 'smooth' in the vertex room for the mesh
...after saving the young Xerr, he shows up at the most unusual times to make sure his friends are safe!
This new update of Dartanbeck uses both Mon Chevalier hair as well as Carrara's dynamic hair. Both Dart and Rosie use Arki's EYEdeas 3+, which I can no longer live without! :)
Xerr (Chomp) is sporting translucent hairs, claws, horns and teeth. I didn't like any of the translucency settings from one for the other, so each has their own special shader.
This is the raw render. I'm really not used to doing renders that take this long - using global illumination, indirect lighting, some of the settings cranked up much higher than I normally go. I must say... it was fun! It took about as long as it normally takes me to do an entire 3 second animated render! LOL
I wanted to bring out some detail. I was going to do all of my post work in Affinity Photo, but I'm so much more used to using Howler for certain things - so I brought it into Affinity Photo and used the Live Layer high pass filter using Linear Light. Next I started color grading with a curves filter. After that I just kinda wanted to go to bed soon, so I exported and brought it into Howler for the final steps: slight color grade, signature and a touch of Mystic Vision blurring to help sell the brightness of the background. But this is what it looked like after exporting from Affinity Photo
The difference is subtle, but I felt it was necessary. The High Pass finds fine details, like Chomp's wrinkles, Dart's flexing musculature and Rosie's Hair being the most obvious, but it also helped out the terrain of the Etaiji Pass too. I only used a 0.7 pixel radius, so yeah... really subtle enhancement. I was also happy with the light/dark ratio, which was odd. Must be the GI and IL that helped so much with that. So in the Curves filter, I mainly reduced blues from the highs while bumping up the red, and pushed more blue into the shadpws while pulling out some of the red. Again, I did the final color grade work in Howler - but Affinity Photo is amazing software and so inexpensive. I'm really happy with it and I'm glad that it works 'with' my beloved Howler as opposed to trying to replace it! ;)
By the way, I'm not hiding Dart's feet purposely for any strange reason. He's just standing below a shallow ledge. This Etaiji Pass is really cool. Chomp is resting on some ledges as is Rosie too. After a few test renders I finally realized that I haven't changed the shaders for Etaiji Pass - nor did I in the end. This is how it loaded into Carrara. Bonus! ;)
I've been going through my Creature catalog for goodies and baddies for my movie. I ran across Qexi and my imagination started to zing, but I still haven't loaded it up yet - not even once! But I guess that's the point of this side-challenge, eh?
wow, lots to see and dog ... er I mean do. thanks for theadsup on oz birds Stezza, Xerr The Unloved he should be called.
Bumyip Black Cockatoos round here are toe munchers
Heres Two Dogs
A long time ago I used poser to rebone the daz dog (just the head) and it saves the morphs - sadly they took the tut down and when I wrote to them told me it was old fashioned blah blah blah - but you can do the same thing in the carrara plug in daz studio
Means I can have a head that will morph into different breeeds - here it i stsuck on the pumpkin headed man
the dog on right is low res - hint when posing the dog tail uses the paremeters - and don't forget to hit 'smooth' in the vertex room for the mesh
...after saving the young Xerr, he shows up at the most unusual times to make sure his friends are safe!
This new update of Dartanbeck uses both Mon Chevalier hair as well as Carrara's dynamic hair. Both Dart and Rosie use Arki's EYEdeas 3+, which I can no longer live without! :)
Xerr (Chomp) is sporting translucent hairs, claws, horns and teeth. I didn't like any of the translucency settings from one for the other, so each has their own special shader.
T Posing
Macadamia Muncher
Raw Render
Stezza - the fox is a trendsetter with the TPose. I agree we need some Sockratease to shake things up with a kalaidascope cow. Bunyip, I'm not telling any secrets around that bird. Is that a Daz product, or elsewhere. I got a bunch of birds elsewhere, I think it was contentparadise, but I don't think I have that one.
Here is the old Daz Xerr. I think they recently released a fancier Xerr. My older one is not happy.
I have xerr and I don't think I've ever used it... mmmm
a Cockatoo
Australian Bird bundle is currently on sale over at HW3D
Nice to see the Xerr making an appearance !
Miss the Sockratease take on the Moo....
Bird is Noggin's Cockatoo, thought I'd do a render since I've got a nice specimen raiding one of my back trees :
Also get King Parrots raiding the Almond trees !!!
wow, lots to see and dog ... er I mean do. thanks for theadsup on oz birds Stezza, Xerr The Unloved he should be called.
