How are you greeting the end of the world?



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    edited May 2020

    I miss much of my prefered lunchtime meals devil

    only place I can walk home from fast enough to eat hot is Hungry Jacks and maybe the Vietnamese bakery with a bahn mi,

    I want lamb kebab but thats not very warm after a 1.5Km walk from the mall

    I walk past 3 perfectly good parks too and not allowed to stop crying

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    funny how some are protesting and saying they shouldn't listen to what govts are telling them to do, yet if the govts weren't telling them what to do they wouldn't have enough common sense to do the right thing in the first place.

    I just went to my neighborhood donut shop which has signs up, only allow up to 3 customers at a time in the store and has tape on the floor. I walk in and there is a guy in flip flops, shorts, no protection with his 5 yr old daughter with no protection and just casually picking out donuts. I am trying my best to keep 6 ft away, but they are standing in the middle of the floor with no regard to anyone else. I politely ask him if you could move to the left a bit so I can talk to the sales person and he's like 'there's plenty of room, just come on up". I tell him I want to keep the required distance from his daughter and he gets offended and calls me a moron for buying into this nonsense. it's all I can do to keep from going off on him since he is with his daughter. Luckily the customer behind me lets him have it and the guy storms out without his donuts. I just don't understand the mentality of some of these idiots

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603

    oh I won't break the rules

    but eating my kebab by myself in the park which was pretty empty before all this would logically not be risky to anyone 

    but I also cannot afford a $1700 fine

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited May 2020

    funny how some are protesting and saying they shouldn't listen to what govts are telling them to do, yet if the govts weren't telling them what to do they wouldn't have enough common sense to do the right thing in the first place.

    I just went to my neighborhood donut shop which has signs up, only allow up to 3 customers at a time in the store and has tape on the floor. I walk in and there is a guy in flip flops, shorts, no protection with his 5 yr old daughter with no protection and just casually picking out donuts. I am trying my best to keep 6 ft away, but they are standing in the middle of the floor with no regard to anyone else. I politely ask him if you could move to the left a bit so I can talk to the sales person and he's like 'there's plenty of room, just come on up". I tell him I want to keep the required distance from his daughter and he gets offended and calls me a moron for buying into this nonsense. it's all I can do to keep from going off on him since he is with his daughter. Luckily the customer behind me lets him have it and the guy storms out without his donuts. I just don't understand the mentality of some of these idiots

    At least you took personal responsibility for yourself to wear a mask and stay your distance thats smart. Other people not so much.

    But personally I do not care what others choose to do for them self.  we can't stay locked down forever that would be impossible.   The USA is a free country & with freedom comes some risk.  But as for myself, I will continue to wear a n95 mask and rubber gloves when I am out in public, sanitize or quarantine any foreign content brought into my home such as groceries or the Mail deliveries.   I also avoid large crowds such as bars & protest.    But as for what other folks choose, that is not my business or within my control to make them think like i do,  Its their responsibility to take care of themselves.  I would think the people would know the risk by now.  If they are to dumb to heed the warnings, that will be their responsibility if they get sick.   So all you can do now is look out the best you can for yourself and not expect other people to think or act like you do. Its sad.  But there it is. The time for personal responsibility is upon us.

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    edited May 2020
    ( Random report from my life during the pandemic)

    I am Sort of stuck in a holding pattern and avoiding starting any new projects until I get my New PC monday and install all of my new pipeline tools(Blender,Krita Davinci,Natron)

    leaving Iclone Pro&Daz studio on the Older win 10 PC

    So Admitedly being a "little bored" ,and sitting on $1200 USD of Free EIS cash, I suited up with protective gear &ventured out to just spend some money :-)

    Its seems the face mask business is booming and becoming fashionable as I saw a woman with a Face mask with a silver Nike logo on it

    Most of the shops, in New york, will not admit you without Masks&gloves.

    One "dollar store" had a security guard at the entrance offering to spray your gloved hands with iso alcohol after you touched the door handle. ( I usually reach up and pry the door open by its frame avoiding the handle all together, I do this with the refrigeration units in the grocer as well)

    Anyway Bought a 6 foot HDMI cable and an additional powers strip to accomodate the new hardware coming.

