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Cool beans! Fascinating tragic history.
My opinion? More people should bone up on the ancient history of Russia. It helps explain their actions and deepseated beliefs as a people.
Which book about the Romanovs? I have a couple of smaller ones that cover the whole dynasty. They're in addition to my collection of individual biographies of each of the significant Romanov Tsars & Empresses from Ivan the Terrible, through NIcolas II. I haven't read them all yet. I'm reading them in order and am up to Alexander I (the Tsar who defeated Napolean). Unfortunately, reading has become more and more difficult for me lately but I keep promising myself to finish the whole series before I kick off. I've read two biographies by Robert Massey, Peter the Great, and Catherine the Great, They are really well written and engaging. Some of the others, not so much. I've considered jumping ahead and reading a third by him, Nicholas & Alexandra just because it's easier reading despite being large.
I never imagined I'd become a Russophile. It started when I read War & Peace. I took great pains to try to pronounce all the various names. Then I decided it would be easier to know how to pronounce the names if I could read them in Russian. So, I've learned the Russian alphabet and basic pronunciation and can haltingly read Russian names about as well as a 5 year old Russian child.
I might be able to navigate in Russia if all I had to do was find my place on a map, or read a street sign, or find a particular type of shop, or read movie credits.
There are a few really good Russian TV shows & movies on some of the streaming services. I have to read the sub-titles but I enjoy hearing the spoken Russian and even catch a few words now and then. I've even gone as far as memorizing two short Russian poems. I know the gist of what they say but I never memorized a fluent English translation, but I can recite from memory with great aplomb the wonderful deep emotional growling sounds they gender.
Again, here's wishing positive results resolving your knee problems, and I'm interested in hearing your solutions and thoughts during the process.
Daveso, thanks. Yes, I plan to follow any rehab or other suggestions I receive. Now there is the added news that I might be diabetic... or in the early stages. I'm waiting to hear from another healthcare person about the diabetes. At the same time, my Dad is getting older, and we are both wondering if or when we'll actually be able to connect in person again. I'm literally without a family...which would be invaluable for support.
LeatherGryphon, the book is called The Romanovs, 1613-1919.
I just got back from my appointment. The Doctor said I'll need a knee replacement. I said "yes." Then he said I'd get a cortisone shot, and therapy. I should have just asked him to get to the main event.
Double the fun?
I had a cortisone shot in my ankle once.
Any idea of the surgery schedule?
LeatherGryphon, I was a bit confused when they said I'd need a knee replacement, and then went on to talk about the Cortisone shots, etc. I need a couple days to regather my wits. Then I will make some inquiries. I really want the surgery done as soon as possible. I want to get out and do some walks, and make YouTube videos about my experiences.
Good news is a torn meniscus is not as bad as a acl/mcl tear. Mine healed without surgery if you can believe that, but a lot of rehab. Keep the faith! If it comes to it, surgery is not so bad!
mmkdaz thanks for your support, and sharing your own experience. In addition to the torn meniscus, my knee is shot. It needs to be replaced. Yeah I'm a bit nervous, but want to get it over with.
My walks have been getting shorter and shorter. I tried to do the exercise thing that everybody was telling me to do (i.e. "You should do more walking. Try it, you'll see."), but when the pain just keeps getting worse, then something ain't right.
I can walk down the slope of my rocky driveway to the roadside mailbox OK, as long as I walk carefully and watch where I put my feet. But coming back up the driveway and dealing with the loose rocks on it (no other way to get back to my porch) just about kills my left knee. About every few steps is like stepping on a Leggo, but in your knee. It'd be easier to deal with if it were every step because I could anticipate it, but the randomness of it rarely fails to surprise.
Thus my interest in your situation, 'cause I can see myself there before long. I can walk on flat paved ground quite well, but going up hill on uneven terrain just sucks royal swampwater.
I think it's the sideways motion of the knee. Knees ain't supposed to bend sideways.
My apartment building is on a hill. In the past, I "walked around the block." That involves walking down our driveway on the hill. Then I turned into a road that goes around and behind my building. The road is mostly for the "Assisted Living" building, and the people who live in the cottages. It also serves as a fire road. This would be a nice walk once I'm at the point where I feel confident doing more walking. The road behind our building has a sidewalk most of the way.
I've done some research on knee replacement. I'd likely spend 3 days in the hospital. They would encourage me to get up and walk a bit, right after surgery. All total, it might be 12 weeks before I've "fully recovered." I'm starting to get excited about the surgery. My only reservation concerns "walkers." I don't want the ones that only have two wheels. Poor handicapped people wear themselves out, lifting or dragging those walkers around. I want a walke with 4 wheels. I also want one that will support my weight. I weigh about 374 pounds, and am about 6 ft tall.
my bursitis is getting worse each day and I am terrified I could have a motor neurone disease but as well as no way of knowing honestly no point if I did as all of them are incurable anyway
I am still hoping it will get better, keep stretching in spite of pain.
sleeping seems the major trigger and I keep trying different positions and pillow heights and arrangements, I do largely think it's my whiplash injury in a car rear end at 16 years old coming back to haunt me as those cervical joints give me numbness in both arms at times.