How are you greeting the end of the world?



  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    I live in NE Tennessee in the middle of the Cherokee national forest.  I live on Horse mountain we have good patch of land here. we are about 25 miles from appalachian state university in Boone NC  and 30 miles from East Tennessee state university in Johnson City TN


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    we should feel lucky it isnt a mutation virus.

    mutating hamsters into hamsterzillas

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,404
    edited March 2020


    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • droidy001droidy001 Posts: 282
    Nature's way of telling us she's still in charge. It's going to be very sad for anyone who loses a family member or a friend but putting it in terms of population its going to be a drop in nature's ocean. If this thing kills 100m that's still less then all conflicts of the 20th century. We've become smart enough to reduce the amount of casualties a virus like this can cause but not smart enough yet to stop killing each other intentionally and to work out ways to improve quality of life for the poorest.
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Local news has reported now 18 cases confirmed in my state thats not good it doubled today. the Shcool board called and their closing the schools at least until after easter as well.

    This is a view of our security camera set up we use p2p eye4 solar powers IP cameras it connects direct independent wifi it can be viewed on cell phones and computers and the tv monitor, so it won't matter if the power goes out or not.  They have Infer-red night vision & 2 way communication as well as PTZ on all cams . its a awesome set up. I love the squirrel cam in the back 40 watching over the firewood cribs. I pan it to view up into the trees next to the squirrels & birds zooms in close  next to them ...


    2000 x 1125 - 186K
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,559
    Mystiarra said:

    How does one keep it on the cat?  My feline friend hates wearing a flea collar and has taken them off with no help.

    I doubt masks for goldfish would do any help.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,678

    Being without a car in a tiny town, and pretty well stocked up on non-perishables, I could last perhaps a month.  But will risk going to the local town grocery store to buy more.  I can stay isolated, but my neighbors in the other half of the house still go to work and kids still go to kindergarten, and we share the same air via the hot air furnace cycle (I smell everything they cook).

    I have no doctor appointments until the middle of next month.  It's just six-month checkups and I don't have to go to them.  Doctors offices and hospitals are where the sick people are!  Other than the grocery store, the post office is the only other place I have to go to, and that's just two blocks beyond the grocery store.  AND, now that I have my new smartphone, I've finally been able to use the drugstore app to have my prescriptions delivered instead of having to pick them up in the city.  I may give up having pizza delivered though, which is a shame because it's the only restaurant that delivers this far out of the city.


  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    Don't have the link handy but did read of one account where a dog tested positive, wasn't sick - just was testing positive.

    Not posting photos of what's outside my window, it's a delightful, not, view of a funeral parlour. {hence my preference for taking photos of the sky}

  • GreymomGreymom Posts: 1,121
    Chohole said:
    McGyver said:

    Don't forget the toilet paper, if you can find any.

    What's toilet paper? Is that something you read while on the toilet?

    One guy who runs an Arcade  in the UK has emptied out one of his grabber machines and filled it full of toilet rolls.  So people can come and try to win a toilet roll.

    That is BRILLIANT!!!  The man is a true entrepeneur with a dark sense of humor.

    I went to Wal-Mart to get a smaller stepladder so I can do indoor projects if we have to self-isolate for a while.  Everything that would safely kill germs on skin was gone.  No rubbing alcohol, no hydrogen peroxide, no bleach or Lysol products.  Even the WItch Hazel solution was gone, and also the alcohol wipes for cleaning your glasses.  There were even people carefully examining the chlorine tablets you put in your toilet tank, trying to figure out how to misuse them.  Now at that time there were ZERO confirmed cases of the virus in the Baton Rouge area....

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,247


  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    There are shots for the flu people refuse to get them and then get sick and die.  There is yet any method to control this carvo19 virus and yes it hits us old  farts faster then young poor folks.  no proof mask even work. CDC & world health say wash hands wear gloves avoid crowds and this too shall pass . and when you get sick do you think the government going to sweep in and save you ... Ha! 

    But young people are not immune to it they will more likely have lesser reaction to it than us old farts. A 19 Tennessee State University student was confirmed the 18th case in Tennessee when we only had 1 confirmed case last nite.and Tennessee does not have to populations as the bigger cities we just have more tourist from out of state and country. not to mention the highway I40 goes completely through the state  which starts in California and ends in Albany NY . you can say we old folks are whiny, paniced stricken people if you like it does not bother me one bit.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    Stezza said:



  • CbirdCbird Posts: 493

    I'm pretty sure this is effecting the young and healthy who are at risk of or have lost people they love. Michael and Vicky 8, might have one tear for Mike and Vicky 1 or 2.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257

    Just don't forget to sing the happy birthday song two times when you wash your handswink

    ...I put this in my head when I wash my hands (1 min long).  A nice uplifting little piece given the situation.



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257

    my fridge and pantry are empty, I live from one pay day to the next but mostly buy fresh fruit and vegetables anyway.

    I avoid people though shopping early morning.

    I walk to shops so limited in what I can buy but need the exercise, have a granny cart.

    my plans were ruined today because someone started a fire on my route and the smoke will make walking impossible.

    ...yeah,in a similar situation as well (very small flat with little storage space) also can only bring home from the market what I can carry in a single  grocery bag (in my good hand) and a shoulder bag (where I usually put heavy stuff like milk canned, foods, & such) so no way to stock up for more than a week at one time let alone a couple months.  Unfortunately the, markets I shop at are fairly busy ones most of the day as they are both in the city.  Home delivery is costly for my budget (plus I'd rather pick out what goes on my plate myself as I am an avid "label reader") and most likely it wouldn't really be much safer than just going to the market as they have to work around people all day. 