Bumyip Black Cockatoos round here are toe munchers
Heres Two Dogs
A long time ago I used poser to rebone the daz dog (just the head) and it saves the morphs - sadly they took the tut down and when I wrote to them told me it was old fashioned blah blah blah - but you can do the same thing in the carrara plug in daz studio
Means I can have a head that will morph into different breeeds - here it i stsuck on the pumpkin headed man
the dog on right is low res - hint when posing the dog tail uses the paremeters - and don't forget to hit 'smooth' in the vertex room for the mesh
post work with photodonut
@Headwax you must of watched too much of Graham Kenedy's Coast to Coast as well
Two Zebra Finches
a ha yes what sound does a crow make - nice beirds by the way
Cool! Very relevant to me.
@Stezza I love it!!!
Traveling with the Xerr - (we call him "Chomp")
...after saving the young Xerr, he shows up at the most unusual times to make sure his friends are safe!
This new update of Dartanbeck uses both Mon Chevalier hair as well as Carrara's dynamic hair. Both Dart and Rosie use Arki's EYEdeas 3+, which I can no longer live without! :)
Xerr (Chomp) is sporting translucent hairs, claws, horns and teeth. I didn't like any of the translucency settings from one for the other, so each has their own special shader.
Made with...
This is the raw render. I'm really not used to doing renders that take this long - using global illumination, indirect lighting, some of the settings cranked up much higher than I normally go. I must say... it was fun! It took about as long as it normally takes me to do an entire 3 second animated render! LOL
I wanted to bring out some detail. I was going to do all of my post work in Affinity Photo, but I'm so much more used to using Howler for certain things - so I brought it into Affinity Photo and used the Live Layer high pass filter using Linear Light. Next I started color grading with a curves filter. After that I just kinda wanted to go to bed soon, so I exported and brought it into Howler for the final steps: slight color grade, signature and a touch of Mystic Vision blurring to help sell the brightness of the background. But this is what it looked like after exporting from Affinity Photo
The difference is subtle, but I felt it was necessary. The High Pass finds fine details, like Chomp's wrinkles, Dart's flexing musculature and Rosie's Hair being the most obvious, but it also helped out the terrain of the Etaiji Pass too. I only used a 0.7 pixel radius, so yeah... really subtle enhancement. I was also happy with the light/dark ratio, which was odd. Must be the GI and IL that helped so much with that. So in the Curves filter, I mainly reduced blues from the highs while bumping up the red, and pushed more blue into the shadpws while pulling out some of the red. Again, I did the final color grade work in Howler - but Affinity Photo is amazing software and so inexpensive. I'm really happy with it and I'm glad that it works 'with' my beloved Howler as opposed to trying to replace it! ;)
By the way, I'm not hiding Dart's feet purposely for any strange reason. He's just standing below a shallow ledge. This Etaiji Pass is really cool. Chomp is resting on some ledges as is Rosie too. After a few test renders I finally realized that I haven't changed the shaders for Etaiji Pass - nor did I in the end. This is how it loaded into Carrara. Bonus! ;)
Most excellent Xerr! Thanks for the detailed explanation, Dart. I am always learning.

Olympia in a Temple with a Qexi.
Creature = Quexi from RDNA and merged with Daz store
Figure = G2F Olympia 6 mixed with some Callie 6 and Girl 6.
Shader = Ringo's Carrara skin shader for Olympia 6
Hair = Alanna Hair for G2F
Outfit = Desert Dancer Outfit for G2F
Set = 1001 Nights
This smaller version is the straight render before postwork.
That Is Awesome! Wow, the Qexi!!!
I've been going through my Creature catalog for goodies and baddies for my movie. I ran across Qexi and my imagination started to zing, but I still haven't loaded it up yet - not even once! But I guess that's the point of this side-challenge, eh?
Great job! love the render!
awesome... @diomede apparently I also have Qexi as well.. fancy that!
Xerr Time
Another excellent Werecrow, I mean Werewolf !!!!
Top render !!
Woohoo - love it !!!
Great work !!!
Good to see the Xerr getting some love !!!
Raw render
Raw render
Raw render
Penfold the Penguin
Raw render
Retro Ceratosaurus
Raw render
Raw render
My take on the Xerr render
Raw render
We could have made this a Xerr thread! Thanks for adding more great Xerr pics, Stezza, Bunyip and Dart. A critter well worth celebrating.
I'm loving all these great creatures you have, Bunyip. Special shout out to the penguin for the comic color effects.