How are you greeting the end of the world?



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    more of a worry is the balance of my Superannuation which I am living on has dropped 20K angry

  • ChaosophiaChaosophia Posts: 137

    Funny story. At the dollar store getting some wipes, and lysol for cat pan clean up. Lysol all gone, except the one 3 pack of wipes and can nobody wanted cause there was no lid. I went over to get some hot pork cracklins, all out. I get up to the register, was talking with my wife telling her they were out, the cashier jumps in, hand sanitizer... with one of those oh my god another one looks, thinking she was all that. I shot a serious look at her, No Pork Rinds. What the hell kinda store is this there is a pandemic virus going on and you have no damn pork rinds. Jaw hits floor, eyes widen, deer meet headlights.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited March 2020

    more of a worry is the balance of my Superannuation which I am living on has dropped 20K angry that like a pension or annuity?

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • ButchButch Posts: 799
    Ghosty12 said:
    Ivy said:

    I feel bad for you guys in Australia with all those fires if it weren't bad enough right,  now y'all got this virus too. I see where tom hanks announced him and his wife got it and are in Australia filming a movie  .

    What is strange is that our government has not locked down Australia like most other countries.. And as for the fires they have been replaced with huge dumpings of rain instead, has been good for the land but has created havoc for some as well..  And that bit with Tom Hanks shows that you just never know when Covid-19 is going to strike..

    &*%!*(* rain!  We hadn't mowed the lawn in over three years and now... twice in two weeks!  It's just not natural. 




  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602
    kyoto kid said:

    more of a worry is the balance of my Superannuation which I am living on has dropped 20K angry that like a pension?

    more like your 401K

    I retired 10 years shy of pension age

    worse case senario I will need to find a job

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257

    ...ouch, yeah, can devalue badly if the any of the investments take a hit.  Happened to Disney workers a few years ago when a major investment for their 401k programme tanked.  Hope you can make it through without having to go back into the work world.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602
    edited March 2020
    kyoto kid said:

    ...ouch, yeah, can devalue badly if the any of the investments take a hit.  Happened to Disney workers a few years ago when a major investment for their 401k programme tanked.  Hope you can make it through without having to go back into the work world.

    is directly linked to this Covid19 panic, it had increased a lot prior, I am hoping will recover afterwards, on the otherhand if we hit a recession it could actually improve too, can go either way.

    This virus is causing a huge drop in sharemarkets the chance of getting sick is the least of our worries angry

    this chart shows it pretty graphically

    I imagine everyone is going to be in the same boat

    986 x 633 - 82K
    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257

    ....ow, that's like a 14% decline in a very, very short time.  

    I have my Social Security, granted it isn't much, but at least it's steady for now.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    I don't have TV except PBS and it's always the end of the world on that station if you aren't watching Bob Ross paint or something like that. I will watch my 20 year old DVD of The Wizard of Oz tomorrow instead.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,850
    edited March 2020

    Worst market drop since 1987, March Break has just had an extra two weeks added to it as a buffer to protect the kids from spreading it. Lots of venues shutting down, The PrimeMinister's wife has tested positive for the virus. It's going to be a challenging few weeks. 

    Post edited by FirstBastion on
  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562
    Cybersox said:
    Galaxy said:
    maclean said:

    Well, I live in Italy, although I'm 5,000ft up a mountain, so not in the worst of it. But it's bad here. 12-13 days ago, the death toll was 20+. Tonight it was 1,016, with almost 13,000 infected. That gives you an idea of how fast it spreads. All stores except pharmacies, food stores and news/tobacconists are now closed till April 3rd, so if you want anything different, get it online. No cinemas, cafes, museums, churches, concerts, nada....

    And the rest of Europe isn't far behind Italy. One of the factors that masks the numbers is the amount of tests each country does. If you don't do many tests, you won't have many infected people. (I reckon that's one of the reasons the US numbers are still very low). But France, Spain and Germany appear to be about 10 -14 days behind Italy in terms of the curve, so expect more lockdowns.

    And another myth going around is, 'Oh, it's just like the flu!' Yes, up to a certain point, but it's 10 times more deadly, so who'd want to risk it?

