1950's Era Motel [commercial] Available Now

1950's Era Motel for both Poser and DAZ Studio Available Now

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1950's Era Motel for both Poser and DAZ Studio Available Now
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This looks great. Is the whole scene (minus the car) included?
Yes pretty well what you see is what you get. everything seen in this promo image minus the car is included with the motel including the road and surrounding hills and daytime skydome and the promo lightset.
The car is DAZ Family car http://www.daz3d.com/family-car-1950 available separately.
I like the look of this. What about interiors/opening doors?
Looks great. I can already envision a few renders for this.
Lots of motels still look like this where I'm from. =-) Great work.
The classic independent and Best Western motel of the fifties and sixties. One other format, that loks like it would be doable with hat you have, is one row of rooms on a common concrete slab.
You are missing one KEY item on the sign - the 'vacancy' sign, below the crossbar, with a neon 'NO' that could be turned on by the office when there were no rooms left.
And a common add-on for rooms of the period - the roll-away bed. I should know - as the single boy with two sisters I spent most of my vacation time sleeping on the roll-aways.
And if there's time to add this in — the "NO" and "Vacancy" shouldn't have the same material. Making them separate materials means the light for the sign can be set up as a real mesh light, very useful in Luxus/Reality (might be tricky to deal with in a normal 3Delight render as well).
And if there's time to add this in — the "NO" and "Vacancy" shouldn't have the same material. Making them separate materials means the light for the sign can be set up as a real mesh light, very useful in Luxus/Reality (might be tricky to deal with in a normal 3Delight render as well).
Yeah -- around here (Northern Indiana, Southern Michigan) the Mom & Pop type places will typically have 'Vacancy' painted on the sign, with the 'NO' separate - either a neon tube 'NO' or a semi-reflective lettering with a dedicated small spotlight. Or a neon or back-lit 'No Vacancy' sign where the whole thing lights up - and dark means a room is available.
Yes, all the doors open and close, and all the single hung windows do too, and there's an empty interior room for each. And door numbers.
There's going to be a small furnished interior motel room add on set available separately because the main focus here was the exterior environment, and I realize that some artists may already have plenty of furniture to fill up the interiors with their runtimes. I should mention the first office unit does have a makeshift plywood front desk included and there are plenty of material zones if you want to switch things up a bit.
Perfect. This one hits the cart very quickly upon release.
I'm very picky when it comes to purchasing non-figure content and one of my sticking points is that no sets ever come with a convincing exterior scene.
This, however, has a great exterior. Will be buying this.
And that'll be going straight into the cart as well... :coolsmile:
Yep, I know exactly what would happen there....
Looks great!
Yes, all the doors open and close, and all the single hung windows do too, and there's an empty interior room for each. And door numbers.
There's going to be a small furnished interior motel room add on set available separately because the main focus here was the exterior environment, and I realize that some artists may already have plenty of furniture to fill up the interiors with their runtimes. I should mention the first office unit does have a makeshift plywood front desk included and there are plenty of material zones if you want to switch things up a bit.
it has wood textures ;) good would be also wood texture on the side walls but that probably can I do by myself, overall it comes near to what I has mentioned at the product suggestion forum :) soooo when will it be out?
As I was doing research, the idea that the side walls would be brick and act as a fire stop between units, but very easily changed to a wood texture since it has its own material zone. As for the release date, it has been submitted and tested, so now DAZ will decide when best to make it available. I'm hoping in the next week or two.
here is an image of how it should look inside :) okay, without freddy ;). I like these dark and bit dirty look of the room (have made it out of the two office rooms from BC Movie stands by the ant farm+ interior of the hotel room by maclean and some stuff from flipmode and rpublishing)
Looks like this is live, which is odd as DAZ rarely does mid-day releases.
Looks good. Is the interior room set supposed to be coming out with it, today/tomorrowish? Will there be a combined bundle, or can I go ahead and buy the motel now?
Thanks, the 50's era motel is now available, and a little earlier than I had expected! But it's all good!
I wasn't planning a bundle, just the interior furnished motel room add on, but got side tracked on another project. It's still coming.
Huh! I was shocked by a mid-day release also.
So it says:
but then it specifically calls out the signs as being movable, etc... So I'm going to be all hyper-specific and ask if the picnic tables and fencing and oil tank are movable? Like if I wanted to slide the oil tank around the back, and connect the picnic tables for one long double-table, could I do that?Sorry for being so super-specific. It looks really, really good, and I'm thrilled to know the grounds and street are all included also!
-- Morgan
Yes the picnic tables and oil tank are props that can be selected and moved anywhere or used in other scenes. same with the fences and signs.
It's a great Motel, but for some reason, the Skydome looks rather striped. I have tried different render settings, and this also happens on HQ settings.
Can you tell us which program you're rendering in, and double check that you don't have two skydomes loaded in the scene tab / hierarchy which is what the stripes would suggest, because two domes would be conflicting while sharing the same 3D space.
All the promos except the Reality/LuxRender ones use the included skydome so it's been tested extensively, and as I'm looking at the image posted above, the double load does make the most sense because the skydome loads with the motel and then there is also a separate just skydome preset included for convenience (which gives the option to use it on its own or with other sets).
And never wanting to pass up an opportunity to post another picture....
Ahhh.... I found the problem. Me. Sorry! :red:
I thought the sky dome had to be loaded extra, so my render actually had two skydomes, rather than one.
I'm re-rendering now with the extra sky-dome deleted, and everything's working nifty. :-)
Looks great! Cannot wait to play with it.
have bought it and it looks great...but...for my use just two of these houses would be enough (my suggestion map), the set is a bit huge I think, I am just creating a smaller version, unfortunatelly I can`t use the ground because it is made for the four houses :(
here is a first render with the original set...unfortunatelly I have forgotten to change the spec and glossiness values for the set... that is what I do not like in whole for all sets I ever have bought. Glossiness and specular default values allways are not correct no matter who the vendor is, except one...Flipmode on Flipmode sets I never had to correct any values.
Thanks for bringing this up Jaderail and Cosmo, there are two separate complete installers, one for Poser and one for DAZ Studio.
The Poser version (PS) installs the content in the traditional Runtime location Runtime/Props/FirstBastion/ProductName
The DAZ Studio version (DS) installs in MyLibrary/Environment/FirstBastion/ProductName
Each version is optimized for that particular application.
The DAZ Version will not work or even show up in Poser if installed there.
The Poser version can mistakenly be installed into DAZ Studio, but the material settings that are optimized for Poser will look plasticky and have no bump information.
If you are using DAZ Studio, please make sure you install the DS version and find the content under the DAZStudio Library tab. Those are definitely the ones you want to use, because you basically get the promo image settings with a single click.