    Although My current one is fine, I Bought a new microwave oven and put it in storage

    Although My current one is fine, I Bought a new 5000 BTU room Air conditioner and put it in storage.

    I have not owned a TV for nearly 4 years since my last one died.

    The kid, in the applicance store offered, me a little 24 inch Philips super thinflat screen TV ,with HDMI, for $79 USD ...I relented as I still had my old Digital HD antenna, from my last TV, up on a closet shelf somewhere

    I can also use the new TV's HDMI port, as an occasional external monitor for my travel/movie watching laptop (the little red one in the pic)

    Apparently it would appear that supply chain problems have not yet affected non seasonal goods like TV's& electronics. ( probably due to inventory bloat)

    Can't say the same for AC units though. Three different retailers had the exact same unit for for $150- $175,-$109.

    Needless to say I bought the $109 Unit , from a grocery store no less, ( price right) from a pallet stacked with units up to my eyebrows (I am 5' 11')

    Told a neighbor in my building about the AC unit "situation" I noticed and he said he would "go grab one", at price right, after his TV show finished

    I later saw him looking rather dejected and he told me that pallet was empty when he went to buy his new unit from the same price right.( two hours after I bought mine)

    My soap ,deodorant and toilet paper hoard is looking good until at least December.

    Hunkering down for a long haul of animating and rendering with Blender EEVEE.
    my screen .jpg.jpg
    1201 x 787 - 955K
    Post edited by wolf359 on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    wolf359 said:

    Hunkering down for a long haul of animating and rendering with Blender EEVEE.

    Good luck , I look forward to seeing your next project :)

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257

    ...finally was able to get a bottle of hand sanitiser 4$ for a 12 oz bottle, and that's at a local super. Still no liquid soap refills of the brand I use which works the best for my sensitive skin (bar soap is good for the shower/bath but liquid works better for hand & face washing).  Brick & Mortar retailers are beginning to open up here but mostly just for order pickup, I still have to order online, but at least no shipping charges (and not having something of value left in the mailroom unattended). 

    Unfortunately, traffic in the 'hood is beginning to pick up more.  Was refreshing not having to deal with a lot of cars and impatient as well as distracted and aggressive motorists over the last couple months.  As I understand, apparently New York City has experienced zero pedestrian fatalities during the shutdown. 

    Sad report on the news last night that people have been dying from other causes as they are afraid to go to the hospital worried that they may catch the virus, and shows the overall impact the pandemic had. 

    Still slowly opening by stages here, unlike Wisconsin where it seems to be a "free for all" (they even made the headlines on the the Guardian (UK) site this morning).

  • UHFUHF Posts: 515

    I just went to work today, and there's hardly any traffic on the roads.  But why?  Why? Why are people driving slow in the fast lane?

  • Right now?  Getting ready to watch a really scary movie.... 







  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,678

    Hello, hello, hello, ... 

    Has the world ended and I missed it?

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191

    Hello, hello, hello, ... 

    Has the world ended and I missed it?

    For those of you that missed it, it will be repeated tonight on BBC2 at quarter to ten.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249


    Currently my preoccupation with making stuff made me forget the tumultuous mess swirling around outside.  I think I just saw the wicked witch of the west go by on her bicycle and Dorothy is making out with the Tin Woodsman.  I gotta get off of this merry go round as it's giving me a toenail ache I just can't scratch!  

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249

    Oh and I've been playing wth "you know who" again



    Joe Cool.png
    932 x 837 - 474K
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited May 2020
    namffuak said:

    Hello, hello, hello, ... 

    Has the world ended and I missed it?

    For those of you that missed it, it will be repeated tonight on BBC2 at quarter to ten.

    ...bugger missed it by two hours and six minutes here as it's 15:52 local time on the Left Coast in the States which is 23:52 GMT. 

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    Interesting video of a guy that thought the crisis was fake and he and his wife got sick


  • kostenann1kostenann1 Posts: 8
    edited May 2020

    I'm loving it. Can hang with my kids, pets and do projects around the house from to-do list. It would be different if I were single, would probably need to communicate with someone. Was thinking, this is definitely easier for introverts to comply with.In fact it is a chore to have to go out for grocery shipping.