    Anyway.... I like the render.... especially the fact that it looks like you could catch every disease known to Man in that toilet! LOL!

    Mosquitoes kill 2,740 people every day, HUMANS kill 1,300 fellow humans every day, and Snakes kill 137 people every day.

    Take a deep breath, and wash your hands.”

    First, yes, people are freaking out unnecessarily?  Yes.  However, the fact is that mosquitos don't kill people.  A large host of multiple diseases carried by mosquitos kill people and that number is the Cumulative total of the results of hundreds of different diseases and mosquito species, the majority of which are killed are in areas where mosquitos proliferate freely and medical care is difficult.  The snake total is also global and the result of multiple species... and half the time the result of people putting themselves on the wrong end of a snake.  By comparison, this is a single disease that medical science is still looking for a counter for, and history is rife with single diseases that have done catastrophic damage when they weren't or couldn't be checked. 

    Fortunately we already have enough data that give the huge amount of survivers who survived within 14 days. My hope is somewhere or US will bring something to prevent this as they have infrastructure, for those who are at greatest risk, elderly and those with underlying health conditions.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,066

    I don't have TV except PBS and it's always the end of the world on that station if you aren't watching Bob Ross paint or something like that. I will watch my 20 year old DVD of The Wizard of Oz tomorrow instead.

    Now I'm picturing Bob Ross painting some trees and quietly telling you about the brush strokes and suddenly zombies burst into the scene and attack him, the camera tips over and goes black... static...  

    Granted, he's been dead since 1995 and I have no idea what he died of, for all I know it could have been the Zombie Pandemic of '95.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,051

    A good time to go food shopping without crowds I've noticed is Tuesday morning around 10AM, at least around where I live. A lot of the store employees are wearing gloves but that doesn't help if they cough or sneeze on to the gloves. I'm paranoid about the actual food I bring home, the packaging could be contaminated. I wash my fruit like crazy with Trader Joe's fruit wash, but should we be washing cans and packages? What about boxes and mail delivery? They said the virus can remain on surfaces for up to 3 days, even on cardboard. I'm paranoid because I do have asthma and have had really bad upper respiratory infections even when I was in my early 20's and this thing hits the lungs... And of course not everyone is going to die, but I'm sure anyone who gets it will be really miserable for a while and I haven't heard any info about how long the course of the virus is before it resolves.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,850
    McGyver said:

    Now I'm picturing Bob Ross painting some

    Wash your Hands! 



    added as bad attempt at satire.


    1024 x 693 - 76K
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

     A lot of the store employees are wearing gloves but that doesn't help if they cough or sneeze on to the gloves. 

    Yeah, I noticed a cashier with gloves yesterday.   It's not like you get infected through the skin on your hands.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    McGyver said:

    Now I'm picturing Bob Ross painting some

    Wash your Hands! 



    added as bad attempt at satire.


    I should have put a happy little rat in the corner.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,066

    Funny story. At the dollar store getting some wipes, and lysol for cat pan clean up. Lysol all gone, except the one 3 pack of wipes and can nobody wanted cause there was no lid. I went over to get some hot pork cracklins, all out. I get up to the register, was talking with my wife telling her they were out, the cashier jumps in, hand sanitizer... with one of those oh my god another one looks, thinking she was all that. I shot a serious look at her, No Pork Rinds. What the hell kinda store is this there is a pandemic virus going on and you have no damn pork rinds. Jaw hits floor, eyes widen, deer meet headlights.

    Pork rinds... Try finding nitrile gloves and respirator cartridges, which I use when making stuff...  I happened to run low on those and went out to get them, not expecting to find them and wasn't disappointed... and of course you get that look like you are trying to panic buy them for the zombie apocalypse, not because you have to spray paint a project you are working on.

    You probably missed my complaint a few days back in a different thread about all the stupid crap that people are buying out... my grocery store was out of friggin' ice cream...  TF?… So, people are freaking out and buying toilet paper and ice cream... like are they all lactose intolerant and thinking they'll poop themselves back to health...?

