How are you greeting the end of the world?

SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

Wash your hands.  It's not just about how it can affect you, but others around you, as well.




  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562

    Dark humor but good one.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited March 2020

    Not worried about it at all. . I live far away from anyone high up in the Tennessee mountains and have been a dooms day prepper for all scenarios'   for like 25 years with food and water, weapons  and indepent energy sources .. we're good to go bring on the end of the world  :)

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • Just don't forget to sing the happy birthday song two times when you wash your handswink

  • mwokeemwokee Posts: 1,275
    I've been going to every big box store possible and buying all the toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and water that I can. Oh, and all the boxes of mac and cheese. People didn't seem to appreciate me screaming WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE as I run up and down the aisles.
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    mwokee said:
     People didn't seem to appreciate me screaming WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE as I run up and down the aisles.

    Bawhahahah thats funny

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    What is really sad is people going into hospitals, doctors surgeries and care homes stealing the hand sanitizer.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    my fridge and pantry are empty, I live from one pay day to the next but mostly buy fresh fruit and vegetables anyway.

    I avoid people though shopping early morning.

    I walk to shops so limited in what I can buy but need the exercise, have a granny cart.

    my plans were ruined today because someone started a fire on my route and the smoke will make walking impossible.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,066

    Well, for a limited time, I'll be selling a special tonic that will dissipate and render harmless, all manners of transgressions by a vast array of microscopic flora and fauna...

    This secret formula which I alone have identified and concocted has been evaluated and found to be complete and sound in both strength and effectiveness by experts in all fields of medicine and microfuanaology.  By consulting and evaluating all the most up to date treatise on the art of medicinal infusion of the properties and essences of a variety of beasts and common vegetables into healing tinctures, I can today present to all who are of sound mind and reasonable thinking a miraculous cure that will surely and not only bring one to the utmost of health, but restore their vim and vigor.

    This miracle elixir unlike the myriad other potions that claim to cure one of illness, contains not just the oil of a snake, but the oil of the mighty olive, the essence of garlic, eagle powder and pure horse sweat, infused with the fur of the invincible Syrian hamster... together these ingredients combine to produce a material like no other on this earth, a drink that will guarantee*your return to full health and you being rid of all diseases...

    What sane man or woman could refuse this offer and claim to wish to make their way unassisted by this wonder drug?

    None, for none should, and that is why I make this offer today...

    So yeah... that's what I'm thinking... I had most of the ingredients laying around... well, there is no actual snake in it, it's mostly earthworms, but they are like little snakes... and the horse sweat is actually dog sweat... the eagle powder is actually some stuff I scrapped out of a pigeon nest from an overpass nearby... but it's not far off and probably not dangerous or completely lethal. And it's only $19.99 for a 16 ounce recycled Poland Spring** bottle full of it... so not only are you getting healthy***, you are saving the earth by recycling.





    *Not a binding guarantee of any sort.

    **May not be 16 ounces, may not be a Poland Spring bottle.

    ***Not a promise of health, wellbeing or survival.


  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    Fishtales said:

    What is really sad is people going into hospitals, doctors surgeries and care homes stealing the hand sanitizer.

    yes that is awful, i think some people are over reacting & panicking.  i think  In the USA they have closed most of all nursing home to the public now.

     Our family was ahead of the curve.  we planed ahead for the end of the world back in the earily 2000's.   we bough cases of rubber gloves, hand sanitizers, m95 mask and hazmat suites . 5 years of freeze dried food, plus we run a small still so we have all the alcohol we need . sometimes its good to be a simple hill billy laugh

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,066

    Well... As long as you know where your towel is, just remember not to panic and all will be fine...

  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562
    McGyver said:

    Well, for a limited time, I'll be selling a special tonic that will dissipate and render harmless, all manners of transgressions by a vast array of microscopic flora and fauna...

    This secret formula which I alone have identified and concocted has been evaluated and found to be complete and sound in both strength and effectiveness by experts in all fields of medicine and microfuanaology.  By consulting and evaluating all the most up to date treatise on the art of medicinal infusion of the properties and essences of a variety of beasts and common vegetables into healing tinctures, I can today present to all who are of sound mind and reasonable thinking a miraculous cure that will surely and not only bring one to the utmost of health, but restore their vim and vigor.

    This miracle elixir unlike the myriad other potions that claim to cure one of illness, contains not just the oil of a snake, but the oil of the mighty olive, the essence of garlic, eagle powder and pure horse sweat, infused with the fur of the invincible Syrian hamster... together these ingredients combine to produce a material like no other on this earth, a drink that will guarantee*your return to full health and you being rid of all diseases...

    What sane man or woman could refuse this offer and claim to wish to make their way unassisted by this wonder drug?

    None, for none should, and that is why I make this offer today...