    Post edited by kostenann1 on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,678
    edited May 2020

    BBC website has an article today about "Coronavirus: View From My Window".  I thought that might be a way to revive the activity in this thread.  So, here are a couple views from my only two windows.  I live just outside the town  border (two and a half blocks from the center of town).  My upstairs window faces east toward the center of town (but it's behind the trees) you can see the park and bandstand gazebo, and the picnic pavilion and the baskeball court, a fragment of the railroad tracks, and the roof of the gas station in the distance.  I've also included two photos from my kitchen window (also facing eastish) that looks onto my neighbor's farm equipment parking area and another neighbor's house.  The third photo is the same view but shows my prisms that light up my kitchen with rainbows in the morning, and also my Crookes Radiometer that spins wildly only on those few days of the year that the prisms are active.  Also, my collection of cheap ceramic animals from years of collecting the free prizes in Red Rose tea boxes.  Not gorgeous images any of them, but it's what I have outside my window.smiley

    Note: these photos were all taken just before posting to this thread.

    800 x 600 - 62K
    800 x 600 - 75K
    800 x 600 - 55K
    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    edited May 2020

    so nice and green

    so much space

    I only see other houses

    is 3m right now so view is black laugh

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited May 2020

    ....only have one window 

    Very little "green" living in the city  

    1. the view straight out with some of the local "urban wildlife"

    2. what little "green" there is.

    3.. the old post office building that was shut down a couple years ago.

    4. the hotel down the block.

    5. The other corner with one of the street trams.

    Couldn't get a clean image on some due to the screens (only have a smartphone so can't adjust the focal length/DOF).  Just taken as well.

    window 1.jpg
    2560 x 1440 - 966K
    window 2.jpg
    1440 x 2560 - 1M
    window 3.jpg
    1440 x 2560 - 2M
    window 4.jpg
    1440 x 2560 - 788K
    window 5.jpg
    2560 x 1440 - 1M
    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,051
    edited May 2020

    Luckily my view is very nice although I live in the heart of LA and the actual building entrance is on a main public street with a bus stop. I face a neighbor's house with lots of greenery and city greenery in the background. We are starting to get wildlife that had to cross many normally busy city streets to get here from the Hollywood Hills. From the balcony I see electrical wires and worry about the squirrel biting through them! 

    4032 x 3024 - 2M
    4032 x 3024 - 2M
    4032 x 3024 - 7M
    4032 x 3024 - 7M
    Post edited by Wonderland on
  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191

    A couple of observations: first, my windows are filthy from the recent rains, so I went outdoors to take these; second, the same rains have triggered an explosion of growth, so I need to get the lawn gear out and harvest the yard such as it is.

    The first three were taken from the front porch; the north view shows a bit of the second-closest neighbor, about 450 feet away - and the only one visable from the house most of the year. The squirrels, deer, and birds all decided to be elsewhere when I took these. :-)

    (If this stupid pandemic hadn't happened I'd be well on my way toward getting the place ready to sell; I'm not capable of maintaining it properly currently)



    01 west view.jpg
    1920 x 1485 - 1M
    02 south view.jpg
    1698 x 1920 - 1M
    03 north view.jpg
    1516 x 1920 - 1M
    04 east view.jpg
    1920 x 1823 - 2M
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    namffuak said:

    A couple of observations: first, my windows are filthy from the recent rains, so I went outdoors to take these; second, the same rains have triggered an explosion of growth, so I need to get the lawn gear out and harvest the yard such as it is.

    The first three were taken from the front porch; the north view shows a bit of the second-closest neighbor, about 450 feet away - and the only one visable from the house most of the year. The squirrels, deer, and birds all decided to be elsewhere when I took these. :-)

    (If this stupid pandemic hadn't happened I'd be well on my way toward getting the place ready to sell; I'm not capable of maintaining it properly currently)



    for maintenance you only need a goat enlightened

    is lovely 

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited May 2020

    Not exactly a "View From My Window", but technically, if I were to set up a bunch of precision first surface mirrors and use a really high power telephoto lens and assorted diopters, I might be able to get these images from my living room window... instead I chose to attach a macro lens with a .67X diopter to my iPhone 11 and lie in the grass on my stomach and let all the ants and bugs outside climb around on me...

