what the secret to making a best selling?

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what the secret to making a best selling?
is it vicki 4 poses?
is it originality?
is it bikinis?
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what the secret to making a best selling?
is it vicki 4 poses?
is it originality?
is it bikinis?
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IMO from the 3 items you listed, I would say that Originality is the most important... a new product (or a different take on an existing product) should offer something fresh that customers have not seen before.
Of course, the marketing materials are also very important... Do the promo renders catch your eye, and are they well done and look professional. Does the ad copy clearly state all the features and benefits. Does the product include a lot of morphs, material zones, or other features (i.e. ability to customize), and is there some unique item, such as a prop, tattoo, etc. that sets your product apart from the rest.
Finally, does the published artist respond quickly to customer inquires, and is the product priced appropriately... is there a lot of perceived value for the money?
Try and be different, but quality far more important.
... But bikinis sell.
I'm not sure if this thread was sarcasm or not, but it's a valid question that everyone else answered quite well.
I'd only add passion to the list of things you need to create a best seller. You can make fantastic and great-selling items with the right mixture of technical wizardry and expertise, but if you choose to create things that you are passionate about you'll find that the level of detail and care will self-communicate to your buyers and you'll have irresistible products. Don't underestimate the power of being personally invested beyond the dollar sign when it comes to quality products and your own motivation to complete them.
i meant it as a serious question
an other store has a sort by bestselling option. top of the list was v4 smutty poses.
One thing that helps products sell is reputation. There are vendors I will buy items from on launch without hesitation because I trust them and know the quality of their work, as long as I can imagine a project I could use the assets in. And if I can't imagine a use, I'll try to imagine a use.
There are other vendors I wouldn't buy from, no matter how enticing the promos, although chances are that the promos won't be much good, either.
Also, I wouldn't trust "bestselling" as a mark of quality. Lots of crap sells well.
To plan for a best seller you have to make sure you have a top quality product, that is unique, then become a pa selling those those products for 15yrs and still keep trying to improve each time, then you can look back over the sales of all the products you have developed over those years and come up with a sure-fire-no-doubt top selling product.....and then you might have a 50/50 chance of decent sales on it ;)
or at least that is my experience LOL
I have no idea what site that was, all of the sites I know of (including more adult oriented sites), which I believe are responsible for the vast majority of sales in the DAZ/Poser market, G8 is by far the best seller, and V4 is no where to be seen anymore. Pretty much all the stores have a best sellers list, including this one, and you will need to look a long way down those lists to find the first V4 item.
The best trick is to inherit a lot of wealth and just brute force it. Hire astroturf accounts to buy up and promote your stuff. You won't 'make money' but who cares, you're rich.
As has already been touched on, there is no secret fast-track route to a "best-seller", especially in commercial art -- it is the result of a long process of honing your skills, finding your niche, perfecting your craft, and learning through trial and error what people like and don't like/want and don't want from the area you're working in. Daz is a powerful and vast product, with users who all utilise the tool totally differently. To sell to everyone, you'd have to create some sort of photorealistic cartoon ugly-beautiful fibremesh-strand-based-DForce bi-gendered figure compatible with all models from V/M4 - G8 and that can also somehow morph into a powerful landscape building tool with sci-fi and fantasy and contemporary/real world scenerary elements, shaders for all of the materials that have ever existed in our planetary system, and an interior set with 100000000 modern-historical furniture pieces, which will all render in under 5 minutes in both 3DL and Iray... oh, and with a bonus chainmail bikini.
And, yeah, obviously nobody would buy that product because it would be weird, haha.
So, keep your cool: find the area you love to work in, talk to the community you will be selling to, go through the trial and error, and I'm sure you'll get there
Above all, remember to always care about what you're doing. If you're making something only with the intention of big sales and don't actually care about the product itself, well, you can't exactly expect anyone else to care about it either.
Oh, forget about what I just said. This. Definitely do this.
The secret is making something no one else has thought to make or better than anyone else has made.
If we knew the definitive answer, we'd all be doing it.
Well, if you want to take a cue from corporate America's philosophy....
Hire a bunch of singing cats in bikinis to belt out a catchy jingle about the product... remember to include something like: "In these trying times, we at MystiarraCorp would like you to know we are there for you... (Blah, blah, blah, etc, etc)... (you can literally say "Blah, blah, blah, etc, etc", as nobody reads disclaimers or pays attention to anything anyway).
Abandon any thoughts of originality, it's overrated and unoriginal... instead you have to find the next wave to ride... I've been running the numbers and I think the next big thing is going to be those blue 55 gallon polyethylene shipping barrels like the ones they use to hold industrial pickles in... unless I didn't add the last two columns of number correctly in which case it's probably going to be old timey mustache wax... either way, you need to hire some singing cats in bikinis...
Also you are going to need investors...
Investors are the most important thing... you don't even actually need a product if you can get investors... but you do need to use important sounding words like: Alternative Minimum Equity Realization, Inverse Actualized Stock Platform, Equity Risk Tolerance or Value Turnover Yield.
Don't worry if you don't know what these terms mean, I don't either... I just made them up... in fact the more unusual and synergetic sounding they are the more likely people are to hand you fistfuls of cash because they heard you say "Annuity Transflatulence Rate" and have no idea what it means, so therefore you are an investment genius and probably own Wall Street or something.
