Joequick's Sketchbook



  • Sphinx MagooSphinx Magoo Posts: 586
    edited December 1969

    Joequick said:
    SmallFry said:
    Joequick -
    I was playing with the Golden Age set yesterday and I was playing with the Cape and Cowl (or is it Cowl and Cape?) clothing item. I like using it but was surprised to find that if I wanted to play with just the Cowl, I had to hide the Chest on the figure; this hides a lot of the non-Cape Cowl. I've figured out a workaround for now, but I was wondering if, for Golden Age 2, you could make a separate Cowl without the Cape.


    The point was to make them unified. I do have a separate cape and cowl in the next set, but the cowl is no where near as loaded with morphs, and is of a different design. It's mainly meant to do Golden age Catman and all the guys with fins on their heads (or no adornment at all). Target and the Targeteers, Pyroman, etc.

    What motivated me to combine them was the fact that there are enumerous capes out there for m4, and several cowls. None were combined like those of some of our favorite heroes, which is why I set out to make the cape and cowl in my set one piece. Such an item was missing from the market.

    Oh, I totally grok that line of thinking. It's just that I liked your Cowl with its morphs enough to want to create a non-caped character or two. The workaround I figured out was to hide the chest and neck, and maybe add the Sci-Fi Cowl and hide its head if I wanted to maintain that retro look. Still, it's a great set. I'm not complaining, I'm just offering a possibility for a future product. ;)

  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,721
    edited June 2012

    The last of the M4 head morph packages that have been accumulating on my laptop over the previous year. The "Blonde Barbarian" and "Vodka" are the two characters featured most prominently in the promos for the full metal banded bodysuit.

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    Post edited by JoeQuick on
  • TheNathanParableTheNathanParable Posts: 1,083
    edited December 1969

    I get the feeling that a mix of Pug and Toughguy would give you a very close recreation of Richard Corben's Den.

  • JohnDelaquioxJohnDelaquiox Posts: 1,195
    edited December 1969

    JOE! Just added the M4 Alien Force to my cart waiting for some money to come in. Do you have an V4 Alien heads or could this set just inject into V4 as is.

    Though A V4 set would be nice

  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,721
    edited December 1969

    JOE! Just added the M4 Alien Force to my cart waiting for some money to come in. Do you have an V4 Alien heads or could this set just inject into V4 as is.

    Though A V4 set would be nice

    I never did any V4 aliens. Injecting these into her wouldn't quite work. They'd create morphs, but I'd imagine that the nostrils and ear areas would look off.

  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,721
    edited June 2012

    I know there's a commercial ninja turtle already out there that I could easily buy and save myself the time, but I thought I'd try my hand at making my own anyway. I'd started one a couple years back for M4, but gave up when I realized I'd have to use vertex snapping to get rid of the fingers (and I don't believe zbrush can do that). So that's my first attached render with the bandana, an old headmorph. More recently I started a fresh project for Genesis inspired particularly by the illustrations of these two artists:

    The second attached image is of my attempt so far. I didn't bother saving the textures, I just wanted to test to see if the approach I was thinking of would work. I think if I add more specific details, like wrinkles and bulges, and then take advantage of the velvet nodes in ubersurface shader that I should be able to get pretty close.

    The funniness in the mouth, you might notice, seems to be a few spots where I may have turned things inside out a bit and gotten the outer lips on the inside and the inner mouth on the outside. I'll need to fix that. Using the clay tubes brushes on thin surfaces will sometimes do that.

    The maps I'm using as the base for my bump and diffuse are actually moss and grass from filterforge:

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    Post edited by JoeQuick on
  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,721
    edited December 1969

    back shell geometry

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  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,721
    edited December 1969

    revised the headshape so that it more closely resembled the reference material and started working on the displacement maps for the turtle's body.

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  • MightyMiteMightyMite Posts: 91
    edited December 1969

    Anything new on the Golden Age 2?

  • JohnDelaquioxJohnDelaquiox Posts: 1,195
    edited December 1969

    you can check the super hero render thread

  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,721
    edited December 1969

    you can check the super hero render thread

    Yeah, this iteration of my sketchbook thread just wasn't as lively, post daz reboot, as the old one. So I'm abandoning it.

  • Sphinx MagooSphinx Magoo Posts: 586
    edited December 1969

    Joequick said:
    you can check the super hero render thread

    Yeah, this iteration of my sketchbook thread just wasn't as lively, post daz reboot, as the old one. So I'm abandoning it.

    Maybe it had to do with the way the forums had been acting before the recent update. Maybe things will be better now?