    Anyway, I read an article which made sense (not a lot do lately) but, it was a psychologist trying to explain why some people are making stupid purchases... Well, to be honest, he missed the primary reason right out the gate... Most people are pretty stupid, but the other reason which he talked about was that people tend to exhibit herd behavior and take cues from other people who seem to know what they are doing... makes sense... I've spent most of my life mystified by how many people I'd encounter were totally clueless about current events, ordinary simple concepts and lacked the interest to fact check anything... "my brudder-en-lawr told me..." or "Someone said..." is usually good enough for most people... which is funny, because that same person will go on ad nauseam about how stupid their "brudder-en-lawr" or that "someone" is 90% of the time, but suddenly in a critical moment, a disaster or life crisis, they are a fount of wisdom... the same brudder-en-lawr who crashed his car in the Wendy's parking lot because his pet ferret who was loose in the car tried to steal his spicy nuggets... that guy... and that's why you are now buying a shopping cart full turnips...


    And apparently the more confident or competent someone perceives you to be, the more likely they are to follow your cues...

    So if you want to have fun with people, dress up as a doctor, go to the grocery store and fill up a shopping cart with cat toys, scalp medication and papayas... and see how many people start buying those too... my grocery store is now out of rawhide dog chews, pineapples and Preparation-H thanks to this herd behavior.
    Whether or not this goes really bad, you might as well have fun... right?

    I'm wearing a lab coat, stethoscope and smart looking glasses while I write this so, I must know what I'm talking about.

    I'm not a doctor in real life, but I do play one and use the outfit to steal bandaids and lollipops from the hospital.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    kyoto kid said:
    Mystiarra said:

    if travel fares lower, this be the time for that world tour smiley

    ...well if you are daring enough to chance it, many airlines are flying aircraft that are half full to almost empty so you'd probably get a full row of seats to yourself.  However, travel between the US to Europe has already been banned for the next 30 days.

    melbourne Australia possible?

    i've seen the jobs for panda nannies.  koalas need nannies too?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    more of a worry is the balance of my Superannuation which I am living on has dropped 20K angry

    my retirement savings dropped significanly.  is all in dayjob stocks.  they dont give the cold hard cash.

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,404
    edited March 2020


    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,316

    Schools in the Denver metro area are either closing from 13th to 23, 16th to 30th, 13th to 6th, or 16th to TBD.

    A drive-by testing site in the Lowry neighborhood overwhelmed the one station. Today it is opening at 10am with help of the Air Force National Guard medics setting up additional stations.

    Colorado has 45 confirmed cases. We have constraints due to our geography, ie. the Rocky Mountains.

    A large musical concert was held last night, full of young people. So I expect that will be a nexus center. The state is allowing organizations to determine if they will cancel. Today, the promoter Live Nation decided to cancel future concerts. 

    When I was in the Air Force, while I worked in Supply, my war skills were in the Command Post and Disaster Preparedness. Facts matter. Listen to your local medical experts for conditions in your region. Follow their guidance. Help your neighbors. If you feel sick, call your doctor but don't just walk into a hospital or emergency without warning. It happened in one ER by a 30 year old and a 40-person ER staff was taken out for weeks. 

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited March 2020

    The more that is being reported on this virus and things being shut down everywhere, and supply's running short.  I am sure glad we are Dooms Day Prepper . I feel for all the folks that didn't have the means to put a little extra something away every once in a while for a rainy day like these. then there are folks that had the means to do so,&  just believed things like these can't happen to them or thought the government would to take care of them.

    We been canning and stocking stuff like freeze dried food and dry goods for years putting it away like a insurance policy and now its time for us to collect on our efforts.

    Only advice I can give anyone is Hunker down and be safe stay away from othrs as much as possible to reduce the risk.

    The biggest thing avoid  large crowds & wash hands .  the cdc last night  reported that the c-19 virus can hang in the air up to 3 hours after infected person has coughed. and can harbor on hard surfaces for 2 days  You  could be a carrier up to 5 weeks before any symptoms show up,  all the while if you have it could be infecting others.