Don't feel bad about taking these fistfuls of cash either, they probably were going to give the money to ducks in the park anyway (which is why you always see ducks wearing fancy outfits and driving expensive sport cars)... investors love handing money over to anything they don't understand, so it doesn't matter if you say "quack-quack-quack" or "Bondholder Polyequity Refactualization"... They'll throw money at you...well, honestly you do need to add numbers into that here and there... if you just say "quack-quack-quack", you might lose them, but if you say "quack-quack-quack of at least 67% over three months net... blah-blah-blah..." they'll throw so much money at you, you might get knocked out of your chair...
What you need to do after getting dump truck loads of cash is to pay back the first few investors with mad percentages of interest and tell them to tell their friends and family to invest in this ground floor opportunity... then take that cash and pay back some of the next investors... I know at this point you are saying "Hey, that sounds like a Pyramid Scam..." well, don't worry, it's not... First of all only ancient Egyptian mummies do pyramid scams and secondly this is a "Polyequity Refactualization Investment Trapezoid" which is totally legal as long as you have a TV commercial with bikini clad cats singing about how during these trying times your company is thinking about all the ordinary folks out there and still finding a way to screw them over without them knowing.
If you want know more about how make huge boatloads of hot steaming cash, I suggest you buy my book "This isn't a scam... Really."... or you can just invest in my Asset Pilferage Reappropriation firm "ScamCo"... ("We put the scam in Co")... (that's the company slogan)... Or you can give money to the ducks in the park like other people do... either way, don't bother thinking too much about being original or coming up with anything of substance, that's not how real money is made these days.
Well, I hope this was helpful... I'm going to go down to the park now and see if I can borrow some money from some dumb ducks over there.
That answer would only work for the first person who did it. Everybody else would have to find different answers.
Just stick to the "three B's": Bikinis, Bathrooms and Bus Stops.
Super realistic breast bounce. Probably.
doors that open and seats for toilets
This is a fun discussion but a V4 pose set was not a current top-selling product for the site in question. That product was an ad from a vendor who advertises constantly. The current top-selling product is actually a G8 outfit.
I watch a lot of sales over the past few years and the "Top Sellers" sales are often filled with items that meet a need otherwise not met by the 3D community. Products like Fluidos, Growing Up, Look At Me, Mesh Grabber, SurfaceWorx, UltraScatterPro, GenX2, etc etc are kind of unique products that fill a need. Finding out what people want/need and creating a product that fills that need is what often makes for a highly successful product. The other best sellers tend to be super high-quality items. Things that maybe not quite as unique in the TYPE of product that it is, but because of the quality, THAT makes it a more unique and desirable. There are certain character creators, environment creators, hair creators, etc who's work is so high quality that many of their products end up on the Top Sellers lists.
If you want something that is a best seller (and not just "sells well" for the first few days but consistent back catalogue sales of that product throughout the year), you'll need something either kind of unique that fills a need or something much higher quality than what generally gets seen.
I know you weren't looking for this info, but here's a fun fact:
Did you know that most of today's millionaires did NOT become millionaires by way of inheritance? It's amazing and true, based on a recent study of over 10,000 millionaires. I am currently reading Everyday Millionaires by Chris Hogan, which was written from the results of that study. The geek in me got interested when I discovered that they actually did such a study using such a large sample group; easily ten times the size of any previous studies, such as "The Millionaire Next Door" which came out 20 years ago.
I mean really! 10,000? 10,000 millionaires? Can you imagine THAT strategy meeting?
"Um okay, let's make sure I understand what we're doing here. We're going to...what...call them and ask them how they became millionaires? And they're going to tell us?"
"Yes, that's precisely what we're going to do. Yes, there are easily that many millionaires in the US, some of them maybe even working for our company. Statistically speaking, at least SOME of them will tell us!"
"Whoa, really? Hmmm. Okay, this sounds like fun! I'll take the first thousand; got those phone numbers handy?"
I don't know the answer but here are a few of my best guesses:
1. Take everything that everybody complains there is too much of and make more of that. Take everything people say they wish you would make, and make none of that.
2. If you have the most beautiful female figure ever made, use it in all of your promo pictures and never reveal any detail about the character, so people will relentlessly link to your products just to ask who the girl is.
3. If your friend has the most beautiful female figure ever made, get the friend to add 1% of your figure's morph to their female figure and list your character as a required product.
4. Create promo pictures that can only be reproduced with Maya, Blender, Photoshop, and a PlayStation 6. List only the items used in the promo that nobody cares about.
5. Enlist fellow published artists to declare that you've released another masterpiece regardless of the bug where clicking on your presets makes the computer explode. Most people will have the product more than 30 days before they click on it.
1. Hone your skills and never stop studying - push yourself with every product
2. Make products that you would use and are interested in, if you're passionate about what you're doing it shows
3. Release often
4. Never be an asshole in the forums
Becoming a best-seller or not.. that's just great advice :)
no worries
Misty just like me looks squeaky clean here as anything untoward bordering on criticism especially regarding Carrara development and workarounds she initiated gets nicely hidden
Anyone checking out Mada's store will notice this item:
It's amazing how many products it features in. It looks great and shows off skin: great for a promos.
@OP Get the promos right; great product, brilliantly executed is unlikely to be accepted by Daz if the promos aren't great.
As a costumer, I'm tired of "copy and paste" products, that all look exactly the same.
For example, I've lost the count of how many pose sets that look very similar I've seen around.
I've also seen a creator that has done something like 50 dresses, where it's hard to spot a difference.
On the contrary, there are some products that have been made with so much attention to detail, that are a must-buy!
An example is Computer Gear: https://www.daz3d.com/computer-gear
Having made a product with such a high quality, certainly gives esha points to receive future purchases from me! :D
That's one of the best-looking sets I've seen in a long time! There's no question it's a high-quality product.
Kudos to Esha!