    Also, walking is pretty much the only exercise I get any more either, and exercise is still important.particularly as you get older. 

    Unfortunately, unlike Ivy, LG, and a few others, I live in a high density populated area in a building that alone has about 150 apartments.  

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Stay Safe KK

  • Ghosty12Ghosty12 Posts: 2,068
    Ivy said:

    I feel bad for you guys in Australia with all those fires if it weren't bad enough right,  now y'all got this virus too. I see where tom hanks announced him and his wife got it and are in Australia filming a movie  .

    What is strange is that our government has not locked down Australia like most other countries.. And as for the fires they have been replaced with huge dumpings of rain instead, has been good for the land but has created havoc for some as well..  And that bit with Tom Hanks shows that you just never know when Covid-19 is going to strike..

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    Stezza said:


    So that's what they're doing with all that TP they're buying!

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,247

    and mosquitos!

    Ghosty12 said:
    Ivy said:

    I feel bad for you guys in Australia with all those fires if it weren't bad enough right,  now y'all got this virus too. I see where tom hanks announced him and his wife got it and are in Australia filming a movie  .

    And as for the fires they have been replaced with huge dumpings of rain instead


  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    Ghosty12 said:
    Ivy said:

    I feel bad for you guys in Australia with all those fires if it weren't bad enough right,  now y'all got this virus too. I see where tom hanks announced him and his wife got it and are in Australia filming a movie  .

    What is strange is that our government has not locked down Australia like most other countries.. And as for the fires they have been replaced with huge dumpings of rain instead, has been good for the land but has created havoc for some as well..  And that bit with Tom Hanks shows that you just never know when Covid-19 is going to strike..

    I live in the USA so I can only by what they show on the news. it looked pretty bad from what they were showing on the fires though

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited March 2020

    I will still risk the shops for my fresh food, just stay well away from other people, I do anyway, hate being touched

    but the smoke is really playing havoc with my breathing at the moment, I cough continuously anyone would think I have Covid19, I haven't but wheezing and generally miserable like I was during the bushfires.

    these arsonists pick the worst possible time to wreck destruction, its overcast with a temperature inversion.

    ...for myself, since we had such a mild winter, everything is beginning to go into bloom here already so my allergies have started to kick in early.  Crikey I saw daffodils and trees going into bloom in the first week of of February,

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    Mystiarra said:

    if travel fares lower, this be the time for that world tour smiley

    ...well if you are daring enough to chance it, many airlines are flying aircraft that are half full to almost empty so you'd probably get a full row of seats to yourself.  However, travel between the US to Europe has already been banned for the next 30 days.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    Ivy said:
    Mystiarra said:
    Cybersox said:

    my fridge and pantry are empty, I live from one pay day to the next but mostly buy fresh fruit and vegetables anyway.

    I avoid people though shopping early morning.

    I walk to shops so limited in what I can buy but need the exercise, have a granny cart.

    my plans were ruined today because someone started a fire on my route and the smoke will make walking impossible.

    Ironically, it's going to be the people who eat mainly fresh food who're affected the worst during shortage situations, unless they have their own gardens, as the way grocers run their supply chains now, almost nothing is produced locally anymore and is only trucked in on an as needed basis.  On the other hand, Beenie-Weenie and canned sphaghetti are garbage, nutrition-wise, but they can sit on your pantry shelf until the end of time and can be eaten straight out of the can.  Mmm mmm!

    sodium in the packaged food will kill before virus does

    Thats why you have to do your reaserch & buy good quailty freeze dried food . like from mountian house or wise foods

    ...unfortunately all I have are mainstream markets where I live.  Online stores don't take EBT (which is my monthly food allowance).

    There is a "Whole Paycheque"  that has organic and freeze dried foods a slightly longer walk away, but the nickname says it all. Definitely not the place to shop when your counting your pennies month to month. 

    To get to the independent co-op across the river would mean taking a couple buses which could be just as bad as being in a crowd.  During the cold and flu season I refer to them and the trams as "rolling petri dishes.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    Stezza said:



  • tj_1ca9500btj_1ca9500b Posts: 2,057

    Just gotta say, watching the late night TV talk shows without audiences tonight is a bit odd.  They have staffers filling in for the audence trying to cheer and laugh as noticeably as they can, but it's just not the same...

    Watching Patrick Stewart on Jimmy Kimmel at the moment, with a guest host.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    I couldn't eat that tinned crap if I wanted to indecision

    I actually do have 2 canisters of rice, again something I don't eat a lot of.

    If I have pasta I buy fresh pasta

    so yeah I guess I am going on a Covid19 pandemic diet angry

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257

    I couldn't eat that tinned crap if I wanted to indecision

    I actually do have 2 canisters of rice, again something I don't eat a lot of.

    If I have pasta I buy fresh pasta

    so yeah I guess I am going on a Covid19 pandemic diet angry

    ...same here.

    Made a quick run to the market down the street and actually bought several tins of a local made chili as they were on sale and there were still some left on the shelf.  Got a big pack of corn tortillas to have with it.  Fortunately a lot of items happened to be on sale, so I managed to pick up several packs of cheese, a big carton of rolled oats (still have some left tom the previous one), a loaf of decent bread (not that white spongy rubbish that even wihth my arthritic hands I can squish into a 3" by 3" cube) and a jar of natural PB, so brekkies, lunches, and dinners are pretty much covered.for most of the month (and real cheesy mac, not that orange powder stuff) Yeah, nothing fancy (well save for a couple  nights of homemade curry I cooked up last night which I put up in the freezer - those will be my Sunday dinners) but it will least and keep me well fed.

    Fortunately I loaded up on TP on my last market trip (I always buy a large pack) and have enough paper towels for a while.

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