Carrara Challenge # 51 - Here There Be Dragons! Folk/Fairy Tales WIP thread - Brilliant Images

Folkish Fairy Tales Welcome to Carrara Challenge # 51!!
The rules for this one are simple.
- Your mission, should you accept it, is to use Carrara to illustrate a moment (or moments) from a folk tale or a fairy tale.
- You could even do a nursery rhyme or an Aesop's fable, a mystical story or a myth. Or a tale you wrote yourself that is crying out for illustrations.
- Any render engine that Carrara can use is fine.
- Post work is acceptable but please post an unpostworked image in your WIP post.
- At least one WIP post per image please.
- You can enter up to five (5) images per artist in the entry thread when it opens.
The definitions of folk and fairy tale are loose and largely up to the artist but I’ll elaborate in the next post.
Remember, the original folk tales were dark and nothing like the Disney fare we were fed as kids.
There’s nothing to stop you writing your own fairy tale and illustrate it.
Keep in mind, there doesn’t have to be human figures in your work.
You could, for example, ‘do’ Rapunzel as a very tall tower viewed from the lettuce garden next door. Or you could allude to Geppetto’s existence (Pinocchio) by illustrating his work bench full of carpenter’s tools.
The AWARDS are in four parts ($50, $50, $50, $45) 1) total participation (total votes per artist) 2) best render (total votes for one image) 3) most original interpretation (as voted by Daz public) and 4) best 'newcomer' (someone who hasn't won a prize before - as an encouragement).
To keep things fair an artist can only win one prize.
Entry thread opens around the 12th March (Daz Time) and closes at the end of 25th March Daz Time.

Well… what defines a folk tale or a fairy tale? Here’s some definitions I found.
A fairy tale in it’s simplest form, is a story that is meant to deceive.
Often intended for children, they often feature fanciful and wondrous characters such as elves, goblins, wizards, giants, witches, and even, but not necessarily, fairies.
Most of the time these were written down.
Folk Tales on the other hand are stories in the oral tradition, or tales that people tell each other out loud, rather than stories in written form.
They're closely related to many storytelling traditions, including fables, myths, and fairy tales.
These well-known stories, handed down between generations, are an important way of passing along knowledge, information, and history.
An example of this might be the Anglo Saxon poem Beowulf.
Examples of both kinds of tales can be found in abundance.
Think Hans Christian Anderson and The Grimm Brothers, The Adventures of Pinocchio, the Collected Speeches of Donald Trump, Aesop’s Fables.
Think Cinderella, Rumpelstiltskin, Red Riding Hood, The Seven Dwarves,
Pinocchio The Pied Piper, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Goose Girl, The Frog King, Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
The Tinder-Box, The Princess and the Pea, Thumbelina, The Little Mermaid, The Emperor’s New Clothes, The Staunch Tin Soldier, Willie Winkie, The Nightingale, The Ugly Duckling, The Snow Queen.
And if you are lost for Anglo Saxon tales here’s some illustrated Russian ones.
Keep in mind that folk tales were often dark.
The Brothers Grimm travelled Europe in the 19th Century and collected and published folk tales.
The first book of these tales were criticised as being unsuitable for children, though the book was titled Children’s and Household Tales.
This first book still had many of the sexual reference that were found in medieval folk tales, Rapunzel was pregnant, Red Riding Hood seduced the Wolf, Sleeping Beauty was raped by a passing King and when she woke from her sleep found that she had given birth to twins.
Even in an innocent book like Pinocchio justice catches up and the hero is hung at the end.
And remember the kids in The Pied Piper of Hamlyn? Well they all get drowned....
Regardless, that doesn't mean you have to do a dark image.
Daz Products that might be suitable.
A few Artists to admire:
Ivan Bilibin
Arthur Rackham
Gustave Doréé
Warwick Goble
Awesome theme and illustrations, HW!
Funny, my wife and I had just finished watching an episode of Grimm.
Ha ha thanks, hoepfully it will be fun. It's certainly a diverse topic. I refrained from discussing Jungian Archetypes and Joseph Campbell's work though...