    So yeah... that's what I'm thinking... I had most of the ingredients laying around... well, there is no actual snake in it, it's mostly earthworms, but they are like little snakes... and the horse sweat is actually dog sweat... the eagle powder is actually some stuff I scrapped out of a pigeon nest from an overpass nearby... but it's not far off and probably not dangerous or completely lethal. And it's only $19.99 for a 16 ounce recycled Poland Spring** bottle full of it... so not only are you getting healthy***, you are saving the earth by recycling.





    *Not a binding guarantee of any sort.

    **May not be 16 ounces, may not be a Poland Spring bottle.

    ***Not a promise of health, wellbeing or survival.


    Thanks for saving the mankind with your tonic.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,850

    Don't forget the toilet paper, if you can find any.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,066

    Don't forget the toilet paper, if you can find any.

    What's toilet paper? Is that something you read while on the toilet?

  • GrazeGraze Posts: 418

    I'm going to spend the remaining balance on my Daz gift card while I still can.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,850
    McGyver said:

    Don't forget the toilet paper, if you can find any.

    What's toilet paper? Is that something you read while on the toilet?

    only cause you asked

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    McGyver said:

    Don't forget the toilet paper, if you can find any.

    What's toilet paper? Is that something you read while on the toilet?

    One guy who runs an Arcade  in the UK has emptied out one of his grabber machines and filled it full of toilet rolls.  So people can come and try to win a toilet roll.

  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562
    edited March 2020

    However before we vanish in the thin air or become zombie I am still here because there is a good chance I will get entire store under $1*

    * More than $1 is highly expensive for a few hours**.
    ** As long as my hands are clean enough.

    Post edited by Galaxy on
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    Ironically, there was a really good sale on recycled paper towels and toilet paper recently so I bought two twelve packs of the latter even though I still had a few rolls in the cupboard.  Now I wonder if people thought I was just getting in on the TP buying craze early, even though the whole this is pretty stupid given that there was never a shortage until people in Australia suddenly started buying it like crazy in the mistake belief that it all came from China.  On the other hand, I live in hurricane territory and have gone through several multi-day power outages over the years, so I always make sure to have a few weeks worth of shelf stable food that can be eaten straight from of the package should the power go down for a prolonged period.   

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    McGyver said:

    Don't forget the toilet paper, if you can find any.

    What's toilet paper? Is that something you read while on the toilet?

    Well, you can, but would really be more like a Rorschach Inkblot test.  Oh... this one is a cow walking up a muddy hill...

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    Well, I live in Italy, although I'm 5,000ft up a mountain, so not in the worst of it. But it's bad here. 12-13 days ago, the death toll was 20+. Tonight it was 1,016, with almost 13,000 infected. That gives you an idea of how fast it spreads. All stores except pharmacies, food stores and news/tobacconists are now closed till April 3rd, so if you want anything different, get it online. No cinemas, cafes, museums, churches, concerts, nada....

    And the rest of Europe isn't far behind Italy. One of the factors that masks the numbers is the amount of tests each country does. If you don't do many tests, you won't have many infected people. (I reckon that's one of the reasons the US numbers are still very low). But France, Spain and Germany appear to be about 10 -14 days behind Italy in terms of the curve, so expect more lockdowns.

    And another myth going around is, 'Oh, it's just like the flu!' Yes, up to a certain point, but it's 10 times more deadly, so who'd want to risk it?

    Anyway.... I like the render.... especially the fact that it looks like you could catch every disease known to Man in that toilet! LOL!

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    Don't forget the toilet paper, if you can find any.

    If you can't find any toilet paper, I don't want to come over to your house. angry

  • So want to post... SO WANT TO POST!!!

    I better keep my humor to myself though.




  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,404
    edited March 2020


    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    McGyver said:

    Well, for a limited time, I'll be selling a special tonic that will dissipate and render harmless, all manners of transgressions by a vast array of microscopic flora and fauna...

    This secret formula which I alone have identified and concocted has been evaluated and found to be complete and sound in both strength and effectiveness by experts in all fields of medicine and microfuanaology.  By consulting and evaluating all the most up to date treatise on the art of medicinal infusion of the properties and essences of a variety of beasts and common vegetables into healing tinctures, I can today present to all who are of sound mind and reasonable thinking a miraculous cure that will surely and not only bring one to the utmost of health, but restore their vim and vigor.

    This miracle elixir unlike the myriad other potions that claim to cure one of illness, contains not just the oil of a snake, but the oil of the mighty olive, the essence of garlic, eagle powder and pure horse sweat, infused with the fur of the invincible Syrian hamster... together these ingredients combine to produce a material like no other on this earth, a drink that will guarantee*your return to full health and you being rid of all diseases...

    What sane man or woman could refuse this offer and claim to wish to make their way unassisted by this wonder drug?

    None, for none should, and that is why I make this offer today...

