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Aw, thank you!
That set took ages to make, but it was also a lot of fun. I sometimes go a bit overboard with the details (I took measurements of the USB, video and power plugs and modeled them to scale), very happy to see that my efforts are appreciated
@NylonGirl: I lost it at "PlayStation 6"
Great product with great promos.
make something like this:
If they don't like you, they'll say the promo is all post-work gimmicks.
Also, the secret of best selling product is:
Think of stuff you like but doesn't seem to be much of. Like think of really cool creatures and humanoids especially with great texture packs so if you use an alien morph don't have to use a leather shader on them
Also think about what there seems very little of especially if you want it like specific city aesthetics like parts of Shibuya or Tokyo in general with walkable overpasses and trees. The cyberpunk cities we have are great and seem covered pretty well. While there are lots of really cool robots there's still so much potential there too. I'll recommend searching for futuristic, Singapore, sustainable, organic, or blob architecture on pinterest and google images since there's so much to be inspired by
For clothes customization options like different lengths or necklines and underrepresented styles
Promo art's very important too especially for a character. Have at least one pic with turn arounds in a bathing suit (goes for men too) in the same lighting and for environments at least one overhead. And of course include the character with great hair and clothes too and model the character without using sliders unless they come with them. Something optional but helpful is showing how the character mixes with other characters like character's head 100% with another character's head at 50% or whatever.
For an example of great promo art here's one
And this too
I say all this as a buyer I don't make anything
Some veteran PAs have chimed in with good advice!
I will also add, the market is controlled by a silent majority that seldom visit the forum, voting only with their wallets. When you see a strong disparity in forum vs. store, it's usually veteran PAs making what is proven to sell.
The other thing is that, as a vendor who is actually expecting this to pay your bills, you have to balance how fast something is to make vs. making it look good enough to bring in the money. The more an outfit covers, the higher the time overhead in making the layering work. My least profitable outfit of recent years is also the one I've gotten the most recent kudos for from people:
Because for it to look that good, I had to split with a (fabulous) texturer, and there was no way the money it brought in was going to be equal to the time spent on it. This is exactly why there are so many vendors in the store who come in, sell one or two amazing-looking outfits, and vanish forever, never to return. They could not make enough money selling the outfit to justify the time input.
These sets, on the other hand, have very simple textures but are in my top 10 most profitable of all time (because I went for broke on the detail level of the meshes). And even then, it's over time, they weren't profitable in the first week; they made it up in catalog sales.
There is endless demand for fantasy/semi-historical outfits, skimpy or otherwise. But to make a LIVING making fantasy outfits, skimpy or otherwise, you have to be able to make them 1. look good in promos 2. fast. And that rule is true of every category in the store that I've attempted (I think the only things I don't sell at this point are hair, pure pose packs, and vehicles).
Impractical Adventure Girl came out near the start of G8F. There was limited fantasy gear available at the time. The texture work on it was some of the best I'd ever done. The fabric of the collar folds realistically when the arm moves to the front of the body. I had to do this with JCMs, dforce fabric wasn't out yet. I thought I was printing money.
Opening sales were dissapointing. It's done alright long term.
I made Book Smart as part of a longer term personal project. I didn't expect it to sell.
It made twice as much during the intro period as Impractical Adventure Girl, twice as much.
It has a working backpack! Do you have any idea how few of those there are in the store!?
There's a lot of value in selling the only/best version of something. ;)
It certainly because of the backpack. You could sell the backpack on its own, with a few filled up and empty morphs, a few different texture options, and watch the twice as much happen again.
There is usually a market for a "fill an empty void" or "fill a need" product if a PA can discover what that need is. You know, like tied up ropes and rigged water and stuff like that.
That's right. :D Everyone else has figured out about the fog, so I'll probably have to curtail that for a couple years until it dies down again, but a big part of my business model is definitely trying to find market gaps that represent high demand and can be filled with a reasonable time investment!
Whoa there. It has a backpack. That thing does not open. I don't want a flood of sales and returns because people think that backpack does something it doesn't.
No no, sorry, I meant working like, it can load onto a figure, it's not just a prop that has to sit on the ground. Not trying to mess you up!
In other news, I geografted today. Blondie tried to teach me back in 2013. I talked to you about it some over the years. Today, for the first time, it finally happened.
Oh sweet!!
hahah I fell in love with the outfit and didn't pay much attention to the backpack. I thought it was cool, but the rest of the outfit is what grabbed me - since it looks like some of the outfits I'd see in school when I was a kid. I definitely don't think the good sales you've seen on that can be chalked up to "backpack". lol At least not backpack alone. That outfit is awesome - vintage and adorable! I love it! (Still hoping we get to see that super cute puff hair in the store too!)
Let's not forget George for G3 Males.
He did insanely well I believe, or at least well above expectation?
There's going to be some luck.
Just pander to the lowest common denominator. It works well for so many businesses.
It should also be pointed out that "best selling" status for new releases is different than "Best Selling" for long term. Best selling short term products are flashy and socially relevant for the time (ie: like something out of a popular movie)...but best selling for long term is less flashy and something that is very practical and can be used anytime. Those are sets that require a specific vision and quality to stand the test of time....and ultimatly those are the ones that make the most money.
Well I don't know if it was a best seller or not, but the first texture I bought that I actually liked was one for Victoria 4 called Daisy May and Macy Day. Particularly, the Macy Day portion was used to create a character I like so much that to this day I refuse to let Victoria 4 go. If I ever find the person who made it, I'm going to tell them that.
haha...I will let him know...and he will thank you for the compliment ;)
A best seller ? A hot white female.
Nobody cares about the quality, the most of products are already very good compared to the other shops. If the promo images make tthe users dream then it will help the sales.
Seriously disappointed none of the PAs suggest lugging your computer to crossroads at midnight and making a deal with the first hot being to come along. (Starts dragging computer home...)
Friend, my work computer is in a full-atx case with a 2000W power supply, a full-size motherboard, two giant graphics cards, a fat heatsink full of liquid coolant, and four HDDs. If a being wants to make a deal for my soul they're gonna have to manifest in my home office, cause ain't nobody lugging this heavy bastard out to any crossroads. XD
yeah. pretty much. my computer case is metal... it gets hot and it's heavy.
Lol! Could have sworn something spooky was going on to create those cool products. Hmmm, maybe all those cat pics in the forum are familiars.....
Appreciate everyone's thoughtful replies. Special thank you to all the PAs who have offered their insights and experience.