    They also stated there is reports of younger healthier people also dying from c-19. now in Italy so it does effect all peoples of all ages.  The good news is test kits are being coming more available at least in my area thanks to private sector of  the University of Tennessee . because the US government not getting them out in any quantity

    Be care out there my friends we artist here are like family & its become a dangerous world.  really think hard if its worth that trip to the doctor or the grocery store beofre you go.

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    Sevrin said:

     A lot of the store employees are wearing gloves but that doesn't help if they cough or sneeze on to the gloves. 

    Yeah, I noticed a cashier with gloves yesterday.   It's not like you get infected through the skin on your hands.

    I have a friend that works at walmart that has beeen wearing them since she started working there. Not because she afriad of getting sick. But it helps her to be able to count the money with out having to lick her fingures, when the bills stick together.   There are other reasons why people wear rubber gloves besides avoiding getting sick.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    Ivy said:
    Sevrin said:

     A lot of the store employees are wearing gloves but that doesn't help if they cough or sneeze on to the gloves. 

    Yeah, I noticed a cashier with gloves yesterday.   It's not like you get infected through the skin on your hands.

    I have a friend that works at walmart that has beeen wearing them since she started working there. Not because she afriad of getting sick. But it helps her to be able to count the money with out having to lick her fingures, when the bills stick together.   There are other reasons why people wear rubber gloves besides avoiding getting sick.

    Yeah, this wasn't the case here.  Also: people still use paper money?

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    How are you going to handle not being able to render and animate?  wink 

    Ivy said:

    Not worried about it at all. . I live far away from anyone high up in the Tennessee mountains and have been a dooms day prepper for all scenarios'   for like 25 years with food and water, weapons  and indepent energy sources .. we're good to go bring on the end of the world  :)


  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    fastbike1 said:

    How are you going to handle not being able to render and animate?  wink 

    Ivy said:

    Not worried about it at all. . I live far away from anyone high up in the Tennessee mountains and have been a dooms day prepper for all scenarios'   for like 25 years with food and water, weapons  and indepent energy sources .. we're good to go bring on the end of the world  :)


    I'll properly get more done now I am sticking around home. we still have power. and internet.  I'm not to worried about me getting sick  I am fairly healthy  But my husband is older fart with some health issues that could cause him problems if he were to get sick.   So that is the main reason I'm avoiding people for his sake.

      Our High school canceled basket ball tournaments & varsity baseball tryouts sad

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,559

    I better keep quiet and not scream "it is the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine."

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    Sevrin said:
    Ivy said:
    Sevrin said:

     A lot of the store employees are wearing gloves but that doesn't help if they cough or sneeze on to the gloves. 

    Yeah, I noticed a cashier with gloves yesterday.   It's not like you get infected through the skin on your hands.

    I have a friend that works at walmart that has beeen wearing them since she started working there. Not because she afriad of getting sick. But it helps her to be able to count the money with out having to lick her fingures, when the bills stick together.   There are other reasons why people wear rubber gloves besides avoiding getting sick.

     people still use paper money?

    Of course.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited March 2020

    I better keep quiet and not scream "it is the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine."

    why not go stand on a street corner with one of those sandwich boards signs that read  "the end of the world is near repent "

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,559
    Ivy said:
    Sevrin said:
    Ivy said:
    Sevrin said:

     A lot of the store employees are wearing gloves but that doesn't help if they cough or sneeze on to the gloves. 

    Yeah, I noticed a cashier with gloves yesterday.   It's not like you get infected through the skin on your hands.

    I have a friend that works at walmart that has beeen wearing them since she started working there. Not because she afriad of getting sick. But it helps her to be able to count the money with out having to lick her fingures, when the bills stick together.   There are other reasons why people wear rubber gloves besides avoiding getting sick.

     people still use paper money?

    Of course.

    I am usually the cashier of where I work so I have to handle a lot of cash.  I rather not wear the same gloves as food prep gloves and they rather not buy a unique type of gloves just for money.  I do not want to handle some dirty money and then go get some fries for the customer with the same gloves.  (money is dirty, not because it was gotten in a dirty way but because of how some people handle it and how dirty their hands are aka sneezing in the hands with the money etc etc etc

    I decided to search on a stock site which has 3d models for virus and found this model.

    1000 x 1000 - 239K
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