    I was going to mow the grass, because it was getting tall and that's like a really great invitation to escaped circus tigers... if there still were circuses... But with the popularity of Tiger King, I figured there have to be a few idiots in my neighborhood who had to get tigers now that they are so popular... 
    But anyway... there were lots of really tiny flowers growing in the grass, so before I mowed and destroyed them all, I figured "why not get really drunk and fall down in the grass, and while I'm down there I can take some pictures of those cool little flowers"... yeah, I probably didn't need to get drunk first, but it makes the ants in my ears a lot more fun (you can hear them complain about the earwax if you drink enough).

    Sometimes I like to take photos from a bugs eye view... humans hardly take notice of small things... unless we are really drunk and lying face down on the ground we tend to ignore anything shorter than our ankles. It's a shame, because there is lots of fascinating things that are really small.

    Anyway... I figured maybe folks would like to see some of the tiny little flowers they mindlessly trample over as they walk through the park or their neighbor's front lawn...

    Aside from the mushroom, the largest flowers are the yellow one, which is some sort of wild strawberry relative... that's about the diameter of a single pea... and the purple one that looks like a violet (some sort of herb that smell like oregano)... that's about the same size as a pea also... the rest are much smaller.


    Post edited by McGyver on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603

    was that mushroom safe to eat?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603

    OK mine

    windows need washing

    backyard patio needs tidying


    3264 x 2448 - 2M
    3264 x 2448 - 2M
    3264 x 2448 - 3M
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited May 2020

    In the third photo... why are the patio chairs stuck on the wall?

    Those ethereal floating felines give me an idea for a similar window clingie... only not cute kitties... Pennywise the clown... but just up to the eyes... like he's looking in the window.

    Will make a nice gift for the child who fears clowns.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603

    apparently Firefox does not upload my iPad photos in portrait mode

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,678

    OK mine

    windows need washing

    backyard patio needs tidying


    Um, did you realize you have blue floating cats in your windows?  

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    OK mine

    windows need washing

    backyard patio needs tidying


    Um, did you realize you have blue floating cats in your windows?  

    Well, apparently Wendy loves cats...duh! :P

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,678
    McGyver said:

    Not exactly a "View From My Window", but technically, if I were to set up a bunch of precision first surface mirrors and use a really high power telephoto lens and assorted diopters, I might be able to get these images from my living room window... instead I chose to attach a macro lens with a .67X diopter to my iPhone 11 and lie in the grass on my stomach and let all the ants and bugs outside climb around on me...

    I was going to mow the grass, because it was getting tall and that's like a really great invitation to escaped circus tigers... if there still were circuses... But with the popularity of Tiger King, I figured there have to be a few idiots in my neighborhood who had to get tigers now that they are so popular... 
    But anyway... there were lots of really tiny flowers growing in the grass, so before I mowed and destroyed them all, I figured "why not get really drunk and fall down in the grass, and while I'm down there I can take some pictures of those cool little flowers"... yeah, I probably didn't need to get drunk first, but it makes the ants in my ears a lot more fun (you can hear them complain about the earwax if you drink enough).

    Sometimes I like to take photos from a bugs eye view... humans hardly take notice of small things... unless we are really drunk and lying face down on the ground we tend to ignore anything shorter than our ankles. It's a shame, because there is lots of fascinating things that are really small.

    Anyway... I figured maybe folks would like to see some of the tiny little flowers they mindlessly trample over as they walk through the park or their neighbor's front lawn...

    Aside from the mushroom, the largest flowers are the yellow one, which is some sort of wild strawberry relative... that's about the diameter of a single pea... and the purple one that looks like a violet (some sort of herb that smell like oregano)... that's about the same size as a pea also... the rest are much smaller.


    Wonderful flower photos "out your window".   So clear and colorful. Depth of field at such small distances is difficult.  Very nice.yes

    I know how hard it is to get good images of tiny blossoms in the wild.  The flowers are not cooperating and require that you place the camera in nearly impossible places, the wind blows, the light changes by time your ready, etc.  My smallest major success is a full-frame perfect yellow dandelion head taken head-on that I have blown-up and framed proudly on my wall.  So many intricate fibers in there and such rich subtle shades of yellow framed by the out of focus greenery behind it. 

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