  • JohnDelaquioxJohnDelaquiox Posts: 1,195
    edited December 1969

    could be

  • Sphinx MagooSphinx Magoo Posts: 586
    edited December 1969

    I always liked the fact that this thread could cover any of the items joequick was working on whether or not it had to do with superheroes.

    Maybe now we can get an update on that Yeti texture map. ;-)

  • Sphinx MagooSphinx Magoo Posts: 586
    edited December 1969

    One of the aliens in joequick's Epic Heroes and Villains set ( made me think of the old Lee/Kirby Atlas monsters, so I made up this character:

    I hope to match up this giant monster against some heroes some time in the future, but I wanted to pass this along just to plug joe's work.

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037
    edited December 1969




  • JohnDelaquioxJohnDelaquiox Posts: 1,195
    edited December 1969

    He still posts over at the super hero thread

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256
    edited December 1969

    I was thinking about you the other day Robert. Where have you been??

    Yea, Joe kinda gave up on this thread. Shame.. it's got some cool stuff in it!

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037
    edited December 1969

    Working on 2D artwork for a while. Doing a cover for an upcoming RPG. I'll send you pics if you are interested.

    I kinda got gunshy after the DAZ reboot and it seems much of the stuff I posted kinda "went away". I got a little miffed but I got over it.

    How have you been and HOW DO WE GET JOE BACK!?!?!?

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    By doing what you are doing. He said that this thread was not very active. So make it active and he will come back.

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037
    edited December 1969

    Oh well, then. This should be easy... JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256
    edited December 1969


    At work right now so posting between clients. Having a so so Summer. Weather is nice enough but my allergies have been murder as well as complications from IBS which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. So I'm OK... Doesn't leave you feeling very creative either so my Bruno project has been sitting there waiting for me to get back to it. Finally DAZ Studio 4.5 is showing allot of promise and getting older files updated. Mostly just Aiko 3 files so far. Been very pleased with the updated Auto Fit, Push and Smoothing options too. Now with Steph 5 in the market place my creative juices are flowing pretty well. So get the rest of the Aiko 3 files updated and saved out as .duf files and then back to Bruno. Just still trying to get my head around ERC's Old brain, new information... not the best of buds! lol

    Glad to see you again. Love to see your images. But of course! :-)

  • Sphinx MagooSphinx Magoo Posts: 586
    edited December 1969

    He still posts over at the super hero thread

    I know I said this before, but I always liked his stuff in its own separate thing. That way he could post about whatever he was doing without regard to whether it was superhero-related or not.

    Just curious...
    Does anyone know if joequick was associated with another content creator called hal001? I think hal001 did some stuff with the Target View website until the Target View folks decided to move away from supporting M4 and V4. A shame too, because some of their stuff was pretty cool.

  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,721
    edited December 1969

    I never lost my compulsion for self gratification, when the forums here were goofy I just moved it over to Rendo. Since most of my work will likely still be released over there, I'll likely focus on the Rendo thread.

  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,721
    edited August 2012

    SmallFry said:
    He still posts over at the super hero thread

    I know I said this before, but I always liked his stuff in its own separate thing. That way he could post about whatever he was doing without regard to whether it was superhero-related or not.

    Just curious...
    Does anyone know if joequick was associated with another content creator called hal001? I think hal001 did some stuff with the Target View website until the Target View folks decided to move away from supporting M4 and V4. A shame too, because some of their stuff was pretty cool.

    Hal and I did a freebie or two back in the day. I still turn to him when I get in over my head. He recently rigged my turtle shell for me. Hal actually knows what he's doing where I just cross my fingers and hope to get lucky.

    I have no association with target view.

    Post edited by JoeQuick on
  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037
    edited December 1969

    But we love your stuff HERE too!

  • Sphinx MagooSphinx Magoo Posts: 586
    edited December 1969

    Joequick said:
    SmallFry said:
    He still posts over at the super hero thread

    I know I said this before, but I always liked his stuff in its own separate thing. That way he could post about whatever he was doing without regard to whether it was superhero-related or not.

    Just curious...
    Does anyone know if joequick was associated with another content creator called hal001? I think hal001 did some stuff with the Target View website until the Target View folks decided to move away from supporting M4 and V4. A shame too, because some of their stuff was pretty cool.

    Hal and I did a freebie or two back in the day. I still turn to him when I get in over my head. He recently rigged my turtle shell for me. Hal actually knows what he's doing where I just cross my fingers and hope to get lucky.

    I have no association with target view.

    Ah! Thanks for clearing that up. I was beginning to suspect that maybe you had some dual identity thing going on...

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037
    edited December 1969

    Hey JOE!

    Whats up?

    What are some new things you are working on?

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037
    edited December 1969

    Yes, but I was kinda hoping he'd start posting here too. I rarely get over to Rendo and I miss his old thread here.

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