Will check out Grimm :) thanks for the link!
Here's a start on Pinocchio - the clothes are made with displacemnt maps on K4 body. Bit ragged around the edges but it shows how you could add wrinkles to clothes etc .
If you'd like a play or to see how the diplscament's work to fake clothes there's a zip file with the shaders. Just rename Zip to Car to open it.
There are shaders for his arms, hips and torso. Hopefully it will work!
Link is here. Just drag the shaders onto K4's torso, arms and hips. Make sure smoothing level is 1 in the mesh room.
This should be a fun theme. Early in his career, Ray Harryhausen did a collection of fairy tales.
Various stop motion techniques go back until at least 1912. Here is an article with some information on the pioneer Ladislas Starevich
been working on custom dragon wings, this challenge help push me to get it done
Thanks Diomede - very interesting links - loved Mr and Mrs Beetle :)
Thanks Mystarra - looking forward to seeing those wings fly!
Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall...
Started modeling a toon head. I create ovals for the eyes and mouth first. Then I join them with a nose. Then I extend the model out from these most detailed portions.
what a terrific start Diomede - great to see a master at work. Ironically Dysney's magick mirror used to scxare the crap out of me when I was 4
great theme @Headwax and some shaders to play with as well.. I'll give them a go today thanks
@Diomede wow... kapow!!
here's mine... a twist on the beanstalk
simply titled ~ Greta
thanks Stezza
that's a wonderful viewpoint hair mimicks the vine nicely - you do tthe vine with fenric's plugin or is it the one availble at Daz retextured - or di you model the trunl then ivy generate around it??? - bark texture is superb btw
Here's an old Hansel and Gretel one of mine from 2010 - so old it must be the millenium kids?
not an entry of course!! - just as an example of placing text on the image
thanks @Headwaxthe beaanstalk is here from Daz though it probably isn't available anymore and I retextured the trunk with my guava texture from a tree in my front yard, Greta is @Vyusur Leon
ah the old guava texture from the front yard trick aye? thanks for the explication!
my guava won't flower let alone fruit,
had it 7 or more years
my feijoa won't either, one at my old place was always loaded
walked past an olive tree which was shedding rip olives today - grabbed one, washed it and ate it, then spent half an hour washng my mouth out with my wife laughing at me - tasted so bad I thought i was off to the posins dept at the hospital
You can not eat olives directly from the tree because they contain a bitter compound called oleuropein.
OMG!.... best eating them off the pizza or kebabs
ha ha yes see what you learn on carrara forum!
think they need fermenting in brine for a fair while
edit here we go
thanks :) is burke out of jail already?
Not an entry, I just like joining in
20m hair does not like to drape, I had to style it
wow that's some hair - wonder what the shampoo bill is - and the chiropractor !
thanks for joining in Wendy !
I tried an animation but the points are too far apart to collide with her arm
lovely Wendy, you are a romantic at heart. When I saw the woman's pose at the beginning I thought you must have known I was listening to Steppenwolf :) !
here's an old from me Jack be nimble, Jack be Quick. Not an entry of course, just to show the text over lay thing again.
"Why call me Jack??" thought Jack be Nimble, Jack Be quick.
Why not call me Reginald.
Or Brian or Arnold or Cediric or Calderwuggenbum?
Why call me Jack? The whole planet is covered in Jacks.
Jack and Jill. Jack Sprat. Jack the Giant Killer.
Jack and the Bean stalk. Jack and this and Jack and that. Union Jack. Everyone was Jack.
Little Jack Horner.
Jack in the box.
The House That Jack Built.
Little Jack Jingle, Jack-a-Dandy, Jack Rowland, Jack Tar, and Black Jack Davy.
The list went on.
All losers.
Murderers, thieves and Buccan-ears.
Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's off to work we go.....
Base scene done, got the scene fillers to add.
love the costumes - it's like the village people meet Dysney :)
Some mystical story will be qualified?
Hi! Certainly, a mystical story or a myth would be perfect.
Thanks for asking - ill put that in the instructions
Looking forwrad to your mystical story :)
Thanks !