Fenric's Plugins

As you probably have all noticed, I'm not really active in this space anymore. After DAZ dropped me along with the other Carrara vendors, I tried to leave my old store up, but between WordPress and PayPal updates, it just doesn't work anymore.
SO, first of all, ALL of my personally-published product keys can be downloaded here: http://www.fenric.com/download/AllProductKeys.zip
That link is case sensitive, so type it in exactly like I have it there. Thank you for your support and encouragement over the years when I was developing these, it was a period of my life that I will cherish always.
SECOND of all, I am willing to make the entire library of my Carrara 8 source code available to anyone who wishes to take up the mantle. This includes both my privately published plug-ins as well as the ones formerly sold at DAZ (and a few that were never released). Mail me at fenric at fenric dot com to make arrangements.
thank you for this
please always feel welcome to drop by, most of us Carrara users are very much at loggerheads with DAZ's decisions but we still continue to enjoy the software
Thank you so much!!
All your work still very much appreciated!!
Thank you, Fenric. Wish you all the best in everything you do. As Wendy says, please drop in and let us know how you are doing from time to time.
Thanks, do pop in from time to time (if we're still here...)
Amen to that!!!
I think I own 'em all already, but for this gift (and all of your support) you totally rock!
(and even if we already knew that, it bears saying again...)
the hide bones one was the only one I don't own
could be handy but I mostly like seeing the bones
the genesis 3 and 8 being the only exceptions
BTW you did not link your site
if it's OK it is here
Thanks for the input. I've been a fan of your plugins for years, but have not used one since ... lessee ... earlier today.
thanks Fenric... great plugins to have for any new Carrara users or any user that doesn't have them ~ good luck in your future whatevers
sad to see you go
Thanks Fenric, your plugins are used daily by me, many thanks again for making them all available. All the very best for your future and stay in touch with us Carrararians !!!!!!
Where can one get the plugins themselves now? Or are the trial versions on your download page it?
Most of them are on the download page except:
I have a question: How can I put de serial number, the plugin doen't ask for it?
Thank you so much Fenric!
you put the key in your extensions folder
The cat’s answer to the German shepherd...
Thank you Wendy!
Very kind, Fenric. Thank you! I have trouble imagining Carrara without your plugins I use them so often.
A very kind gesture! I have been a big user of many of your plugins, some of which became essential to my workflow for many projects.
I don't have the plugins formerly sold at DAZ in a convenient format for posting - I have the 64-bit PC Carrara 8 versions, but I never downloaded the Mac or 32-bit versions (including Carrara 7) myself, so I flat out don't have them and I can't do Mac builds anymore.
For my part, these are all now free to share: so if you can find anyone who already has them, I authorize copying my files however many times you need.
Many thanks, a very nice gesture. Long ago, I recall a programmer making a similar gesture about some software: "All rights reversed, take whatever you want."
@Fenric I sent you a PM
Thank you so much Fenric for your extremely gracious gesture and very best wishes to you for every future endeavour.
Community, in view of Fernric's very kind permission to share, I've uploaded what I can to a drive, but I'm not great at using the service, so I hope the link works:-
Pose and Shading Tools 2
Pose And Shading Tools 3
EDIT:- I just tested the link, it hangs for about 20 seconds but does work in the end. Has Window and Mac files, including Carrara 7.
Time to revisit this article
ERC MADE EASY - Enhancing Facial Realism by Conrad3DC
and please share any insight as I too would like to learn more on this technique.
Thank you once again Fenric.
I could not recall the bundle name to search in my library and since Fenric's store is gone cannot search any other way
but I knew I had bought everything he sold at DAZ
Thank you Fenric. I still use your plugins I bought.
Thanks for Omega Man for help.
this is depressing
question about the ERC ?? after making an ERC,
how to format it into an injection file so it can be shared?
manually setting up a file in notepad?
I cannot even figure out how to use it
so cannot help
I believe that you can drag the modifier itself into the Modifiers tab, and share that way. Check out fabaone's tutorials on ShareCG for more clues.
Fenric, I really hope you're doing well and having fun in whatever it is that you're doing. Man, every time I'm using Carrara I'm using Edit > Fenric! Every time!
Saves a LOT of time and just makes life better!
Thanks for letting me share. When I get my website launched I'll host them there too. I was going to ask if they'll ever be made available - I guess you've answered that in the most friendly way possible! Many of my tutorials on that site include uses of your plugins, so it was a real drag when they went missing from Daz. I have all of them except for the MDD Exporter, so I'll have to find that one still.
Wow. My eyes are all teared up right now as I stroll through the memories of picking the brains of you and Faba back on the old forum when I first started using Carrara. What a great help the both of you were. I'll never forget that.
Cheers, my Friend!
Thanks Wendy! Those were some good days! I'm still really bummed that I never completed my mmoir collection.
I've been heavy into rendering animations lately so that I can get my initial site launched - it can always progress from there. But I've begun working on new versions of some of my products to make available once again, but upgraded with new philosophies I've learned since their launch at Daz3d.
For infos about ERC look here > https://sharecg.com/pf/full_uploads.php?pf_user_name=fabaone