    So yeah... that's what I'm thinking... I had most of the ingredients laying around... well, there is no actual snake in it, it's mostly earthworms, but they are like little snakes... and the horse sweat is actually dog sweat... the eagle powder is actually some stuff I scrapped out of a pigeon nest from an overpass nearby... but it's not far off and probably not dangerous or completely lethal. And it's only $19.99 for a 16 ounce recycled Poland Spring** bottle full of it... so not only are you getting healthy***, you are saving the earth by recycling.





    *Not a binding guarantee of any sort.

    **May not be 16 ounces, may not be a Poland Spring bottle.

    ***Not a promise of health, wellbeing or survival.


    Or you could use a bottle of vinegar, which also tastes good on salads.

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    Ivy said:
    Fishtales said:

    What is really sad is people going into hospitals, doctors surgeries and care homes stealing the hand sanitizer.

    yes that is awful, i think some people are over reacting & panicking.  i think  In the USA they have closed most of all nursing home to the public now.

     Our family was ahead of the curve.  we planed ahead for the end of the world back in the earily 2000's.   we bough cases of rubber gloves, hand sanitizers, m95 mask and hazmat suites . 5 years of freeze dried food, plus we run a small still so we have all the alcohol we need . sometimes its good to be a simple hill billy laugh

    And that address is...? :)

  • evacynevacyn Posts: 975

    I was hoping they'd be serving cookies at the end of days. Preferably ones with raisins.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    maclean said:

    Well, I live in Italy, although I'm 5,000ft up a mountain, so not in the worst of it. But it's bad here. 12-13 days ago, the death toll was 20+. Tonight it was 1,016, with almost 13,000 infected. That gives you an idea of how fast it spreads. All stores except pharmacies, food stores and news/tobacconists are now closed till April 3rd, so if you want anything different, get it online. No cinemas, cafes, museums, churches, concerts, nada....

    And the rest of Europe isn't far behind Italy. One of the factors that masks the numbers is the amount of tests each country does. If you don't do many tests, you won't have many infected people. (I reckon that's one of the reasons the US numbers are still very low). But France, Spain and Germany appear to be about 10 -14 days behind Italy in terms of the curve, so expect more lockdowns.

    And another myth going around is, 'Oh, it's just like the flu!' Yes, up to a certain point, but it's 10 times more deadly, so who'd want to risk it?

    Anyway.... I like the render.... especially the fact that it looks like you could catch every disease known to Man in that toilet! LOL!

    Hunker down and stay safe

  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562
    maclean said:

    Well, I live in Italy, although I'm 5,000ft up a mountain, so not in the worst of it. But it's bad here. 12-13 days ago, the death toll was 20+. Tonight it was 1,016, with almost 13,000 infected. That gives you an idea of how fast it spreads. All stores except pharmacies, food stores and news/tobacconists are now closed till April 3rd, so if you want anything different, get it online. No cinemas, cafes, museums, churches, concerts, nada....

    And the rest of Europe isn't far behind Italy. One of the factors that masks the numbers is the amount of tests each country does. If you don't do many tests, you won't have many infected people. (I reckon that's one of the reasons the US numbers are still very low). But France, Spain and Germany appear to be about 10 -14 days behind Italy in terms of the curve, so expect more lockdowns.

    And another myth going around is, 'Oh, it's just like the flu!' Yes, up to a certain point, but it's 10 times more deadly, so who'd want to risk it?

    Anyway.... I like the render.... especially the fact that it looks like you could catch every disease known to Man in that toilet! LOL!

    Mosquitoes kill 2,740 people every day, HUMANS kill 1,300 fellow humans every day, and Snakes kill 137 people every day.

    Take a deep breath, and wash your hands.”

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    my fridge and pantry are empty, I live from one pay day to the next but mostly buy fresh fruit and vegetables anyway.

    I avoid people though shopping early morning.

    I walk to shops so limited in what I can buy but need the exercise, have a granny cart.

    my plans were ruined today because someone started a fire on my route and the smoke will make walking impossible.

    Ironically, it's going to be the people who eat mainly fresh food who're affected the worst during shortage situations, unless they have their own gardens, as the way grocers run their supply chains now, almost nothing is produced locally anymore and is only trucked in on an as needed basis.  On the other hand, Beenie-Weenie and canned sphaghetti are garbage, nutrition-wise, but they can sit on your pantry shelf until the end of time and can be eaten straight out of the can.  Mmm mmm!

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    Cybersox said:
    Ivy said:
    Fishtales said:

    What is really sad is people going into hospitals, doctors surgeries and care homes stealing the hand sanitizer.

    yes that is awful, i think some people are over reacting & panicking.  i think  In the USA they have closed most of all nursing home to the public now.

     Our family was ahead of the curve.  we planed ahead for the end of the world back in the earily 2000's.   we bough cases of rubber gloves, hand sanitizers, m95 mask and hazmat suites . 5 years of freeze dried food, plus we run a small still so we have all the alcohol we need . sometimes its good to be a simple hill billy laugh

    And that address is...? :)

    with the security hubby set up we will see you coming up the mountain way before you will see us.

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